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Default avatar.png francisdbillones: is the test case wrong?

Default avatar.png francisdbillones: I think the test case is wrong.

dbdr: 99.9% of the time, when people say that, the test is not wrong

Default avatar.png francisdbillones: I am using a kinematic equation to solve this, and it is most certainly correct.

dbdr: what are you solving?

dbdr: this is a general chat

Default avatar.png francisdbillones: What do you mean?

Default avatar.png francisdbillones: Ah, how do I share the question?

dbdr: is it a clash?

Default avatar.png francisdbillones: Yes

Default avatar.png francisdbillones: Is it okay with you if I simply paste the statement?

dbdr: sure

Default avatar.png francisdbillones: A rocket is launched at the speed of 1 m/s and has a constant acceleration of 2 m/s^2. Wich means that every seconds, its speed increase by 2 m/s. This rocket reaches its goal in n seconds. Print the distance (in m) traveled by the rocket.

dbdr: not promising anything. but at least we'll know what this is about :)

Default avatar.png francisdbillones: The kinematic equation I used to solve this is distance = v_0 * t + (1/2)*a*t^2

Default avatar.png francisdbillones: is the initial velocity is simply 1 we can simplify this to distance = t + (1/2) * a * t^2

Default avatar.png francisdbillones: as the acceleration is 2 we can get rid of the fraction

Default avatar.png francisdbillones: distance = t + t^2

Default avatar.png francisdbillones: But reverse engineering the given test case, they are expecting t^2 only

Default avatar.png francisdbillones: Perhaps the problem statement is wrong, and the initial velocity was 0.

dbdr: this is

dbdr: yeah, it's not well formulated

Default avatar.png francisdbillones: Ah, they misled me with the "constant acceleration".

dbdr: "Wich means that every seconds, its speed increase by 2 m/s."

Default avatar.png francisdbillones: Turns out it's discrete and not continuous, rendering the equation wrong

Default avatar.png francisdbillones: Thanks for the clarification!

dbdr: indeed

dbdr: sure

dbdr: strange, the contribution cannot be edited

jacek: happy Caturday

aCat: happy ^^

Marchete: happy caturday :smiley_cat:

emh: meow

StevensGino: Hi all

StevensGino: does any have the code of mars-lander?

StevensGino: It seems like bug to me for the numbers output by the game

StevensGino: so I want to check how it is implement?

jacek: there no referee?

StevensGino: it is optimazation

StevensGino: so no referee

MACKEYTH: The lander engine tracks everything in floating point, but only reports integers

StevensGino: yeah, I just think about this

StevensGino: thanks, let me try again

MACKEYTH: I'm not sure how things are rounded, or if everything is rounded the same way

StevensGino: thank you

StevensGino: I don't see, in the description anything about game tracking in float :(

jacek: try discussions

MACKEYTH: I don't think it does say anything about it in the desc. I have found that kinematic equations produce accurate results over many turns, allowing for rounding the initial figures.

StevensGino: Oh, I just retest with everything in floating point, It works :D

StevensGino: so we might playing the game by ignoring all the input after turn 1 :(

MACKEYTH: Give it a shot :)

jacek: thats normal for games. ignore the input (or just print it) and see if your simulation matches

StevensGino: it just weird to me, for other games, I often try to make my code adapt/rounding so I can find the input of next turn

StevensGino: but everything have 1st time, I think

Default avatar.png Blacklion96: hi

Default avatar.png Chinnuvrs: hi

Default avatar.png Chinnuvrs: I am having a problem with Coders Strike back can anyone explain to me the 180 degree

TobiasA: oi

Default avatar.png Ayamecho: hello

dbdr: sure, but not with floats

MSmits: nah, but isnt inf always just some large number

MSmits: you can just halve that :)

dbdr: floats have real infinities

MSmits: oh really... well dont do that :P

dbdr: and -INF/2 == -INF

MSmits: i see

MSmits: did not know

MSmits: i usually just have minus 16k or something


MSmits: big enough that nothing else competes

dbdr: rabbit hole ;)

jacek: eh whatever floats your goat

MSmits: goat?

MSmits: last I checked poland is not landlocked :P


MSmits: I own that game actually :P


MSmits: lol ofc there is a meme

dbdr: floats your bot?

MSmits: works

MSmits: mmh was discussing hashing for mcts last night, now i want to try it for C4

MSmits: seems in late game branching is very small, hashing states might be worth it

dbdr: in late game the game is over, no? I guess you mean just before that

geppoz: dbdr where did you get that quote from?

MSmits: i mean late game in the tree

MSmits: could be just after midgame in reality

dbdr: geppoz

dbdr: right

geppoz: ty

MSmits: could maybe do on expansion: if depth > 30 or something

jacek: that paper :scream:

MSmits: and then use TT

MSmits: whatever you do, dont use the pseudo code

dbdr: is it bad jacek>

MSmits: just the ideas geppoz :)

dbdr: ?

MSmits: the ideas are good

jacek: pseudocode is meh and too many pages for something that can be described in 2 sentences

Default avatar.png mhpd: ok

geppoz: (there is some messy with pages? numbered to 36 but only 12? that is an extract?)

jacek: maybe its from journal

dbdr: starts at 25

jacek: anyway, wheneve i say im using vanilla mcts, the mcts solver is implied

jacek: or rather, it is not nn one

MSmits: btw, it seems to me that if you use a NN you can also do some heavy expansion pruning (based on logic)

MSmits: I do a very heavy rollout in uttt, but it's all safe pruning. It is very expensive though, but with NN that is negligible

MSmits: heavy expansion that is

MSmits: you could make your bot solve better if you did this too

MSmits: things like, don't consider moves that if you make them give your opponent the opportunity to finish 3 in a row on some row of boards

MSmits: dont expand those... then you dont have to run them through your nn

MSmits: maybe you already do, i dont know

geppoz: well, I think I will first try a "normal" MCTS, then this solver...

jacek: maybe

MSmits: thats a good idea, the same kind of sign bugs you get with mcts, also happen with solver

struct: yeah its a better idea

struct: its what I did

struct: solver was pretty simple after mcts was working

MSmits: jacek, not sure how it is with you, but reCurs e's uttt NN, last time i checked, sometimes makes poor choices in the very late game, because solving is hard for NN's

MSmits: too few rollouts

MSmits: so its opponents play perfectly, but the nn can't, it can just play very well, but occasionally makes a mistake

MSmits: recurs e also had this problem with othello

MSmits: anyway, so i think anything that may help you solve 1 or 2 plies sooner, might make it stronger

jacek: yeah, my most recent increase in strength comes from the fact i nearly doubled the rollouts

MSmits: cool, though that may just as well have something to do with performance earlier in the game ofc

MSmits: doesnt have to be the solving

MSmits: though with twice the rollouts it will definitely solve sooner

MSmits: this is also why i think you should go and code a oware endgame book and beat robo with it :P

MSmits: I think it's sad only tric trac seems to use it. Endgame books are fun

Butanium: I don't know if you saw but my first version of my MCTS for connect 4 reached rank 22 MSmits :)

jacek: :tada:

MSmits: oh, gj Butanium

MSmits: then it works. Mcts is all or nothing

Butanium: thanks !

Butanium: I'll try to add some eval before the end of the game

MSmits: oh

MSmits: how?

MSmits: like early playout termination?

Butanium: like depth for rollout max 10 or 20

Butanium: yes

MSmits: havent tried that for C4

MSmits: normally i do use that

darkhorse64: msmits: i saw you resubmit. "Grimoire" version or spam push ?

Butanium: For now I'm building my local version of the Connect 4

Butanium: so that I can test my different AI against each other

MSmits: this has grimoire, I wanted to test the unicode compression

MSmits: it's Chinese now

Butanium: What did you do which is specific to C4 MSmits?

MSmits: avoid losing moves in the rollout

MSmits: i mean thats not specific to C4, but the implementation is

MSmits: so dont playa move, if the opponent can then win the game on next turn

Butanium: just in rollout ? Don't you expend your tree with this condition too?

MSmits: yeah i do

Butanium: Ok that was what I planned too

MSmits: just be careful that you need a check before outputting a final move

MSmits: your root might not have children :)

darkhorse64: I have a good score against it. The previous grimoire had better spells

Butanium: ahah yes

MSmits: lol darkhorse64, thats the risk of using it.

MSmits: it becomes deterministic, like those NN's

Butanium: whay is this "grimoire" ? :eyes:

MSmits: opening book

Butanium: ok

MSmits: hardcoded moves

Butanium: I guess you generate them from some experimentations?

MSmits: current has 9974 moves. a lot less, meta mcts switched branches somewhere

MSmits: Butanium yes locally

Butanium: how do you do that exactly ? You make stats from a lot of game?

MSmits: I play a meta mcts that, instead of a random rollout, plays a game

MSmits: like the ones you play on CG

MSmits: then i backprop the stats

struct: how many nodes do you have in total?

MSmits: sec

MSmits: aw crap i cant even select my forms output, its refreshing to fast, lemme make a screenshot

Butanium: what do you mean by "plays a game like the ones you play on CG"

MSmits: same calc time more or less, per turn

jacek: instead of random simulation, you run another mcts

jacek: this simulation is more accurate then


MSmits: ignore the fact that move 1 says 56%, it's majorly skewed because of that dangerous draw solve thing we discussed earlier

MSmits: it should be 50%

MSmits: I fixed it just now by checking for available drawn choices on backprop, but takes a long time to get back to 50%

dbdr: ah ok, was making me think it's a P2 win with steal

MSmits: yeah, no, somewhere at ply 14 i have a solved draw and it keeps selecting the lost siblings because they arent solved

dbdr: I mean the solved value

MSmits: ohh

MSmits: status = 2 means ongoing

dbdr: yeah, in the metamcts, you can certainly make the search "expensive" without consequences

MSmits: yeah thats nice, in some games you can go nuts with transpositions

MSmits: in uttt, i consider many boards that look completely different as identical

MSmits: won miniboards by different rows and such

MSmits: this way i can compress the state to below 128 bit as well

MSmits: very expensive to do, but as you say, no consequences

struct: thats on meta right?

MSmits: yes

MSmits: in uttt, you can describe a miniboard with a number between 0 and 8629

MSmits: which is less than half what you would get with ternary representation

MSmits: and around 15 times less than binary

MSmits: in a live bot thats nuts though

MSmits: and then of course you can rotate, mirror stuff as well

MSmits: 8629^9 < 128 bit

struct: crazy stuff

MSmits: yeah, I plan to write a article about these 3 systems for uttt

MSmits: noone else seems to use anything other than binary. I think Robo did ternary for while

dbdr: I think I use ternary

MSmits: oh cool

MSmits: for lookups then

MSmits: to lookup miniboard eval

MSmits: precalculated, right?

dbdr: yes

MSmits: i did that before as well, i managed a minimax bot that got to top 20 or so

MSmits: but c++, so your eval is better

IvesL: would it be great if we can create a competition based on connect 4 but in 3D

Nerchio: how do you organize c4 in bits when you can't fit that + a free row into 64 bits?

MSmits: why do you need a free row?

Nerchio: for victory checks

MSmits: oh you're using one of those examples for 6 x 7?

Nerchio: i think

MSmits: I did not use those

Nerchio: well i am not using anything yet

Nerchio: :D

MSmits: ohh ok

Nerchio: just seeing how it can be done

MSmits: well I check with simd in 4 directions at once

MSmits: but could be looped i suppose

Nerchio: what is simd?

MSmits: avx

MSmits: using a big register to do multiple operations at the same time

MSmits: 256 bit, so 4 x 64 bit

kovi: i was out of the loop you guys mean that solving draw makes more bad than good?

MSmits: 4 directions

MSmits: kovi no not necessarily, but it can lead to some bias. Doesnt have to affect winrate

MSmits: just try it i would say

MSmits: the problem is when you do selection and you have a choice between solved draws and other unfinished children, you might be selecting losses over and over

MSmits: but generally draws solve very late, so this doesnt have to be a big issue

MSmits: and you can experiment with ways to fix this problem. There's many approaches I guess

kovi: thx

MSmits: I usually just ignore it, but it was skewing my meta mcts, so i just fixed it

jrke: so c4is also getting popular like D&B

MSmits: puzzle of the week helps :)

jrke: yeah

MSmits: kovi, just coded the mcts hash thingy for c4

MSmits: testing it now, not seeing much difference

MSmits: running games vs robo in IDE, to see what ply it solves at

Default avatar.png bitbitthebunny: @JaguarTordu

JaguarTordu: ?

darkhorse64: MSmits: is your simd wincheck faster than the scalar one ? I wrote a private playground to check my implementation and my scalar is 4x faster

MSmits: I dont know. I would have to write a scalar one

MSmits: let me see if thats hard to do

darkhorse64: I can give you mine

struct: thats a bit strange darkhorse64

MSmits: please do darkhorse64

MSmits: i hope it fits into my bot

darkhorse64: This is why I ask the question: you can conclude I suck badly

MSmits: does your winningmoves thingy give a bitboard with bits set where winning moves are?

MSmits: thats what mine does

struct: the slower operation should be setting the values of the register

struct: on ttt it was worth

RandomVariable: Hi, once activation, where can I disable the automated sharing of the solution of a puzzle ?

aCat: your settings

aCat: avatar + menu right top -> settings

aCat: and the bottom

Westicles: it that zeno in disguise?

aCat: auto publish solutions

aCat: I assume this is what you were looking for

Default avatar.png wewewewe: hi world

-oa-: hi wewewewe

RandomVariable: thanks @aCat I just discoveredthat there are 2 settings. - the one you mentionned, in guess the main one - the one on the left, I guess only for code

Default avatar.png m4chei: Is there any trick to win clash of code - shortest mode with JS against python? ^^

Westicles: submit immediately and hope they can't figure it out either

struct: im sure js can beat python is some clashes

KiwiTae: struct some with regex for sure

struct: (r=readline)(r()).split` `

struct: that calls readline 2 times

struct: and then splits the 2nd call

KiwiTae: u can do shorter in py

struct: sure

Default avatar.png m4chei: i mean even logging the result in js is painfully long

struct: you can do print()

Default avatar.png m4chei: really?

KiwiTae: ya

Default avatar.png m4chei: omg i was missing out

Default avatar.png m4chei: fuck me hahaha

KiwiTae: its ok bud

struct: on ruby i can do `dd`

Westicles: can I have her phone number?

KiwiTae: Westicles wrong chat ~

1rre: I might completely rewrite my UTTT bot, currently I've got something which 1st looks for a move which meets certain conditions, then has about 10 fallbacks (none of which actually include the big board because idk, my backend would support it but I can't be bothered filtering the moves), but I feel like a scoring system would be better

1rre: "bad code":


Nothing_just_Kuuhaku: Help me with my code in Coding Strike Back (cuz I'm quite new)

Nothing_just_Kuuhaku: Also this is my bad code:

StevensGino: Hi guys

StevensGino: I am trying to optimal Marlander by GA

StevensGino: but I am not quite sure which should be the evaluation function?

sprkrd: could you imagine if the NASA guys implemented GA to guide their rover? It would be outrageous :joy:

sprkrd: StevensGino There's an article in the blog, have you checked that?

StevensGino: you mean this :

StevensGino: sprkrd?

sprkrd: yeah, that one

sprkrd: haven't read it in depth, doesn't it say which fitness function they use?

StevensGino: ok, I just don't know if there are other ways

StevensGino: thanks

sprkrd: actually that article is not too specific regarding the evaluation function, so it gives you a lot of freedom

sprkrd: it says distance to the landing zone - penalties if angle and/or speed constraints are violated

StevensGino: I am trying, thanks

Anone-Imouse: anybody wanna play?

BlaiseEbuth: Nein. -> #clash

Default avatar.png -Shuffle-: hey

Default avatar.png -Shuffle-: can you somehow see your past clash of code results?

Default avatar.png -Shuffle-: like for example from my first participation

Ricksters: um the only way I know to see the results are just by scrolling through the notifications from the bell icon on the top right, you can see all your past clash of code results from there as well with other things

MACKEYTH: Just won a clash! Now I'm drinking celebration vodka instead of consolation vodka.

It_potato: guys, how can i join to the world ru?

struct: /join ru

jacek: more like /join #ru

jacek: :scream:

RaulParisMurillo: How do you play escape code? I have request access but I'm still waiting with a friend :(

Default avatar.png Xzoky174: hi

Default avatar.png Dark_bloom: hello

Default avatar.png arash021s: 0

Default avatar.png arash021s: .0

Default avatar.png Dark_bloom: hello I am new to this platform how do i improve my coding skills in python

ReginaPhalange: Just do it

ReginaPhalange: _shia lebeouf

jacek: oO

struct: Dark_bloom i would start with easy puzzles

struct: but i dont know what your skill levle is

Default avatar.png callmenasa_: ayo

Default avatar.png Dark_bloom: I am at a beginner's level

jacek: try The Descent, or Temperatures puzzle

Default avatar.png Dark_bloom: is there any books or videos i should refer to or just go with flow

Nzk: depends on what you wanna learn

Nzk: :eyes:

Default avatar.png Spicy_Oreo: dark what language u plan on learning ?

Default avatar.png IgnacyJ: he said python

reCurse: Why is cmake so damn annoying

Default avatar.png blindo: Well hello!

jacek: ohai

Default avatar.png IgnacyJ: Hi to everyone!

Default avatar.png Lau_programa_dms: ooi

Default avatar.png mhdm1999: hello

Spicy_Oreo: udemy has pretty goof courses on python

Spicy_Oreo: gapped*

Spicy_Oreo: good*

jacek: :thinking:

Spicy_Oreo: bruh apple auto detect is fcked

Default avatar.png blindo: :D

Default avatar.png JBM: seemed perfectly on point to me

MSmits: it shows how he needs a goof course on typing :P

struct: I hope i finish this soon

jacek: the course?

struct: uttt

jacek: :scream:

struct: I started today

struct: do not worry

Default avatar.png blindo: glhf

KiwiTae: i think im missing smth :joy:

jacek: :upside_down:

struct: seems like the solver is working

struct: at least I hope

Bob23: any tips for a beginner

olaf_surgut: dont ask for tips

Default avatar.png blindo: Why not ask? My tip: just do it

Default avatar.png JBM: tips for a beginner: improve

Default avatar.png blindo: Tips for a pro: improve

olaf_surgut: better is to ask for some unknown topics, not tips

KiwiTae: Bob23 pm mods they like it :stuck_out_tongue:

Default avatar.png blindo: :)

Default avatar.png JBM: or just advertise private clashes

Bob23: Nice, I knew I could count on the internet for encouragement

Default avatar.png blindo: You can do it!!

Default avatar.png JBM: that's what we're here for

Bob23: lol

Default avatar.png _Ventox_: Can you play the same clash of code again after completing it?

Default avatar.png JBM: yes

Default avatar.png _Ventox_: how?

Default avatar.png JBM: two ways

Default avatar.png JBM: repeat clashing until it comes up again

Default avatar.png JBM: gain enough level and play it from the accepted contributions' pane

Default avatar.png _Ventox_: ok

Default avatar.png _Ventox_: thx

Default avatar.png JBM: notice that "after completing it" is never relevant

Michael_Howard: How many nodes does Monte Carlo tree search need before it stops sucking like a giant black hole?

Default avatar.png IgnacyJ: dudes i just had to go to toilet during clash of code

Default avatar.png IgnacyJ: btw how to stop clash chat from appearing?

Default avatar.png JBM: wish i knew

struct: you can disable it notifications right?

Default avatar.png JBM: not even sure


Default avatar.png JBM: seems like a no then?

struct: ah clash chat

struct: my bad :p

struct: I thought he wanted to disable clashes invites

Default avatar.png blindo: Michael_Howard: 5

Default avatar.png JBM: just make sure they're the right ones

Default avatar.png blindo: Especially that

PiterYeh: hello everyone

blindo: Hi!

PiterYeh: did anybody have timeout issues in a specific test case for space maze, the solo puzzle?

blindo: Not here

PiterYeh: sigh... i have random timeouts in a test case, and also in a validation case

PiterYeh: i should have a time budget of 50ms, but according to my times i get killed for timeout by CG after 30... 20... sometimes 7 ms

blindo: Maybe there are some admins or whatever they're called here to help you out. I hope

blindo: Sounds like a shitty problem to have :/

KiwiTae: PiterYeh which puzzle?

Westicles: do you start your timer after inputs are read?

PiterYeh: KiwiTae space maze

PiterYeh: Westicles i start my timer right after the first input of every turn

PiterYeh: blindo yeah it's been driving me crazy for the last 40 minutes, so here i am asking the community :D

Westicles: should start after last input I think

KiwiTae: time starts when u start reading inputs

KiwiTae: but maybe u just have a while loop smwhere

KiwiTae: or a crash

KiwiTae: usually tells you timeout even its crashing

therealbeef: crashes are the most typical reason for unexpected timeouts

PiterYeh: hmmmm so maybe it's just a crash huh

PiterYeh: good point

PiterYeh: thanks, i'll go and try to see if it's because of that :)

KiwiTae: id say run it of cg ide with gdb if your in cpp dunno

KiwiTae: i usually do that

therealbeef: maybe those turns which timeout have something in common with respect to the inputs or game state

PiterYeh: yeah yeah i have my debugger already set up! if it's a crash i should quickly find out why

PiterYeh: brb

PiterYeh: damn... i think i run out of memory

PiterYeh: if i recall correctly CG allows around 750MB of ram

PiterYeh: and my algo only finds the solution after eating 927MB of ram :D quite hungry

PiterYeh: thanks for the help, i was just stuck!

KiwiTae: now time to fix it :")

KiwiTae: :*

LelouchVC2: fixing is gay

LelouchVC2: code it right the first time

blindo: Fixing is gay? lol..

blindo: Not only is your comment condescending, it's also homophobic. I don't really care, but it doesn't cost anything not to be an ass..

LelouchVC2: why is it homophobic? u should be gay more often by fixing code

KiwiTae: :rainbow:

therealbeef: where's a mod when you need one...

blindo: So the word gay got its connotation to same sex relations in mid 1900 sometimes

blindo: Are you really referring to the meaning of the word more than 70 years ago?

blindo: Get a grip

Westicles: Hasn't South Park taught us anything?

blindo: It has taught us lots of stuff

reCurse: The trash was taken out, let's move on

PiterYeh: thanks

therealbeef: :thumbsup:

blindo: :thumbsup:

Westicles: :kiss_ww:

Skinjbir: hello world

blindo: Hi!

Nerchio: what is the slowest step of mcts?

ClockSort: s

ClockSort: I would say the rollouts are the slowest step, usually

struct: im not sure Nerchio

struct: you can make rollouts and expansion heavier

Nerchio: i did some profiling and my selection with UCB takes insane amount of time

Nerchio: but i cant see any bug?

struct: do you mind showing it?

Nerchio: what UCB calc or time

struct: ucb

puyoxyz: any way to increase font size of just the editor?

puyoxyz: (without making everything else bigger)

struct: ctrl zoom

Stormalix: ..

Stormalix: there's a setting on the right side

struct: i meant ctrl + mouse wheel sorry

struct: if you are mouse hovering the ide

Stormalix: oops i meant left side

Stormalix: im dumb smh

MACKEYTH: Is it possible to practice CoC puzzles solo?

MACKEYTH: I think I just did one with an incorrect description, wanted to confirm.

KiwiTae: the palyndrome one?

MACKEYTH: No, hill climbing

KiwiTae: struct hehe fixed it

struct: MACKEYTH check the pm

struct: good job kiwi

KiwiTae: still need to optimize a bit im landing without fuel so missing 1 achievement :')

MACKEYTH: Thx Struct

struct: np

MACKEYTH: It's "King of the hill"

Default avatar.png dtator: Is there any way to display debug messages?

KiwiTae: yes use stderr its usually ritten in comments from default code

Default avatar.png dtator: Sorry, guess I should have read the comments in the code. I feel dumb now

Default avatar.png Boman: haha I feel dumb now too :)

Default avatar.png Boman: I just went to google it... but yep - it's in the comments

Default avatar.png Boman: as a side note, you can still just print it and it will show... you'll get the "debug" info but your test will fail too.

Default avatar.png dtator: I'm running CSB and trying to store the checkpoint x,y so just outputting wouldn't work

KiwiTae: dtator use variables?

Default avatar.png dtator: I know how to store it, was just confused how to output debug messages to confirm it was working correctly

FrancoRoura: Has anyone been able to reach depth 3 on a minimax for connect4 using Python (Without timing out)?