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Default avatar.png AlkaidYuan: :grin:

AdrianoIanase: hey

jacek: uttt talks and i wasnt there? :(

seshoumara: hi. I see a CoC contribution that was accepted with -6 votes???

WhaIe: Clash of code livestream:

sakuraiuto001: #123

derjack: votes dont matter. it just needs 3 approvers

Default avatar.png coder_man69: Hi

OVER-log: I don't get English but please talk to me kindly HI

derjack: hello

Marchete: olleh

derjack: it still hot i can't run any serious training

martinpapa69: Marchete, how many rollouts you have in oware after the first round ?

Marchete: 7k to 10k

derjack: rollout, as in invocation to NN?

Marchete: yes

martinpapa69: note every roullout ends with an NN call

martinpapa69: not*

PKDEVN: hello world

Xperience: hello

Default avatar.png kisuu123: hi

Default avatar.png LOTFI_AYOUB: hello

Default avatar.png LOTFI_AYOUB: please i have some questions

derjack: then ask them oO

Default avatar.png ferdinandkedef: hola

Default avatar.png Draxie_:

Default avatar.png Draxie_: oof

struct: if(mountains[z]==sortedMountains[sortedMountains.length-1]){


struct: you are outputing 2 times in 1 turn

derjack: mhm

Default avatar.png Draxie_: Oh thanks very much, i totally missed that one^^

cegprakash: did anyone have success with backward WINGARDIUM?

dbdr: what is that cegprakash?


dbdr: I mean, backward?

cegprakash: it's the new version of fantastic bits where one spell is removed and 1 spell is changed dbdr

cegprakash: yeah dbdr

cegprakash: using wingardium to pull instead of push

cegprakash: it's weird to see Accio's animation for wingardium instead of Filipendo

dbdr: you can push in any direction you wish

cegprakash: after wingardium this game looks more like harry potter now over football :D

cegprakash: but still the top guys play through balls and play like football :D

dbdr: what do you suggest to do instead?

dbdr: some bots don't use magics, it's true

dbdr: e.g. Jeff

cegprakash: a new animation to differentiate

cegprakash: I haven't forgot the accio animation

cegprakash: so seeing the same animation for different spell is weird

dbdr: forget about FB for now ;)

cegprakash: I can't forget FB ever

cegprakash: that's probably the game that made me come to this website :D

cegprakash: that's the game where I defined const long double PI = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494;

cegprakash: :D

cegprakash: lot of learnings

dbdr: is that useful?

Astrobytes: he didn't know about M_PI ;)

dbdr: rockstars recalculate an approximate of PI in the first turn

martinpapa69: I wonder mow much time would take to calculate first 20 digits of pi

dbdr: not much with a fast method, I think

Astrobytes: you can get the first 16 in hex

Astrobytes: eg

dbdr: 1. make your bot parametric on PI 2. tune the parameter to increase winrate

Astrobytes: :)

dbdr: a novel method to calculate PI

dbdr: I should publich it

cegprakash: I found a bug in my 7 yr old FB code :D time to resubmit :D

dbdr: FB is 7 years old? :O TIL

derjack: facebook is older


martinpapa69: 7 years holy moly

struct: no way its 7 years

LoGos: No no you repeatedly drop a stick on a tiled floor to calculate pi

LoGos: With correct dimensions probability involves pi

martinpapa69: i dont think so either

Astrobytes: 2016 no?

struct: 4 years

cegprakash: don't tell me I made such stupid bugs just 5 yrs back :D

Astrobytes: every day is a learning day ;)

Astrobytes: And bugs like that are easy to create

struct: november 2016

dbdr: ceg got the task 2 years in advance

cegprakash: I wouldn't have found the bug even for 10 more years if only the CG IDE didn't highlight that line :D

Astrobytes: hahaha

struct: that was your first mistake

struct: using cg ide

dbdr: reverse. CG ide found the bug

cegprakash: I've no idea what IDE I used 5 yrs back

cegprakash: may be dev cpp

Astrobytes: MS Word?

cegprakash: climbed 100 ranks with the bugfix in fantastic bits :D and 10 ranks in Sogeti

cegprakash: I would have reached legend league had I found this bug during the contest

cegprakash: at that time there were very few in gold

derjack: :o

cegprakash: we should revive all old games and change spells so we can fix old bugs :D

Astrobytes: Or... you could fix your old code.

martinpapa69: a new, original game would be fun too

dbdr: there are plenty of commu games

struct: just play amazons

struct: best game

cegprakash: Astrobytes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Astrobytes: :grin:

dbdr: what was the bug cegprakash?


dbdr: yeah, that's the kind of typo a tool can detect automatically

PKDEVN: hello

cegprakash: just found another function which always returns false

cegprakash: omg :D

struct: you are probably better by just rewriting

Wontonimo: def cegprakash():

  return 7%3==9

martinpapa69: or you can you the code that Magus shared

dbdr: lol

Wontonimo: i found another!

cegprakash: yup :D I see 30 warnings in my old code in CG IDE

DaNinja: in Sogeti, what does round half way to the center of the field mean for say 15999.1?

dbdr: 15999 ?

struct: its normal round

struct: velocity is truncated

struct: position is rounded

DaNinja: 0.5 -> 0 and 15999.5 -> 16000

DaNinja: according to statement

struct: yes

struct: wait no

dbdr: round to even, no?

struct: hmm

dbdr: only matters for 0.5

dbdr: x.5

struct: yeah

Wontonimo: i thought velocity was truncated so that you don't end up with a constant velocity of 1 and never stop from friction

struct: round(0.5) => 0

struct: round(1.5)=>2

Wontonimo: that's "bankers rounding"

Stilgart: dbdr: +tie

Stilgart: round tie to even

DaNinja: 15998.5 -> 15999

dbdr: x.5 <=> a tie, no?

Stilgart: round to even means that the result is always even

Stilgart: 1.1 --> 2

Stilgart: </pedantic>

derjack: thats odd

DaNinja: :confused:

dbdr: lol

Stilgart: derjack :)

struct: who coded this

martinpapa69: full simu code btw:


dbdr: * ties are rounded to nearest fibonacci number

struct: round(n / 2) * 2

struct: will round to nearest even number

struct: according to stackoverflow

DaNinja: ... "where "zero" is the centre of the field"

DaNinja: round(x-8000) + 8000

DaNinja: I guess

dbdr: how stable is the lb? FB as a game seems pretty chaotic to me

struct: top 2 bots have huge lead against rest

dbdr: in FB or sogeti?

struct: FB

struct: if you are insterested check rank 8

struct: its pb 4 without spells

struct: :)

struct: on fb

KiwiTae: ouch

dbdr: nice

MSmits: I think his bot is GA

MSmits: of some sort

eulerscheZahl: thing might be more accurate martinpapa69

BlaiseEbuth: Hell there!

eulerscheZahl: hell to you as well :wave:

eulerscheZahl: i mean: hell t yu as well

BlaiseEbuth: :o

derjack: wednesday frog eh

BlaiseEbuth: I mean :

eulerscheZahl: as an atheist i don't see wishing hell to someone as an insult. I hope you didn't see it as one ;)

BlaiseEbuth: As a satanist I agree, and this was intentional btw. :imp:

struct: o.o

Marchete: Oo

Astrobytes: oO

BlaiseEbuth: o·o ︵ \(°□°)/ ︵ oO

eulerscheZahl: ôô

Wontonimo: (°□°)// ︵ o ︵ . ︵ O ︵ ô ︵ .

BlaiseEbuth: nimo ︵ \(ಠ□ಠ)ノ ︵ oʇuoM

Default avatar.png a_noob: i have a question why can't i test my private contribution in IDE?

BlaiseEbuth: You can, if all the required fields are filled.

Default avatar.png a_noob: ah i see

Default avatar.png a_noob: thanks

PatrickMcGinnisII: Begins early this mornin' eh

eulerscheZahl: good afternoon PatrickMcGinnisII

PatrickMcGinnisII: 13 mods...good or bad omen

eulerscheZahl: and a lot more non-mods

BlaiseEbuth: -> ban omen

Default avatar.png a_noob: whAT

Default avatar.png a_noob: lol

FalINTOblivion0112: (⌐■_■)

struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

jacek: fb? bt? d&b?

struct: yes

FalINTOblivion0112: yes, and i really have no idea

jacek: oO

Marchete: Oo

Marchete: jacek, CSB or UTTT

Astrobytes: óó

jacek: no

dbdr: jacek, fb is in the air

jacek: i thought they fight in the water

dbdr: nope, flying on broomsticks

struct: im still not sure if i should participate

struct: I can probably use the sim I have and avoid the rewrite

Astrobytes: so you're working on it all week but not submitting until 1 hour before the end then?

FalINTOblivion0112: how many mods are there in codingame?

dbdr: don't you do that already struct?

jacek: lets make new game, realistic bytes

struct: dbdr i have a full sim

struct: but its very slow

struct: I get like 40k sims in 95ms

struct: maybe it will be faster with another algo

struct: since im using 4 mcts trees

dbdr: 40k turns?

struct: yes

dbdr: sims has to be slow if you want to do collisions exactly, I think

martinpapa69: that doesnt sound that few

jacek: 4 mcts trees?

struct: yes i use smitsimax currently

jacek: is that... mcts forest?

struct: yes

jacek: who names the algo after their name :unamused:

Marchete: structymax

martinpapa69: its a reinvented algo, others call it decoupled mcts

dbdr: that's not the same

struct: ok its smitsimax

struct: I think

martinpapa69: oh. whats the difference ?

struct: no idea

dbdr: in smitsimax every tree ignores what the others did in previous turns

dbdr: it's an abomination ;)

struct: yes

struct: :(

martinpapa69: and d-mcts you find the corresponding node for the current state ?

martinpapa69: in every tree

dbdr: yes

martinpapa69: ah okay, so in analog games, like this one it wouldnt work

dbdr: why not?

dbdr: you need to limit the number of actions in any case

martinpapa69: ye you have right

martinpapa69: you need to limit the actions anyways...

struct: probably not the game for me

jacek: :notebook: :soccer:

jacek: its somewhat football too

MSmits: smitsimax is a way to get some good depth by trading away accuracy of the state of the game. This is the difference with DUCT. Duct is accurate when it comes to the gamestate, but has more branching

MSmits: if smitsimax has branching N, then DUCT has N^2, even with only 2 agents

MSmits: with 4 agents it'd be N^4

MSmits: mcts forest is apparently an alternative name

Astrobytes: *UCT Forest

MSmits: first one I heard anyways, it fits

MSmits: oh right uct forest

MSmits: i think it's similar to running a beamsearch when ignoring opponent, like you do in some games

MSmits: or doing a GA while making assumptions about the opponent

MSmits: all ways to give up accuracy in the gamestate to get some more depth in the search

jacek: "- i cant count fast. - what's 13*24? - 110. - that's wrong. - but it's fast." :drum:

jacek: s/t//

jacek: :S

Marchete: rm -rf /me

eulerscheZahl: ~ ls / bin cdrom etc lib lib64 lost+found mnt proc run snap sys usr boot dev home lib32 libx32 media opt root sbin srv tmp var

eulerscheZahl: there is no "me"

Marchete: I mean

Marchete: his joke was so bad I wanted to delete myself

eulerscheZahl: rm -rf /home/marchete

reCurse: rm -rf ~

eulerscheZahl: but that would be *my* home directory :scream:

dbdr: rm -rf $(echo /home/* | grep -v $HOME)

Default avatar.png Coyote44: Hi I'm new on codinGame I'm currently on a clash, and want to submit my code I have passed all the tests but chen I click on submit, nothing happens

MSmits: maybe you need to wait for opponents? I don't know, I don't clash

eulerscheZahl: something should happen on submit

eulerscheZahl: you should exit the IDE and get to a result page

eulerscheZahl: try F5

Default avatar.png Coyote44: It worked after F5ing ! Thank you !

Default avatar.png iok-1: rm -rf /home

jacek: rm -rf /clash

eulerscheZahl: that's a reasonable suggestion

eulerscheZahl: i would even sudo that

dbdr: # Let's put an end to all this rm'ing sudo rm $(which rm)

eulerscheZahl: can rm delete itself?

martinpapa69: there is only one way to find it out

dbdr: try it. but I think so

eulerscheZahl: just add an alias vim=rm to your .bash_rc

dbdr: LD

dbdr: rm just removes a reference to the contents, not the file itself, which gets deleted later if there are no uses left

eulerscheZahl: but can you shred shred?

dbdr: so you can delete an open file and it works fine. it's a problem on windows, I least it used to be

eulerscheZahl: you are right, i remember deleting some videos I downloaded while still watching them to the end. worked fine

Wontonimo: anyone have a link for a paper on UCT Forest

Astrobytes: No but there is:

Wontonimo: I thought you were referring to a Arxiv paper

Wontonimo: Thanks though. i *know* about the smitsimax

eulerscheZahl: but do you know that both names mean the same thing?

Astrobytes: it was Dapora n that used the term UCT Forest in that CSB-like contest a while back


Astrobytes: *semi-private contest

martinpapa69: but its different than smitsimax as db dr pointed it out

Wontonimo: thanks martinpapa69. I've read the Tron DUCT paper and it makes sense

Wontonimo: okay, cool. Looks like I haven't missed a paper or resource. Thanks!

martinpapa69: np

Illedan: Anyone around knows custom loss function tf.keras good?

Illedan: I wonder if I can do conditional evaluation. Like if y_true first value is greater than 0 => do mse of index 1+2 else do mse of index 3+4. If that makes sense?

eulerscheZahl: do you mean if we know whether the function is good?

Illedan: No, I wonder if you got serious skills in the area :P

eulerscheZahl: oh, if we know it well

eulerscheZahl: i have no idea about it :D

Illedan: Thx for your time :D

eulerscheZahl: always nice to troll you

martinpapa69: i know it well that it's a pain in the arse to write custom loss func

Illedan: I know, you like to mock my useless spelling skill

Illedan: Marchete?

Illedan: I realised so much martinpapa69 :P

reCurse: I don't know keras but you probably want to do masking

Illedan: Yeah, struggling to find the correct way of doing it. I have so many tabs open now -.-

reCurse: Usually you can just have a tensor expressing your condition as 0 or 1 and then multiply it

reCurse: Or and it if it's possible

reCurse: That's why pytorch does behind the scenes if I'm not wrong

reCurse: *what

Wontonimo: hey Illedan, sorry for the late response but i can help you with the custom loss function in tf.keras

Wontonimo: ping me if you are still looking for something and haven't solved it already

AllYourTrees: you are looking for the where function @Illedan


AllYourTrees: also present in pytorch

AllYourTrees: ex tf.where(x > y, x + 1, x - 1) would put x + 1 in indices where x > y, and x - 1 in indices where x <= y

jacek: more math :scream:

struct: seems similar to blend in avx

[.: can anyone help me in ANEO sponsored puzzle

Wontonimo: have you passed any test cases [.

[.: no

[.: i dont understnd the problm

[.: pls help

Astrobytes: ...

jacek: oO

PatrickMcGinnisII: it's not

Default avatar.png codecrow: is java the most type intensive language on here?

struct: intensive?

Default avatar.png codecrow: where you have to type more for the same result

AstroHydes: you mean 'verbose'

Default avatar.png codecrow: is java the most verbose language on here?

AstroHydes: well I wouldn't use it for code golf

Wontonimo: [. I can't help with reading comprehension. Just try reading it a few times. That's what I do.

FalINTOblivion0112: This is the most evil clash of code

FalINTOblivion0112: trickster 10000%

Default avatar.png codecrow: yep such a helpful community

Astrobytes: wdym codecrow

Wontonimo: it is

Wontonimo: esp me

Astrobytes: I am sensing brainwaves from you Wontonimo

FalINTOblivion0112: the wise one?

Astrobytes: (You asked me to ESP you)

Wontonimo: where do you thing the CMB comes from

Astrobytes: lol


FalINTOblivion0112: won 3 reverse clashes

Wontonimo: nice

Astrobytes: the hell is that?

Default avatar.png codecrow: i mean you ask a question and get corrected on your grammar, then when you use correct grammar you get indirect answers from 1 person

FalINTOblivion0112: uh-

Wontonimo: it's part of the quest path

Astrobytes: clash?

Default avatar.png codecrow: helpful

FalINTOblivion0112: yup i have been grining

FalINTOblivion0112: *grinding

Astrobytes: ah. Not my bag but well done!

Astrobytes: codecrow: you asked if Java was verbose. It is. Don't use it for clashes.

Wontonimo: it's half dad jokes, half help. if you roll with the dad jokes the help is more forthcoming

Wontonimo: what are you working on codecrow?

Astrobytes: Crowing more than coding it would seem :P (just a joke!)

Wontonimo: 🐦🐦🐦 (no crow emoji)

Astrobytes: Corvidism!

Wontonimo: 🪶

FalINTOblivion0112: no crow here, just a doge 🐶🐶🐶

Default avatar.png AlexWord: to the mooon

Default avatar.png AlexWord: to the maaarts xD

Wontonimo: how about you AlexWord, what are you working on? Hve you tried any "multis" (bot programming) ?

Astrobytes: Consolation :taco:

Wontonimo: thanks.

Wontonimo: it almost feels like the cold shoulder my 13 yr old daughter used to give me.

Wontonimo: but they can't glare on worldchat, so it pales in comparison

FalINTOblivion0112: guys-

FalINTOblivion0112: is there something with people on codingame?

FalINTOblivion0112: why do they always seem so-

Wontonimo: other than worldchat?

FalINTOblivion0112: yeah

FalINTOblivion0112: its almost creepu

FalINTOblivion0112: like blaiseebuth scares me

Wontonimo: if i didn't have this darn lightening bolt on my forehead, I'd be scary also

FalINTOblivion0112: i seem less terrifying despite my profile picture

FalINTOblivion0112: which presents me to the world as a:

Wontonimo: your pic looks like 2 of your 4 arms just exploded off

Wontonimo: and yet you are fine

FalINTOblivion0112: yes

Wontonimo: that's kinda scary

FalINTOblivion0112: because i am just what i am

Wontonimo: an alien amputee masquerading as human

Wontonimo: due to limb loss

Wontonimo: cool

Wontonimo: no, seriously, what is that pic from? I've been meaning to ask. i actually like it

FalINTOblivion0112: i made it myself


FalINTOblivion0112: yes, but i made it low quality

sylvanas: ll

FalINTOblivion0112: yes?

Wontonimo: cool

FalINTOblivion0112: using a java neural network

Wontonimo: that's an awesome pic, regardless of the author. nice choice

FalINTOblivion0112: yes its beautiful

FalINTOblivion0112: do you have discord i can send the network package over to u

Wontonimo: na

reCurse: Um...


Wontonimo: yeah, i sent that link

code_destroyer405: hello people

Wontonimo: hello person

code_destroyer405: hi

reCurse: Ah didn't notice while I searched

reCurse: Why the claim that you made it though lol

Wontonimo: he made the cut, and the transfer to low res

Wontonimo: ;)

code_destroyer405: anyone else at school just chillin,codeing,and vibeing or is it just me

FalINTOblivion0112: thanks wontonimo

Wontonimo: i'd like to vibe

FalINTOblivion0112: i should have cited the original author

FalINTOblivion0112: in apa or mla format

reCurse: Ah so it's like those youtube channels where they put tons of intros and copyrights over their anime montage

reCurse: Got it

FalINTOblivion0112: yup

code_destroyer405: oop

FalINTOblivion0112: yes?

Wontonimo: not in school

Wontonimo: i'm two evolutions past school. I'm on the beer belly

Wontonimo: I'm trying to save at least 1 soul from CoC tonight. code_destroyer405, are you up from switching to the light side and trying a multi?

FalINTOblivion0112: hey count me in

Wontonimo: cool

FalINTOblivion0112: in addition have you heard about the clash of code bots

FalINTOblivion0112: like BSoD, Tycknorg, etc.

Wontonimo: nope

Wontonimo: maybe

FalINTOblivion0112: they are clash of code bots

FalINTOblivion0112: next time you go into a clash of code

FalINTOblivion0112: look for them and look at their profiles

Wontonimo: oh, yeah, there be bots there. most of them are

FalINTOblivion0112: what?

Wontonimo: yeah

FalINTOblivion0112: most of them are bots

code_destroyer405: Check your code

code_destroyer405: do you think you fixed the problem? Run your code to check if it works!

Wontonimo: yeah, if a room doesn't get about 4 people in a reasonable amount of time, the remainder are bots

Wontonimo: something like that

FalINTOblivion0112: oh i see

FalINTOblivion0112: that makes sense

Wontonimo: keeps things moving

FalINTOblivion0112: bitwolf is alos a bot

Wontonimo: but they are just "ghosts" of other actual players submits

FalINTOblivion0112: what does that mean

Wontonimo: so, in effect _you_are_clashing_in_the_past_wow

FalINTOblivion0112: ah i see

FalINTOblivion0112: they just take random samples of player's code from the past and submit it

Wontonimo: a particular bot will pick from previous answers to that clash, and use the pevious person time as their time

FalINTOblivion0112: i see how it works

Wontonimo: ah

FalINTOblivion0112: the ide then be like

Wontonimo: but i could keep explaining it to make things uncomfortable

FalINTOblivion0112: it is... acceptable

MSmits: would be interested to see it paste a solution in 3 seconds like people who keep solution databases :P

FalINTOblivion0112: mmm that would be CHEATING

FalINTOblivion0112: but who cares

Wontonimo: is it? or is it meta-programming to beat the programming game?

MSmits: of course it's cheating, but it would be funny to see a bot mindlessly copy that solution + time

FalINTOblivion0112: wontonimo

FalINTOblivion0112: i have a problem

FalINTOblivion0112: i need to reach the top 3% of the clash of code leaderboard

reCurse: It's the exact reason why they added a captcha

FalINTOblivion0112: how tf am i going to do that\

FalINTOblivion0112: captcha?

MSmits: practice

Wontonimo: don't worry about it

Wontonimo: come back in a year when you are better

FalINTOblivion0112: yes

FalINTOblivion0112: ues

Wontonimo: to CoC. stay here for the multi now

FalINTOblivion0112: hey everybody in chat

FalINTOblivion0112: can you guys like and approve this contribution?

FalINTOblivion0112: or just like it

FalINTOblivion0112: i need it for a skill tree level-up


Wontonimo: i mean, if you REALLY want to be FAST at those games, then don't just practice by doing the puzzles, but also memorize them like crazy

FalINTOblivion0112: memorize them? noted.

MSmits: i see no point to memorizing

FalINTOblivion0112: but wateva

Wontonimo: i do

FalINTOblivion0112: can you upvote this

MSmits: if you're going to memorize a solution, just make a database


Wontonimo: and I'd a chance to convince you MSmits

FalINTOblivion0112: oh?

MSmits: why would you memorize Wontonimo?

FalINTOblivion0112: where is he i need this contrib like right now

Wontonimo: i man, for you MSmits, it's not a good plan cuz you are already know your stuff. I mean for someone at the beginning of their career or education

MSmits: yes but what would you memorize?

Wontonimo: you can code in you head faster than you can type

FalINTOblivion0112: that's facts

MSmits: that's very true

MSmits: I type way too slow for my head

FalINTOblivion0112: i dream of clash of code while i sleep

Wontonimo: but you see, my experience with junior coders is that they spend SO MUCH TIME wading through the syntax and basics, that the act

FalINTOblivion0112: i spent 3 years perfecting my python3 skills

Wontonimo: of typing it out AGAIN and AGAIN actually burns it in so that it is more like a reflex

MSmits: ahh so by memorizing , you mean small snippets

FalINTOblivion0112: then i won a coding contest at my school at python

MSmits: i thought you meant memorizing whole clashes

FalINTOblivion0112: its a gradual memory process

FalINTOblivion0112: you basically memorize everything

Wontonimo: yes. with a focus on typing it once without syntax errors or having to look up "why"

FalINTOblivion0112: that's the point

Wontonimo: in a timely fashion

MSmits: yeah ok, but there's no real point in focusing too much on that. It should happen naturally while practicing

FalINTOblivion0112: well yeah

FalINTOblivion0112: guys may i interrupt for a moment

Wontonimo: no

Wontonimo: i'm on a roll

FalINTOblivion0112: uh-

Wontonimo: i'm about to beat MSmits in a contest of wits

MSmits: not if you're going to paste the contribution again

FalINTOblivion0112: i mean like for a contribution i made

Wontonimo: it'll be a first for me

FalINTOblivion0112: oh

Wontonimo: and i need to cherish it

FalINTOblivion0112: no im not going to paste the contrib again

Wontonimo: bwahahah

Wontonimo: jk. what's up

FalINTOblivion0112: but i am legit praying for upvotes

MSmits: dont paste contributions here. I also don't approve of people doing contributions just to get a quest achievement

MSmits: you should do them because you have a good idea

MSmits: I never did that quest

FalINTOblivion0112: thank you for your wise words

MSmits: we have too many bad puzzles and clashes

MSmits: and some people approve anything

FalINTOblivion0112: i dont approve anything

MSmits: not you

MSmits: the people who approve

FalINTOblivion0112: but the first puzzle i made was rejected 3 times under 1 hour

MSmits: someone makes a bad clash for a quest achievement

MSmits: then it gets approved even though it's bad

FalINTOblivion0112: that's what i hate

MSmits: why

MSmits: did they have a good reason for rejecting?

Wontonimo: yeah, first couple puzzles i made were horrible

Wontonimo: got good (harsh) feedback

Wontonimo: read it

MSmits: they should not reject without reason

Wontonimo: sent hate mail

FalINTOblivion0112: then it shows up when i play clash of code

MSmits: but they should reject every time they find something wrong

Wontonimo: then upped my game

FalINTOblivion0112: im like: wait the statement dosen't even tell me what the variables are and what they do

MSmits: so.. bad clash

FalINTOblivion0112: yes

MSmits: precisely my point

FalINTOblivion0112: precisely

MSmits: bad stuff gets accepted. So people need to be strict and reject

FalINTOblivion0112: there

MSmits: and also, people should not make clashes or puzzles just for a quest achievement

MSmits: glad we all agree

FalINTOblivion0112: at least i agree

Wontonimo: yeah, look at some of the "easy" practice challenges that have lots of stars for examples of good writeups

FalINTOblivion0112: i contribute the the community

FalINTOblivion0112: it is OUR puzzles

FalINTOblivion0112: OUR clash of codes

MSmits: it is

Wontonimo: and we are all equal

FalINTOblivion0112: a communist society

FalINTOblivion0112: in a nutshell

MSmits: not really, not unless we stop doing it for free

FalINTOblivion0112: well...

MSmits: they idea is that people all get paid the same in communism, but they do get paid

FalINTOblivion0112: some however more than others

MSmits: no in the ideal of it

MSmits: not

FalINTOblivion0112: have you read animal farm

MSmits: just like the ideal of capitalism doens't always match reality

FalINTOblivion0112: the book animal farm

MSmits: no

FalINTOblivion0112: well there is a world-famous quote in it

MSmits: i know the quote

FalINTOblivion0112: all coders are equal, but some are more equal then others

MSmits: yes i know the quote

MSmits: but you are confusing two things

FalINTOblivion0112: yeah its funny

MSmits: communism the idea and communism in practice

FalINTOblivion0112: communism the political system is currently in play

MSmits: the whole thing about some being more equal in practice is not the idea

FalINTOblivion0112: but the idea of absolute communism is impossible

MSmits: thats how it turns out

MSmits: of course it is

MSmits: just like any absolute is

FalINTOblivion0112: trying to practice communism dosen't mean you get it right

MSmits: of course not

Wontonimo: what the heck?

Wontonimo: code and dad jokes people

FalINTOblivion0112: the very idea of communism from the beginning falls on the fatal flaw of human nature

MSmits: right

FalINTOblivion0112: what do we want the most in life

Wontonimo: socialism

MSmits: differs for everyone

FalINTOblivion0112: no, power

Wontonimo: tacos

MSmits: no, differs for everyone

FalINTOblivion0112: uh.

MSmits: there's is no single answer

Astrobytes: :taco:

Wontonimo: very much tacos

FalINTOblivion0112: right

FalINTOblivion0112: tacos

MSmits: tacos for some, indeed

Wontonimo: thank you !

FalINTOblivion0112: yeah

FalINTOblivion0112: i love tacos, i have to admit

FalINTOblivion0112: first, i follow everybody in chat

Astrobytes: you're lucky I was right in time, just came back from afk, going afk again

FalINTOblivion0112: hello astrobytes

Wontonimo: ur awesome Astrobytes

FalINTOblivion0112: how was your afk session

Wontonimo: so, c++ question

FalINTOblivion0112: yes?

FalINTOblivion0112: i dont know c++ but, either way...

MSmits: i'll try Wontonimo

MSmits: but i dont know much


MSmits: nope, never did

Wontonimo: the ":2" to indicate only 2 bits

MSmits: i do try to cram bits, but never like that

Wontonimo: ah

MSmits: probabyl should

MSmits: btw, this is only worth it when you are memory limited

MSmits: overall, or by cache

Wontonimo: i haven't seen it help much. Definitely didn't do anything for me in UTTT

Wontonimo: I got my Node down to 15 bytes

MSmits: no, it probably wouldn't

MSmits: 15 bytes wouldnt be better than 16 anyways

Wontonimo: i think the overhead of unpacking used up all gains from cache hits

MSmits: yeah

Wontonimo: it was 26bytes or something like that before

Wontonimo: yeah, i know about the 16/32 things

MSmits: i usually keep it at 24

Wontonimo: (there is a 16/32 thing right)

MSmits: no i think it goes in steps of 4 or 8 bytes

Wontonimo: oh

Wontonimo: i'll check that out, thanks

MSmits: i'm no expert on this, mind you

Wontonimo: noted

MSmits: but i do try to always limit to 24, unless i save my state on the node

reCurse: Alignment goes with the size of the largest basic type

FalINTOblivion0112: recurse joins the chat

Wontonimo: can you say that another way reCurse ? I think i get it, but help please

MSmits: someone told me you can allign on 4 byte types even if you have an 8 byte type in your struct

MSmits: i think it was struct

MSmits: but maybe not automatically

Wontonimo: so if the Class has a basic type of 8 bytes, it is aligned on 8 bytes regardless of the 1 byte members?

MSmits: I think what recurse means is that if you have a uint64_t in there, it's gonna be 16 bytes even if you only put 9 bytes in there

MSmits: i think the problem is this

MSmits: if you pack it any other way

MSmits: the uint64_t is going to be split across a boundary

MSmits: if you have it as uint64_t -> byte -> another uint64_t

reCurse: There's also the alignment of each individual member to take into account

reCurse: So that makes two

MSmits: yeah that's what i meant

MSmits: is it called a memory register?

reCurse: so if you have a struct with {int, uint64_t, int} it will be size 24

MSmits: in that case, the uint64_t cant be split between registers

reCurse: {uint64_t, int, int} will be 16

MSmits: right

reCurse: but {int8_t,int8_t,int8_t} will be 3

MSmits: 3 bytes?

reCurse: {int,int8_t,int8_t,int8_t} will be 8

Wontonimo: nice

MSmits: got it

MSmits: this is how i always packed stuff

MSmits: largest item first

reCurse: {int8_t,int,int8_t,int8_t} will be 12

MSmits: but you can give it instructions to pack it more efficiently right?

MSmits: with some loss of performance?

MSmits: but gain in memory?

PatrickMcGinnisII: This is where i make a sizeof(===D) joke right?

reCurse: Sure though I'm not sure it's standard

reCurse: I have yet to see a single instance that's worth it outside of serializing a weird struct and even then

MSmits: yeah it's better to just be mindful of this

Wontonimo: back when i worked at Nortel on their switches, they did lots of bit packing. All coded in Pascal. Crazy times

Default avatar.png u9g: yo what is happening in world chat

Default avatar.png u9g: lol

MSmits: i'm going to bed is what's happening :)

MSmits: gn

Default avatar.png codecrow: im late but i vote tacos

Default avatar.png Mochlek: smae

PatrickMcGinnisII: it is tuesday

Wontonimo: so would {uint64_t b[2],uint8_t p} be 16*3 bytes?

MSmits: 8*3

Wontonimo: right, cuz i can't math

Wontonimo: thanks

MSmits: np, gn

Wontonimo: gn

Wontonimo: thanks for the byte alignment mini-review

Wontonimo: good stuff

iBug: Hi bro

Wontonimo: hi

iBug: Good morning

FalINTOblivion0112: good morning?

FalINTOblivion0112: oh yeah your are in different time zone

iBug: HAHA

FalINTOblivion0112: it is good morning here

FalINTOblivion0112: good evening from canada, i guess

iBug: oh yeah I forgot the jet lag

FalINTOblivion0112: 30 puzzles solved in python

FalINTOblivion0112: lets goo

iBug: You go, I'm still learning python

Wontonimo: iBug - you may be interested in this for python

iBug: thanks this website is very good and very helpful to me

Wontonimo: nice

Gameonn: anything for php?

FalINTOblivion0112: PHP?

FalINTOblivion0112: the language php?

Gameonn: Yes

Default avatar.png Parceni: lol PHP

Default avatar.png mrmindx1: wtf

Default avatar.png thePython: Python the best

Default avatar.png mrmindx1: your name is python

Default avatar.png mrmindx1: so you king of python

Default avatar.png thePython: obviously

Default avatar.png thePython: what is your language

Hydrazer: it is not python

xxd: python1

xxd: best language

Wontonimo: print(bytes('䅔佃⅓吊敨⁹牡⁥潧摯','u16')[2:])

Wontonimo: for those python fans out there

Wontonimo: looks like we got a lot of new coders

Wontonimo: welcome

Default avatar.png 7lck: i'm not good at python

Wontonimo: what are you good at?

Default avatar.png 7lck: This is too unfriendly to C ++

Wontonimo: really?

Wontonimo: are you only doing Clash of Code?

Wontonimo: let me introduce you to something a lot more fun where you c++ skills will be loved

Wontonimo: bot programming, aka multis

Wontonimo: take a look at this

Wontonimo: no, not that link

Wontonimo: this one

Wontonimo: you make a bot that battles other peoples in an arean

Wontonimo: like this

Default avatar.png 7lck: sounds great

Wontonimo: i can give you a quick run down and intro

Wontonimo: anyone else interested? I'll make a chat room if that's the case

Wontonimo: #csb

Wontonimo: ^^ there

iBug: im in

Default avatar.png 7lck: but I'm just a beginner

Wontonimo: click on the #csb link