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PatrickMcGinnisII: It's midnight, do you know where your cat is?

eulerscheZahl: next to me, calling for attention

PatrickMcGinnisII: Mine are dreaming about being large enough to enact their murder plots against me

PatrickMcGinnisII: I <3 the little murderers

PatrickMcGinnisII: Got 3 of them, how many do ya'll have? or should i say, how many cats claim you as theirs?

PatrickMcGinnisII: My GF has 4 inside and like 5 outside. I have a dog/cat door so they do as they please.

PatrickMcGinnisII: My keyboard thief is outside atm

eulerscheZahl: i have 1 cat, she hates other cats

eulerscheZahl: and a neighbor's cat that regularly visits

PatrickMcGinnisII: no one else? that's sad

GGGFreshy: fuck'

GGGFreshy: fuck

GGGFreshy: sad

GGGFreshy: fuck

GGGFreshy: so hard

GGGFreshy: im stupid

GGGFreshy: im literally stupid

GGGFreshy: is that fine?

GGGFreshy: start please

GGGFreshy: oh my gawd

GGGFreshy: god nipples

GGGFreshy: sorry

GGGFreshy: bye

jrke: please don't spam

eulerscheZahl: i missed a kick opportunity. but i'll take the next one, you've been warned

GarethEddies: good afternoon

King_Coda: lol imagine spamming

King_Coda: cringe

King_Coda: Anyways

King_Coda: gn

Default avatar.png SuryaTheOP: hloo

Default avatar.png one_tskk: hello

Default avatar.png SuryaTheOP: any indian

Default avatar.png SuryaTheOP: where are you all guys from

GarethEddies: Brisbane, Australia

Default avatar.png SuryaTheOP: nice to meet you

Default avatar.png tduck973564: MELBourne

Default avatar.png SuryaTheOP: most of you in Australia

Default avatar.png tduck973564: yeah because its 3:40 ghere in victyoria

JethaBoi: yo

KNELE: yo btch

eulerscheZahl: next 50-50 decision will be a kick

PatrickMcGinnisII: where' automaton when u need him

Default avatar.png SuryaTheOP: tduck i got it

jacek: happy Caturday

PatrickMcGinnisII: :crying_cat_face:

JimmyJams: its 2:37 am, you know what that means right?

JimmyJams: that means its coding tiiiiiime

Westicles: Power of thor golf update is done. Only lost 5 this time

Westicles: not POT, chuck norris actually

eulerscheZahl: if they change thor validators, i'll drop hard

PatrickMcGinnisII: Westicles you are only on the leaderboard 27 times

Westicles: For chuck norris?

PatrickMcGinnisII: yup

Westicles: oh, well yeah I had to do them all apparently.

Default avatar.png tduck973564: australia aint gona cop iot

Default avatar.png tduck973564: no australia aint gonna cop it

Default avatar.png tduck973564: no aussie aint gonna cop it

Default avatar.png tduck973564: anymore

Marchete: happy caturday :smiley_cat:

Marchete: :scream_cat:

KiwiTae: o/

Mr_BlueBird: happy Caturday!

Mr_BlueBird: hehehe

5ALID: I like winsday more than caturday

5ALID: because I win a lot that day

Mr_BlueBird: hey, 5ALID


Default avatar.png TAMABIN: hey

Default avatar.png TORIBON: HEY

Default avatar.png ChrisImBenz: OI


envifly: some tell me if this is too hard for coc or not

envifly: lol

envifly: someone*

Mr_BlueBird: not too hard

Mr_BlueBird: u have to remove duplicates from string

envifly: i can throw in other duplicates as the actual lyrics of the song

envifly: >:)

jacek: oO

IvesL: i suggest in some cases, some words/lyrics could be an extension of the "beat", let's say in your validator3, "scoop is cute cute cute", replace the beat "poop" with "oop", which is inside the word "scoop" to add some more difficulty

IvesL: envifly ^

envifly: that doesnt work, because it would consider "sc" to be a lyric

envifly: also i dont plan on making it any harder..

IvesL: but you can do it

IvesL: up to you

envifly: coc shortest mode is so python biased

envifly: :(((

jacek: :(((((

geppoz: well ruby seems best

BlaiseEbuth: :(((((((((((((((((((((((

Default avatar.png punter147: c++ dabbler here, i was also a bit disappointed by this observation envifly but luckily we were taught basic python in college, and now by learning other generous peoples' submissions, i am really enjoying the beauty of python. but as geppoz said, ruby almost always has an edge in shortes mode contests, even over python submissions. I guess its time to learn some ruby. wouldnt hurt tho as rails is still in demand i guess.

envifly: i wouldnt learn ruby just for coc lol... you can do what you want

BlaiseEbuth: So stop crying and assume you gonna lose...

MiyamuraIzumi: take a lot of time trying to use GA for ML, and end upda using Heuristic :(

jacek: GA for ML?

BlaiseEbuth: mars lander I guess

MiyamuraIzumi: yes

MiyamuraIzumi: can't converge on test 2

MiyamuraIzumi: *test 3

darkhorse64: Even if you do not converge during the first turn, you can play the best found move and keep on searching.

MiyamuraIzumi: my best move sucks

MiyamuraIzumi: it ain't go anywhere

MiyamuraIzumi: it seems that my fitness score is not good

PatrickMcGinnisII: MiyamuraIzumi assuming you have read:

MiyamuraIzumi: yes

MiyamuraIzumi: just my implement is not so good

PatrickMcGinnisII: I haven't done it, but either your sims are all crashing or you aren't forcing a big enough mutation\

MiyamuraIzumi: some bug in my simulation, and maybe my selection for GA is not good

MiyamuraIzumi: I now have new idea

MiyamuraIzumi: but I think I will play with other games

PatrickMcGinnisII: k

MiyamuraIzumi: as I have speed too much time on ML

IvesL: hey steve

IvesL: i have watched a lot of stuff about GA, but always having a bad time applying it to my problem

IvesL: do you have any tips that i can practice on?

MiyamuraIzumi: I just fail on ML

MiyamuraIzumi: anyway, for tips: the mutation rate help on vary the search space to avoid local maxima

MiyamuraIzumi: but if mutation rate are too high -> GA will behave like a random search and hard to converge

MiyamuraIzumi: for cross over depend on problem, but cross over will help to have quicker converge

MiyamuraIzumi: a good fitness funtion is very important, (I fail on this on ML)

PatrickMcGinnisII: success or fail, then how bad did it fail... eg. dist. to dest.

MiyamuraIzumi: so for GA: make it converge quicker, but still try to expand the search space

MiyamuraIzumi: when I can find a solution, it can perform quite good

PatrickMcGinnisII: may work on code vs zombies

MiyamuraIzumi: but when it is not converge, my fitness score won't go anywhere

MiyamuraIzumi: I mean:

PatrickMcGinnisII: i think i would rather crash than run out of fuel

MiyamuraIzumi: on some cases before I converge, the moves are very bad that later, when I find a converge, it doesn't have good enogh

PatrickMcGinnisII: you are further along than you think, g/l

PatrickMcGinnisII: come back when the GA experts are online

MiyamuraIzumi: for test n3, it never converge :(

MiyamuraIzumi: yes

MiyamuraIzumi: thaks

tekki: ask for Automaton2000

Automaton2000: but it's a very bad idea

IvesL: yea very bad idea

darkhorse64: Depending on your level of expertise on GA, I'd suggest that you solve ML1 with GA. I know it's overkill but it's very simple (just one variable) and it converges on the first turn. The fitness function is also very simple: vertical speed < 40 m/s

jacek: portugal scored more goals eh

KiwiTae: jacek which multi?

jacek: :notebook: :soccer:

KiwiTae: heyy I am puzzled by this in coders of the caribbean referee, looks dangerous

Default avatar.png Philbot: what does it do

KiwiTae: its all the && first then ||?

KiwiTae: im always adding () because i never remember :")

sprkrd: yes:

KiwiTae: sprkrd thx >< i shouldda google that im tired

sprkrd: i like to think of the && as a "product" and of the || as a "sum", that way I can always remember the precedence :)

LazyMammal: you can also replace && and || with * and + for some comparisons and get the same result!

sprkrd: the problem with * and + is that you don't get short-circuit behavior

sprkrd: so it can backfire if you're doing bounds checking or similar

LazyMammal: yep. but sometimes you want to include a boolean as a cofficient term. then it's good to know :)

sprkrd: yeah, in those case i'd even argue that * and + have clearer semantics

linjoehan: is it a known bug that causes this chat to scroll around slowly? or is it just me

sprkrd: i've been having a weird experience with the chat today, but not slow scrolling around :(

KiwiTae: linjoehan its a known bug$

jacek: oO

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: What happened to my mentor rank- I leave for half a year and this happens <,<

Default avatar.png **Why54 hi

Default avatar.png Why54: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Default avatar.png **Why54 slaps jacek around a bit with a large fishbot

Default avatar.png lankiz: Does private clash difficulty depends on lvl?

sprkrd: lankiz afaik CoC is not categorized into difficulties at all, so I would say no

Default avatar.png BadassSalad: hello everyone

Default avatar.png BadassSalad: how is your day

sprkrd: every night when i go to sleep i wish i never open my eyes again

sprkrd: apart from that fine :)

Default avatar.png lankiz: same

Default avatar.png lankiz: isnt it why we are here

Default avatar.png BadassSalad: what a coincidence, same for me too

Westicles: youth is wasted on the young

therealbeef: and misery is wasted on the miserable

Default avatar.png lankiz: OoO

Default avatar.png lankiz: Westicles I checked your profile, I am going to code so I can be as pro as you

sprkrd: good luck

Westicles: good show Iankiz

cheeze2000: :flag_pt: :flag_pt: :flag_pt: :flag_pt: :flag_pt: :flag_pt:

cheeze2000: :flag_pt: :flag_pt: :flag_pt: :flag_pt: :flag_pt: :flag_pt:

Default avatar.png HairyOtter07: oh hey its cheeze from discord

Default avatar.png HairyOtter07: i mean

Default avatar.png HairyOtter07: you're probably the cheeze

Default avatar.png HairyOtter07: from discord

GGGFreshy: oh fuck

The_10x_Engineer: Sup guys

The_10x_Engineer: :eyes:

The_10x_Engineer: Chat is not talking :(

asdfg47: :expressionless:

Default avatar.png giantfluffypanda: HI Y'ALL

Default avatar.png giantfluffypanda: :laughing:

MiyamuraIzumi: :D

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: codeforces :(

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: so hard

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: oof

MiyamuraIzumi: how is your rank on codeforces?