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jacek: rick roll eh

jacek: oh my

relay: :rabbit:

MSmits: With that article, and well.. you, I feel like I am learning a lot about the Polish :)

MSmits: that cactus though.. lol

MSmits: if anything was singing cocaine rap songs it would have to be a cactus like that

Marchete: ok, I'm getting Conv2D to work

Marchete: but it's painfully slow....

jacek: c4?

Marchete: any board with neighbours

Marchete: c4 first

Marchete: maybe spring challenge later

Marchete: I precalculate the output per each 1.0 input, and I keep that in a weight[totalInputs]

Marchete: so this way it's similar to a Dense layer

Marchete: output = bias + sum(inputVal * weight[inputindex])

Marchete: but, it's slow...

jfaixo: in which language Marchete ?

jfaixo: I am not arrived at the "reimplement the feed forward" part of my journey, but I suppose one will want to look at SIMD optimized implementation

Marchete: C++

Marchete: and it has SIMD

jfaixo: ok :) long journey incoming ! :D

jfaixo: just found that paper, i'll add it to me "to read" list :,

jfaixo: my*

Default avatar.png anton123401: Hello

Marchete: my Dense layers seems fast

Marchete: Conv2D isn't

KP56: my cpp clock tells me the code has been executed in 95ms, but i still get a timeout...

KP56: in UTTT

sprkrd: what are you measuring, wall or user time?

sprkrd: KP56 clock() or steady_clock::now()?


KP56: clock()

KP56: sprkrd

sprkrd: better use steady_clock::now()

sprkrd: I think CG measures real time, not CPU time

sprkrd: with real time measures you will be more conservative

KP56: ok

KP56: thanks

sprkrd: also some people recommend doing 90 ms or so... I've never cared for that, I want my full time budget of 100 ms and I don't get timeouts even if my function takes 100.something ms

sprkrd: but of course, you may have to consider doing 95 ms or 90 ms if that doesn't work for you

princess_of_zeal: I was wondering, if there is a C equivalent of steady_clock::now() or would you basically say that one should always use C++ over C for these problems?

sprkrd: there's an equivalent for C for measuring real time, of course, but I'd say it's platform dependent

sprkrd: I think gettimeofday is an option?

sprkrd: but that's just for unix-like systems

RoboStac: you probably want clock_gettime with CLOCK_MONOTONIC

RoboStac: but yeah, theres not a standard way across platforms

sprkrd: yeah, I'd say clock_gettime is what you wanna go for

sprkrd: at least for CG

geppoz: well found another weird JS behaviour :D

princess_of_zeal: thanks! I basically hate C/C++ and I'm just using it because of performance ;-) any chance Julia is coming to CG?

KatMan911: Stupid beginner question - can I turn off this chat and take it off my screen for good? I've just started, and the site insists on opening and showing me new things I'm not interested in.

sprkrd: You hate C/C++? You break my heart

geppoz: 3599627370496>>38 guess what says JS ?

sprkrd: KatMan911 yup, append ?disableChat to the end of your URL, dunno why that option isn't more visible

geppoz: (it is inside the max integer declared 2^52)

princess_of_zeal: I guess I only hate C++, C is fine ...

sprkrd: I think I've been told that a few days ago (precisely by RoboStac, if my memory doesn't fail me :) )

sprkrd: princess_of_zeal My heart is still broken :(

KatMan911: sprkrd - thanks!

sprkrd: KatMan911 welcome

Marchete: I've finally added Convolutional 2D to my NN inference, but I think it's sloooooow. 14x slower than simple Dense


Default avatar.png JosephTheVibin: Hey, new here. How does the input work? Is it just a string with multiple lines ?

KP56: in the puzzle description you get an information about what data you receive in input

KP56: if you are using python, input is a string you need to parse

MSmits: Marchete did you also add those performance improvements you found earlier (for simple dense networks)

MSmits: I think it was one hot optimization

Default avatar.png HassanAli4651: can any one help me in this?

Marchete: yeah

MSmits: that's really cool, thanks for sharing that

Marchete: I precalc any conv per input

Marchete: so each inputs adds some weights to output

Default avatar.png HassanAli4651: The game mode is REVERSE: You do not have access to the statement. You have to guess what to do by observing the following set of tests:

Marchete: if input ==0.0 it skips

Marchete: 1.0 is addition

Marchete: etc.

KP56: we cannot help you in COC since it would be cheating sorry

MSmits: makes sense

Default avatar.png HassanAli4651: what

KP56: you are literally competing against other people

KP56: we cannot help you

MSmits: HassanAli4651 coc is competitive

Marchete: but maybe I'm doing something wrong

MSmits: if you want help, try doing practice puzzles

Marchete: anyways I'll plan to use it for a C4 bot

MSmits: Marchete probably everyone is doing something wrong and it's just a matter of degree :)

Marchete: what I have doubts it's how I can add/concatenate non grid inputs

Marchete: e.g. on spring I have the grid + external values

MSmits: i dont know enough to give you advice there

Marchete: those external values shouldn't go into conv

MSmits: ahh ok

MSmits: well you can skip the layer

Marchete: I guess adding it after the conv

MSmits: just pass it to the next layer unchanged

Marchete: I can't "break" things on c++ if tensorflow doesn't do the same

MSmits: maybe this eats into the simplicity of the keras model though..

Marchete: grid inputs -> conv

Marchete: other inputs->dense

Marchete: then concatenate conv+dense

Marchete: and do a second dense on combined

Marchete: too messy :confused:

MSmits: mmh don't you just put everything through conv, but you mask the input thats supposed to go to dense, then everythign goes to dense, but you mask the conv input. You keep the process linear

Marchete: 2 inputs -> concatenate->2 outputs

Marchete: I can have 2 inputs without any problem I guess

Marchete: inputs are just used when needed

MSmits: right

Marchete: I'll tell you once I work on C4

Marchete: Conv2D are messy

MSmits: sure

Marchete: I'm still not sure I implemented it 100% correct

Marchete: stride, paddings, kernel, etc etc

Marchete: but... it gives the same output as TF

MSmits: I'm not sure if C4 is the best place to do this

Marchete: just as expected

Marchete: why?

MSmits: because it's so close to being solved

MSmits: it's hard to beat non-NN's

Marchete: solved games are in fact better

Marchete: simpler to check if the best move is accurate

Marchete: if you mean it won't go high in leaderboards

Marchete: then well

MSmits: thats true, but you're sooner to think your bot failed when in fact it 's just beaten by brute force

Marchete: it's OK

MSmits: ah ok

Marchete: but it's good to test Conv2D

MSmits: well as long as you go in with that in mind it's fine i guess

Marchete: it has only grid2D inputs

Marchete: no score, sun or whatever

MSmits: well you have to know whose turn it is, unless you flip it, which you should

MSmits: then you lose that input requiremebnt

Marchete: I'll flip, as in oware

MSmits: good

Marchete: I just need what to do about steal

MSmits: oware can be done scoreless too

MSmits: but it's messy

Marchete: I hate oware with "passion"

Marchete: I don't want to touch it anymore

MSmits: hehe not me, I am indifferent to the game

Marchete: rules are cancer

MSmits: well that's only annoying when you need to write the sim, once thats done its np

Marchete: even Robo had some endgame issues until recently

MSmits: oh right, the last turn issue

Marchete: no, it's not

Marchete: you may think it's OK

Marchete: but maybe it's not

MSmits: mmh maybe

MSmits: but that's mostly due to the way it's implemented on CGT

MSmits: CG

MSmits: with the turn limit

MSmits: that makes it messy

Marchete: I needed to DL a lot of replays, parse them and validate vs my simulation

MSmits: for training I dont need it to be accurate

Marchete: C4 seems simple

MSmits: at least in regard to turn limit

Marchete: simulate(move)

Marchete: check if isEndgame()

Marchete: no other BS

MSmits: you don't have "turns left" as input right?

Marchete: no

MSmits: then for training, the sim doesnt need to be turn-sensitive

Marchete: this can be problematic

Marchete: but well

MSmits: well i've proved many times over that turnsleft matters a lot

MSmits: it gives different "best moveS"

MSmits: but the search can fix it

MSmits: if you go deep enough

MSmits: so for eval you probably dont need it

MSmits: also endgame book fixes part of it

Marchete: I think I don't go deep enough

MSmits: well at the end you may

Marchete: I've seen loops that at start seemed a good move

Marchete: and in the end it was a loss

Marchete: you know

Marchete: those cycles with low seeds

MSmits: yeah, it only needs +2 seeds or so and it's a loss. Since the game is near to or exactly solved as draw...

Marchete: that just rotates

MSmits: yes, but i solve those with endgame book if they are totalling <= 9 seed

Marchete: I don't

MSmits: i have also seen the other NN's mess up there

MSmits: but usually they dont

MSmits: just sometimes

Marchete: mine does

Marchete: I waste first turn building up MCTS trees with visits

Marchete: to further turns

MSmits: is this jacekmax or ept btw?

MSmits: do you average or max?

Marchete: no, A0 like

Marchete: average

MSmits: thats ept i think

Marchete: similar

MSmits: well with policy i guess

MSmits: but the value is ept

MSmits: makes more sense to me

MSmits: I have to start using my 36 seed book still. It's pretty difficult to incorporate it in meta mcts book free

MSmits: turn free i mean

MSmits: my current meta mcts incorporates the turn

MSmits: but i will get loops now that select the same node

Marchete: will you do RL then?

MSmits: supervised yeah

MSmits: based on meta mcts 48-37, 36 seed book at 36-10

MSmits: the last 9 are unnecessary

MSmits: the hard part will mostly be what states to pick for training

MSmits: and in what proportion

MSmits: getting the values should be easy

Marchete: do you keep count of states?

Marchete: or visits

MSmits: in meta mcts the nodes will have visit counts yes

MSmits: the endgame book is just a list of all possible states with their values on perfect play

MSmits: (expected maximum seed score)

MSmits: it seems complicated that i have all the states, but they're not all states that would often occur in games

MSmits: so maybe I would have to randomly create games that select from the available states using some probability of picking worse moves

MSmits: even picking from endgame book this way, finishing games down to 9 seeds

Marchete: worse moves for what?

MSmits: for expected seed gain (player - opponent)

MSmits: so one move is 0, another is -2 etc.

MSmits: so 0 has the highest probability

MSmits: and then there's some decay for worse moves

MSmits: I eliminate score from the equation so it's all based on the maximum net seed gain

MSmits: I can use the network and just add player - opponent score to it

MSmits: because this represents the past gains

MSmits: in a sense this is what you guys are doing as well. You are using the score as input and this is combined in some way to maximize the score. Because that's all you're doing. Maximizing score = maximizing win probability

MSmits: i just take it out of the network and add it outside of it

Marchete: well

Marchete: my approach is different

MSmits: but you input score right?

Marchete: I don't have a solved game

MSmits: it has to evaluate the board so it has to combine the value for the score with the value of the board somehow

Marchete: if I had a "solved" game, I can just add a value 1/-1 and a policy with 1.0 on the best move

Marchete: and fully train that

MSmits: that might be worse in some way though

MSmits: not all wins are the same

MSmits: winning by +2 seeds should be less good than winning by +10 seeds

jacek: its kinda the same. we just dont have the luxury of perfect score

MSmits: no, but you dont want your bot to give away score

MSmits: otherwise it will weaken its position

MSmits: there has to be some gradual increase from worse states to best states

MSmits: well maybe the search can fix that because you average

MSmits: jacekmax wont do this though

MSmits: it's kinda like what re curse mentioned in his totozero bot, once it knew it lost, it stopped trying sometimes

MSmits: if it could somehow recognize the difference between states where he loses by a lot and states where he loses by a little, he could crawl back up

MSmits: the netscore-as-value thing can do this for you, at least in some games

MSmits: I have read papers that said that this was worse in games like D&B for example, but I think that conclusion does not translate to every other board game

jacek: d&b is all or nothing

MSmits: yeah, the nim game is central

MSmits: with some exceptions for games that are close

MSmits: I think score also doesnt work as a good evaluator in othello, since the score flips so much during the game

MSmits: pretty meaningless

stivens: Hi. Do you have any idea why Im getting such error when uploading contribution? """parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 10 Generated id: """. As you can see, this error message is kinda useless :/. Full log:

BlaiseEbuth: So. Have you checked the 10th column of the first line ?

stivens: Of which file? XDD

stivens: Error doesnt specify that

BlaiseEbuth: Don't know. But you don't have so much file (I speak of the files you writed/edited), and one position to check in once...

BlaiseEbuth: *each not once

BlaiseEbuth: I'm tired...

stivens: I think my files are ok. The game works fine in my local machine

BlaiseEbuth: Random guess: What about your stub generator file ?

stivens: stub.txt:1 "gameloop"

BlaiseEbuth: That's all ? Nothing else in the file ?

stivens: its the first line

stivens: "parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 10 Generated id:"


Default avatar.png JohnyDaison: could it be windows vs linux line endings?

stivens: Which one is prefered? \n or \r\n?

BlaiseEbuth: The site environment is on Linux

TipuTare: while True:

TipuTare: whats wrong with this

TipuTare: code

BlaiseEbuth: Your attitude?

TipuTare: sorry

TipuTare: but can you tell me

stivens: Im Linux user so there should be \n encoding

stivens: Ill check it for sure

BlaiseEbuth: Perhaps the problem isn't that, or even not in that file. That was just an idea since the stub isn't needed when you run locally...

stivens: od -c stub.txt 0000000 g a m e l o o p \n \n r e a d n

Default avatar.png JohnyDaison: TipuTare your question is not specific enough. What do you want it to do and what is it doing?

stivens: second line is empty, thats why there is \n \n. But there is no \r character

TipuTare: well

TipuTare: its the puzzle pwoer of thor episode 1

BlaiseEbuth: So that's not the problem...

TipuTare: it needs to get to a specific location

TipuTare: but in test case number 2 its going down instead of up

Default avatar.png JohnyDaison: Well, does y increase in south direction or in north direction?

TipuTare: it goes south instead of north

jacek: because you print S instead of N?

BlaiseEbuth: :o

jacek: and you have something like initial_ty = initial_tx - 1

jacek: is this alright?

TipuTare: i messed the ifs

TipuTare: it should be < 0 to go south

jacek: thats not the only problem

BlaiseEbuth: Right. It's in python

sprkrd: Yo TipuTare, check lines 3-4

TipuTare: ithose do nothing

TipuTare: i fixed the code

sprkrd: what? lines 3-4 In your pastebin

jacek: :tada:

sprkrd: I don't have access to your IDE code :joy:

sprkrd: good then

ValidityFail: Hello, everyojnen

Default avatar.png whylikethat: hello fren

ValidityFail: Is it possible to save a puzzle error output to a file?

sprkrd: ValidityFail Not that I know. Why do you want to do that? Is the error so long that it doesn't show completely in the IDE?

ValidityFail: yea

TipuTare: hey

TipuTare: i got a problem with a code can someone help me?

ValidityFail: sure

BlaiseEbuth: Change of language, or don't make error.

Default avatar.png whylikethat: try searching the error that you have without the stuff you cant see

TipuTare: while True:

sprkrd: ValidityFail no idea, then, sowwy, you'll have to circumvent that and work with what you see :(

TipuTare: i get a error on the fourth test case of power of thor episode 1

TipuTare: u can put the code there

BlaiseEbuth: What code?

sprkrd: TipuTare lemme guess, before you changed every S to a N and vice versa, and now your Thor is walking left instead of right? :)

TipuTare: nope

TipuTare: like

TipuTare: its going SE

TipuTare: then difference y == 0

TipuTare: and its still going SE

TipuTare: Game information: Thor's moving... Thor position = (17,17). Light position = (36,17). Energy = 19

TipuTare: it should go E

geppoz: operator precedence "==" and "and" ?

sprkrd: geppoz nah, that's alright, == takes precedence

sprkrd: code would look like lisp otherwise

BlaiseEbuth: Origin is top-left.

BlaiseEbuth: and y increase when you go south

BlaiseEbuth: You're doing the inverse

sprkrd: yup, pretty much that

therealbeef: you also have a copy paste error just below halfway

geppoz: my grandpa said "parenthesis are free"

geppoz: so wise man

sprkrd: your grandpa is a lisp practitioner

Default avatar.png SherlockSage: good parens are free. good parents are priceless

sprkrd: oh god, didn't know we had so many lisp fanboys here

sprkrd: the cult of the parenthesis

therealbeef: initial_ty = initial_tx - 1

TipuTare: i aw the copy paste error

TipuTare: but it doesnt change the result

TipuTare: origin is top

TipuTare: oh

sprkrd: also, my I suggest something, TipuTare... you're doing thor_position - light_position. Usually (at least for me) you want to think the opposite way (target - your_position). It's easir to think of a vector that goes from where you are to where you want to go than of a vector that goes from your target to yourself

sprkrd: may I suggest*

BlaiseEbuth: Yeah... That's why reading the statement is sometime useful...

TipuTare: yeah but i need to change the entire code

TipuTare: and ahhhh

TipuTare: im lazy

TipuTare: while True:

TipuTare: i changed the thing with the origin

sprkrd: I mean, you have to change the entire code anyway at some point, those 8 cases are a bit too verbose :D

sprkrd: you'll see when you submit your first working code and can study other's solutions

Default avatar.png punter147: hello all, i had a doubt on the sokoban puzzle problem. rn i am using A* search and have cooked up what should in principle work. Should i be finding the solution in the 10s alloted in the beginning or should i also use the 50ms time allowed in the later turns? In other words, should any good AI converge and find the solution in the allotted 10s?

Wontonimo: Good question punter147. I haven't attempted

Westicles: People have been doing it in a few ms, depending on language

Westicles: Most doing BFS

Wontonimo: do you know if it's common to use a hash of previous configs to remove duplicate states?

Westicles: I don't think so. Mostly just some pruning if time is an issue

geppoz: Wontonimo yes

geppoz: in this game it makes no sense to be in same state 2 times, where state is pusher+block positions

geppoz: (so I just don't add to the tree a state already explored)

geppoz: punter147 I think everyone solved all in first turn, then playback the solution, I wonder if someone really explore during next turns...

Westicles: man, look at that guy. 17 contribs

BlaiseEbuth: Yup and all above a 0 score.

BlaiseEbuth: Except one that has 0.

Default avatar.png punter147: geppoz oh i see, ok then i will do the same.

Default avatar.png punter147: BlaiseEbuth :joy: who are we talking about?

Westicles: And 18 more approved in the last couple months

BlaiseEbuth: :zipper_mouth:

Default avatar.png punter147: BlaiseEbuth oh i see. well congrats to the person then.

Westicles: join /ru

Westicles: oops

jacek: :scream:

PatrickMcGinnisII: Happy Blow Shit up day!

Westicles: Many people don't know this, but the USA is actually the oldest country on the planet

PatrickMcGinnisII: oh, so we are doomed to fail then

PatrickMcGinnisII: i think france is 7 years older

PatrickMcGinnisII: hence their support

PatrickMcGinnisII: *shrug* Not a history person

Westicles: oh, not really. I was just trying to get the euros stirred up so I can ask golf questions

geppoz: someone would say that some sioux tribe would have been older if... :D

Westicles: Well, actually those guys came 2nd and killed the first wave guys.

pci: Sokoban is giving me trouble 3-4 and 3-5 timeout... all others pass.. wish I could see the final time to see how close I am.

geppoz: you could launch on your computer with same input

pci: when I run sim on my computer it's 7-seconds... not sure how my PC compares to the server.

pci: I can time all the others and they are 2-seconds or less on the server... thought it was strange these two stand out.

PatrickMcGinnisII: well there's 30 test cases on sokoban

PatrickMcGinnisII: I did it in php

PatrickMcGinnisII: test case 27 is the longest

pci: my solver does 27 in 0.4 seconds... must be something weird about my algorithm... but just a simple wide path search

PatrickMcGinnisII: do you hash explored boards?

PatrickMcGinnisII: if not you are probably re-exporing bad solution leafs

pci: Yeah... I'm using C# which probably isn't helping, but think I'm pretty optimized with no dynamic memory.

pci: HashSet<ulong> encoding player position and boxes in ulong

PatrickMcGinnisII: it is a straight BFS w/ a hash, worked for me, php is slow compared to c#

PatrickMcGinnisII: my time on server using php on test case 27 is exe time:3.4612550735474

PatrickMcGinnisII: I'm not using recursion

pci: maybe my invalid move check is too simple... pushing boxes into walls, boxes and corners

PatrickMcGinnisII: precompute a map with valid box positions

PatrickMcGinnisII: maybe speed it up, but still should run faster than 10 seconds

Runner87: how many slow is python than c++?

PatrickMcGinnisII: depends on how good you are, but i would say 3 to 6 times slower

pci: I do precompute bool[] Wall -- but check box offsets for each step

Runner87: Sokoban BFS test case over 10 takes 45 seconds ! Maybe I do something wrong

PatrickMcGinnisII: well boxes can't be in a corner, and a few other places

PatrickMcGinnisII: if you have an recursion in there, get rid of it... you can explore the entire breadth of the tree at each depth quite easily, I think all of them solve in under 200k nodes

PatrickMcGinnisII: total

PatrickMcGinnisII: i think i counted them at one point, i think one testcase was 129k board states

PatrickMcGinnisII: easily doable in 10 seconds

PatrickMcGinnisII: my board is one linear array of 121 bytes. hashset of boxes and player loc in a ulong should be fine as well

PatrickMcGinnisII: I spent alot of time with sokoban, like a week ... so don't get discouraged

jacek: i thought it was doable in 10 seconds?

PatrickMcGinnisII: actually in C++ prolly 1 second, but i used php

PatrickMcGinnisII: smart alec

pci: I am doing a breath first search... I'll keep at it, might covert to C++ to see if that helps.

pci: breadth?

PatrickMcGinnisII: breadth and butter

pci: I'll try holding breath... I can do 10 seconds.

PatrickMcGinnisII: just did "Cosmic Love" overkilled it with BCMATH, smh...oh well. i'm done for today. glhf.

Malek_BOUFAHJA: Hello all

Malek_BOUFAHJA: I'm new :)

BlaiseEbuth: Hello new, I'm Blaise

Malek_BOUFAHJA: nice to meet you

jacek: :no_mouth:

Kervyi: hi imm new and I have a big incomprehension on the game tests . hope this chat is useful

MSmits: it should be, we are big on comprehension

BlaiseEbuth: Hi. Hope you know how to ask.

Kervyi: yes I do thank you very much

BlaiseEbuth: Great.

Default avatar.png mao_fujita: Can somebody explain how the Parse SQL Queries work here? I'm brand new to CodinGame and confused by what to submit for SQL.

BlaiseEbuth: You mean the puzzle "parse sql querries" ?

Default avatar.png mao_fujita: yes

Default avatar.png mao_fujita: I didn't find the SQL in the language

BlaiseEbuth: You don't have to use sql

BlaiseEbuth: You have to write an 'interpretor' for sql

Default avatar.png mao_fujita: I'm using python 3. So in this case, just print out what is in the sql table?

BlaiseEbuth: In function of the given request yes

Default avatar.png mao_fujita: but print(table_row) only prints from the second line of the table.

Default avatar.png mao_fujita: I'm really confused here.

Default avatar.png mao_fujita: Also, is there a way to do the real SQL practices?

BlaiseEbuth: No sql on the site no.

Default avatar.png mao_fujita: Ok, thanks.

Default avatar.png punter147: hello all, its me again, i was wondering what is the heuristic yall used in sokoban? i used the manhattan distances of the closest not taken target for each box

BlaiseEbuth: About table_row, that's normal. The variable is overwritten each turn of the loop.

BlaiseEbuth: In all the puzzles you have to store the given data by yourself.

Default avatar.png mao_fujita: I mean it starts from printing out the 2nd row but not the first.

Default avatar.png mao_fujita: well, the problem now is how to print out the table_header

sprkrd: punter147 most people (me included) don't use any heuristic at all

sprkrd: in fact, if the heuristic is too heavy, it may do more bad than good

BlaiseEbuth: I understood what you said mao_fujita. But you don't understood what I said. :p

Default avatar.png punter147: sprkrd oh do you use bfs? i am starting to question why i chose A* now :sweat_smile:

Default avatar.png mao_fujita: BlaiseEbuth I think I get your point, my question now is about the table_header.

Default avatar.png mao_fujita: I know the overwriting thing, just confused about how to print out the table_header.

sprkrd: punter147 yup, bfs with some pruning :)

Default avatar.png punter147: sprkrd wow, i guess i will start implementing bfs on the side. Thanks for the tip!

BlaiseEbuth: mao_fujita take a look to the "input" section at the end of the statement. I think you don't understand how the inputs are given.

Default avatar.png mao_fujita: ok, I'll look at it again, but thanks.

sprkrd: punter147 you can press on doing heuristic search if you really like, it's not impossible but it's harder

sprkrd: you sounded like you were describing the quadratic assignment problem, which is a well-known heuristic for sokoban (in fact, there are not many effective heuristics for sokoban...):

sprkrd: sorry, not the quadratic assignment problem, it's just the assignment problem:

Westicles: two sided BFS search is most common

eulerscheZahl: I just reused my sokoban solver I wrote for

eulerscheZahl: still in top100

sprkrd: two sided BFS is hard if you don't know the final position of your character, isn't it? Westicles

eulerscheZahl: there aren't that many final positions

eulerscheZahl: you just have multiple possible final states and expand all of them at once

sprkrd: and that works better?

eulerscheZahl: haven't tried, but i think it does

eulerscheZahl: tree size possibly explodes, the deeper you go

eulerscheZahl: (not for the testcases here on CG, these are relatively simple)

sprkrd: theoretically it should expand fewer states, but there are a few hidden constants here and there that may make it worse for smaller problems

sprkrd: I believe it should be better on the long run, though

eulerscheZahl: CG levels are toy problems, I didn't want to make it too hard

Westicles: yeah, two-sided came into play for an optim where you had to design longest paths. those had around a thousand turns and I had to anneal around it

sprkrd: I wouldn't say the ones in CG are the easiest ones, tho

eulerscheZahl: you did that for another website too Westicles? did Al Zimmerman host such a contest?

eulerscheZahl: my solver failed on most of the official sokoban levels

eulerscheZahl: too many boxes

sprkrd: eulerscheZahl thanks for nerd sniping me with that link (

eulerscheZahl: but it's for human players actually

Westicles: not AlZ, but a similar setup

eulerscheZahl: i just wrote a small script but then stopped after reading their terms of service

eulerscheZahl: i found another sokoban website. but that one had no server-side verification of your solution, so I just placed 1st with 1 move takes to solve a level. was too easy :D

sprkrd: ah, ok, so you didn't solved 1500+ sokoban levels by hand

eulerscheZahl: only 2 or 3 to understand how to automate it

eulerscheZahl: and I did not solve 1500 levels in just 5h :P

eulerscheZahl: compare that to the profile of the player right above me:

eulerscheZahl: play time: 11 days to reach such a score

eulerscheZahl: and some non-optimal solutions. that gold trophy means that mine is the shortest path

sprkrd: oh god

eulerscheZahl: if i would keep going and climb the ranks, i'd probably just get banned :D

sprkrd: you also tackled the ones with portals, magnets, twins and all those fancy things?

eulerscheZahl: and i failed to submit proper web requests (weird API), so I sent key presses to move the player, then close the tab and open the next level in a new tab

eulerscheZahl: no, just the standard levels

Default avatar.png punter147: sprkrd damn, and here i am trying to find a good heuristic function. I will start investing in breadth and butter :joy:

princess_of_zeal: Trying the Sokoban puzzle as well now - it feels like Bender - Episode 4 light :-)

princess_of_zeal: boxes instead of garbage balls and a pusher / bender ...

eulerscheZahl: bender was never supposed to be hard to solve, it's an optim game :(

eulerscheZahl: that's the hard one

Astrobytes: didn't have a sokoban-ish game?

eulerscheZahl: do you mean pusher-boy? very different

BlaiseEbuth: The best in sokoban is ban

Astrobytes: hence the -ish

eulerscheZahl: no, the best is "soko"

eulerscheZahl: short for Sonderkommission

eulerscheZahl: some special police unit in German

princess_of_zeal: freilich

BlaiseEbuth: Like the ss ?

Astrobytes: No Blaise

BlaiseEbuth: Godwin point reached!

Westicles: you can make soko2 with this one


eulerscheZahl: that would break a lot of CG constraints

eulerscheZahl: so, Abalone

BlaiseEbuth: The best in abalone is alone

eulerscheZahl: i considered porting that too, was a bit worried that it would be too tie-heavy

eulerscheZahl: but now we get it, cool

Astrobytes: With the German and Belgian Daisy starting positions I believe it reduces chance of draws

Astrobytes: Also, they've made a few modifications to it that I cannot remember right this second

eulerscheZahl: that's what I would have used

eulerscheZahl: read the wikipedia about different starting positions

eulerscheZahl: when i was a child, I had that abalone PC game that I liked to play

Astrobytes: I suggested it to DomiKo yesterday

eulerscheZahl: but was a demo version, just valid for 14 days

Astrobytes: I had loads of games like that, some you could get around some not

eulerscheZahl: also had some mode modes. like holes in the middle of the board, on some cells

eulerscheZahl: more modes*

Astrobytes: That's interesting

Westicles: someone needs to port that kingkiller trilogy game...TAK?

BlaiseEbuth: This site more and more looks like this shelf full of board game you stand in front of, unable to decide what to play, to finally decide to play nothing...

Astrobytes: Be the change you want to see! :D

BlaiseEbuth: Yeah. This shelf need a big clean up.

sprkrd: BlaiseEbuth For instance?

Astrobytes: Still think some kind of categorical separation would be nice

eulerscheZahl: so 1 star votes to every game to get them removed by CG bot? :evil:

eulerscheZahl: :imp:

BlaiseEbuth: Already done

sprkrd: which games do you consider the worst?

Westicles: one of my clashes got relegated today. I thought it was a nice one

eulerscheZahl: i agree, more categories could help. also for community puzzles: easy, mediam, hard, expert, community

eulerscheZahl: and a chance for community to get promoted to the official sections if they are good enough

Astrobytes: Yeah, I agree with the puzzles too

jacek: 1 star for onitama?

BlaiseEbuth: Westicles: It was probably more complicated than a + b...

eulerscheZahl: no, onitama is fine as a tutoriakl

sprkrd: oh ok, if you mean for puzzles, yeah, big cleanup needed, but I don't think there's any multi that should go away?

Astrobytes: sprkrd: blaise was just being moany

sprkrd: Astrobytes :grin:

sprkrd: I think having all these games here is good even for AI research

BlaiseEbuth: 0.1% consideration...

Astrobytes: heh

eulerscheZahl: just some sub-categories for multis maybe. e.g. board games

Astrobytes: And yeah sprkrd, it's a really strong point of CGs platform

Astrobytes: Yep, board, physics, maze/grid or something. Would possibly encourage development of non-board games too

BlaiseEbuth: Good idea ez ! Lets put 99% of the multi in this category.

sprkrd: tha's not a bad idea

sprkrd: it's not 99%

sprkrd: maybe most games are board games, but it's definitively not a 99%

Westicles: You get legend in one multi and that's like top 2000?

BlaiseEbuth: Oh satan... People that don't get second degree...

jacek: hm?

Westicles: I can't figure out how pardo runs c code from go with only 42 characters overhead. Quite the puzzler

Wontonimo: more like top 5000 I think Westicles

Default avatar.png katanaut: guys, can someone tell me, how do I print consecutive actions In games? I'm getting this error all the time: ``` your code did not read all available input before printing an instruction```

KiwiTae: its a warning

Default avatar.png katanaut: do i need to use a setInterval-like function?

KiwiTae: it means u wrote your output before reading all the lines in cin

Default avatar.png punter147: katanaut do you read all the input described in the input section?

Default avatar.png katanaut: For example, i'm playing now Fall Action 2020 where i need to brew two potions. Which output i need to read before brewing second potion/taking second action?

KiwiTae: just check default code parsing

KiwiTae: uff pcr seem so rand

KiwiTae: oupsi im boosting the boss ~

jacek: oO

Marchete: Oo

BlaiseEbuth: OO

Wontonimo: oO

Default avatar.png punter147: oo

BlaiseEbuth: Wontonimo -> []

Wontonimo: sigh ...

KiwiTae: Promoootion hehe

Wontonimo: where to Kiwi

KiwiTae: silver pokerchip

KiwiTae: with my broken sim :"=

Wontonimo: broken sim > no sim

KiwiTae: truuue

Wontonimo: what algo you throwing at piker?

Wontonimo: *pokerchip

KiwiTae: I swapped full random beams to GA

KiwiTae: and eval with area i control

DomiKo: fix your sim first

Wontonimo: area of the board, or area of your chips surface?

KiwiTae: of my chips

KiwiTae: DomiKo im trying but im retarded ~ i gotta read through the referee again

DomiKo: it isn't easy

Wontonimo: later

DomiKo: wasn't for me at least

KiwiTae: oh turned out 1st in silver ~ i might just resubmit and hope for the best

KiwiTae: maybe add a check for winnin frame so i just pass WAIT if i cant loose anymore

Default avatar.png Salman2301: hi

Default avatar.png binjn: hi

Default avatar.png kitty_2310: hi I'm new

Default avatar.png human37: whats up guys

Default avatar.png okokok123: Hi guys