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eulerscheZahl: indents with only 2 spaces? barbaric

Default avatar.png Zachiah: Great job using exit! I didn't really have that in javascript so I think that's why mine was longer in that last challenge

BlaiseEbuth: Yeah! GG! :tada:

BlaiseEbuth: Wrong chat dude.

Default avatar.png GumChew: h

masongtxr: hi

masongtxr: help me

Default avatar.png VIPE: ??

masongtxr: i'm stuck in CSB

BlaiseEbuth: Here we are...

masongtxr: what

Westicles: heh heh

hinammmm: do u know a forum of whitehat>

masongtxr: no

masongtxr: answer me please

BlaiseEbuth: To what question?

masongtxr: CSB

masongtxr: wood 3

hinammmm: can someone give me some forum of whitehat?

AlanSpacer: You can find white hats in almost every clothing store

hinammmm: not funny

Default avatar.png akhil2310:

Default avatar.png Lekrkutj: for (let i = a; a <= i >= b; i++) {

Default avatar.png Lekrkutj: why this doesnt work

AlanSpacer: you wrote it out too mathematically

AlanSpacer: a <= i && i >= b is probably what you mea

AlanSpacer: n

AlanSpacer: However, that looks wrong anyway

juice0: do you want i to be between a and b?

LemonPi314: a <= i && i <= b if the answer to juice0's questions is yes

Default avatar.png Lekrkutj: yeah i wanted it to be between a and b

Default avatar.png Lekrkutj: thanks

Default avatar.png Lekrkutj: to much of a mathemician apparently

KpskyVnzt: if you want it btw 'a' and 'b' then use ( i=a; i<=b ; i++)

Default avatar.png dctrdee: yto

Default avatar.png dctrdee: how do you use regexes in replace in c#?

Default avatar.png dctrdee: i cant figure it out


Panavia_tornado: How to find a functional to maximize the difference between troops in ghost in cells? (Parameters - sending troops from any of my cities to any other)

Panavia_tornado: due to the huge number of possible armies in the process of movement, it is not entirely clear how to simulate production in cities in a reasonable time

eulerscheZahl: there are lots of writeups that tell you how Panavia_tornado

Kovac7: Is there a way to make the ide light mode or is it dark only

BlaiseEbuth: :scream:

martinpapa69: :yin_yang:

TobiasA: :fearful:

Default avatar.png borrel: click settings on the right

TobiasA: Nothing hurts more than being 1st in a league and yet still being below the boss

TobiasA: I'd rather be last in a higher league:unamused:

martinpapa69: :broken_heart:

TobiasA: has anyone reached gold with flat MC in uttt so I can know what is possible and what isn't

martinpapa69: why would you do mc in uttt :thinking:

TobiasA: :scream:

martinpapa69: mc is not 1v1 friendly

TobiasA: I wasted my time

martinpapa69: not rly you have a sim i guess

martinpapa69: so you can build an mcts around it

TobiasA: if it isn't 1v1 friendly then where is it used mostly?

martinpapa69: 1 vs env

TobiasA: got it thanks

eulerscheZahl: "has anyone reached gold with flat MC in uttt " yes, I did

eulerscheZahl: then MCTS for legend

Default avatar.png xpman: hi

TobiasA: :0

TobiasA: hi xpman

TobiasA: how did you do it eulerscheZahl

eulerscheZahl: for each first move:

   run sequence of fully random moves until the end

eulerscheZahl: repeat as long as there is time

eulerscheZahl: take the first move that gives the most wins

eulerscheZahl: won't get you into legend but good enough to destroy silver

TobiasA: i did that too but it only got me too 1st in silver but still below the bos:disappointed_relieved:

TobiasA: *boss

eulerscheZahl: then you need more sims

TobiasA: how do i get more sims?

eulerscheZahl: i don't even know your current amount

eulerscheZahl: how many rollouts at the start of the game? (at 90ms)

TobiasA: dunno:sweat_smile:

TobiasA: lemme check

TobiasA: do you mean the number of steps to get to a terminal node or number of times that process was performed?

eulerscheZahl: the latter

eulerscheZahl: i'll just put up this number: 5k full rollouts at turn 1 (90ms) with MC will get you to gold easily

TobiasA: 4293

TobiasA: that's what i'm getting

eulerscheZahl: sounds good enough

martinpapa69: fix your sim

TobiasA: it works fine though

TobiasA: guess i have no choice but to use MCTS but the thing is if MCTS gets me to gold but not legend i won't know what else to do

martinpapa69: building an mcts on a buggy code doesnt sound like a good idea

TobiasA: if only i knew what the problem was

Default avatar.png sarabelforte: hi

TimothyAlexisVass: Hello sarabelforte

TimothyAlexisVass: How are you?

Default avatar.png sarabelforte: im fine thanks im a total beginner in codding

TimothyAlexisVass: Oh

TimothyAlexisVass: Hey guys, how is it possible to have played over 100,000 clashes or even played over 100,000 clashes and have a Score around 10-12?

TimothyAlexisVass: Are there bots in the Clashes? :\

Default avatar.png sarabelforte: i dont kow

jacek: TobiasA you can make sims more smart. i.e. make moves that win small board more probable

TimothyAlexisVass: Just read about it and yes, there are bots... "This account is a CodinGame bot for Clash of Code.

Discover why we added it and how it works here:"

TobiasA: that was what got me from second to first in silver

ProCoder03: I did a Flat MC which performed well in Wood, but when I just simply added the code for 3x3 small boards , I am only in top 100s

TobiasA: but wontonimo said % is very slow

ProCoder03: is it a problem with my sims ??

TobiasA: and i have a lot of %:sweat_smile:

ProCoder03: what do you mean by '%' ??

Netsos: cal

TobiasA: modulus

TobiasA: top 100 of what league?

ProCoder03: bronze

ProCoder03: I tried MCTS now

ProCoder03: top 1000

TobiasA: bruh

TobiasA: that's scary

ProCoder03: the prob is my MCTS does some invalid moves

TobiasA: i guess the problem is from your sim

ProCoder03: yeah ik, I just can't find it

ProCoder03: it seems there is a prob with my Main board class , urgghhh

TobiasA: i feel your struggles

TobiasA: good luck on finding the problem

ProCoder03: performance wise , MCTS is good, I usually get around 4000 rollouts for 1st move with flat MC but i can go up to 8000 rollouts in MCTS

ProCoder03: Thanks :smiley:

TobiasA: time to go modulus hunting:muscle:

TimothyAlexisVass: Have you learned anything yet sara?

Wontonimo: modulus is very slow compared to addition, bit it isn't so bad as to avoid it at all cost. If it makes sense to use it and changing it out for something else doesn't improve sims/turn, use modulus

Wontonimo: if you need to do x%9, do it. if you need to do x%16, try instead x&0b1111

ja_fica: you can avoid using muduls

ja_fica: *modulus

ja_fica: in every number

Wontonimo: example of modulus 9 plz


ja_fica: random generator section

ja_fica: using shifts

ja_fica: you can go ahead and implement it in your algorithms, thank me later

jacek: considering number generation is your bottleneck

Wontonimo: that's good for rand

ja_fica: ((number >> 16) * mod) >> 16

ja_fica: using uint32_t

Wontonimo: yeah, i know that trick

ja_fica: it works as long as the number is smaller than 2^16

ja_fica: you can do in 64 bits

ja_fica: ((number >> 32) * mod) >> 32

ja_fica: using uint64_t

Wontonimo: sure, but it doesn't do 32%9

ja_fica: sure it does

Wontonimo: ?

ja_fica: ((32 >> 16) * mod) >> 16

ja_fica: ((32 >> 16) * 9) >> 16

ja_fica: xD maybe im wrong

ja_fica: never tried it

ja_fica: you are rigths, im such a noob

ja_fica: *right

Wontonimo: i really like the random number use that you pointed out. i only learnt that trick recently

Wontonimo: it makes total sense

ja_fica: modulus cant be avoided

ja_fica: it can but will be less efficient

TobiasA: Hi wontonimo

Wontonimo: :wave: hey hey

BlaiseEbuth: :scream:

Wontonimo: sorry TobiasA if I made it sound like modulus is really really bad. It isn't crazy

TobiasA: got it

_h0ye: im so baddddd

BlaiseEbuth: Stop drug.

_h0ye: :cry:

Wontonimo: I feel like my bitboard game has gotten way better since finishing 3 multis that use it

_h0ye: can any one teach me

martinpapa69: how much you pay

_h0ye: 0

martinpapa69: :sleeping:

Wontonimo: what's your experience level _h0ye

Wontonimo: what do you know?

_h0ye: i dont have any experience

_h0ye: how can i have it

_h0ye: and how can i teach it

Wontonimo: youtube is probably your best starting point. Search "The Coding Train", he has some really good intro videos

_h0ye: ok thx

TimothyAlexisVass: h0ye: javascript course

_h0ye: i want python

_h0ye: can i teach it

martinpapa69: hmm my c4 win detector was complete :poop:

jacek: oO

TimothyAlexisVass: google python course



Wontonimo: once you know a little python, someone shared this link which i think is great for practice

Default avatar.png Kepe55: I watched a "learn python in 15 minutes" video and just gona over to solving problems lol

Default avatar.png Kepe55: I know lua though, so it's easier for me because I know what to search

Default avatar.png Kepe55: That's probably why I don't know about many in-built functions etc. though

TimothyAlexisVass: i=input print((int(i())*('O'*int(i())+'\n'))[:-1])

Ran_42: how can i read two ints seprated by space in the stub generator?

AllYourTrees: a, b = map(int, input.split())

Ran_42: read a,b:map(int,input.split()) doesn't work

AllYourTrees: are you using python or something else?

Ran_42: stub generator, im creating a clash of code

AllYourTrees: ohhh

AllYourTrees: nvm ignore what i said then

Ran_42: ok :)

BlaiseEbuth: rtfm

Ran_42: I dont see it on the help section

Ran_42: I need to read x, y and they sepreted by space


Ran_42: ty they should add this info in the little help button, there is a lot missing there

BlaiseEbuth: The exact same text is present in the help button...

Ran_42: I dont see it but ok

TimothyAlexisVass: Ranked 555

TimothyAlexisVass: Is score based on placement in clashes or something else?


kingdomplum: hi

kingdomplum: i'm masongtxr

kingdomplum: in a new acount

TimothyAlexisVass: How is the score calculated in Clashes? I was ranked 1, 1, 7, 2, 2 and my score decreased

TimothyAlexisVass: :D

Alfredb: It depends on the opponents ratings. It uses the ELO rating system.

Alfredb: if you only beat noobs, you gain little

eulerscheZahl: ELO only works for 2 player games TrueSkill is used here

BlaiseEbuth: TrueSkill for clashs of code... Ironic isn't it? :smirk:

Default avatar.png Kepe55: Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong, I'm trying to solve the Chuck Norris problem

Default avatar.png Kepe55: The first test case, Character C works perfectly

Default avatar.png Kepe55: but then at CC it fails

Default avatar.png Kepe55: Here my code:

BlaiseEbuth: What language?

Default avatar.png Kepe55: Python

Default avatar.png Kepe55:

BlaiseEbuth: Thar's what you're doing wrong.

Default avatar.png Kepe55: Found: 0 00 00 0 0 0 00 00 0 00 00 0 0 0000 Expected: 0 0 00 0000 0 000 00 0000 0 00

Default avatar.png Maxim251: there is 7 bits

BlaiseEbuth: *that

Default avatar.png Kepe55: Why

Default avatar.png Kepe55: I like python

BlaiseEbuth: :3

Default avatar.png Kepe55: So does anyone know what the problem is in my solution?

BlaiseEbuth: Maxim251 know.

BlaiseEbuth: But you don't listen to him... :(

Default avatar.png Kepe55: That was for me?

Default avatar.png Kepe55: Wdym with there is 7 bits

BlaiseEbuth: rtfm was also a valid answer though...

BlaiseEbuth: "The input message consists of ASCII characters (7-bit)"

Default avatar.png Kepe55: If you print it out though it is a normal string holding a message, not ascii

BlaiseEbuth: :rofl:

BlaiseEbuth: Sorry.

BlaiseEbuth: Do you know what ASCII is?

BlaiseEbuth: (Please don't tell drawing with chars)

Default avatar.png Kepe55: Seems like I don't I thought ASCII is the numerical representation of a number, bytes("h", "ascii")[0] would print out 104 for example

Default avatar.png Kepe55: of a string*

BlaiseEbuth: of a char*

Default avatar.png Kepe55: yh

Default avatar.png Kepe55: What they provide isn't a number tho

BlaiseEbuth: In fact it is, since the string is composed of chars, that are stored as numbers. -> Their ASCII representation

Default avatar.png Kepe55: Oh, so it's basically saying that the characters in the message are convertable to ascii

Default avatar.png Kepe55: That's what I did though in my code

Default avatar.png Kepe55:

BlaiseEbuth: Right. But the number you get is encoded on 8 bits.

BlaiseEbuth: And the puzzle use 7 bits numbers.

TimothyAlexisVass: OK Some of the clashes weren't finished, now it registered.

BlaiseEbuth: So that probably cause problems when you count 0 and 1

TimothyAlexisVass: Wish you all a great day/evening/night!

Default avatar.png Kepe55: oh

Default avatar.png Kepe55: thx

Default avatar.png Giovanick03: cool

Default avatar.png Giovanick03: I'm 12 going to secondary school

Default avatar.png Kepe55: How can I change it to 7 bits?

Default avatar.png Naknik: Kepe

Default avatar.png Naknik: what is the question

Default avatar.png Kepe55: Here is my code

Default avatar.png Kepe55:

Default avatar.png Kepe55: Im doing the Chuck Norris problem rn

Default avatar.png Naknik: im asking for the question

Default avatar.png Naknik: oh shu I hated it

Default avatar.png Naknik: not messing with that again sorry

Default avatar.png Kepe55: It works with single letters but not for multiple ones

Default avatar.png Kepe55: like its working for C but not for CC

Default avatar.png Kepe55: np

Default avatar.png Atduyar: hi

arfelious: hi

Wontonimo: hi new people

Wontonimo: :wave:

michaellan: bonk

Wontonimo: Kepe55, are you still looking for help with chuck norris?

Default avatar.png Kepe55: Yep :/

Default avatar.png Kepe55: I don't get what's wrong

Default avatar.png Kepe55: why it works for single letter strings but not for multiletter ones

Default avatar.png Kepe55: Blaise said something about 8 and 7 bit ascii, but i dont get how I should turn 8 bit ascii into 7 bit

Wontonimo: i'm looking at your code

Default avatar.png Kepe55: thank you!

Wontonimo: i'd have one function that converts a 7bit number to binary text, so 3 becomes 0000111

Wontonimo: one way of doing that would be : f"{number:#09b}"[2:]

Wontonimo: i'm substituting that in for your getBinaryFromNumber function

Default avatar.png Kepe55: wdym? Doesn't my getBinaryFromNumber function do that?

Wontonimo: no

Default avatar.png Kepe55: oh

Wontonimo: your function returns 11

Wontonimo: as a number, not a string

Wontonimo: it needs the leading zeros

Default avatar.png Kepe55: and by converting it to an int those zeros get lost?

Default avatar.png Kepe55: So if I stop turning it into an int it would work?

Wontonimo: yeah

Wontonimo: you have a function getNumberFromString which i think your intention is to concat all the numbers

Wontonimo: but i'd recommend concat'ing all the binary strings like '0000111' and then the next one etc

Wontonimo: getNumberFromString simply becomes

Wontonimo: return "".join( [ getBinaryFromNumber( ord( c ) ) for c in string ] )

Wontonimo: getBinaryFromNumber(ord('h')) --> '1101000' getBinaryFromNumber(ord('i')) --> '1101001'

Wontonimo: getNumberFromString("hi") --> '11010001101001'

Wontonimo: and the end of your program is simply gotBinary = getNumberFromString(message) print(encode(gotBinary))

Default avatar.png Kepe55: Wait so I would turn my getNumberFromString into def getNumberFromString(string):

   return "".join( [ getBinaryFromNumber( ord( c ) ) for c in string ] )


Wontonimo: yeah, that's right

Default avatar.png Kepe55: ValueError: Unknown format code 'b' for object of type 'str' at in getBinaryFromNumber on line 10 at in <module> on line 32

Default avatar.png Kepe55:

Default avatar.png Kepe55: am I missing something?

Default avatar.png Kepe55: I think I got lost

Wontonimo: This is the problem : "{0:b}".format(number) use this : f"{number:#09b}"[2:]

Wontonimo: add assert( getBinaryFromNumber(3) == "0000011" )

Wontonimo: to your code right after getBinaryFromNumber

Wontonimo: to make sure it is calculating correctly

Default avatar.png Kepe55: Like this?

Default avatar.png Kepe55:

Default avatar.png Kepe55: ValueError: Unknown format code 'b' for object of type 'str' at in getBinaryFromNumber on line 10 at in <module> on line 34

Wontonimo: I made some other comments above : about "and the end of your program is simply"

Default avatar.png Kepe55: So like this

Default avatar.png Kepe55:

Default avatar.png Kepe55: YESS it works!

Wontonimo: :tada:

Default avatar.png Kepe55: Thank you so much

Wontonimo: no prob

Wontonimo: i'd like to suggest adding little micro tests for each function, like the assert I shared

Wontonimo: it really helps with debugging and ensuring your code continues to work after refactoring

Default avatar.png Kepe55: alr, thanks

Wontonimo: for ultimate tic tac toe I have 1000 lines of code, 400 of which are asserts and similar tests. So about 40% of the code just tests the code.

martinpapa69: writing tests :sleeping:

Wontonimo: lol

Wontonimo: :worm:

Wontonimo: :bug:

Default avatar.png apcoder: :bug

Wontonimo: :

Default avatar.png Kepe55: how do I even print on Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe for debugging without it taking the message as input for the game

Wontonimo: use stderr instead of stdout

Wontonimo: if you want to know how to do that in your language, it is in the default code comments

Default avatar.png Kepe55: Oh, I deleted that comment, its print("Debug messages...", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)

Default avatar.png Kepe55: thanks

ja_fica: im buffing allyourtrees so much in C4 with my experiments

ja_fica: *AllYourTrees

Default avatar.png Kepe55: damn I dont understand why it picks an invalid action even tho it gets it from valid actions

Default avatar.png Kepe55:

eulerscheZahl: only do 1 print per while-loop iteration

eulerscheZahl: otherwise you get out of sync with the actual game

michaellan: I recently golfed Chuck Norris

michaellan: not amazing but it'll have to do

michaellan: *in Python

Westicles: I don't know how that guy did in in 72

BlaiseEbuth: Baguette compression.

Default avatar.png Kepe55: eulerscheZahl when I try to break out of the range loop it errors: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '2 1'

Default avatar.png Kepe55:

Default avatar.png Kepe55: I used a variable

Default avatar.png Kepe55: To fix it

Westicles: Space Shooter, another mcts bitboard?

eulerscheZahl: oh, it got approved

eulerscheZahl: congrats on being 1st on the leaderboard Westicles

Westicles: thanks! just a simple nn

Default avatar.png Naknik: hey I made a CoC problem but I need someone to help me set up the contribution anyone?

Default avatar.png ThatOneGuyCodes: sure thing

jacek: :thinking:

jacek: oh, i forgot! happy Caturday

Default avatar.png Manasmishra: it's saturday not caturday

Default avatar.png Manasmishra: :rage:

xpman: lo

Default avatar.png Maxim251: Thats we can make special day Caturday :D

Default avatar.png Maxim251: Omy god, I use first time iterator in codingame :D I never used before, i dont have reason to do that, even, I try not use it. But In that situation what I have now, I see that is easier delete position in array in this same loop.

Default avatar.png Maxim251: I hope if in for loop if I delete position in vector, still for loop will iterate to next position as usual

Default avatar.png Maxim251: and... Bad idea, Iterator works, but my logic is bad... oh.

jacek: umm dont delete using iterators

jacek: at least, try to do it smartly

Default avatar.png Maxim251: problem is that Robot need remember turn in new direction, but when he again go to that place, then is destroyed... Problem is that I know how mapped that place, but I dont know how delete robot when he get to that place.

Default avatar.png Maxim251: Happly deleting position using iterator works beatifully, but my logic is bad..

Default avatar.png Maxim251:

Default avatar.png Maxim251: this is sample of that function

Default avatar.png Maxim251: shortly that means, if robot go to position on map that is not avaible to move, then delete robot

Default avatar.png Maxim251: Oh my, I had bug, now I know why code did not work. Thats bug is from that stupid ones

Default avatar.png otakuuwu: nice dick boys

Default avatar.png Maxim251: No, still problem. But at least I ged read of stupid bug :)

Default avatar.png otakuuwu: nice man

Default avatar.png otakuuwu: i love you

jacek: oO

AllYourTrees: holy crap

Default avatar.png DJSunnyNoodleOfPower_912f: has anyone received career opportunity through codinGame received an invitation for coding test from codingame. was wondering if it is worth giving it

Default avatar.png DJSunnyNoodleOfPower_912f: Do companies use CodinGame to scout for potential candidates?

Default avatar.png Maxim251: NO. in my case no.

therealbeef: sure, it's a big part of the business model of codingame I guess. and some companies use it in interviews

Default avatar.png Maxim251: I try it, 0 resonse.

therealbeef: win a company-sponsored contest and I bet they contact you ;-)

Default avatar.png DJSunnyNoodleOfPower_912f: Thanks, guys. I will try the test and check out the contests too.

Default avatar.png Maxim251: I did win, and also 0 response

Default avatar.png Maxim251: :)

ArtLiteracyStory: Hello world

ArtLiteracyStory: anyone know a good Twitch stream playing this game?

MSmits: Astrobytes finished oware endgame book article, not everything explained as well as I wanted, but one part is really mathematical. The code works though, only need to adjust the sim.

Default avatar.png EDRISS: hi, i know the basics of coding but I didn't practice much so I feel that i need hints to solve the puzzle cuz i dont even know how to start i need some solved examples to get going. Python please

Default avatar.png Naknik: EDRISS

Default avatar.png Naknik: do clash of code before puzzles

69razer69: why c in called c i mean there is f and d also is there a reason why they r called like that ?

ProCoder03: well, its predecessor was called 'B'

ProCoder03: so successor is 'C'.