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Marchete: or just recode all to use int pointers to big arrays

BrunoFelthes: yeah.. in one day i will not be able to do it... So, low legend is enough... no MCTS for me :/

BrunoFelthes: i think thta MCTS is the best search... what the top players are using?

Marchete: how do you manage simultaneous?

UndercoverToad: they don't tell

struct: :(

UndercoverToad: val growth tweeted something about DUCT

Marchete: in multi I'd try smitsi

struct: I read duct but I discarded it

Marchete: right now I can't make a GROW move score better than wait....

Kellthazar: I think that they are using some kind of witchcraft.

BrunoFelthes: I dont manage Marchete

struct: I dont have enough time to implement it

Marchete: how not Bruno

Marchete: MCTS must be some kind of simultaneous

BrunoFelthes: I do my play, and then the opponent play... If i use a seed space, the opponent cant use...

Marchete: either linear with sim each two levels

BrunoFelthes: it is close enough

Marchete: or DUCT/smitsi/UCT forest


PatrickMcGinnisII: BrunoFelthes i tried seed blocking, wasted my time

BrunoFelthes: but i think that simultaneous with intesection is too rare, it is not so hard to implement it at a normal MCTS tree...

Marchete: in C# Zeno?

Zenoscave: yes MArchete

Zenoscave: there's a syntax issue. I'm aware

Marchete: struct Move { unsafe public fixed ulong trees[4,2]; }

Marchete: probably, I should check at

UndercoverToad: shouldn't [,] be faster than [][]?

Zenoscave: No idea

Marchete: this struct is C++ like

UndercoverToad: [][] is an array of arrays

BrunoFelthes: the think that you can do simultaneous is seed and complete, that i think that is easy to manage... If you opponent chop a tree, just check the node before it, if it is a tree chop too, add one point...

Marchete: you don't need new

UndercoverToad: [,] is a 2D array, just an abstraction of 1 big array

UndercoverToad: less indirection

Zenoscave: gotcha

struct: For completes I store the gain on the action itself

UndercoverToad: [][] is called "jagged array"

Kiat: c# here i also using [,]

Zenoscave: And how do you populate one 2D array from another?

Whiskee: I have a precalculated bool[,,,,] Shadow for all sizes, please send help

Zenoscave: other = arr.Clone as ulong[,]; ???

UndercoverToad: Array.Copy I think

Kiat: ya

UndercoverToad: not sure if it handles 2D

Zenoscave: so not clone

UndercoverToad: no

Marchete: copy?

Kiat: copy faster

Marchete: Array.Copy probably, yes

Marchete: if you want super ugly C#


PatrickMcGinnisII: BrunoFelthes i guess testing seed bounce is just a memcompare on boardstates

Marchete: m and m2 are different

Zenoscave: unsafe ugly is fine. Need a bit more sims I think.

Marchete: so m2=m; is deep copy

Zenoscave: got it. thanks

Zenoscave: for 2D array in Array.Copy I would do 8 elements not 4?

UndercoverToad: yes

UndercoverToad: just try it and see ;)

Marchete: also a lot of:


Marchete: knowing how to copy, you can copy full structs as a whole

Zenoscave: why is there a void pointer in c# That's awful

Zenoscave: I don't like that.

Zenoscave: I feel gross

Marchete: :D

Marchete: it's dirty

Zenoscave: very

Marchete: but instead of manually copying 20 fields

Marchete: ok ok

Marchete: nvm it's really ugly

Zenoscave: If only I could figure out how to make a struct work with my Fast Priority queue. I need a class sadly

Zenoscave: but this giives me enough to improve I think

Marchete: class { struct k;}

Marchete: but it's ugly too

Zenoscave: you are getting too good at ugly C#

Marchete: I'm corrupted by C++

Marchete: before C++ I never liked pointers or arrays or similar

Marchete: so don't do it

Lysk: CouscousAgha I just pushed you

Lysk: also 5H4dy

CouscousAgha: I love you Lysk

Lysk: :blush:

CouscousAgha: i was tempted to resubmit

CouscousAgha: and you came with the clutch

Lysk: it was my pleasure, I hope I get to legend too

CouscousAgha: im cheering for u

ClockSort: aaugh i resubmitted and missed the help of Lysk

CouscousAgha: Lysk clutched it

Lysk: tiraptor also helping!


PatrickMcGinnisII: does that work?

ClockSort: :eyes:

PatrickMcGinnisII: i guess not

PatrickMcGinnisII: been awhile

Lysk: yay

CouscousAgha: welcome to legend Lysk

Marchete: see? that's pure evil uglyness

PatrickMcGinnisII: :thermometer_face:

CouscousAgha: This is my first ever CG challenge and I managed to get to Legend with only heuristic

CouscousAgha: I think that's a cool achievement

Kellthazar: Indeed

UndercoverToad: and now even another toad entered the game

Marchete: who?

UndercoverToad: around rank 20, daiver

UndercoverToad: known from topcoder

Marchete: ahh

Marchete: it's like the evil toad

UndercoverToad: according to ceg i'm the evil toad

UndercoverToad: so that guy must be the good twin

Marchete: like in evil bart :D

UndercoverToad: but then i'd have a giant scar on my side

Marchete: :eyes:

aCat: morning euler ;-)

UndercoverToad: hi

aCat: yesterday I couldn't do anything with code

aCat: today I should have time

aCat: final straight

UndercoverToad: done with reviews?

aCat: yeah

aCat: 6 in one day

aCat: damn

UndercoverToad: that was fast

UndercoverToad: my prof needed at least to months for my master thesis

aCat: I've read some papers before but didn't wrote the revir=ews down

aCat: papers are short ;]

aCat: and most of them crap

aCat: one was good

UndercoverToad: so just one to be published?

aCat: and 2 out of 4 reviewers were negative talking about author doing something with MCTS

aCat: while the paper was NOT about MCTS but NRPA

UndercoverToad: what's wrong with MCTS?

UndercoverToad: ah. would have to read about NRPA to see how far that is off

aCat: th point is there were 'confident' reviews that didn't get that the algo is different

aCat: quite

aCat: single player

aCat: it uses monte carlo pleyauts ofc

aCat: but otherwise meh

aCat: no idea about the final decisions made by the chairs yet

aCat: regard=ing acc/rejection

aCat: but really the reviewing system is strange / unfair and really random

UndercoverToad: because reviewers aren't always experts in that field?

aCat: thets only a pertial problem

aCat: you evaluate your confidence, not only score


aCat: but people tend to claim they are expersts

aCat: and also have different meaning of scores

aCat: you san see very similar review as text

aCat: and oune sais weak accept, and other strong reject

Zenoscave: I have a very flat scoring system for inner day moves I realized

Zenoscave: Most of my top scores are equal as long as the same moves are applied in a day

Zenoscave: What's the best way to get around this? turn decay?

Numby: top player in legend is 10 score above 2nd O.o (reCurse at 42, 2nd player at 33)

Numby: O.o

Zaphus: oh, look at that... when I stop accessing arrays past their bounds, I jump from ~800th to ~500th :-) I can't even work out how I got that high with such broken code!

miklla: reCurse vs the world : 142 - 5

Numby: that's insane I thought the game was super close at top positions and everyone plays close to optimal

Zenoscave: Close. but recurs_e is closer

JohnCM: i've come to ignore reviewers, especially those who give irrelevant comments

JohnCM: does more harm than good listening to non-constructive feedback anyway

JohnCM: hmm... how to beat gold boss with heuristics

JohnCM: i'm at 10 pts difference from gold boss alr

JohnCM: now just need to code some useful stuff

Westicles: Wow, team North America takes a big lead

NinjaDoggy: wait is this real?

NinjaDoggy: reCurse is 9 points ahead of second? -_-

NinjaDoggy: reCurse explaing yourself -_-

NinjaDoggy: explain*

aCat: JohnCM you can ignore them, but if they decide your paper is rejected and you have nowhere to shout that they make mistakes it is frustrating

JohnCM: indeed, but you got to believe in yourself. surely there's another venue to submit to

Zenoscave: I really broke my bot. I can't find the right eval anymore

NinjaDoggy: Recurse is like an alien racing coming to earth and teaching us plebians how to really play chess :)

JohnCM: go history and get your previous code

aCat: this si problem if youre forced to aim for top conferences

aCat: otherwise its not much a big deal

Zenoscave: JohnCM There's 201 submits...

Zenoscave: I can't remember which was best

JohnCM: wow. time to start from scratch, maybe you'll code something better

Zenoscave: Seeing how I'm in legend I doubt it ;)

NinjaDoggy: I'm going to recode after watching a few hundred recurse replays ;)

JohnCM: haha legend is good enough tbh

Zenoscave: not enough time left in competition

Marchete: WARNING: Illegal reflective access by$ReflectUtils$2

JohnCM: i have a feeling recurse didn't do heuristics

NinjaDoggy: the game is supposed to be played completely differently apparently ;)

Marchete: what's that error in my mvn brutaltester?

NinjaDoggy: I feel like the only way was he did some NN stuff :/

Zenoscave: what jdk are you using?

NinjaDoggy: otherwise gap shouldn't be this massive

JohnCM: if NN will be quite impressive

JohnCM: you have to test it locally and then port the weights over

Westicles: Naw, probably smitsimax with lots of booking

NinjaDoggy: no way it's smitsi...

NinjaDoggy: maybe simul MCTS

JohnCM: haha if codingame has a tensorflow/pytorch support library, i would use NN too

Marchete: it seems the referee

JohnCM: but don't think codingame wants to go that direction

Numby: prolly too many people would go for NN if there was an easy way to do it

Numby: yeah that would be not as interesting

Marchete: hmm, why not?

Zenoscave: They had mnist as a medium problem once upon a time

Marchete: I mean

JohnCM: i actually kinda like the fact that heuristics can get gold

Marchete: the point is creating the best AI bot

NinjaDoggy: who has the best muZero clone contest ;)

Zenoscave: Yup. My bot'll be bottom barrel legend :/

Zenoscave: probably shouldn't be in legend at all

NinjaDoggy: legend is legend :)

NinjaDoggy: no difference until top 20 :)

Zenoscave: fair

NinjaDoggy: and it's never over until the last day :D

Default avatar.png SterlingA: Do you guy know any heuristic bot in legend ?

Zenoscave: I'm exhausted. I've done easily 100 hours

JohnCM: this comp i took a diff strategy. i coded till bronze, took a weeks' break, then came back over the weekend

JohnCM: good to have the silver and gold bosses ready for the benchmarking

Zenoscave: I keep forgetting to eat

PaarthThePro: No way!

Marchete: Zenoscave, do you know what can cause this?


UndercoverToad: NinjaDoggy 08:10AM Recurse is like an alien racing coming to earth

Val Growth agrees

Marchete: on referee or mvn or JDK11 or whatever


ddreams: Marchete too new java

ddreams: get java8

NinjaDoggy: you link me his twitter but I can't find a tweet about recurse :(

Marchete: thanks ddreams

NinjaDoggy: it's also not translated to english :(

ddreams: wow 41.13 vs second place of 32.79

ddreams: that's impressive

Marchete: I love how Java is so incompatible between versions. C# lacks that and I'm furious

UndercoverToad: re curse was called an "extraterrestrial" if I can trust deepl

Westicles: Ask him his approach and he'll be as forthcoming as one of those arrival hexapods

Westicles: *heptapods

Marchete: on brutaltester "Negative score during game 1 p0:-1" ?

UndercoverToad: a crash

UndercoverToad: or timeout

ddreams: start the game without brutaltester and see

ddreams: depends on the referee, you may have one that does not give you possibleactions

ddreams: or you're playing in wood league

JohnCM: if only codingame has a library like OpenAI, where you can env.step() all your actions without coding out the entire environment haha

JohnCM: then monte carlo will be easier

UndercoverToad: how does that work with local testing?

Marchete: it seems crashes, yes

Marchete: but if I run on VSstudio

Marchete: there is none

UndercoverToad: i tend to have an

  1. if DEBUG

break main loop after first turn

Marchete: nvm

Marchete: I'm more stupid that I can even imagine

Marchete: I compiled DEBUG and not release

OBenjOne: I had almost no time to work on this challenge... It would be nice to make it to legend though

UndercoverToad: hah, I got what's wrong :)

Marchete: and release was indeed crashing

Marchete: yeah

UndercoverToad: well, almost

NinjaDoggy: on a side note, why use brutal tester instead of own arena? :P

NinjaDoggy: (assuming you already have full sim)

OBenjOne: what's brutaltester? Sorry I'm new to this

OBenjOne: Should I be using it?

UndercoverToad: program to help you test offline

UndercoverToad: play a bunch of games, 2 program versions vs each other

OBenjOne: That seems really useful, I'll look into it

PatrickMcGinnisII: i can't believe i'm still finding bugs

UndercoverToad: the more bugs you find, the more likely it is that you still have some more remaining

PatrickMcGinnisII: was gonna expand depth, but bug would just make it worse

dbdr: so there are infinitely many bugs UndercoverToad? :D

PatrickMcGinnisII: toad²

UndercoverToad: don't use logic against me :D

UndercoverToad: just quoting pretty much the only thing I remember from my software reliability class

dbdr: :D

dbdr: reminds me of: for cheeses with holes in them, the more cheese you have, the more holes you have. and the more holes you have, the less cheese you have. so the more cheese you have, the less cheese you have

PatrickMcGinnisII: so cheezy

ddreams: makes sense

ddreams: kind of like the companies that tell you "the more you spend, the more you save!"

PaarthThePro: I like that quote

PaarthThePro: The more I live the less I live

PaarthThePro: I am immortal

PatrickMcGinnisII: ouch

PatrickMcGinnisII: ok, rock out with your chicken out

PatrickMcGinnisII: :poultry_leg:

PatrickMcGinnisII: i think that hurt my ranking

Default avatar.png shitizen: 冲国人?

PatrickMcGinnisII: :baby_bottle:

Westicles: something middle something man?

ddreams: I think he's looking for other chinese people

ddreams: guessing based on google's guess

PatrickMcGinnisII: well my rank is better by fixing the bug, that's a first

ddreams: board with ten holes: seed=8472451449982904300

ddreams: you may be surprised to learn that rebless crushed me on it

ddreams: actually 132 to 129, but I suspect it wasn't really close

Default avatar.png shitizen: 你们上班要996吗

Default avatar.png shitizen: you are so free

ddreams: you are not?

Default avatar.png shitizen: do you start working at 9am to 9pm for six days?

ddreams: often, but not because I am forced to

ddreams: I get paid per hour, so I like to work a lot in periods and then take time off

Default avatar.png shitizen: that's a good idea

UndercoverToad: I work 7:15am-3pm

Bari: Hi

NinjaDoggy: reCurse's sun effeciency early game is actually insane :O

PatrickMcGinnisII: can't see, post replay

Default avatar.png shitizen: how do you learn english my english is so poor and bad

ddreams: when I was a kid, I played English games looking up everything in a dictionary

Default avatar.png shitizen: one word often include many meaning

ddreams: practice

Default avatar.png shitizen: it's too hard to remember

Default avatar.png shitizen: i often look up the words that i don't know but after a while i forget what it is

ddreams: language has to be used, or you'll forget

Default avatar.png shitizen: you sent "take time off" just now.but i didn't know what it is until i translate it by online translater

ddreams: well, now you know :)

Michael_Howard: NinjaDoggy what does he do? Please can you post a reply for us poor Goldies who can't see up there?


UndercoverToad: of course you can see it

UndercoverToad: "view last battles"

Michael_Howard: Thanks, I forgot you could do that on other leagues :)

Default avatar.png shitizen: but english still have great many phrases that i even don't see them

PatrickMcGinnisII: ok finally in top 1k, i can go to bed

PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh yes, tx UCT

LelouchVC2: I'll make 1000 accounts and make them all top 1000

LelouchVC2: Just to deprive you of that pleasure

ddreams: too late, he's already dreaming about it

LLG: ClockSort boutta hit legend

jrke: wut reCurse 1st only under 24 h

jrke: with 8 points lead

jacek: legend on 1 submit or delete

ddreams: #1 on 1 submit or delete

jrke: is that NN

UndercoverToad: we don't know

jrke: but he made rank 1 under 15-16 h think

UndercoverToad: but it's to be assumed that he was testing with an alt account before. he knew that this would be a #1 submit

jrke: even less than that

UndercoverToad: an impressive performance nontheless

UndercoverToad: he won 2 contests before. but this is by far the most dominant win I can remember (among all contests, not only among his wins)

jacek: if server kept down that would be quite a fail for him

Westicles: not a win yet

kovi: no way to beat nn

jacek: i bet it is NNish

UndercoverToad: the only thing that can stop him now is staff

jacek: or some 9mms


UndercoverToad: nice, I even got the honor to play against him

UndercoverToad: dropping his score by losing to him probably

Westicles: Staff? Like obfuscation ruling?

UndercoverToad: i don't think it will happen

UndercoverToad: just a deus ex machina that's more likely than any player beating him in the arena

jacek: a modified game to make it sequential with known moves

kovi: i was afraid of this gonna happen. game is too "simple", single search + "heuristics" (which within search can be best captured by nn) it kinda takes away for long term as well

jacek: thats why he waited so long :?

davilla: are alt accounts legit here?

derjack: ban

dbdr: no

UndercoverToad: they are not? :scream:

dbdr: :D

jacek: at least dont submit in contest

dbdr: yeah

Default avatar.png VirtusDomo: god its hajrd to get momentum

Default avatar.png VirtusDomo: i swear i'm always stuck

ddreams: ask recursive for tips, virtus

ddreams: he's good at getting momentum

Default avatar.png VirtusDomo: recursive>?

davilla: well there's your deus ex

davilla: banned account

Default avatar.png VirtusDomo: lol is that like a known thing here?

Default avatar.png VirtusDomo: im new

ddreams: top player miles ahead of the rest

Default avatar.png VirtusDomo: ahhh i see i see

ddreams: in one submit

Default avatar.png VirtusDomo: yeah i'm just trying to get good enough for internships lol

davilla: I wouldn't ban the guy honestly, but maybe force him to use the other account

davilla: well now I don't feel so bad for dropping out during wood

ddreams: true, wood leagues were challenging

davilla: it's more that I couldn't get my head in it, motivationally

davilla: my program actually made it to silver without any further mods

davilla: don't ask me how

ddreams: I'm in legend and just found out I calculated resource points incorrectly

davilla: sorry, I meant bronze

ddreams: maybe fixing it will put me in top 100

davilla: cool :)

ddreams: anyway, gtg family stuff, bbl

Selwyn: man I feel like I'm an intermediate developer but I can't even do any challenges here

Selwyn: I feel like I'm so badd bahaha

Default avatar.png VirtusDomo: lol same man same

Default avatar.png VirtusDomo: even the easy ones have me googling

Selwyn: sameee

Default avatar.png thanos98: Hi guys anyone has some materials about the challenge code4life?

Default avatar.png ikustom: tes.

Default avatar.png ikustom: yes*

Default avatar.png thanos98: Can you share it?

Default avatar.png thanos98: ???

UndercoverToad: happy reading thanos98

Default avatar.png thanos98: Thx!!

Scarfield: i see both smitsi and zeno made it in legend :muscle:

Scarfield: Rebless using NN or just chat guessing?

jacek: how else he would lead that much?

Scarfield: secret sauce, idk

Scarfield: jacekMax maybe

jacek: that would give him 100% win

jacek: it cant be that

Scarfield: xD

DomiKo: Wait

DomiKo: what

UndercoverToad: you opened the leaderboard?

DomiKo: yes

UndercoverToad: you spilled your morning coffee?

DomiKo: if I had one

UndercoverToad: good, coffee tastes horrible and has a disgusting smell

Scarfield: :scream:

DomiKo: some smell goood

DomiKo: OK I run 3 games with him, and he beats me +2-5 points every game

DomiKo: like how

UndercoverToad: like he's not even trying

DomiKo: maybe it's his worst version


jacek: win is a win

dbf: with 5 ms timelimit


Noyotens: what i need to make my code 10/10

VizGhar: hmm timeout or wroung output?

jacek: suicide

jacek: maybe he cant handle simultant seeds

Astrobytes: reBless, wtaf

MyCCODE: I wanna compete

MyCCODE: I wanna compete

MyCCODE: I wanna compete

MyCCODE: I wanna competeI wanna competeI wanna compete

UndercoverToad: "I wanna get kicked"?


UndercoverToad: Astrobytes would you be so kind? ;)

MSmits: it makes sense Astrobytes, a simple positional game like this seems right for an eval with NN. Just the input seems a bit hard to structure

Astrobytes: My pleasure Toad.

Astrobytes: MSmits. Yeah, I was thinking this. Will be interesting to hear about it.

MSmits: we all find that this game is hard to eval, nn takes care of i

MSmits: it

MSmits: not saying that it's easy write a nn here, just saying it makes sense to do it if you can

UndercoverToad: or it fails hard

Astrobytes: Yes, I agree MSmits

UndercoverToad: but in 99% it's just overwhelming

MSmits: weird that it would fail so hard

dbdr: maybe it predicts a loss

MSmits: yeah, all output close to 0, one loss being much like another, just by a different margin

Astrobytes: Either way, I'm quite impressed

MSmits: same

MSmits: but not completely surprised tbh

dbdr: that's why I find it more satisfying to optimize the margin

Astrobytes: Yeah, same here Smits

AntiSquid: are you sure it's NN ?

dbdr: but maybe win/loss has advantages

MSmits: AntiSquid pretty sure

MSmits: reCurs e doesnt do anything else these days

MSmits: and the margin is insane

Astrobytes: Which we know about from the other board game leads

Astrobytes: *that he has/other NNs have

AntiSquid: cool, then which type of algo, was looking at ReBeL just because of this contest

MSmits: I do feel a bit sorry for the people leading the leaderboard before recurs e took it

MSmits: i know the feeling from being wrecked by nn's on board games

MSmits: bit hopeless

Astrobytes: All's fair in love and CG Contests

MSmits: sure, i just feel sorry for them i sall :)

MSmits: empathy and all that sht

kovi: thx

Astrobytes: Oh for sure!

AntiSquid: but . there's a HUGE chance it's not NN, for the simple fact that all you need to do is find right heuristics, so theoretically with decent data analysis you can just figure the right heuristics out

AntiSquid: to get to legend at least

UndercoverToad: i still don't get the hiding and last minute submit. isn't it a more fun experience without

UndercoverToad: ?

MSmits: UndercoverToad probably he wanst sure his nn would succeed

MSmits: a poor nn migh tnot even get out of wood

AntiSquid: hide until 1st place is secure lol

MSmits: they are kind of all or nothing in a way

UndercoverToad: i'm pretty sure he knew before the servers died yesterday

MSmits: pretty sure he would have submitted if it would end top 10 :P

MSmits: instead of 1

UndercoverToad: i'll just wait for the post mortem instead of guessing any further

MSmits: yeah, sure

Astrobytes: Yeah. Should be a good read.

LLG: e

MSmits: gotta code some more, somewhat satisfied with top 100, but can do better maybe

Pick8chu: Hey MSmits

MSmits: hey Pick8chu, was just heading out

AntiSquid: my win rate just drastically improved by adding 1 extra condition ... if i guess few more i will make it to legend with just that .

Pick8chu: oh

dbdr: "maybe"

Pick8chu: alright good luck man and congrats on 100

MSmits: thanks, ttyl :)

Pick8chu: :)

Pick8chu: Would anyone give me some thoughts on improvement?


AntiSquid: add random heuristics and test

UndercoverToad: seed on 9 is in your own shadow range

Pick8chu: is it?

UndercoverToad: wait, i was looking at blue

Pick8chu: haha okay

UndercoverToad: seed on 6 then

UndercoverToad: 15 too

Pick8chu: How could i apply random heuristics?

UndercoverToad: when the tree grows to size 3, you have a problem

Pick8chu: I complete them too early?

Butanium: Hey

UndercoverToad: yes, was about to say that

Pick8chu: AntiSquid How could i apply random heuristics?

therealbeef: true on NN all-or-nothing. I'm doing NN for eval with search (for the first time), and was stuck in 1500th in silver until 1 good update gained 2000 places in one go

UndercoverToad: and the positioning at 1 and 4 isn't optimal again

Pick8chu: 1 and 4 you meant turn?

Butanium: I want to do MCTS for the challenge and I'm thinking about making playout returning none discrete value depending on the score delta between the two players

UndercoverToad: 2000 places doesn't mean much in a contest this size ;)

Default avatar.png NotSureWhyThisWorks: UndercoverToad you used beam search right?

Butanium: do you think that's a good idea?

UndercoverToad: cell 1 and 4

UndercoverToad: turn on debug mode

Default avatar.png MUkhtadirshaikh: hello word

Default avatar.png MUkhtadirshaikh: world

UndercoverToad: yes, beam all the way

Pick8chu: they have debug mode???

UndercoverToad: settings, gear icon

Default avatar.png MUkhtadirshaikh: yup they have it

Pick8chu: lmao

UndercoverToad: even mentioned in the statement ;)

Default avatar.png MUkhtadirshaikh: lets clash

Default avatar.png NotSureWhyThisWorks: did you have to limit the possible moves so that it was possible?

UndercoverToad: i'm in this debug mode the whole contest already

dbdr: there is a non-debug mode?

UndercoverToad: some limitations on spawns to generate less states

UndercoverToad: not going too much into detail during the contest

Default avatar.png NotSureWhyThisWorks: yeah fair enough

Default avatar.png NotSureWhyThisWorks: will there be post-mortems after the contest finishes? I am interested to see how the legends did it

UndercoverToad: yes, there are always some

UndercoverToad: not sure if i'll write anything yet. my bot doesn't have any interesting thoughts in it

jacek: so you copied your brain into it?

Default avatar.png NotSureWhyThisWorks: surely a nice eval function or something

Default avatar.png NotSureWhyThisWorks: you are 11th

Astrobytes: offf buuuuurn

Astrobytes: jacek bringing the cheek

UndercoverToad: that was inappropriate jacek

jacek: :(

Astrobytes: /kick

UndercoverToad: i extended my board state and realized I forgot to add this field to hash+equals

UndercoverToad: when adding it, the offline batch gets worse

Astrobytes: lol

UndercoverToad: maybe because the beam gets more narrow that way


Pick8chu: Slightly better

Default avatar.png NotSureWhyThisWorks: I realised when I was pruning I wasn't sorting beforehand so I changed it and it got worse

jacek: username checks out

BrunoFelthes: OMG reCurse started the contest with 94% win rate

Default avatar.png NotSureWhyThisWorks: lol

BrunoFelthes: this guy is insane

UndercoverToad: no, he didn't. his wood bot wasn't impressive at all

Butanium: do you think I could do any improvement on my heuristic?


Butanium: I'm about to switch to a MCTS but I won't have the time to siubmit it before the end

Butanium: I'd like to end up in legend x)

AntiSquid: then do heuristics instead LOL

Pick8chu: AntiSquid how do you do that tho?

Pick8chu: like generate random numbers and see if what gives you the best result?

UndercoverToad: random actions you mean?

Pick8chu: heuristics

UndercoverToad: that can be an option. you still have to define how a good result looks like

UndercoverToad: then i don't understand

UndercoverToad: back to my code

Pick8chu: how do you mean? you define what a good result is?

Butanium: AntiSquid: Do you think I could improve my evaluation function without doing random search ? x)

AlMualem: guys what is the strategy to win the silver bot...(complete as fast as you can,complete the ones with the sallest index for more points,seed with distance >=2 each tree from another...)any other thoughts?

AlMualem: smallest index*

particleflux: lol only just now realized that richer soil == smaller index

cegprakash: reCurse 93% win rate in legend wow.. Nice way to troll everyone on legend. Looks like he cracked this contest.

AlMualem: hahaha

Pick8chu: that's jsut crazy lol

AlMualem: i have implemented all these thoughts to my code and still can win silver bot in every match :(

AlMualem: cant*

Default avatar.png actualCoderTrevor: Do you consider shadows?

Default avatar.png lionandmouse: try to maintain some trees for stable income in good positions and then farm. Shadows can be disregarded until gold.

Default avatar.png actualCoderTrevor: You can only get so far without doing that

Sanguigno: lca

AlMualem: i took them (the shadows) a little bit under consideration,,,i mean that is the reason i am seeding with distance greater or equal than 2

Default avatar.png TootiFlooti: what division are yall in

AlMualem: whats left is to implement , is seeding in the smallest possible index

Default avatar.png TootiFlooti: im still working on getting to silver :(

AlMualem: i am 222th on silver mate

Default avatar.png TootiFlooti: nice

Default avatar.png TootiFlooti: i have a stable build and just waiting tto get thru bronze im beatingf everyone so far but sadly i was not able to work on this all week :(

AlMualem: i am working as we speak :P

Default avatar.png TootiFlooti: im going to try to beat you almualem thats my new goal lol

Pick8chu: AlMualem as far as I know, everyone here implemented with weights. Basically, among possible actions, what is the best option

Default avatar.png TootiFlooti: im to sleepy now ill work on it tomorrw

Default avatar.png TootiFlooti: goodnight all

AlMualem: bb

Pick8chu: good night man

AlMualem: pIckachu? when we talk about best actions...regarding what?

Pick8chu: let's say on one day you get grow and seed and complete and wait

Default avatar.png TootiFlooti: aslo quick question is there a prize for winning contest

Default avatar.png TootiFlooti: im jsut doing it for practice

Pick8chu: among 4 of them, you weight them using the information you have like sun, or shadows, or how much sun point i have

jacek: a dinner with chosen mod

Pick8chu: and pick the biggest weight

Default avatar.png TootiFlooti: ty jacek

k4ng0u: if you manage to beat reCurse, you will likely earn the respect of the whole community

Default avatar.png TootiFlooti: lmao

Pick8chu: lol

Astrobytes: jacek :rofl:

Default avatar.png TootiFlooti: true i like that. respect like fast and furious classic

AlMualem: pica pica i changed a number and now i have won the last 4 game scenarios against silver bot...that number indicated the number of trees i shoulf have on deck...and of after a certain day to stop stop seeding and try to grow and complete whats left

Default avatar.png michaelzlatkin1: How do you even get out of the first bronze league? It really just feels like the winner is determined by who gets the luckiest bump...

KelvinAndHubbles: Woot Woot! 4 days hardstuck top 100 Silver, makes some tweaks every day and friken finally past it

peerdb: michaelzlatkin1try seeding your new plants in gridlike patterns, so they dont block each others sunlight

Pick8chu: Good job man!

Pick8chu: KelvinAndHubbles congrats

Default avatar.png michaelzlatkin1: plants...?

AntiSquid: 2nd win, Automaton2000 give me some dumb ideas

Automaton2000: how can i send a private message

peerdb: click on someones name in chat here Automaton2000

Automaton2000: i'm not a fast coder

AlMualem: pic8chu this is my last battle with boss

Whatar: it doesn't matter, we all know that you are the real OG Automaton2000

Automaton2000: i'm pretty sure it is the same as the other ones

AlMualem: i am testing it right now in arena

peerdb: Is there an easy way to check where the segfault happens in my code (c++)?

Pick8chu: AlMualem looking good

AntiSquid: making my bot dumber really helps

CarbonBlack: Hi

Pick8chu: i don't get why edge has benefits

AlMualem: AntiSquid i see you are seeding a lot on the outskirts and win...first of all gj mate...second you thing its more important to complete first or complete (smaller index=more points?

Pick8chu: *edges

AlMualem: think*

Mistblinde: Less shadows on the edge

geppoz: edge of course have at least 1/2 of "a week" without shadows

geppoz: mid can have all week shadow

AlMualem: less shadows --> more sun points--->complete first...right?

Pick8chu: hmm okay let me try that

peerdb: yeah I was using my trees on the edges to farm sunpoints and the trees in the center to farm score

nam4.nguyen: My first algo reach top 1k but after modifing something I feel make more sense, my new bot got worse rank. Idk why my first stupid bot can be that good :|

Pick8chu: actually that's very good idea peerdb

peerdb: :nerd:

BlitzProg: I'm looking at mcts tutorials but there's something like "win amount divided simulation amount"

BlitzProg: can I just replace "win" by something like my score?

BlitzProg: maybe divide it by a number to keep it between 0 and 1

AlMualem: my strategy is to first reach 6 trees at level 3 and complete the 2 with the smaller index(with this strategy i farm the ones closer to the center and let the rest to farm...after a certain day of the game i complete every tree i can starting from the ones that are already 3 level

AntiSquid: i don't understand the questions, i just added some random heuristics

Pick8chu: How do you do hat

AlMualem: with my last submit i went from 222nd to 76 and still going (i am at 72%)

AlMualem: until now i haven't battle the boss :/

AlMualem: 56th at 76%

MSmits: BlitzProg you can do that

AlMualem: 22th at 79%

MSmits: you dont need to keep it between 0 and 1 either, no point to that

MSmits: just adjust your exploration parameter

MSmits: until it explores properly

BlitzProg: MSmits thanks 20 hours lefts, never tried mcts but i'm so desperate lol

MSmits: if your scores are between 50 and 100, your exploration parameter should be of the order of 50 or so

MSmits: same if your scores are between 450 and 500

MSmits: it's the score interval that matters

MSmits: the size of it i mean

BlitzProg: Oooh I see

MSmits: but you do need to fit it, i am just giving you an estimate

AntiSquid: Pick8chu, think of a random condition and write that into code. Here's the pseudocode: "if (something is true) then do this action."

CrystallineCore: In coders strike back, sometimes my bot revolves around the same checkpoint multiple times before going to the next checkpoint. Is this the problem of my code?

Pick8chu: Like super random?

MSmits: CrystallineCore yes, you are overshooting it

Pick8chu: Like if(tree_size = 2) seed?

BlitzProg: Well, here goes nothing then, I'll spend some hours coding that and see what happens

MSmits: you need to reduce speed or aim away from the checkpoint

MSmits: to correct for overshooting

MSmits: BlitzProg mcts is pretty hard to debug, at leas that is my experience. It might take a while to start workinf

MSmits: unlike something like beamsearch which could have some reasonable results fairly quickly

Mazelcop: hello folks

BlitzProg: Beam search requires an eval tho

Mazelcop: anyone knows why my local CG referee starts each player twice ?

MSmits: BlitzProg yeah

MSmits: well mcts does too, if the depth is too great

AlMualem: DAAAAmn i finished 3rd....

MSmits: how much rating below boss?

AlMualem: and i played only once against the boss should i try again with the same code?

peerdb: just wait AlMualem , you might get bumped up a spot or 2

peerdb: what is the boss' arena score vs yours?

AlMualem: the boss 43,59 me 42,79

MSmits: if you are 2 pts or more below boss, you have no chance of that

MSmits: that might be doable

MSmits: resubmit i'd say

peerdb: id wait 15 minutes

MSmits: sure yeah

wlesavo: depends on league

AlMualem: why wait peerdb?

BlitzProg: Stakes are higher for me this contest so I'm pretty willing to try many things to get into legend, but it has been hard

peerdb: when other people play their matches they also play you, so it impacts your score.

AlMualem: 43,62 the boss 42,96 me

Nerchio: Mazelcop i didn't notice anything like this but i was timeouting a lot so maybe i have same problem i just didnt notice? :D

BlitzProg: Since Monday nothing did better than what I sent that day

AlMualem: ok i will wait

peerdb: same goes for the boss, so you have a chance to win some matches while the boss loses and you go above him AlMualem

AlMualem: i will wait 10 minutes

peerdb: sure

AlMualem: and submit the same code again?

peerdb: thats up to you

Sanguigno: elca

VRtheKing: how to clear the quest called moderate a contribution

AlMualem: if i submit the same code is there a chance to promote? i am 4th at the moment....43,36 the boss 42,96 me

MSmits: there's a chance

MSmits: though hard to say how much of one

MSmits: it depends a lot on other players and luck

peerdb: perhaps you can get slightly better results by changing your strategy just a little (harvest earlier/later)

AlMualem: i will submit one more time with the same code and if i dont promote i will test when its better to seed

Default avatar.png AnthonyHilala: comment voir le classement du boss ? :s

peerdb: okay good luck AlMualem

AlMualem: mt difference with boss is 0,4

AlMualem: ty mate

peerdb: 0.4 is not much

AlMualem: sorry for spamming i am ultra hyped right now

ItsNotABug: wow, recurse has smashed legend

peerdb: AlMualem how far below boss now?

cegprakash: ppl in top legend be like.. oh noo it's time to switch to NN

AlMualem: i promoteeeeeed automatically :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

peerdb: whoooo

peerdb: congrats

AlMualem: ty mate <3

AlMualem: i dont have a lot of experience in coding...but i am really into coding want to be a full stack developer one day

Neon_Tuts: Hello World

Zanoshky: Hello Neon

AlMualem: hiiiiii

The_ZimaBlue: can you guys check out:

cegprakash: what is the maximum number of possible actions that we can get in input

cegprakash: numberOfPossibleActions has any upper limit

AlMualem: there must be a max number because our map i limited but how can this be helpful?

cegprakash: I generate possible moves and I care about memory :P

cegprakash: I used 300 and it crashed some games

solistice: 37 * 7 + I guess

cegprakash: so I increased to 2000 now

solistice: that's without thinking about stuff

solistice: think 300 should suffice

solistice: but that's not at all a calculated value

AlMualem: why youdo you generate and not reading the input from possible_action list?

cegprakash: for future turns

cegprakash: for opponents

cegprakash: things like that

AlMualem: hm...i lets calculate it...

AlMualem: you said you need it for the opponent move,not yours...right?

cegprakash: for ours too during future turns

cegprakash: when u simulate the future like Doctor Strange

AlMualem: ok ok for both

AlMualem: ahahaha

cegprakash: u can look 2million possible outcomes

cegprakash: and choose the path with 1 winning outcome

AlMualem: do you want to take under consideration the sun points? (i suppose yes)

UndercoverToad: of course

Pick8chu: So you try all the possible outcomes till your memory allows and decide on that?

TobiasA: the only way for your bot to win is for it to use the infinity stones to snap the opponent away and die in the process

Pick8chu: lol

TobiasA: it really works

Pick8chu: but how ? that's just crazy

TobiasA: doctor strange said it is the only way

TobiasA: strange never lies

Pick8chu: so you can have 7 boards so start try 7 possible ways?

Sanguigno: elca

solistice: 14 million possible outcomes

solistice: only 1 is winning

TobiasA: my bot found the reality stone:hushed:

Pick8chu: could you help me to understand?

UndercoverToad: there are many different ways what to do with the simulations. You have to ask the right question for a meaningful answer

AntiSquid: Pick8chu what's your job role at samsung ?

TobiasA: first harvest all your trees and craft a gauntlet

Pick8chu: web developing for now, as a full stack developer

Pick8chu: I get how you should weight the possible actions

AntiSquid: cool

Pick8chu: but I don't get how to simulate with those actions and see what brings the best outcome

TobiasA: wow you work at samsung

AlMualem: so...depending on the number of the trees you own and their size.,,,

UndercoverToad: usually you don't weight actions but states

UndercoverToad: start with a board, create all possible following boards

Pick8chu: oh

UndercoverToad: then rate these based on some criteria (game points, suns, ...)

AntiSquid: Pick8chu try this page first :

UndercoverToad: remove a few if there are too many (would get too slow)

UndercoverToad: and further expand the rest

UndercoverToad: that's basically how beam search works

Pick8chu: AntiSquid thanks!

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: Am starting to think like a sprite, I can see gold in sight! Its gonna be a good day :D

Pick8chu: lvl 50? that's crazy

Pick8chu: UndercoverToad okay thanks, i think i got what you meant a little

Pick8chu: I'll have to measure the state not actions

UndercoverToad: exactly

AntiSquid: that toad has a level 55 account, who's crazy now?

Pick8chu: wait what?

eulerscheZahl: hi

Pick8chu: that's just crazy lol

Pick8chu: hey

Pick8chu: wait

Pick8chu: that's the real one

UndercoverToad: yes

UndercoverToad: chat gets laggy with my main account

Pick8chu: that's why you are undercover toad!!!

Pick8chu: LMAO

UndercoverToad: i'm using the other one for the contest duration

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: out of curiousity (im running a pure heuristic bot) what do the states map to, integers or rationals?

jacek: having frog avatar in french site :thinking:

UndercoverToad: up to you, I have doubles

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: ^^ lol L'absurditie

UndercoverToad: and chromium just asked me if i want to wait or kill the other tab

AntiSquid: you think they'll stare at his legs jacek?

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: good will to live in that one

UndercoverToad: they can eat daiver if they want

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: rofl

struct: hi

UndercoverToad: hi legendary struct

struct: you didnt know euler?

UndercoverToad: i did

struct: ah

struct: thanks

UndercoverToad: this will be your cognomen from now on

UndercoverToad: until the next contest

struct: lol

struct: all it took was starting the contest 14 days earlier

UndercoverToad: you can do that again if thibaud needs testers

struct: probably wont do it again

UndercoverToad: competing is more fun

struct: yeah

struct: on first days I had no motivation at all

UndercoverToad: at least you did some testing, not like some other testers

BrunoFelthes: how many testes cg have?

struct: 4 + cg staff

UndercoverToad: how many testers did submit?

struct: all submited

BrunoFelthes: i was a tester for 1 contest... I did a good code, but after this they never call me again

struct: but a good ai?

struct: 0

struct: mine had 100% win rate

UndercoverToad: which contest did you test bruno?

struct: and i had a bot that had 99% win rate vs that one

BrunoFelthes: the one with baracks...

UndercoverToad: code royale

BrunoFelthes: this one

UndercoverToad: so the other testers did the equivalent of getting stuck in wood?

struct: all are > 2000

struct: ok above rank 2000

Noyotens: my rank is 1659 TH

struct: The names are on the forum I think

Noyotens: THIS IS GOOD RANK ??

UndercoverToad: depends on your goals


Default avatar.png Cjx_1: THEN, WE GOTTA KEEP GRINDING HARDER nOY :d <3

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: sry


AlMualem: you need to be heard!!!!!

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: when i loose in an fps its normally because shift key != caps key lol

UndercoverToad: reconfigure the key in your system settings

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: double shift? Provocative.... Powerful....

Default avatar.png iMobile: is it possible to retry a specific clash


Noyotens: I WANT LEARN AI ANY TuTorial

Default avatar.png iMobile: ty

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: iMobile, you can recreate the seed using added parameters at least. Not sure if you could get a specific opponents bot, short of coding their moves to be recreated. Others would know better though.

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: Ooooh :8

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: thats awesome

AlMualem: guys i want to say ,i am really happy for the developers community...there is so much sharing :D

UndercoverToad: only during contests

UndercoverToad: next week the chat will be less active again

AlMualem: yes but there are forums and sites with questions and answers

UndercoverToad: and tons of helpful writeups for previous contests

Default avatar.png michaelzlatkin1: Guys I'm so lost as to what you're supposed to do to prevent losing because a bot bumped you out of the way. Do you write avoidance? But wouldn't that just make you slower than if you just take the hit?

MSmits: are you talking about coders strikes back michaelzlatkin1?

MSmits: most players are currently doing a different game on this website

Default avatar.png michaelzlatkin1: Yeah, sorry didn't realize this was a global chat!

MSmits: there is no other chat really, unless you're French or russian

Default avatar.png michaelzlatkin1: Alas, I'm not

MSmits: it's ok to ask here

struct: euler you dont predict enemy right?

Default avatar.png michaelzlatkin1: Thanks :)

MSmits: so anyways, if you get to the point where collisions matter, you need to start thinkign about a real simulation and search in your bot

MSmits: simple heuristics won't be enough then

MSmits: there's some sources on the csb main page

MSmits: but if you're looking to learn how to write a search/sim, csb might not be the simplest game to do this for the first time

elderlybeginner: to start brutaltester, do I need cg-brutaltester or I can go directly to the referee fork and clone the repo?

MSmits: I generally recommend playing this game until you get to this point, then try a different game, like a board game, to practice search/sim

MSmits: can always go back later

Default avatar.png michaelzlatkin1: I see, yeah it's a bit unfortunate as I'm pretty junior and a company asked me to do this challenge as a code test

MSmits: I see, what is your current rank?

Default avatar.png michaelzlatkin1: AI is really not my strong suit so it's been a challenge haha

Default avatar.png michaelzlatkin1: Bronze 1

Default avatar.png StevenV: haha bot programming for coders test

Default avatar.png michaelzlatkin1: Or 3

MSmits: ah, let's take this to pm

Default avatar.png michaelzlatkin1: Sounds good

MSmits: I'll help

Default avatar.png michaelzlatkin1: Thank you so much!

BrunoFelthes: Anyone know a tool to merge java files into one?


BrunoFelthes: tks

NickSaidSomethingWonderful: I am using this one

Default avatar.png Hmills: am i going to fail my gcse tomorrow ?

BrunoFelthes: is it works withut intelij?

Default avatar.png StevenV: how to beat miyaza bot?

NickSaidSomethingWonderful: it uses a plugin in Intellij sothat it auto merges the files, without intellij, i am not sure

Sanguigno: ca

elderlybeginner: I'm looking for some help with brutaltester. Anyone willing to help?

DaNinja: ask away

Donotalo: how company rank is calculated?

aCat: score of top 5 players

aCat: sum of individual scores

elderlybeginner: I cloned: mvn pakage got: INFO] BUILD SUCCESS with some warnings

struct: feel free to hire me to climb

Donotalo: sum of top 5 players from the company?

DomiKo: yes

Donotalo: thanks

elderlybeginner: trying: java -jar original-spring-2021-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -r "java -jar spring-2021-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" -p1 "python" -p2 "python" -t 2 -n 5 or java -jar spring-2021-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -p1 "python" -p2 "python"

DaNinja: run brutaltester like this:

DaNinja: java -jar cg-brutaltester-1.0.0.jar -r "java -jar -Dleague.level=3 -Dlog4j.configurationFile=log4j2.xml ./target/spring-2021-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" -p1 "../x64/Release/Spring2021-ai1.exe" -p2 "../x64/Release/Spring2021.exe" -t 2 -n 30 -l "./logs/"

elderlybeginner: and getting respectively:

Default avatar.png Arces: ok

Chainman: Why y'all running brutaltester?

elderlybeginner: cg-brutal can be replaced with original-spring from referee clone or should I clone as well?

DaNinja: you need brutaltester to test spring

Pick8chu: Sigh

ddreams: elderlybeginner for the second error message, you have too new java

ddreams: install java8

AlMualem: sum of top 3 players with >=5 participants

elderlybeginner: i'm getting errors, but it seems to work openjdk 11.0.11 2021-04-20

elderlybeginner: seems to be legit thank you for your help

Chainman: Hello

jrke: damn today I was in wood 1 of OOC someone pushed me in bronze and same code is now 1st in bronze lol

AlMualem: :D

AlMualem: gl mate

Marchete: no elderlybeginner

Marchete: use Java8

Marchete: in linux you can install as alternative

solistice: looking to implement prio queue in c#.. but that's slow, no?

Nerchio: its fine

UndercoverToad: too bad there is none in the default C# library

solistice: haven't found one :(

UndercoverToad: give me a moment, i have one that i copied from elsewhere

Default avatar.png BoBot: is there a (relatively) simple function for (cellindex1, cellindex2) => areOnTheSameDiagonal?


solistice: thx!

kovi: wow, nice euler

Default avatar.png BoBot: I am looking at the numbers and I don't see it (and yea, I know I am about a week late with this :D )

UndercoverToad: thanks kovi. got a bit of code working finally

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: bobot, consider what parameters are baked into the board. Maybe the cell neighbors can help you

kovi: you were beating me already last days, and now you also beat others :)

UndercoverToad: equal rights for all

UndercoverToad: except terry, that one hurts

elderlybeginner: Marchete I will. BTW, what's not computed here? WARNING: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass is not supported. This will impact performance.

Default avatar.png BoBot: @Cjx_1 thanks, I will try some more - I know how to do it with "normal" coordinates and neighbor "deltas", but there are large jumps here :D

Default avatar.png BoBot: oh, ffs, they are giving us the neighbors, nvm, I really should have started sooner...I am also trying out a new language

alchemsti: So, I'm suddenly getting a bad_alloc error in C++, which suggests to me running out of memory -- but tonnes of memory i s available (768MB I believe) and I'm pretty sure I'm not using that

alchemsti: (of course probably I am)

alchemsti: But -- has anyone else seen this? Coudl they have reduced limits?

alchemsti: I'm seeing it at early setup,where I really haven't allocated much of anything...

Marchete: incompatible Java versions, so better avoid any ERROR by using Java8. I had exactly that problem and changed to openjdk 8 while maintaining JDK11

Marchete: no errors so far

elderlybeginner: what do you brutaltester you bot against? Your other bot?

Marchete: me? crying with that many bugs

alchemsti: Hmm, I wonder if I have something too big on the stack...?

Marchete: for others is to change parameters and keep the better

elderlybeginner: so it's brutaltesting against your bots with different parameters. No access to boss thou

Marchete: yep

elderlybeginner: and you finish winning with your previous bot with 100% rate and loosing with everybody else :joy:

Marchete: inbreeding

Marchete: and it happens a lot

Marchete: it's like two children playing basketball

Marchete: and one of them always win

Marchete: and he try to play against NBA

Marchete: tries*

UndercoverToad: my 58% offline winrate translated pretty well

ClockSort: wtfffffffffffffff my bot has been predicting shade wrong this entire time i think

ClockSort: still looking into it...

Marchete: I have so many bugs I'll need another week

Marchete: wow euler

Marchete: congrats

UndercoverToad: thanks :)

Marchete: new feature?

UndercoverToad: yes

Marchete: great

Marchete: you still have new magic tricks after a week

Marchete: if you are topN will you write a PM?

Marchete: I always like these

Marchete: N is decided by you :D

Default avatar.png StevenV: it is end of challenge now

struct: wow top 5

struct: grats

UndercoverToad: we'll see. there isn't much interesting in my bot even. but i have off tomorrow

Default avatar.png StevenV: tomorrow will be ended

kovi: poor illedan

UndercoverToad: and I want to win Germany at least. that Philipp is strong

Default avatar.png StevenV: still don't know how to go to legend

JohnCM: oh so exciting, i'm only 5-10 pts diff from the gold boss

MSmits: only?

Default avatar.png StevenV: ?

JohnCM: ?

Default avatar.png StevenV: :?

MSmits: or do you mean ranks?

JohnCM: nono i mean points as in game points

MSmits: 5-10 is a lot

MSmits: < 2 is a little

JohnCM: well this morning it was 60

MSmits: oh ok

MSmits: well good job then

JohnCM: yep just plain old heuristics

JohnCM: although i coded quite an elaborate one-ply search for growing

Chainman: really?

Chainman: I'm stuck in bottom of gold with heuristics.

JohnCM: yea prioritize growth which leads to a good outcome

Default avatar.png StevenV: I keep getting this error

JohnCM: like gain more sun overall for yourself and blocks off opponent

Default avatar.png StevenV: Oups An error occurred (#407): "You reached the limit of plays for a period of time.".

Sanguigno: try again in an hour

Default avatar.png StevenV: :persevere:

JohnCM: yea i get the same error

JohnCM: i guess thre is a limit to the number of tries

Default avatar.png StevenV: So I think this is why a lot of devs recommend brutal test

MSmits: yeah, it is much faster

Default avatar.png StevenV: But I don't really know how to use it

Chainman: oh crap

JohnCM: i think the hardest part for my bot is that it doesn't adapt very well to the opponent fast strat

JohnCM: i take my time to grow trees, but if opp keeps harvesting, i lose a bunch of pts

MSmits: someone should really share how to do this halfway through the contest. If you look at chat history, you will find some tidbits about how to use it here and there

MSmits: forum post would be nicer though

Default avatar.png StevenV: thanks

MSmits: can someone share the wiki chat history thingy

Default avatar.png StevenV: I mean tomorrow is over, So I will try to use it later

JohnCM: MSmits, how're you doing for this challenge?

Chainman: I also didn't have time to figure out brutaltester.

JohnCM: have you broke into legend alr?

Chainman: I need to focus just on coding.

MSmits: JohnCM I am in legend yeah. I dont think i'll be going up much higher though. Hope for a place halfway through legend

MSmits: trying one or two more things, then it's done

JohnCM: all the best!

MSmits: thanks

JohnCM: haha i'm thinking of monte carlo now, since my bot doesn't adapt well. haha maybe i should have started off with that

Chainman: good luck

Default avatar.png StevenV: I still in gold, but really can't figure out how to be legend

MSmits: a lot of things work JohnCM, but whatever you do is going to have to be supported by heuristics and pruning and some evaluation

Chainman: you are doing not that bad in gold JohnCM. I'm behind you.

JohnCM: definitely, i have plenty of heuristics and pruning

Pick8chu: Man

JohnCM: haha thanks Chainman, let's see if i can hit legend after a few heuristic tweaks

Default avatar.png StevenV: some of my friends use monte but they can't even win silver boss

Pick8chu: these few days I was working on the challenge and learned so much through this chat lol

Pick8chu: you guys are so smart

JohnCM: silver boss not that tough compared to gold

Chainman: my last submit seems to be worse lol, I'm still like 100 places lower in this submit.

JohnCM: the main thing is to ensure your pieces are in "knights move" so they don't block each other. and harvest once you have >4 trees

JohnCM: should be able to get gold with that

Default avatar.png StevenV: I mean hard to use Monte for this challenge

Default avatar.png StevenV: I am already in gold

Chainman: lol

Chainman: yeah keep them distance 2 to have knights move

Chainman: except for that one diagonal

MSmits: Monte works fine StevenV, you just need to do it in Python

Chainman: actuall you just need to check if it is collinear with distance 2 for it to be knights move

Chainman: I mean it should not be collinear

Default avatar.png StevenV: I will try after this challenge end

MSmits: I was kidding :P

Default avatar.png StevenV: I don't think I have time to implement monte now

MSmits: it'd be Monte Python is all

JohnCM: haha

JohnCM: i get the joke

JohnCM: but really, monte implement in C++ or C# is better

JohnCM: you get more iterations

MSmits: yup

JohnCM: python is for lazy coders like me who want to just get gold with heuristics

MSmits: well c# wont do that much better than java really

Default avatar.png StevenV: I use java, which have problems with performance

JohnCM: so it's C++ then

MSmits: or Rust :)

Default avatar.png StevenV: It's 3 years since I last use C++ in school

Default avatar.png StevenV: :D

Default avatar.png StevenV: really don't remember much of it syntax

Marchete: no MSmits

Marchete: you are wrong

Marchete: C# >>> Java

MSmits: i'm sure it's faster, but isnt it similar order of magnitude

MSmits: I mean c++ was always 2-3 times faster than both of these

Marchete: sometimes is

Marchete: I recoded something to C#

Marchete: got same performance

Marchete: using AVX2 and such

MSmits: you mean from c++ to C#?

Default avatar.png StevenV: C# same performance as C++ really?

Marchete: yeah

MSmits: well i suppose using the same intrinsics, where these operations are the bottleneck, it makes sense

struct: omg top 30

struct: I cant look

JohnCM: the containers are very efficient

struct: o.o



Marchete: NN inference engine, doing MNIST

Marchete: 12us/sample

Chainman: legend struct?

TobiasA: what does the circle beside the number on the leaderboard mean?

Marchete: good job struct

dbdr: progress status TobiasA

TobiasA: of submit?

dbdr: yes

Marchete: euler is going strong

MSmits: lol I accidentally set my beamsearch to exit when day >= beamwidth and it performed ok anyways

MSmits: i guess time runs out

peerdb: how small is your beamwidth?

dbdr: how did you manage that?

MSmits: 1000 :P

peerdb: < 24 then

MSmits: was gonna use BEAM_DEPTH, but typed BEAM_WIDTH

peerdb: ah gotcha

dbdr: if day > 1000, you can exit, yes ;)

MSmits: this contest is just full of funny errors for me

dbdr: long term planning

MSmits: looooong term

Default avatar.png StevenV: I use Java and really don't know to do simulation without timeout errors

MSmits: dont make new objects

MSmits: generate a big store of them in the first 1 second

struct: thanks

MSmits: and then just reuse them

Trottel-Nit: Two tricks: Create most objects in the first turn (no "new" durcing game turns, use your own pool-arrays). B) "Warmup" the JIT, run some game loops on the first turn

struct: I didnt think my change would be this big

Default avatar.png StevenV: Thanks

Trottel-Nit: that is a B ) ... no fun in there ...

Marchete: what change?

dbdr: nice struct! where were you before?

struct: 66

struct: not massive improvement but ill take it :D

Default avatar.png flyingferret: wowfirst time here...and ouch i'm rusty

Default avatar.png StevenV: Do we have any gift if we rank high?

struct: top 20 gets shirt

struct: top 3 gets art

Default avatar.png StevenV: art?

struct: a canvas

Default avatar.png StevenV: picture?

KelvinAndHubbles: the timer in the top left jus randomly turn red for anyone?

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: bout to explode

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: run

CouscousAgha: we are now in the end game

Chainman: yep

JohnCM: ok i can't test in ide anymore

Chainman: It's getting exciting for the day.

JohnCM: time to go rest i guess haha

JohnCM: see how it goes tomorrow with my new untested submit

Chainman: yeah that was me yesterday, and then I slept for 10 hours

Chainman: and cleared up my issue in like 5 minutes when wake up.

JohnCM: i'm losing by 5 pts to this super mario dp guy

JohnCM: aginer.. haha so frustrating

Chainman: dynamic programming?

JohnCM: display pic

Chainman: oh

ClockSort: super mario dp... haha

ClockSort: dp[mario][luigi]

TheBatMan_TM: hey guys

Marchete: reCurs_e plays completely different

TheBatMan_TM: how do i run sudo in

Marchete: he has more than 1 seed in the board

Marchete: and not the usual starting moves


Marchete: SEED 24 11?

Marchete: at frame 6

ClockSort: i'm going to legend

ClockSort: gg

JohnCM: nice one clocksort

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: grats

ClockSort: i had a bug where my MCTS thought small trees could shade large ones.

ClockSort: i fixed it and now I've won 43 in a row, no losses, in gold division

JohnCM: i actually removed the knights move requirement and my code is performing better

JohnCM: wow MCTS really works wonders

struct: yeah marchete

struct: but it makes sense in the future

ClockSort: mcts is magic

JohnCM: how many moves did you lookahead till

JohnCM: for mcts

kovi: competition is heavy for 3rd place

ClockSort: i get about 10k rollouts from a new position on day 7

JohnCM: or just random rollouts till game end (which is a little too much)

ClockSort: but then day 8 i often predicted my opponent's move so i can build off that tree

ClockSort: yes it's rollouts to the end position

Chainman: you removed knight moves, crap

Chainman: I need to learn mcts after this contest

Chainman: not enough time in 16 hours.

JohnCM: haha i don't think i can do that kind of rollout in python

Marchete: simplify to rollout 6

JohnCM: but i did a 2-day lookahead for tree growing to see if i should grow in a particular spot

Marchete: waits

Chainman: crap I was going to try the knight moves thing.

Chainman: It's worse though?

Default avatar.png post4k: Hey guys, this might be a weird question, but how do I double check if the chat im in, is related to the CoC I just did? I cant seem to find the CoC id on the page

Pick8chu: gosh dang ittttttttttt

Pick8chu: oh. post4k sorry i'm not sure

KelvinAndHubbles: post4k, no quite way, you just have to guess

Default avatar.png post4k: hehe

Default avatar.png post4k: Ill just guess then :)

KelvinAndHubbles: just do every clash chat and hope people dont think your crazy

Pick8chu: I changed to cpp from JS and totally forgot divisionbetween int give you int

Pick8chu: .....

ClockSort: 65 matches complete in gold so far, 100% wins. o_O

Chainman: wow

Chainman: that's awesome

Pick8chu: that really is, good for you

Wontonimo: i'm taking credit for popularizing "knights move" thing here. Do it Chainman!

ClockSort: oh, you mean Chainman's Opening?

Wontonimo: Hey Chainman - this video on MCTS is great. He even gives exact calculations so you can make unit tests of it

Chainman: lol

Chainman: I'm doing knight move

Chainman: but I noticed bossoot from silver was doing knight's move as well.

Chainman: I just didn't do it, but try in gold.

Chainman: crap, maybe I'll try to learn mcts, I'm like 965 in gold now :(

Wontonimo: JohnCM - my MCTS bot easily gets to depth 27 with only 3K rollouts

Marchete: 3k rollouts to end?

dbdr: that might be too deep and not wide enough, not enough exploration

Default avatar.png rohrokz:

Scarfield: But less depth means one has to make an effort of making an eval function :p

Wontonimo: dbdr thanks, you are probably correct

dbdr: I suppose the depth only count the tree part. you can still use rollouts to avoid an eval

CouscousAgha: you got this ClockSort

ClockSort: i know lol, it's not close

ClockSort: did you hear about my bug?

Wontonimo: Marchete - yes, 3k rollouts to end on around day 4. Day 1 only 2k.

Wontonimo: i've got some performance issues. it should be around 10-15k

Marchete: linear MCTS?

Marchete: like p1 first sim then p2 sim

Chainman: 3 ms for a turn with just heuristics lol :(

Chainman: so far I look better than my original bot with just addition of knight's move

Wontonimo: 1 player mcts. i may work on DUCT in a few hours

Chainman: I've won 4/4 with knight's move against myself

Chainman: I think it's an improvement

Chainman: okay 6/7 I guess

Wontonimo: it is. my theory is that it encourages growth into your opponents area and is a proxy for avoiding your own shadows of that one tree

AntiSquid: damn, should have done this strategy from day one :/

Chainman: I'm debating to try mcts or just add some search algos.

AntiSquid: fastest rank improvement

Chainman: what AntiSquid?

AntiSquid: random heuristics

Chainman: what's that?

Wontonimo: return actions[ rand()%len(actions) ]

AntiSquid: something that can get you legend Chainman

SirLoxley: Darn :/ I wanted to debug my simulator ... tried to use the offline coding game tool, didn't work and deleted it ... and ended up deleting my simulator, too. Guess that's game over for me. Good luck to all who still compete

Pick8chu: When you guys run on brutaltester, do you fight with your own bot?

Chainman: without search algos?

ddreams: Pick8chu yes

UndercoverToad: yes Pick8chu

UndercoverToad: :D

Wontonimo: oh man , that 's doo bad. SirLoxley !

Pick8chu: I seeee

Pick8chu: ddreams yo!

Pick8chu: morning man

ddreams: or, an older version of the bot

Chainman: git SirLoxley

ddreams: morning, having fun? :)

Pick8chu: I made it work with c++ haha

struct: ok now im a bit more motivated to keep going

Wontonimo: several older versions - so as to not overfit just the last one

struct: lets see if I can get top 20

struct: But cant get a shirt :'(

Wontonimo: go struct go!

AntiSquid: because of what i said struct right ?

Pick8chu: and was working on it but jsut found out that I've been dividing int/int which only gave me 1 or 0

Chainman: lol random heuristics doesn't even make sense

SirLoxley: I am more of a mercurial guy ... anyway that would not have helped me.

AntiSquid: ok what is your best gold rank Chainman ?

Chainman: umm I was 965, but just submitted with knight's move.

Chainman: hopefully break 800 now or something idk

Wontonimo: i think he meant "a heuristic, not anyone one in particular that has been discussed here" Chainman

Scarfield: what is knights move? seeding in "triangles"?

SirLoxley: I still have the compiled binary and an earlier core file. Not sure there's a lot I can do

AntiSquid: so look at my rank and of couirse it doesn't make sense but i am correct Chainman

Chainman: Sure, but I think I need to know what you mean by random heuristics.

Wontonimo: from chess Scarfield, step 2 in line, then one to the side.

Chainman: Cause just using some random heuristic obviously wouldn't work, or choosing random actions.

Wontonimo: basically, not in a straight line from the seeding tree

Chainman: or I'd be doing better right now lol

AntiSquid: from 900 to 440 now :D

Scarfield: yea got it wonto ty :)

Chainman: Scarfield

AntiSquid: 414

AllYourTrees: nice AntiSquid

AntiSquid: 397 lol

Chainman: wow

ddreams: if you're doing really badly, the best strategy is to do the opposite of what you think is good aka. the reverse self-psychology strategy

Marchete: the opposite of bad is worse

AntiSquid: anyways i do agree it doesn't make sense because obviously the game is balanced and favors skill, right right?

Wontonimo: hey AntiSquid, what was your rank before knight move ?

AntiSquid: i don't have knight move

Chainman: you mean me probably

Chainman: I am not doing much better on submit with knight's move, but it was beating my version 6/7 when I tested it.

Marchete: knight move is automatically executed if you eval some kind of shadow alignment

Chainman: I'm still 900 rank

Scarfield: queen move is better obviously, because queen better than knight :p

Chainman: but I'm only 20%

ClockSort: go for pawn move, you might promote

AntiSquid: if (!bfs_mask[seed_idx]) gp->score+=10;

                   else gp->score-=10; Wontonimo

Chainman: all reverse psychology, just play chess

Scarfield: lol clock

Wontonimo: bfs_mask ?

Wontonimo: brute force search mask ?

AntiSquid: don't think about it, just do it

ddreams: Best FriendS mask

Scarfield: breath first Seed

Wontonimo: oh, i'm stupid

Wontonimo: thanks

AntiSquid: damn i have some timeouts for games i should have won :'(

ddreams: AntiSquid I'm getting an error about bfs_mask not defined.. help?

Chainman: lolololololol

Chainman: I have same problem

ClockSort: that's happening to me too

Wontonimo: how long are submits taking now?

struct: they are fast

Chainman: for me I'm 27% in like 5 minutes +

AntiSquid: 9/10 wow that's an amazing start @_@

ddreams: 13% in 10 minutes

struct: mine took around 1 hour?

AntiSquid: hope it keeps up!

Chainman: NameError: name 'bfs_mask' is not defined

CharmyRosewolf: So close to beating gold bot. I don't know if I can take this pain any longer :sob:

Chainman: I tried the random heuristics AntiSquid but I lose 39 - 151 to my bot lol

UndercoverToad: that's significant

Chainman: I do wonder if it is best to take like 5 best moves and just choose randomly

UndercoverToad: why not take the best?

dbdr: might be too good

PRO_G_r_AM_m_ER: will see what this does (hoarding ftw)

ddreams: surprise the opponent

Chainman: lol, nerf the bot, he is too strong

UndercoverToad: right, we don't need a 2nd recurs e. random of top5 is allowed

ddreams: maybe that's his strat

UndercoverToad: not nerfing it? that's not fair

ClockSort: ok i made it into legend

Scarfield: nice!

ClockSort: and i'm still rocking it :scream:

ClockSort: #34 and climbing

UndercoverToad: don't worry, reality will hit you when you fight #1

UndercoverToad: but well done for going that high after promotion

Chainman: whoah congrats ClockSort

ClockSort: i'm weak against bots who stockpile suns

ddreams: nice, cs

ClockSort: @UndercoverToad i had a bug where i let small trees shade big ones. I was top of gold with that bug (!)

ClockSort: fixing that bug launched me, um, very high.

UndercoverToad: that's a horrible bug :D

ClockSort: i know, it's crazy that i won any matches

Chainman: wonderful bug for others though.

struct: its still mcts ClockSort?

ClockSort: @struct yep, duct mcts

kovi: gratz clock, duct has a chance for top20


Chainman: is this duct mcts?

DomiKo: 4.2 yes

UndercoverToad: 4.2 what?

Chainman: section

UndercoverToad: february the 4th?

UndercoverToad: aah, sorry

Smelty: nah, april the second

Smelty: oop

UndercoverToad: somehow I filter links while reading

Scarfield: 1/100 of a good time

ClockSort: i invented duct and then discovered it had a name and then found that paper :P

UndercoverToad: smits needed 2 years to find a paper about it

Scarfield: duct is smitsi?

UndercoverToad: it's not? i didn't read all the details

Scarfield: no idea, havent looked into it

RoboStac: no - smitsi has separate trees per player, duct is one tree

Scarfield: saw da_po call it UCT forest

dbdr: I think there's a paper for what MSmits does too, isn't there

Smelty: wait w0t

MSmits: I'm not sure

RoboStac: yeah, theres a few very similar things. Can't remember the names though

Smelty: yes

UndercoverToad: oh, we summoned him

MSmits: :P

Smelty: h-him?

UndercoverToad: smits is a he

MSmits: did not get around to trying smitsimax in this contest btew

Smelty: he?

Smelty: hmm yes

UndercoverToad: you told me to try it but I never intended to give it a try :(

UndercoverToad: should I feel guilty now?

MSmits: nope

Scarfield: yes!

MSmits: I am not sure if it is worth trying

MSmits: this game has me unsure about everything

CogitoErgoProxy: hi guys i've not undestood how do i recognize a undiagnosed sample from a diagnosed in code4life, do you have hint?

MSmits: err... that's pretty random

MSmits: I understand csb questions, but...

UndercoverToad: score -1 i think

struct: I think its time for an all nighter :D

MSmits: not me, i am quitting in an hour or two i think

MSmits: maybe i'll do some netflix 'n brutaltest (no chill)

struct: maybe ill do some aws and wait

UndercoverToad: maybe my computer has to sleep in the bath tonight

Chainman: hahahaha

Chainman: alright I'm rank in top 800 now in gold. I'm ready for searching.

MSmits: mmh I just wrote opponent prediction beamsearch, integrated into my own beamsearch and I get the same wr.... thats just annoying

MSmits: i mean, if it was much worse... ok, but 50%, wth

UndercoverToad: congrats, for me it got worse

Chainman: how do deal with score when searching moves ahead?

UndercoverToad: yes

Chainman: I'm not sure, do I just add score for a path, and take path with greatest score

Chainman: instead of just choosing next move with greatest score.

Default avatar.png Cruiser18: Is there a way to try some of the Clash Of Code challenges, without actually being pitted against other people?

MSmits: depends on your search Chainman

MSmits: i dont know what you are doing

MSmits: is this a beamsearch?

Chainman: I'm going to be doing a beginner simple search algorithm, maybe prune it to be like beam_search

MSmits: then i dont know what to tell you except yeah you somehow take the best path/highest score

MSmits: searches are all different

Chainman: I think I'm going to be doing beam search lol

MSmits: with that one you take the highest scoring state at the last finished depth level and pick the first move of its path

Chainman: I mean I tried earlier, but gave up on it, and now I have better heuristics.

MSmits: so make sure you can reconstruct the path or at least keep a reference to the move done

Chainman: I had made it too complicated and it was super slow.

Chainman: I see thanks MSmits

MSmits: np

AntiSquid: #366 Chainman

Chainman: nice, still not sure what you did lol

azriel1rf: Now, I'm in Legend!

azriel1rf: in Spring Challenge

AntiSquid: are you looking for a job or you wrote that for fun in your profile azriel1rf ?

azriel1rf: i have no job,,

azriel1rf: is it prohibited to write such thing?

ddreams: no

azriel1rf: ok

AntiSquid: no was about to ask if that's why you were committed to get legend :P

azriel1rf: lol

MSmits: could change it to: *WILL WORK FOR $$$"

azriel1rf: you said it

azriel1rf: i use much time to

azriel1rf: this challenge

aangairbender: wow top1 is so far ahead

MSmits: yep, mostly unbeatable

aangairbender: neural network?

AntiSquid: go NN or go home

MSmits: it is my guess yes

Westicles: opening book+SA+closing book

BrunoFelthes: i won 1 against reCurse, then i realize that he timeout

AntiSquid: no, we are past that question . which algo is it is the question

azriel1rf: learn locally and implement it into code?

MSmits: share with us how to make him timeout :P

LoganWlv: Haha

Kellthazar: Jeez...

Michael_Howard: I'm losing with "-" score in Arena games I win when send game parameters to IDE - is that definitely timeouts?

AntiSquid: Scarfield hi how's it going, what did you do for your bot? :P

ddreams: or crashes

ddreams: or memory limit exceeded

AntiSquid: MSmits beam or mcts ?

Michael_Howard: I don't have a tree :)

ClockSort: @Michael_Howard I am getting the same results

MSmits: beam AntiSquid

Scarfield: hi squiddy, "guided" MC both players UCT for first action

ClockSort: sometimes '-' in battles

Westicles: Is dapo a NN guy?

MSmits: might have tried a different one if i did not spend so much time fixing dumb bugs

Scarfield: rest actions random

Scarfield: sim till end of game

MSmits: Westicles doubt it, he won that sponsored contest without NN

AntiSquid: Westicles why are you asking about him ?

BrunoFelthes: i'm using GA

Westicles: Just wondering if anyone can swoop in and win

MSmits: the only way to do that is to somehow find out what makes re curses bot fail and keep it hidden until the last moment

MSmits: not the way i would want to win though

AntiSquid: probably if the contest prizes were as big as for the private one Westicles

ddreams: lol, did a change that looked good to me just testing losing games without testing it in brutal

ddreams: much better arena rank

ddreams: 36% wins in brutaltester

MSmits: arena is pretty random though

ClockSort: is grow 33 a mistake on round 4 in this game against Mazelcop?

BrunoFelthes: what is the prizes for private contests AntiSquid?

MSmits: check how much your rank increase corresponds with in terms of rating ddreams

MSmits: if it's less than a point, it could just be random

BlitzProg: MCTS being built... looks hard to stabilize

BlitzProg: so far, 0.4ms per rollout but crashes eventually

solistice: someone please kill me

UndercoverToad: it's certainly not optimal ClockSort. but i'm not sure if my bot would even do the same bad action

solistice: been working for hours fixing something and not figuring out why I coulnd't reach gold

UndercoverToad: do you have the input for that turn? i'd want to know what I would do

kovi: talking about surprise - RoboStac is also capable of doing mcts-nn

solistice: saw that I stopped after 1 iteration of Iterative Deepening for testing purposes

UndercoverToad: 1 or 2 days ago he said he's stuck

solistice: so was consantly looking depth 2

ddreams: MSmits is there a way to check what rank I had?

MSmits: no, but i would guess you knew, because you said it was doing better?

ddreams: well, I never broke top 100 before

UndercoverToad: and he's not the guy for last minute surprises. was leading code royale from start to finish

kovi: true

MSmits: robo does not hide I think

Default avatar.png JBM: who does though

BlitzProg: nvm, wasn't reseting action count when rolling, surprised it wasn't crashing earlier lol

BlitzProg: it's... somehow better than my MC so far? that's insane

kovi: i didnt meant hiding, just getting nn ready over a pure/nonheuristic mcts/duct

ClockSort: @UndercoverToad i don't know how to get the input

ClockSort: the reason i play grow33 here is because i'm favoring large trees in a heuristic.

UndercoverToad: i always print stdin directly to stderr

ddreams: Illedan still improving your bot, or do I have a shot at #1 in the country? :)

ClockSort: i think i can just remove that heuristic and rely on mcts

UndercoverToad: then i can copy-paste from the replay info

UndercoverToad: Illedan promised no sleep until he beats me

struct: lol

Chainman: let's go I'm 670 in gold

ClockSort: i am going to try removing all opening heuristics and see if my less-buggy-mcts can outthink them

ddreams: clearly inspired by Harald Hårfagre.. the king who refused to cut his hair until Norway was one kingdom

AntiSquid: is this stuck at 300 ? annoying @_@

Scarfield: i caught up to you againg though, whats your approach squid?

AntiSquid: Chokudai no kensaku arugorizumu

UndercoverToad: new keyboard layout?

ClockSort: ok, i removed my opening, now mcts handles that too.

azriel1rf: chokudai search? (beam search with efficiency to time management)

Scarfield: according to google translate, Chokudai no kensaku arugorizumu = A little sickness

struct: Im using chokudai

struct: I think

azriel1rf: chokudai no kensaku arugorizumu = chokudai's search algorithm

struct: thats the translation?

azriel1rf: yes

AntiSquid: oh it's supposwed to be time efficient? when the width expands too much my bot times out

Scarfield: not according to google translate :p


azriel1rf: no = の = 's kensaku = 検索 = search

azriel1rf: arugorizumu = アルゴリズム = algorithm

ddreams: you may be Japanese, but Scarfield trusts google

AntiSquid: Scarfield look at his location, who do you trust? google or the native speaker?

Scarfield: i believe you, just found it funny it was translated into "a little sickness"

ddreams: well.. when I ask google voice translate to translate "it's martina's birthday and she's very happy" it thinks I'm saying "it's my pen*s birthday and she's very happy"

AntiSquid: you use a vector for it struct or what ?

struct: yes

Scarfield: thats because it always listens, and translates what you are most likely saying :p

AntiSquid: tried anything else ? linked list or somesuch ?

ddreams: I was trying to demonstrate that her mother and I could use google translate to communicate (she's italian)

ddreams: lol

Scarfield: xD

struct: vector is fast enough

struct: I barely use it

struct: I use it like 10 times per turn at most

AntiSquid: maybe i implemented something wrong

struct: maybe I also did :p

Chainman: so basically I kind of have to simulate gamestate in my beam_search, only thing that makes sense.

Default avatar.png Zeph.: .

Chainman: I want to beat gold boss at least once.

Scarfield: thats the point of "searching" Chainman. you look some moves/actions ahead, evaluate the state, pick the move which leads to the most promising state

Chainman: yeah just checking it's my first time.

cegprakash: Chainman just mimic gold boss

Chainman: wasn't sure I was doing too much/unecessary work

Scarfield: important node, if you havent thought about it, assume your opponent is trying to get the best score as well

Scarfield: node = note

Chainman: I like to assume my opponent is bad though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Chainman: Wow recurse is far in lead.

UndercoverToad: he's no fun playing against

DomiKo: top20 is hard now :/

UndercoverToad: fix it

DomiKo: i'm trying :sob:

UndercoverToad: 408 in submit

DomiKo: I can't add any feature to eval that don't break my bot :9

DomiKo: :(

UndercoverToad: been there, dumped eval and started at 0

DomiKo: ehhhh

struct: I think the only way I can climb now is if I had any enemy prediction

struct: I still have 0

ddreams: 408 in submit? is it broken again?

UndercoverToad: top 20 is possible without prediction

struct: :'(

jrke: i won't be in legend another contest again :disappointed:

ddreams: I'm at 73% after two hours :<

UndercoverToad: 56%, 1h 17

jrke: gn

ddreams: perhaps ping thib already?

UndercoverToad: not sure if system problem or sunday business

ClockSort: not sure if sunday problem or system business

UndercoverToad: i have an echo

Default avatar.png Alexiada: y

Default avatar.png Alexiada: h

ddreams: echo off

Default avatar.png Alexiada: salut

dbf: good that I don't need to submit now :) can see that it is not better from 10 games :(

ddreams: just passed Illedan.. I hope he's sleeping already

UndercoverToad: it's 7:43pm for him

Krakenus00: Wow, you were prepared

ddreams: and me

UndercoverToad: and he's online on discord

ddreams: here too

UndercoverToad: i didn't realize you are from Norway too :D

struct: ping him :)

UndercoverToad: thibaud?

ddreams: nooo, let him sleep

struct: Illedan

dbf: or cut his internet cable

struct: ok 14 hours left

UndercoverToad: time to start coding

struct: yes

ddreams: time to completely reimplement everything

struct: its time for clash

struct: I will rush now

struct: my brain is fresh

ddreams: try the escape room?

struct: already did them

UndercoverToad: i did half for a room

Zenoscave: time to fix my eval issues

UndercoverToad: half of*

struct: You didnt like it euler?

UndercoverToad: meh

struct: yeah its not for everyone

struct: I enjoyed it tbf

ddreams: I love real escape rooms

UndercoverToad: i want clear tasks, no riddles where I have to find out what to do

ddreams: zeno, you're throwing away points in the last day

AntiSquid: you didn't see the worst part of it UndercoverToad

Zenoscave: does anyone know who in top 20 uses Beam Search?

struct: im top 30

struct: 31 :(

Zenoscave: with beam?

UndercoverToad: i know that I use beam

kovi: me2

struct: chokudai

casmith789: waiting for all the games played is nailbiting stuff

Zenoscave: how many sims (turn sims not day sims) do you guys finish?

struct: 1.5mill +-

Zenoscave: welp...

Zenoscave: 50K isn't gonna help then

peerdb: 1.5m is insane

ddreams: depends on your eval zeno

ddreams: 50k is sufficient

ClockSort: 1.5m sims??!

Eglerion: I should go switch language. Only at about 2k in PHP :(

Zenoscave: It's absolute trash

UndercoverToad: 40k for me :(

ddreams: 200k for me

ClockSort: in fall 2020 i was getting 150k and it was pretty lean. hard to imagine 1.5 million. are you storing them in an array?

DomiKo: a lot of seeds I guess

UndercoverToad: them = nodes?

ClockSort: yes, the object that contains, for example, the height map

struct: What do you mean array?

Zenoscave: I only allow one seed at a time. Is that not a valid pruning?

struct: I store the states on an array yes for bs

UndercoverToad: big fat static array

Marchete: struct 1.5mill?

Marchete: that's a lot

struct: yes

struct: GameState* Agent::states[3] = {new GameState[1000000], new GameState[1000000], new GameState[1000000]};

struct: GameState* currentStates = &states[0][0]; GameState* nextStates = &states[1][0]; GameState* finishedStates = &states[2][0];

ClockSort: yeah, I use this:

static State STATES[MAX_STATES];

therealbeef: 4.5M in first turn, 500k in regular turns

ClockSort: well i use a vector and alloc on Init, so it goes on the heap

Zenoscave: fix it ClockSort

ClockSort: @Zenoscave what do you mean, what's to fix?

UndercoverToad: first turn will be WAIT, using more time for that sounds useless

struct: my state is 96 bytes

AntiSquid: why not prune some of them lol

ClockSort: pruning takes time

ddreams: UndercoverToad even so, it's nice to have the number

Zenoscave: ClockSort stack tends to be faster here, iirc

peerdb: damn, 96, my state is double that

AntiSquid: anyone successfully transfering the search tree from turn to turn?#

struct: What do you mean by transfering?

UndercoverToad: 136 bytes per state for me

ddreams: rerooting

AntiSquid: first turn i get 330k but that's useless :D

ClockSort: my state is huge, i don't even know how big. it has an array of 37 ints for each height. not the best, ha

ddreams: I get 2.5m first turn

AntiSquid: so what do you do with it afterwards?

ddreams: throw it away of course

struct: array of 37 ints?

Zenoscave: 288 bytes here

struct: oh god

ClockSort: yeah

ddreams: that's how I started too

ClockSort: how do you store heights and check shadows?

ddreams: now I have four uint64_t's

struct: bitboard

ddreams: bitboarding

ClockSort: any reference/link for details?

Zenoscave: struct do you not store forward days of shadows?

AntiSquid: bitset

struct: nope

Zenoscave: trees[player][size] |= 1ul << cellIndex


ddreams: do you cache sun/shadow computations?

ddreams: ?

struct: nope

ddreams: oops, double q

struct: my shadowing takes 10 nanoseconds

struct: so idc

UndercoverToad: what's that zeno?

ddreams: the bitboarding pdf by cameron browne

ClockSort: thank you struct for the link

struct: n+

struct: np*+

jacek: np-complete+

Zenoscave: for clocksort that's a basic bitboard encoding

Scarfield: ClockSort

struct: I could share my bitboard structure

struct: is not amazing but I guess I could

struct: after it ends

struct: I think more people use it anyways

Scarfield: dammit you won struct, even a cleaner link

ClockSort: mcts was so hard to code (my first time) that i haven't spent much focus on making the state lean

ddreams: well, you did beautifully apparently

UndercoverToad: MCTS gets significantly better with more sims

Scarfield: after contest i can recommend clobber for playing with bitboards, probably the simplest game to do that for, or maybe breakthrough

ClockSort: very true @UndercoverToad

struct: I still have time for mcts

struct: but I have no idea how to implement duct

ddreams: how many rollouts did you say you get, clocksort?

ClockSort: roughly 10k from day 4, luckily i often predict the opponent's move and can reuse the tree on the following turn

struct: 10k rollouts is how many sims?

ddreams: 250k?

ClockSort: my rollout is not a full sim. i cheat a lot, for example, don't check seed distances when seeding during rollout

ClockSort: i just let them seed anywhere, it seems to work :grin:

Scarfield: :scream:

UndercoverToad: surprising

struct: o.o

ddreams: I've heard about such shortcuts, but didn't think it'd work here

ClockSort: after midgame the whole board is reachable anyway

kurnevsky: I had ~1500 sims in my mcts :)

struct: ok im gonna implement it

ClockSort: @kurnevsky me too, the O3 optimization helped

ddreams: duct too, kurnevsky?

struct: I have it coded already anyways

kurnevsky: But probably I did something wrong - seems too small :)

ddreams: I coded it up for fall.. perhaps I should try too

kurnevsky: No, I don't use mcts because of this :)

ddreams: aha.. beam search?

kurnevsky: Plain minimax :)

ddreams: nice, didn't think it'd work here

UndercoverToad: even a non-parallel algo where the opponent can move after you?

kurnevsky: Yes.

UndercoverToad: and that huge branching

AntiSquid: read chat history (wiki page) i said anything would work :P

casmith789: finally legend :)

UndercoverToad: i discarded the idea on the first evening already

AntiSquid: gz casmith789

casmith789: ty

UndercoverToad: dbdr still owes us some days of chat history

kurnevsky: I had parallel version but then realized that it actually executed on single core :)

UndercoverToad: and he should lock out the spammers that make the server lag

ddreams: wiki page?

dbdr: easy to say :P

UndercoverToad: with non-parallel I mean sequential (you take a step, then the opponent)

UndercoverToad: dbdr isn't there a setting that you have to approve profiles before they can edit?

Kellthazar: Im watching the alphago documentary to, maybe, have some idea to improve my heuristc XD

kovi: recurse submit

dbdr: yes, that's a good idea

emagnidoc: hello, i m not sure if this is the right place to ask questions but i m having a weird issue where my test cases are green but the test case during submit is not. thx in advance

UndercoverToad: while the game itself is concurrent, not sequential. which made me think that minimax would be too paranoid

ddreams: takes hours for submissions now

UndercoverToad: ping staff again or sit it out?

dbdr: it's a broken reCurse submit I think

struct: do it euler

ddreams: I think pinging staff is worth it

ddreams: costs me nothing

UndercoverToad: your turn this time struct

UndercoverToad: i already did on saturday, you can fully ruin the weekend

struct: lol

kurnevsky: > with non-parallel I mean sequential (you take a step, then the opponent)

Yes, like this :)

struct: ill just wait for some random to ping them

UndercoverToad: only mods can ping @staff

dbf: maybe they have on-call rota and there is a next person already :)

UndercoverToad: submit count is stable around 400

UndercoverToad: i still remember my 1st contest here (HyperSonic) submits on the last day were extremely slow. like 10h

UndercoverToad: servers were crying in pain

Chainman: RIP

Zenoscave: ok 150k sims in 100ms now

UndercoverToad: still 40k :(

UndercoverToad: but heavy eval

Zenoscave: well that's my local number. I'm sure submit will be slower

Zenoscave: 60% timeouts :/

kurnevsky: Is it number of full game evaluations till the end? :)

UndercoverToad: 40k is my number of single actions I can simulate

kovi: 80k heavy eval

Scarfield: i wonder how expensive it is to increment the simcount

Default avatar.png natofp: Why does it make sense to run random algorithm in MCTS instead of using heuristic to evaluate the position?

joelthelion: natofp your heuristic will bias your rollouts and that will make your MCTS miss possible counterplay

UndercoverToad: it's just hard to come up with a good eval. but adding some domain knowledge can still help if done right

joelthelion: I think slightly biasing your rollouts can work, but it's tricky business

ddreams: the number of seed actions vastly outnumber the rest, so

ddreams: I guess you can cheat

Default avatar.png natofp: but how does it make sense in chess for example? most of the games would end in a draw so you should probably eval after some random rounds?

joelthelion: well, MCTS doesn't work too well for chess

kurnevsky: Biased eval should work, at least pachi uses it.

DomiKo: rebless recalc?

DomiKo: now 100% winrate is coming?

reCurse: Trying

Scarfield: looks much better than the prev resubmit :muscle:

UndercoverToad: i got a lucky win vs your last in arena but didn't save it

Scarfield: 100% or delete account?

kovi: i saw it...was thinking to finetune vs. recurse weakness for finals

VizGhar: so its NN right?

reCurse: :zipper_mouth:

kovi: but now im too weak for top3 anyway

Zenoscave: A Magician never reveals his secrets

Zenoscave: their*

UndercoverToad: tuning vs recurse gives you a good boost for each win

ddreams: you had some timeouts?

Zenoscave: if you can tune that is.

UndercoverToad: outweights at least 2 losses vs equally ranked bots

reCurse: I can't do anything about the timeouts

reCurse: Server hiccups are impossible to plan against

ddreams: just use 5% of your cpu to check the clock like me :p

reCurse: Just trying to fix its moments of stupidity

jacek: sidechannel attacks for you eval?

UndercoverToad: you mean the moments where it completely stops playing and loses by 50 points?

reCurse: Among other things

UndercoverToad: does it try to get a high score even? or just win/loss?

reCurse: :zipper_mouth:

UndercoverToad: ok

Astrobytes: nn confirmed :P

UndercoverToad: will you tell tomorrow?

PRO_G_r_AM_m_ER: ok, hope to finally beat silver, omg

reCurse: Sure, trying to stay focused

reCurse: Gonna close chat soon

UndercoverToad: ?disableChat

Zenoscave: ttyl reCurse GL on the 100%

struct: is your goal 100% winrate?

Astrobytes: It'll be a good PM, well done reCurse

reCurse: Minus hiccups yes

Scarfield: yea jebus, you are just being mean at this point :p

reCurse: Sorry

ddreams: sorry not sorry I believe

jacek: hes canadian, the sorry is legit

Scarfield: xD

Astrobytes: :rofl:

reCurse: That man canadians

peerdb: whats PM?

Scarfield: post mortem

peerdb: aah gotchu thanks

Scarfield: or private message in some cases, but not this time :)

ddreams: 100% completed battles now, up to rank 70, even if brutaltester gave 36% wins :o

Zenoscave: which I always thought was a weird nomeclature

Scarfield: ^

peerdb: yeah RIP recurse I guess

Astrobytes: Wonder if the Canadians got the 'sorry' thing from us Scots, we vastly overuse it

ddreams: number of concurrent submits have started to drop, ,nice

Zenoscave: dbdr

ddreams: maybe staff pinging helped

Astrobytes: don't think anyone pinged staff

Zenoscave: I lose 60% of the bottom league. you got a bug

Scarfield: stru ct did i think(?)

struct: nope

Zenoscave: oh Hai mark

ddreams: the toad did, I though

ddreams: t

dbdr: yes Zenoscave? :)

ddreams: maybe not

Astrobytes: Nothing on discord, unless it was in DMs

Zenoscave: you've got a bug. I shouldn't beable to even tie your bot

Zenoscave: Bad search perhaps?

dbdr: that's broad :D

Scarfield: fix it

UndercoverToad: i did not ping staff

ddreams: zeno's bot is optimized to beat dbdr

UndercoverToad: told struct that it's his turn today

Zenoscave: I don't know how to be less broad. just suprised at a win with a test bot that rarely wins

ddreams: ah, right, looks improved anyway

UndercoverToad: and submit count even below 400 again

ddreams: yeah, my last battles suddenly finished too

UndercoverToad: might be just a busy day. it always gets a little slower at the end

UndercoverToad: and start of the contest as well

Scarfield: temperature of server room :thinking:

Zenoscave: is a true skill elo of 9.3 bad ?

Scarfield: that depends

ddreams: val got a win against recurse... time to delete

reCurse: Happier about that loss than some others I saw before

UndercoverToad: 2 points difference and you were on the bottom side

ddreams: some maps are very biased too

UndercoverToad: which I consider at disadvantage

ryoukai: What time does CP update daily?

UndercoverToad: 3am CEST or something like that

UndercoverToad: which would be in 6-7h

Illedan: Hmm, ddreams above me. Ok, can't have this

ryoukai: Thanks

peerdb: Question: Im trying to write a beamsort and to prune my nodes I have to sort them on value somehow. std::sort seems very slow, what are good ways to prune gamestates

ddreams: bring it ;)

UndercoverToad: you can't have me about you either Illedan. do something about it ;)

Zenoscave: I hate having a toad about me

Illedan: I have 4 hours before bed. Wasn't allowed to be tierd tomorrow :D

Astrobytes: zeno :rofl:

UndercoverToad: a toad about you?

UndercoverToad: is that a pun that I don't get?

Astrobytes: UndercoverToad 07:39PM you can't have me about you either

UndercoverToad: :(

Scarfield: xD

Zenoscave: :P

Astrobytes: :D

ddreams: toad doesn't even know what he's saying at this point

Scarfield: MansplainstroBytes

UndercoverToad: my fingers just don't obey me anymore

Zenoscave: I think it's sleeping time toady

Astrobytes: Cat petting time

Chainman: yeah

UndercoverToad: got a version which is 52% to 48% in local

UndercoverToad: no idea how that translates to the arena

Default avatar.png SabertheLost: If the shadowsize is 2, then a tree size 3 get zero? Correct. But I´m looking at a board where blue prints get 17 but on board it should only get 12

ddreams: lol, I have no faith in brutaltesting myself anymore

ddreams: I'm happy I submitted this version without testingit

ddreams: gave me like 50 ranks

peerdb: what is this brutaltest youre talking about?

ddreams: even if brutal said 36% or so wins

UndercoverToad: play offline vs yourself, several games in parallel

ddreams: peerdb a program that pits your bot against itself many times

Chainman: SabertheLost you get sun points at the beginning of the day

akagami101: lol

Scarfield: trees only cast spooky shadows on trees of same size or smaller SabertheLost

Default avatar.png SabertheLost: Chainman. Is that that before or afte the sun is moved?

ddreams: SabertheLost a size 2 tree does not spookyshadow a size 3

Default avatar.png SabertheLost: Is that a change of the rules from the first days?

ddreams: no

Scarfield: no

ddreams: They will find the shadow on a cell spooky if any of the trees casting a shadow is of equal or greater size than the tree on that cell

UndercoverToad: still 200 players missing to hit the count of last contest

Default avatar.png SabertheLost: ah crap another rule that hidden in text. Or was it explained different in the youtube viedo? I think that viedo might done more harm...

Scarfield: "They will find the shadow on a cell spooky if any of the trees casting a shadow is of equal or greater size than the tree on that cell. " last part of Sun & shadows

ddreams: the text really emphasizes the wrong things

Scarfield: ^

Scarfield: yea you have to read carefully

ddreams: Helping the wood spirits are LESSER SPIRITS hiding among all the trees. They will find the shadow on a cell SPOOKY if any of the trees casting a shadow is of equal or greater size than the tree on that cell.

ddreams: the bolding is just misdirection

ddreams: In between each day, the sun MOVES to point towards the next direction

Scarfield: :o didnt even notice

Scarfield: it is hard to write a concise and easy to understand statement though

Default avatar.png SabertheLost: That makes my whole algo bad.

Scarfield: good news, "easy fix" to gain in rank maybe ;)

Default avatar.png SabertheLost: I think I was confused that the distance did not matter and assumed that distance ment also size

Default avatar.png SabertheLost: and no my algo sucks. :)

Scarfield: xD

Default avatar.png SabertheLost: It´s just number of trees shading an square

Scarfield: no no, not the number of trees, only their sizes matters

Chainman: alright, I'm getting 40 ms with a very simple beam search of width=1 and depth = 4 lol. Much better than last time. But I'm also not consider opponent, and not consider shadows yet.

Chainman: I need to count the number of nodes I can get this time.

ddreams: 4 days?

Chainman: nope

Chainman: 4 actions

Chainman: wait and my width was 1

Chainman: wtf, that's sad

ddreams: better compare nodes after wait

ddreams: *for move selection

InternalErrror: Why is the Python Interpreter here still not 3.8 or higher?

InternalErrror: Walrus would be great for Clash of Code shortest mode

struct: its 3.9.2 ?

InternalErrror: no, walrus operator is always marked as invalid syntax

InternalErrror: :=

struct: but does it compile?

InternalErrror: no, syntax error

UndercoverToad: can still work

UndercoverToad: highlighting is not the same version as the language itself

jacek: who needs walrus, sounds pascalic

struct: it compiles

InternalErrror: It's assignment + return the value in one operator

jacek: oh i know! CG needs new language, delphi!

UndercoverToad: that's Pascal in OOP

UndercoverToad: on paradigm that's really missing: Prolog

ZarthaxX: hate prolo

ZarthaxX: g

annaproxy: Yess prolog

UndercoverToad: never tried it

ZarthaxX: used it on uni

ZarthaxX: damn man

UndercoverToad: just saying: we have a lot of OOP, some functional

UndercoverToad: prolog is a thing for itself

struct: whats prolog used for?

CouscousAgha: can i debug print in the console output?

UndercoverToad: prolog is a logic language


UndercoverToad: do you know the Einstein riddle?

struct: true ai?

struct: no

reCurse: Ew prolog

UndercoverToad: where different persons live in houses, have favorite food and nationality, houses have colors

UndercoverToad: you are given a bunch of relations

UndercoverToad: and have to find the actual assignments

UndercoverToad: for prolog you just give the relations and the program will solve it for you


InternalErrror: what now it works

InternalErrror: just one clash ago it didn't

struct: cg staff is fast

struct: they just updated based on feedback

struct: ill check it afte contest euler

ddreams: updated what?

InternalErrror: insert * flash meme *

ddreams: python version?

InternalErrror: yeas

UndercoverToad: obviously struct is trolling

UndercoverToad: * it's sunday

  • nothing here is done that fast

jacek: crashing is done fast

struct: ok i Need to fix my damn bot

ddreams: also changing python version in the just as a contest is finishing :D

struct: I said this 3 hours ago

ddreams: - in the

UndercoverToad: i think i'm making mine worse

UndercoverToad: or i was lucky before

ddreams: doing mcts struct?

struct: no

struct: beam

ddreams: thought you'd test it

struct: Maybe I will

UndercoverToad: top20 or delete

struct: But I dont know duct

struct: and I think i cant understand it

ddreams: I'm trying to get my fall mcts to work

struct: I dont feel like top 20 is realistic

ddreams: delete

struct: maybe on next contest

struct: im safe on this one

jacek: tomorrows contest ends and we can finally go back to clashes, the main point of CG

struct: ok its time for me to close the chat

struct: cya in 12 hours

ddreams: ciao

Donotalo: server becomes so slow during the last 24h of the contests, this is frustrating :(

Donotalo: it takes a lot of time before knowing my new bot's position

Donotalo: why don't CG do anything about it?

DomiKo: what they can do?

Donotalo: may be increase number of servers?

DomiKo: and who will pay for this?

Donotalo: just thinking, as it happens always

Donotalo: ha ha, yea, that's the question

skotz: maybe get some corporate sponsors

Donotalo: in last 4-6 hours, i hesitate to submit any new code because of this slowness

ddreams: I'd pay for it personally

ddreams: cost of joining a contest instead of working for clients is pretty high

skotz: same here so long as it was "support the contest" and not in any way "pay to win"

ddreams: of course

ddreams: just adding some servers during the contest period

UndercoverToad: in the past contests were even sponsored

UndercoverToad: maybe 20 companies. you could select some that may contact you for a job

UndercoverToad: mostly in fr

reCurse: I'm pretty sure you'd need to pay a lot before it starts making a difference

reCurse: Clouds aren't cheap

ddreams: not that expensive either

jacek: you just need to vapor some water. ezpz

darkhorse64: I leave the contest for a long weekend. When I return, the first has a 7 point ELO lead. Is there an anti doping control scheduled for tomorrow ?

Illedan: I would pay for more games through the cg platform for myself

MSmits: they need to monetize us

DomiKo: pay to play?

Illedan: Nah, just for a serious amout of extra games

Astrobytes: darkhorse64 :D

Illedan: Without the new restrictions

Astrobytes: The new restrictions are fking awful

jacek: new restrictions?

MSmits: only for losing cg bench i think. I havent hit the limit just from trying the IDE

Illedan: I hit it the first day

Illedan: when all games were fast

MSmits: hmm, i guess i am slow

struct: I hit during testing

ddreams: I'd pay for everyone to have a better experience.. don't think so many more servers would be needed

darkhorse64: does that counter hiders ?

ddreams: like a 16-core 64gb machine costs like $180 per month

ddreams: err, 180 for 14 days

peerdb: what restrictions?

ddreams: if you play too much in the IDE, you get locked out for a while

peerdb: oh ive never had that happen

peerdb: thanks

Astrobytes: Try tweaking some constants in the IDE and playing matches. Dead in minutes

Illedan: Max 600 a day

ddreams: me neither, but I test mostly locally

peerdb: 600 a day is fine. assume you spend 16 hours here a day (cus im a nerd), its 38 per hour

peerdb: yeah i dont hit that

Astrobytes: There are other limits. Plays per n seconds, minutes, hours

peerdb: ah okay I didnt know

MSmits: btw.. I rammed out my fastest mcts ever.. took me 2hrs, unfortunately it sucked compared to my beamsearch

BlitzProg: Hey MSmits

ZarthaxX: :(

ddreams: how many rollouts did you get?

BlitzProg: I got My MCTS up too lol

MSmits: 12k or so

BlitzProg: oh my god, first turn?

MSmits: no

ddreams: did you try the seed cheat?

MSmits: 2nd turn

MSmits: whats that ddreams

ZarthaxX: talking with the mcts master here BlitzProg what did you expect

ddreams: don't check if it's legal to seed somewhere

MSmits: mmh for use in mcts?

ddreams: yep

BlitzProg: Well I'm expecting at least to not feel so ridiculously bad in comparison lol

struct: a bug that works

struct: ...

MSmits: ah, i gues that might work yes

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: r u guys talking about spring challenge?

BlitzProg: but there I am, with my 330 rollouts turn 2

MSmits: mine was just a SP mcts, not a 2p mcts.

Astrobytes: Yes JudgeAL

BlitzProg: So is mine

MSmits: ah ok

ZarthaxX: MSmits i think that clocks has some good eval, besides using mcts

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: ahh i see, how do u train stuff and upload it?

ZarthaxX: i dont think that's the real magic only

MSmits: yeah, i am not saying that mcts wont work

MSmits: i was hoping it could somehow benefit from not needing a midgame eval

ZarthaxX: you mean *will* work

MSmits: like beam does

ZarthaxX: like super easily

ZarthaxX: ahhhh

ZarthaxX: agree

Astrobytes: JudgeAL: Most of the search algos are online, I suspect there is at least one NN though. For that you need to train offline and embed weights

ddreams: how about beam search until midgame?

ddreams: I call it dream search

MSmits: yeah i have been considering combining multiple searches, but dont have the time anymore

BlitzProg: I am mentally exhausted about all of this, but there's some good news: there are 12 hours left

Astrobytes: I think different searches (or evals) for different stages are appropriate for this

Illedan: I have so many timers in my code :D

Astrobytes: lol

MSmits: maybe i should add some

Illedan: if Day > N if Num3 > K ...

ddreams: lol, the missing piece

ddreams: timers

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: ohh, dang just manually copy and paste weights.

ddreams: why do you call that timers though?

MSmits: because he uses 1 eval until time runs out

MSmits: then uses another

ddreams: oh

reCurse: Losses are often suspiciously bunched together.

reCurse: I think servers are up to something

Illedan: Isn't 80 ms enough to solve that?

reCurse: You think I have milliseconds to spare

reCurse: Besides I've seen jumps in the 30ms

Astrobytes: 30 :o

ddreams: it seems like you can afford a couple of losses without losing rank

Illedan: I think he really wants 100% win :P

ddreams: yeah, jk

BlitzProg: MCTS sounds like it won't help me past legend, I'll see if I can set up a BS with the time I have left

reCurse: Sorry wasn't meant as whining

reCurse: I'm just puzzled at what's going on

ddreams: didn't take it like that, was just jabbing at your complete domination

reCurse: When something's too weird I need to know why

MSmits: jabbing is all we got left reCurse :P

Illedan: :D

Astrobytes: hehehe

Default avatar.png BoBot: has this kind of domination in a contest occurred before? :D

Astrobytes: Yes.

MSmits: mmh i did halfway through a contest once

MSmits: then the other guy caught up and we dominated together

Illedan: :)

MSmits: and i ended 2 :P

Illedan: Which was that?

MSmits: xmas

ZarthaxX: joli 1 rigth

MSmits: yep

Astrobytes: yeah

MSmits: no nn's though

MSmits: this is something else

MSmits: dont think anyone has done this in an official contest here

Illedan: Wont know for sure until recalc

Illedan: Someone might appear

struct: im still hiding

MSmits: we can see you

reCurse: Good thing there's no PS5 on this one

Illedan: haha

Astrobytes: lol

struct: my current bot is from testing phase

ddreams: ps5?

Zenoscave: lol Do you still fear the dapo with this bot?

reCurse: Just saying

MSmits: reCurse didnt you also have a huge lead on ice and fire?

reCurse: Hmm

reCurse: Maybe

MSmits: I think it was +5 for a long time there too

Zenoscave: Ninja remember Ice and Fire?

ClockSort: i'm getting '-' timeouts at random, are others seeing this

MSmits: maybe not at the very end though

reCurse: Yes

NinjaDoggy: I will always remember ice and fire :(

NinjaDoggy: teccles and I were like 0.5 apart fighting for first

NinjaDoggy: and then recurse comes in with a +4 lead or something :(

Illedan: xD

reCurse: See that couldn't happen now

MSmits: yeah thats what i remember

reCurse: I was batching all day

BlitzProg: Maybe I should write another PHP heuristic

Cappefra: recurse you're insane

DomiKo: he always was

NinjaDoggy: nah recurse is noob, not even 42 points :P

ZarthaxX: famous last words :D

NinjaDoggy: ;)

Illedan: It's like the rest of us is not even trying..

Cappefra: Everybody fighting for 0.2 points and there's a bot leading by +7

reCurse: Here's a better way to put it, you have a better life balance

ddreams: uhh..

Cappefra: when did you start with this bot, out of curiosity?

Illedan: I wish that was the tradeoff

reCurse: Day 1

Cappefra: I didn't see your name until like yesterday

ddreams: he was coding in secret

Numby: reCurse when did you do first submission

reCurse: Yesterday

Numby: LOL

ddreams: struggling to get through wood league

Cappefra: hahahaha

reCurse: I was hiding but did zero batch

Numby: that's so stealthy

reCurse: Just FYI

ddreams: truth, but only because servers were basically broken

Default avatar.png JBM: we believe you

NinjaDoggy: zero batch?

ZarthaxX: wow

ddreams: when you say batch, do you mean playing with an alt?

reCurse: Maybe a few hundred of IDE plays total

ZarthaxX: didnt test against anyone??

reCurse: Just to validate it was working

ZarthaxX: beast recurse

Default avatar.png JBM: well that's certainly more than *I* lol

Cappefra: so you submitted in wood 2 with your legend bot

reCurse: Doesn't work

Numby: that's so insane :D

reCurse: In bronze though yeah

Cappefra: ok

Default avatar.png dloukadakis: you can get to gold by playing randomly lol

Numby: did you submit simple bot to get to gold then submit your main directly?

ddreams: you could have detected wood leagues based on trees

Cappefra: did the bronze boss self-destruct after that?

Cappefra: did it say "woah chill bruh, take it easy jeez"

MSmits: ddreams he needs the codespace

MSmits: no fancy unnecessary code

reCurse: Final bot minus a change or two in bronze

reCurse: I encountered something funny

reCurse: But that's a story for another day

NinjaDoggy: hey recurse you should start working on PM now that first is secured :)

reCurse: I did, inspiration is a bit dry though

kovi: rollover in uint8_t score or sun?

Cappefra: whar's pm again?

ddreams: postmortem

Astrobytes: post mortem (report)

reCurse: Oh if it was just rollover

NinjaDoggy: recap of your bot

Cappefra: aah ok lol didn't get the joke

jacek: trollover?

Astrobytes: That is what I call a solid submit reCurse.

NinjaDoggy: whelp he got to 42...

NinjaDoggy: nah recurse is noob not even 42.69 :P

Default avatar.png Vova_s: does anyone know, how the score is calculated?

Astrobytes: lol

ZarthaxX: NinjaDoggy hahahaa

Astrobytes: TrueSkill algo Vova_s

ZarthaxX: astroooo!

Astrobytes: zarthaaaa

ddreams: Illedan resubmits.. let's see

Astrobytes: !

Illedan: Pff

Illedan: Random changes

Illedan: No motivation for 1 week doesn't help :D

Astrobytes: I only went to gold because the Toad insisted

Astrobytes: Was gonna go all in yesterday but, well, yesterday :P

reCurse: I find that hard to believe given your previous statements

reCurse: Did you decide to go all in yesterday today?

Astrobytes: No I got gold the other day

Astrobytes: And I was gonna give up, but was motivated yesterday until the server stuff

1XC: :expressionless:

reCurse: You were motivated? :o

Astrobytes: Just been submitting random crap today

Astrobytes: Not 'motivated' as such. Call it a buoyant enthusiasm.

reCurse: I don't know if it baffles me more

reCurse: :P

Astrobytes: :D

Codechaos: Will the spring challenge be playable after tomorrow? Don't have time to improve my bot any further right now

NinjaDoggy: it will come back as a multi

peerdb: yeah Codechaos, a few hours after it finishes it becomes available again

NinjaDoggy: don't think it's instantly back though?

NinjaDoggy: :O a few hours? :O

Astrobytes: Yeah it will return as a regular multi at some point next day or so

reCurse: Last time it was more or less right after rerun ended

reCurse: If I recall

Astrobytes: Yep.

NinjaDoggy: oh cool

peerdb: yeah after reruns

Codechaos: That's great, thank you!

peerdb: not that I'd know anything about reruns in legend but ye

Illedan: I love how you simply give up when you lose reCurse :O

reCurse: I still do that?

reCurse: FFF

Default avatar.png ashiknur: can we see the source code of top participants?

Illedan: Like you assume I wont do anything stupid lol

Astrobytes: No ashiknur


NinjaDoggy: @illedan nah the bot is just confused because it's never been there ;)

jacek: hm

MSmits: is that a MTG meme?

Astrobytes: ashiknur: there will be post-contest reports though

jacek: maybe

Illedan: Win 1 game in IDE vs re Curse. 10 loss on submit :rocket:

Illedan: :explosion:

reCurse: I give up

reCurse: Also in real life

reCurse: Dunno how to fix that

reCurse: I tried

jacek: oO

Astrobytes: I think you're safe without fixing it. Multi might be a different story.

MSmits: well if you have some codespace and want my beamsearch ? :P

MSmits: it ought to be better than suicide

1XC: I keep getting fast and I hate fast

reCurse: Maybe with more time but now I'm fed up

Astrobytes: Loads of codespace over here MSmits. Beam me up laddie!

NinjaDoggy: recurse missed a win here? :O


Astrobytes: :P

MSmits: lol

NinjaDoggy: max seed = 2 ;)

reCurse: Ok this one pisses me off actually lol

reCurse: God damnit

NinjaDoggy: LOL


Queuebee: sorry wrong chat. I mean. I'm drunk. I mean. Just kidding.

MSmits: count trees like this:

MSmits: int seedCost = __builtin_popcountl(parent.trees[0] & parent.owner);

reCurse: Wait wait wait that game is a complete nonsense

NinjaDoggy: why?

Default avatar.png JBM: that would have been my main question actually

reCurse: It said guaranteed win at the end

Default avatar.png JBM: do you actually "understand" your AI's games?

Illedan: He wrote an AI to understand it..

reCurse: The answer is I try

MSmits: decreasingly less these days JBM, he doesnt need to :P

Default avatar.png JBM: yeah a good position to be in

Queuebee: Oo thanks MSmits

CharmyRosewolf: Okay that's it gold 900+ ftw. I quit!

MSmits: Queuebee thats for a bitboard in c++

NinjaDoggy: reCurse it is guarenteed win... if you plant 1 more seed ;0

peerdb: when doing beamsearch is it better to make the array of gamestates an array of pointers or nah?

CharmyRosewolf: It was fun while it lasted. :D

Default avatar.png BoBot: that looked like a pretty extreme sun point collection by Magus

reCurse: One sec panic debug session

linjoehan: Ok time to start for real

Astrobytes: It certainly was

Astrobytes: BoBot

Magus: extreme sun point collection ?

linjoehan: What's the meta before I begin?

NinjaDoggy: ahh yes the typical 7 point lead panic debug session ;)

Default avatar.png BoBot: havent seen any other bot play like that yet, maybe there are some exploitative opportunities

ddreams: linje: copy recurse's games

RoboStac: it looks like an mcts that knows it's lost so all moves are bad and then lucks into recurse failing to convert

RoboStac: especially given the debug prints

Default avatar.png BoBot: @Magus - your bot was banking 60+ sun points in the shared replay that you drew vs reCurse

kovi: maybe no draw rule

Default avatar.png BoBot: I had not seen that strategy before

Queuebee: Oo reCurse I see you joined the competition

Queuebee: When did that happen

Astrobytes: good spot robo

Default avatar.png BoBot: @RoboStac or that :D

reCurse: Oh. I see.

Magus: My bot only gather maximum of sun because this is the best way to maximize score + sun/3 at the end

Magus: (since reCurse can't COMPLETE a tree before the end, there is no reason for my bot to complete a tree)

reCurse: There was a bug

reCurse: But the game is also a forced draw

DomiKo: :scream:

reCurse: Planting a seed costs 3 energy = 1 less point

reCurse: So... all good I guess?

kovi: 2

kovi: 11-2=9

DomiKo: yeah

reCurse: And I'm a monumental shame

Default avatar.png JBM: why are you almost always red

ddreams: red is closest to recurse than blue, doh

Astrobytes: It's the allergies

Astrobytes: ;)

reCurse: I'm blue on that replay

Default avatar.png JBM: i'm on your curent agent's last battles page

ddreams: jbm, it's completely random

ddreams: on the left means he's always winning

Default avatar.png JBM: oh right

Default avatar.png JBM: i forgot how to read that one

Default avatar.png JBM: thanks ddreams, i needed the readjustment

Illedan: reCurse having 10+ people debugging his games

Astrobytes: How many years JBM... :D

Default avatar.png JBM: too much, and counting

Astrobytes: hehehe

reCurse: I'll only fix that bug if there is another game where it happens

NinjaDoggy: doesn't planting a seed cost 2 there?

Astrobytes: Illedan - you're missing the public debugging/rubber ducking session. Fix it.

reCurse: Yes yes

reCurse: I can't math

NinjaDoggy: because it would be your 3rd seed?

Default avatar.png JBM: ask pb4

Default avatar.png JBM: he's available this time

reCurse: Pruning got a little too aggressive

reCurse: It literally can't seed

ddreams: that's my problem too, keep pruning the winning moves...

peerdb: do you guys prune after each turn or after each day?

Default avatar.png JBM: every chance i get

peerdb: how far do you prune?

reCurse: In his case he may have pruned the contest

peerdb: im pruning my sanity tbf

Astrobytes: I always prune to just above the new bud.

MSmits: well you're a professional

Astrobytes: lol

reCurse: So it turns out my random thought of the other day kinda matters

MSmits: what was that?

reCurse: Assuming you have perfect play (not making implications here, bear with me for this example) and the opponent doesn't

Astrobytes: Which one? You had a few iirc

reCurse: You start in a position solved as a loss

reCurse: How do you play?

MSmits: oh right, i've had some time to think about that as well

MSmits: did not find a solution myself

MSmits: well some imperfect ones

reCurse: I have a weaker variant of that problem I think

Astrobytes: So maximising/drawing out the game length (As in Oware) doesn't work then

MSmits: your bot hasn't learned to discriminate between bad states and really bad states

RoboStac: I've always gone for the move with the most visits as usually that means the loss was hard to solve and maybe they'll miss it. Doesn't really work here as it just ends up spamming seeds

reCurse: But that doesn't mean it's the good way

reCurse: The theroetical best way is what the opponent expects least

RoboStac: yeah

reCurse: But defining that is...

MSmits: what you can do is play the moves that have the most losing replies

Astrobytes: A problem requiring more than 11 days

RoboStac: I guess you'd possibly need to analyze it more like chess where keeping it as complicated as possible (keeping pieces on the board to have more options) is probably better?

Astrobytes: MSmits that was what I was getting at with the Oware comment

RoboStac: though again hard to apply that here

MSmits: yeah

reCurse: Indeed

Default avatar.png Vova_s: you can go for the path that will grant you less difference in points

reCurse: Because some of the maps are god awful

MSmits: Vova_s he might not be measuring points

kurnevsky: There is a dynamic komi technique, but not sure how well it will work here :)

kurnevsky: Allows to maximize score in loosing positions.

RoboStac: yeah, but that probably doesn't maximise winning chances

reCurse: Supervised learning on top 10 maybe lol

reCurse: The contempt NN

MSmits: mmh thats sort of what i do :P

Astrobytes: It might work if the opponent blunders, even to force a draw

MSmits: your best bet is to have a bot so good, it wont get into losing situations

reCurse: See my previous point about god awful maps

ThunderbirdOne: ah, just my luck

ThunderbirdOne: forgot about this comp

Astrobytes: yeah

RoboStac: yeah, but that only works for one of us

ThunderbirdOne: i remember 11hours before it ends

MSmits: right, only one person can have a bot that never loses :)

Astrobytes: Wondered where you went ThunderbirdOne

ThunderbirdOne: haha

reCurse: A swindling AI would be pretty funny

ThunderbirdOne: i got distracted

ThunderbirdOne: and then discord became a thiing

ThunderbirdOne: and life

Chainman: my heuristics doesn't really work with beam search

ThunderbirdOne: haven't really been coding much outside workhours either

Astrobytes: You were fixing your house last time iirc

ThunderbirdOne: aye, ground floor is pretty much done

ThunderbirdOne: saving for all the rest now lulz

ThunderbirdOne: shit is so expensive :')

AntiSquid: hi ThunderbirdOne how's life ?

ThunderbirdOne: pretty good actually

ThunderbirdOne: anything i missed here? :D

AntiSquid: awesome, glad to hear

Astrobytes: haha, nice, you'll get it done eventually

AntiSquid: you missed a lot of frustration imo with this contest, pretty lucky actually to come when it ends :P

ThunderbirdOne: oh lol

ThunderbirdOne: how come?

AntiSquid: it's my opinion .

ThunderbirdOne: lulz

AntiSquid: it's not a fun game imo

ddreams: my frustration was only about the servers

Astrobytes: imo it's the contest that no-one really likes but did it anyway. For me.

ddreams: game was nice enough

ThunderbirdOne: Haven't seen our Russian friend in the chat tonight... (I even forgot his name)

Astrobytes: Personally speaking.

AntiSquid: hah that's me astro .

ddreams: I liked that you could get far without search

ThunderbirdOne: Wood battles are so slow btw

ThunderbirdOne: holy smokes

wlesavo: Astrobytes thats basically summarize my view on this :slight_smile:

AntiSquid: madao is MIA most of the time if that's who you mean

ThunderbirdOne: right, Maddy

ThunderbirdOne: MIA, that's unlike him

ThunderbirdOne: good to see the regulars are still around though

ZarthaxX: hey ThunderbirdOne!!!

AntiSquid: he's usually here before contest starts and then disappears

ZarthaxX: oh wlesavo alive :O

reCurse: We're up to a count of 2

ThunderbirdOne: i havent been here in a year or something

reCurse: Stop it

Astrobytes: wlesavo: I'm glad I have a few supporters of this view lol

ThunderbirdOne: Hiya ZarthaxX!

ZarthaxX: how are you maaaaan

ThunderbirdOne: pretty good, found some spare time and noticed the comp :D might as well

ZarthaxX: doing it?

ThunderbirdOne: i'm just glad people still remember me tbh :')

ZarthaxX: last second legend?

ZarthaxX: cant forget the rocket

ZarthaxX: :)

ThunderbirdOne: going through the first league now :')

ZarthaxX: haha ok

ThunderbirdOne: winning every battle, but its slow so... just waiting

ZarthaxX: rush gold :)

Astrobytes: Count of 2 reCurse?

wlesavo: ZarthaxX i missed first half, and im pretty slow, so yeah, half alive i would say =)

reCurse: Say the name 3 times...

ThunderbirdOne: going to bed in a bit i think... conference next 2 days (digital though)

Astrobytes: reCurse: Ah gotcha :D

Zenoscave: we really should stop pinging the curse

ZarthaxX: wlesavo oh rushing legend?

reCurse: I wasn't worried about that

AntiSquid: reCurse so it's a 3rd time

ZarthaxX: ThunderbirdOne sounds exhausting :P

Astrobytes: No you missed the point

Zenoscave: * <--- point

o <--- my head

ThunderbirdOne: what league is CatBoss btw?

Astrobytes: I'm gold, thanks for asking

reCurse: Most awesome boss name

wlesavo: nah, i gave up on legend, cant improove my beam search anymore, may be ill finish it after reading some pms. top gold is fine

reCurse: Bronze

ThunderbirdOne: oh okay

ThunderbirdOne: hard to get past bronze?

ThunderbirdOne: doable in a couple of hours?

Astrobytes: No and yes

ThunderbirdOne: alright, nvm then :')

Chainman: crap my beam search is way worse than not doing it rn.

Astrobytes: You can definitely get Silver at least

wlesavo: i got gold with completely broken shadows

Astrobytes: I got gold without any shadows

wlesavo: broken worse then none :smiley:

Chainman: what are shadows?

Chainman: :stuck_out_tongue:

wlesavo: anyway, good night, still was quite fun to be around this week

AntiSquid: ThunderbirdOne just throw in a bunch of random conditions, make sure 50% of them are bugged and you will promote easily

ThunderbirdOne: cool cool

ThunderbirdOne: im in Wood 1 now...

Chainman: I did the beam search, but according to my eval, it doesn't know what to do. Like I need to redo my eval completely.

ddreams: Chainman make sure your beamsearch isn't bugged first

Chainman: it's not it's choosing correctly

Astrobytes: gn wlesavo

Chainman: but i had a bunch of if, else in my eval that would depend on if it was the beginning, middle or end of game.

ddreams: when choosing the action, you should only compare full days, not same depths

ddreams: ie. choose best action from wait nodes at same day

ddreams: comparing nodes for different days is not working well

Chainman: oh crap, that's genius I believe, thanks

Chainman: yeah because your heuristics can depend on the day.

Chainman: especially mine.

ddreams: the IDE should have a swap sides button

Ashargin: I've been stuck in top gold for days. Can't find the right heuristics to beat the boss...

ymoukhli: same

ddreams: just fixing bugs and misunderstandings was more than enough to get me past the gold boss

ddreams: was struggling next to it for a long time too

Default avatar.png MomoLand: hey

Default avatar.png MomoLand: any interesting projects out there you doing ?

Chainman: using beam search to beat gold boss?

Numby: So I have consistently this 55ms spike on turn 6 or 7 and I cant figure out what causes it :( I tried timing each of my big functions and sometimes it's one function sometimes its another where the spike occurs. It's also weird that this only happens early in the game

Default avatar.png MomoLand: what gold boss guys ?

PiterYeh: ddreams i with i could send your advice about day nodes to my past self 10 hours in the past. I'll try that now, thanks

Numby: Because of the spike I gotta keep my timeout to 50ms or I go over the limit

ddreams: gl PiterYeh, still time :)

Chainman: the day nodes is key, in fact. I think changing depth to number of days.

ddreams: you can rest when you're dead

Default avatar.png ashiknur: what's this? An error occurred (#407): "You reached the limit of plays for a period of time."

Ashargin: It's pretty self-explanatory

ddreams: means you need to test locally for a bit

Zenoscave: do you order moves in a certain some order?

Chainman: Those who are near beating gold boss do you win sometimes?

Ashargin: Yeah I win like 30% of the time maybe

Ashargin: I'm not sure what I should improve :/

Default avatar.png AeroFufel: Is it possible to make the chat bigger, in a separate page maybe? a hint anybody?

Pduhard-: i was beating gold boss 75% times but was loosing against other top bots, stuck near top 10 for a while before the upgrade which got me legend

ThunderbirdOne: lets see if this gets out of wood 1 :')

Chainman: yeah

Chainman: my eval was giving score according to the day, and the actions, should it be giving score according to the gamestate with beam search?

Chainman: hmmm I think it should work with actions.

Chainman: just want it to look 2 days in advance maybe.

linjoehan: ThunderbirdOne I did movelist[max(movelist.size()-1,1)] to get out of wood

ThunderbirdOne: oh im just upgrading the biggest tree i have enough sun for at this point lol

linjoehan: or was that min no it was min

Illedan: ddreams :)

ddreams: are you coming for me?

Illedan: Above atm, but ranks are very close around us

ddreams: we had one match so far, 152-115

ddreams: I am almost ready to resubmit too

Illedan: :scream:

Illedan: I just yoloed some params

ddreams: I changed nothing, but drastically sped up the algo

ddreams: not sure if that translates into playing strength

Illedan: Depends how you use that speed

ddreams: I'm beam searching for 90ms, so it could help look a bit further

Illedan: True, unless you prune the good moves early :)

ddreams: yeah, I could perhaps widen the beam

Michael_Howard: What's the best tactic for seed wars like this? I mean, it's annoying both sides equally, not sure if I should do anything in particular.

ddreams: well, in the end you won

Michael_Howard: Yeah but it sapped my arena bot's confidence & now he's run out of the Gold top 100 & won't go back.

AndreMarasca: symmetrical game, I thought I was going to get stuck throwing seeds in the middle

Chainman: I don't think you can use beam search if your eval function is scoring actions based only on gamestate day and not the gamestate.

ddreams: why not?

ddreams: day is part of gamestate imo

Default avatar.png ashiknur: I was at 650 in gold and I submitted an upgraded code for a better hope and I tucked at 1235. :persevere:

Chainman: yeah but that is the only thing I'm using from gamestate.

Chainman: it's like my algo sees a really good action on day 3, but there are multiple paths there and it chooses the wrong one.

Chainman: let's say I'm looking 2 days in advance.

Michael_Howard: AndreMarasca yeah kinda kaleidoscopic.

Chainman: normally on day 1 I'd prefer to grow tree to size 2.

Chainman: But it sees that on day 3 there is a equivalent good score for the path that starts with just waiting on day 1 :(

ddreams: why do those have the same score if you think it's worse?

ClockSort: i had that problem in fall2020 challenge. it would see a good state in future and start with a REST action.

ClockSort: my simple solution here was to just break ties in GROW -> COMPLETE -> REST order

Illedan: Why not add value to the beams along the way?

Zenoscave: what do you mean ille?

ddreams: as in longer sequence is better?

Illedan: As in doing something earlier is more score

Zenoscave: got it.

PatrickMcGinnisII: what's recurse's secret?

ddreams: win all the fights

ddreams: sshh

Default avatar.png BoBot: it is obvious by the name, isn't it? ^^

Default avatar.png AeroFufel: A friendship with the tester and an early start )) or kidding ))

ProG_r_aM_m_er: I think he found the finite number of possible actions ;)

ddreams: I find that incredibly hard to balance, Illedan

ddreams: often waiting really is better

ClockSort: you have 1000ms during the first turn, so just explore all possible future game states during it

Astrobytes: *just*

ClockSort: is my bot getting worse or is top-20 getting a lot tougher over the past 6 hours?

Chainman: waiting a lot

Default avatar.png natofp: what is happening if you submit code 5 mins before end of the contest and not all battles are plated?

Default avatar.png natofp: played*

RoboStac: it'll finish playing all the battles

ClockSort: they get plated after deadline

ddreams: you risk it all

Default avatar.png natofp: ok

Default avatar.png natofp: just battles get played right?

Default avatar.png natofp: and after this

Default avatar.png natofp: this will be the final position?

ddreams: I did that in legend once, top 20 or delete yolo, and it just kept timing out and I ended up at the very bottom

Default avatar.png BoBot: you might win the contest with 100% winrate ^^

Default avatar.png natofp: xD

RoboStac: yes (there are some extra battles played between the top 100 in legend once all bots have finished)

Default avatar.png natofp: so there is a cutoff

Default avatar.png natofp: like

Default avatar.png natofp: > 100 players are fixed

Default avatar.png natofp: and <= 100 players are playing to permute their order possibly?

RoboStac: I'm not actually sure what the rules are on the 100 boundary

ProG_r_aM_m_er: when i beat silver, i already beat half of gold

RoboStac: my guess is if you are just outside the top 100 your score is still affected as you can be used as an opponent

ClockSort: @PRO_G_r_AM_m_ER when i beat gold boss, i also beat 70% of legend too :P

ProG_r_aM_m_er: if you play against yourself and you sometimes win/loose, in the beginning shadows determine victory

ProG_r_aM_m_er: yeah, well maybe in the future I will have more time and better strategies to work out

Chainman: interesting, it thinks I can grow infinite times on my second turn.

ClockSort: maybe it is right

Illedan: Cached the cost?

ddreams: forgot to set it to dormant

ddreams: early on I found I planted several seeds at the same location.. forgot to mark it as taken in the anytrees-bitboard

Chainman: yeah I forgot the dormant

Chainman: and my generator is generating impossible moves

Illedan: The feeling when you hit play limit while tweaking some param on the last night -.-

Illedan: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Chainman: couple o' bugs up in here.

Chainman: ooooh no

ddreams: that's crap illedan

Astrobytes: Param tweaking in IDE pissed me off sooooooooooooooo much this contest

Illedan: Yeah

ddreams: is it allowed to share bot executables?

Zenoscave: I don't think so ddreams

Astrobytes: And it was introduced before it too. I thought I was going nuts when I was tweaking my other multi bots

ddreams: don't see how that is cheating though

Astrobytes: Between users I suppose ddreams but not publicly

Astrobytes: And not during contest I'd say

Zenoscave: and definitely not the source. just the binary

Zenoscave: Although that doesn't stop decompilation i guess

Astrobytes: ^

ddreams: yeah, would be a stripped binary

Astrobytes: Yeah, after contest that would be fine imo

ProG_r_aM_m_er: vs random growing for gold bot :D

ddreams: after contest you could share code I guess

Astrobytes: No

Zenoscave: No, Never code.

Astrobytes: Snippets yes

Zenoscave: This isn't commonly allowed in competitive code. Snippets are ok, like astro says

Zenoscave: as long as it isn't too much

ddreams: but streaming is encouraged tho?

Zenoscave: For lower leagues.

Astrobytes: Unless it's legend

Zenoscave: You'll note many streams stop at gold at the very most

Astrobytes: OR high gold etc

Chainman: I want to see recurse stream :innocent:

Astrobytes: He has one on youtube

Zenoscave: after locam i doubt that'll happen lol

Astrobytes: There was definitely not another stream about another game that isn't available.

Chainman: I need to watch some videos and stream after contest actually to learn.

ddreams: I want to see him stream while coding his bronze bot

Illedan: I learnt more from streaming than watching streams :P

Chainman: what is locam?

ddreams: Can you elaborate, Illedan?

Numby: viewers give you tips?


Illedan: I watched my own streams to learn more about myself

Chainman: he has two videos

ddreams: that's an answer I didn't expect

ddreams: what did you learn?

Illedan: About my problem solving skills while under pressure of the stream. And how I tackle it. And about my english speaking

Zenoscave: I remember your english was great from my pov.

Zenoscave: despite mic problems ;)

Illedan: shhh

Astrobytes: Tbh Illedan, your English speaking has been rather excellent. Volume skills however....

Zenoscave: now help my stupid eval

Illedan: Yeah, don't get me started on this new Mic i bought which is no good

Astrobytes: -3suns

Zenoscave: I swear the moment I get a good eval. top 20

Zenoscave: it'll be on next sunday

Illedan: I wish

Illedan: I guess I'll accept 2nd NO :(

theycallmedavid: End of game 100 50.00% 50.00%

Astrobytes: Weird game. I still don't like it.

ddreams: just wait until I submit my new bot and destroy myself

Illedan: ^^

Astrobytes: lol

Zenoscave: The same bot I submit varies from 100-200

Zenoscave: there are only 200 in Legend btw

ddreams: ok, I'm submitting.. how long does it take for a run now?

Zenoscave: about an hour

Zenoscave: My guess

Astrobytes: There is always that effect though zeno. Gold and legend, every contest.

Zenoscave: That wide of variance though?

ClockSort: a quarter of a run is good enough to get placement if you aren't near the top

ddreams: here goes then

Astrobytes: With many active submits possibly

ddreams: only 340 now

ddreams: so going down

Illedan: Night time is upon us

Illedan: And I was supposed to go to bed 40 min ago

ddreams: 5 out of 10 initial battles

Chainman: I hope to get top 300 sooon

ddreams: no sleep until you beat euler, remember

Zenoscave: 3/ 10 :/

Illedan: I gave that up last sunday :P

Illedan: But I can't accept 2nd NO. So here I am

Astrobytes: The duties of life Illedan

ddreams: hehe, you're 1st now

Illedan: But this blocked IDE games will kill me

ddreams: enjoy it

Illedan: Screenshotted, printed and put on my wall

CouscousAgha: what could happen if the timer hits 0 and someone is still submitting

ddreams: we're almost as many competitors as from italy

Zenoscave: CouscousAgha you're immediately hated

CouscousAgha: how so

Chainman: lol

Zenoscave: It won't let the legend rerun until all submits complete

Astrobytes: ^

Zenoscave: And pray no one knows your address if you submit last second in gold near top

Astrobytes: hehehe

Zenoscave: Because that could mean a promotion and re submit in legend

CouscousAgha: all legends will automatically resubmit?

Zenoscave: Of course I aim to do this every time. top 100 legends get a re-ranking

emagnidoc: hello guys, how can i approve a contribution from another user?

Astrobytes: Yes. After the submits finish, the top 100 recalc

Zenoscave: be a higher level emagnidoc

Whatar: lvl 20 required

Zenoscave: to keep from spam

RoboStac: you can approve clashes after 50 public clashes can't you?

emagnidoc: okay, thanks ... i was just wondering because i have the quest ... but couldnt find a way to solve it

Astrobytes: Something like that yeah RoboStac

Zenoscave: I think so

Whatar: but you also need to be lvl 20 I think

RoboStac: no, lvl 20 for puzzles

RoboStac: 50 public clashes for clash

Whatar: oh, ok, so I should be able to do it

Whatar: let me check

emagnidoc: @Whatar ... its the blue branch on the bottom right

Zenoscave: emagnidoc just don't approve crap to complete a quest.

Zenoscave: Put effort into finding a good one

Astrobytes: Looks like Smits gave up, unless he has something up his proverbial sleeve. What about you RoboStac?

Whatar: I don't have the button to approve it

emagnidoc: @Whatar .. .same here thats why i was asking

ddreams: looks like my new and improved bot is getting beat

Whatar: oh, probably because its wip

Whatar: let me search better

RoboStac: Whatar - are you sure its not wip?

RoboStac: ah

RoboStac: ?

Astrobytes: Standard procedure for CG bots ddreams :)

RoboStac: I'm just trying random things to try and get back into the top 20 Astrobytes

RoboStac: though its so slow I've no idea what is really happening

cegprakash: someone plz share me a replay between me and Robostac

cegprakash: someone in legend

RoboStac: you aren't ranked high enough for me to find you

Astrobytes: Fair. It's been ridiculously slow this time around.

Astrobytes: It's not just me is it?

RoboStac: I gave up on my rewritten version and went back to wednesdays version as I couldn't make duct work

linjoehan: I've never been able to get duct to work

Whatar: any Idea on what my bot is doing wrong?


linjoehan: well not fast enough to work

Chainman: I think I'm gonig to call it quites on beam search

Chainman: wth

Astrobytes: Whatar: Firstly - it's losing. That's the wrong thing to do :P

ddreams: I agree with Astro here

ddreams: Stop doing that

Whatar: True Astro

Whatar: but that, I don't know how to fix

Illedan: I'm off. GG everyone. Cya next contest ^^ :)

Astrobytes: Honestly, count me out of serious discussions right now. My brain hurts :D

Chainman: bye

ddreams: gn illedan

Whatar: gg

Chainman: I think Whatar you were close though

Default avatar.png sasquatch: Question for someone in legendary. How do I get to play MiyazaBoss in the gold league? My best bot ranks about 50th in gold

Astrobytes: see ya next week Illedan :)

Chainman: have good dreams illedan

Chainman: dream of your bot winning

ddreams: get to top 5 or so sasquatch

RoboStac: Whatar - you gather less sun on 17 of 24 days

Default avatar.png sasquatch: I see! Thanks ddreams

RoboStac: mostly only by 1/2 (though day 12 is 9 vs 17) but it adds up

ddreams: oh right, I removed all my move pruning as an experiment

Whatar: yeah, my fat totoro tells me the difference in sun gains and I am a lot negative by the end of the match

ddreams: is there any time it's better not to complete first thing in a round?

ddreams: maybe if there's a seed location competition

RoboStac: if you wait till opponent is asleep you might be able to get multiple nutrient bonuses in a row

ddreams: you think the opponent decides to complete if you do it first thing in a round?

ddreams: clocksort resubmitting too, I see

ddreams: 6/10 initial battles this time

ClockSort: i think i'm making my bot worse with every iteration :sweat_smile:

ddreams: I wonder why the game doesn't start you with 0 trees...

ddreams: instead we have this asymmetric hell

reCurse: How would that solve symmetry

ClockSort: yeah @ddreams it's an unfair start

reCurse: You'd end up with a PR1 situation

reCurse: Nobody wants PR1

ClockSort: but you have to start somerwhere

ddreams: pr1?

ClockSort: what's PR1?

reCurse: Pacific Rift 1

elderlybeginner: should be at lease rabbit round

elderlybeginner: least

ClockSort: not familiar with that situation

Magus: Platinum Rift 1 ?

reCurse: lol

reCurse: Yes sorry

reCurse: Mind went to strange place

ddreams: it's impossible to get started?

ddreams: if both players want the same starting spots

reCurse: Everyone places on the best spot so you either have to suffer instant defeat or compromise to a worse position

ddreams: right

reCurse: There is no solving for symmetry with this game design

reCurse: You need a new game

Magus: PR1 is a 1v1v1v1 game and suffers a lot from "shifumi" games. Like if another player wants to spawn at the same place as you; you just lose the game and you can't do anything about it.

ClockSort: yeah the sun is screwy, literally

ddreams: yeah, that sucks more than this

reCurse: PR1 had the same issue in 1v1

PatrickMcGinnisII: recurse skips a seed to avoid a bad position, and next turn seeds next to a tree he's gonna complete...i';m like wtf

ddreams: all battles run twice on the same map then?

reCurse: Yes that would be the alternative

reCurse: However it costs more

reCurse: They used to do that

reCurse: But that makes everything twice as slow

reCurse: You want 2x slower submit?

ClockSort: sign me up

ddreams: Yes, and more servers

Astrobytes: You were simply being very Pacific reCurse

reCurse: I think my mind was on Pacific Rim

reCurse: Not sure why

Astrobytes: woo chat scroll, sorry

Astrobytes: Yes, looks that way

elderlybeginner: why it's makes submits x2 slower? Amount of fights could be the same

reCurse: Maybe some inner need to have giant robots smash giant aliens

Astrobytes: Never a bad thing imo

reCurse: No because the result of a pair of games still counts as one game

ddreams: why?

reCurse: You need 2 games to determine the final result

RoboStac: either way it still only gives you 45 opponents instead of 90 so the rankings will be much less stable

reCurse: Well I guess that's the crappier alternative

ddreams: I think adding a few servers seem like a good solution

PatrickMcGinnisII: I'm unstable, I'm 1/2 the square of the root of the 2nd participle away from death by analysis

Astrobytes: I think you should tell CG this ddreams.

ddreams: Like joining this contest has cost me maybe $10-15k

Astrobytes: ?

Whatar: healthcare?

ddreams: not working for money

PatrickMcGinnisII: google ads, rofl..i have no idea

ddreams: my clients pay me a lot

PatrickMcGinnisII: norwegians have OnlyFans?

Astrobytes: Welllll.... I see your point. But... fun needs no repayment

linjoehan: lol joining this contest has cost me sleep

Westicles: ddreams, you dance on the webcam too?

ddreams: yeah, but I'm totally willing to pay for a bit of server time

ddreams: Westicles when I forget they are watching

Astrobytes: I'm with you on that yeah

Chainman: :sweat_smile:

linjoehan: Ok first version of sim complete now where is that MCTS... just copy and paste and it should all work...

Chainman: nice, I think I'm giving up on beam search, it's too hard for me.

Chainman: I need to read/learn more

PatrickMcGinnisII: My daughter is suggesting we play Minecraft, why does that sound less insane than poking wood sprites with hot pokers

Chainman: hmmmmmm

Astrobytes: Anyways, I'm outta here. Well done and good luck wherever it applies

Astrobytes: RoboStac: submit looks good

PatrickMcGinnisII: glhf Astrobytes

ddreams: ciao astro

Chainman: have a good on

Chainman: one*

RoboStac: Chainman - hypersonic is a good beam search game that is quite a bit simpler (no turn/day complexities) if you want to try it somewhere easier

Westicles: Hah, look at tbali going for the language badge in objC

DomiKo: or Fall Challange

Chainman: okay thanks,

Chainman: I think I need a simpler game yeah for starting.

Westicles: And pardouin for clojure

Westicles: Looks like Bash is the easiest one to go for now

ddreams: what about pascal?

Westicles: Some guy has gold already

cegprakash: wth

cegprakash: I started to win boss locally

cegprakash: legend?

ddreams: gl

cegprakash: added 1 flag in constructor

cegprakash: and that's changing my win rate drastically

cegprakash: wth

linjoehan: Man my MCTS only completes 25 games in time. Plan B then.

ClockSort: get really lucky.

solistice: ugggggh 7th in silver

solistice: would really love to hit gold

ddreams: share a replay, sol


ddreams: what immediately stands out is that you're shadowing yourself a lot

Whatar: yeah, even just planting your trees one block away can bring improvements

Whatar: one more I mean

Whatar: but if you can avoid shadowing yourself entierly, that would be good

elderlybeginner: solistice the main rule is not to seed in the line

ddreams: yeah, but just looking the neighbors of a seed if you have any trees there would probably improve it a lot

ddreams: like whatar said

ddreams: it's not so hard to go further, but...

ClockSort: my MCTS has a problem when the opponent has 50 suns. it's not lucky enough to try the sequence where none are spent, so it thinks it is winning even when it will lose by a hoarding-sun opponent. any suggestions?

Bozo: for those who implemented a MC tree search, what is its max depth ? just out of curiosity

ClockSort: @Bozo i play to endgame

Bozo: nice

ddreams: ClockSort give a boost to wait actions?

Bozo: my tree search is not a MC, and is quite short depth

Bozo: its a shame, i didn't know MC before tonight

Bozo: ;-)

ddreams: or ensure runs where no complete actions are taken until last day perhaps

JohnCM: clocksort you can artificially increase the explore portion of the no action component in end game turns (day 19-24)

ClockSort: :bulb:

JohnCM: or if the opponent has no lvl 3 trees remaining, then give a huge boost to the explore component of the wait action

JohnCM: cause typically ppl cash out all their trees they're not going to build new ones already

ddreams: hoarders typically have many level 3 trees though

JohnCM: haha then this strat doesn't really work

are there a lot of hoarders in legend?

JohnCM: cause in gold it is typically the fast cash out strategy

ClockSort: when i am the opponent then everybody is a hoarder

ClockSort: i cash out so fast that you must hoard to win :D

ddreams: yeah, you probably induce it by grabbing all the nutrients

ddreams: I think I finally found an actual eval improvement

cegprakash: timer is red

cegprakash: I'm doomed

ddreams: still 8 hours, come on

ddreams: lol Westicles

ddreams: going for pascal

PatrickMcGinnisII: finally beat the darn gold boss

ClockSort: congrats @PatrickMcGinnisII !!

ddreams: grats :)

ddreams: just in time

PatrickMcGinnisII: only once gheesh

PatrickMcGinnisII: be back later, groceries

PatrickMcGinnisII: tx tho

Westicles: ddreams, I'll have to settle for top3, I don't have a silver

ddreams: I wonder why I have a top 3 in a language ranking

solistice: will cobol ever be supported?

solistice: just asking for a friend

sgalasso: How the hell is it possible that some bot manage to have a good base score AND cumulate sun at endgame, just how

ddreams: lots of sun I guess

sgalasso: Yes i know, but I mean my algo try to use optimaly sun I ahve during the match, theirs do it plus they accumuate x) I have no clue about how they do it

ddreams: compare how much sun you and they have accumulated on the first complete

sgalasso: almost same, it's mainly at the endgame

ddreams: when does it start to differ?

sgalasso: ~17 in average I would say

ddreams: perhaps you're undervaluing the bonus values for score

solistice: sweet, I'm gonna reach gold! :D thanks for the neighbor seed tip!

ddreams: hard to guess

ddreams: np

peerdb: well, here goes nothing! lets push

.TN: ssa

.TN: hello

AlexanderGuk: where top players usually post their PMs? would like to read some

ddreams: forum

AlexanderGuk: just as replies to some admin thread after the contest?

ddreams: for example

AlexanderGuk: cool, thank you!

theycallmedavid: I'm getting better at beating myself. I wonder if it will work on others too.

aCat: yes

aCat: they will be better at beating you too

peerdb: :sad:

theycallmedavid: Yes, against the boss that is exactly what happens

struct: hello

struct: im back for the all nighter

struct: :'(

ddreams: then there's two of us

ddreams: I wish my improvements actually improved things

struct: ping me if any action is needed in chat

struct: it will be minimized

ddreams: you got a plan?

struct: a plan?

ddreams: for the last 7 hours

struct: nope

struct: :D

ddreams: spamming tweaks until the IDE locks you out?

struct: im not using ide to test stuff

struct: I run it localy

ddreams: I gave up trying mcts when I thought I saw some eval improvements

ddreams: but they don't pan out

Lucky30_: i am tired, and tomorrow i have an interview, should i keep going with the contest, or just give up

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: this contest prly wont pay ya friend :P

ddreams: clearly the best option to bomb the interview because you were so passionate about coding

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: lol

peerdb: submit you contest code for the interview

Lucky30_: hhhhhh

Lucky30_: you guys sure now how to cheer up someone

Lucky30_: i guess i could try my luck at legend after the contest

ddreams: if you were in top gold, I'd probably have stayed if I were you :)

Lucky30_: 764 gold =>top 1 does not sound like possible right now

cegprakash: I am unable to test in local arena code against boss it automatically switches to IDE code

ddreams: but you're probably quite far off

cegprakash: is it a feature or a bug

ddreams: maybe you're pushing replay in same conditions

cegprakash: yes

ddreams: same conditions include the players

peerdb: ^^

cegprakash: I want to test under same conditions with arena bot

cegprakash: :(

peerdb: you can save the seed

ddreams: then go to options and choose manual

Lucky30_: anyways, i tryed hard in this contest, but not hard enought, next time i will do better

Lucky30_: goodluck everyone

ddreams: gl to you in your interview too

Lucky30_: thanks ddreams

Default avatar.png stefan-gg: im so stuck in silver do you guys have any general tips ?

ddreams: don't seed next to your own trees

peerdb: gl everyone, might check in in the morning, but i need some sleep

Default avatar.png stefan-gg: is it worth to occupy the green area early on ?

ddreams: no, it gets shaded a lot

peerdb: it can be stefan-gg, but most importantly, space your trees evenly throught the board

cegprakash: I'm at 40 points in gold and boss is at 47.. is there anything amazing I can do to get 7 points :P

peerdb: pay thibaud

ddreams: win 100% of your fights

ddreams: that's be amazing

ddreams: and give you 7 points or more

Default avatar.png stefan-gg: yea you are right but this is my first competiton so i was kinda scared a little bit

peerdb: cegprakash is it just me or are top 150 gold mostly 50-50

cegprakash: ddreams funny

cegprakash: I'll laugh after contest

ddreams: :)

AllYourTrees: omg i copied recurses strategy and have won first 18 games of submit in gold :O

ddreams: what's his strategy again?

AllYourTrees: my previous best was 500 in gold lol

PRO_G_r_AM_m_ER: what is his strategy :D ?

Pick8chu: yeah what's his?

Numby: teach us to copy

AllYourTrees: watch his games :)

AllYourTrees: aww i lost some, maybe not a perfect copy haha

Pick8chu: he barely put seeds on the middle

ProG_r_aM_m_er: I think I cannot improve my code anymore top 400 good enough for my if then else code

Numby: i could use some good if-else for my pruning right now

AllYourTrees: ya i gave up on my approach

ddreams: it's not a dumb idea

CouscousAgha: my if then code made it to top 115 legend

struct: nice

CouscousAgha: im satisfied with that

AllYourTrees: nice!!

Pick8chu: you made your if then to top 115?

Pick8chu: that's really impressive

CouscousAgha: yes

Numby: teach us heuristics :D

CouscousAgha: and this is my first coding game challenge ever

CouscousAgha: Numby notebook and a pen

CouscousAgha: and start brainstorming

CouscousAgha: you will notice a pattern and just prototype it

CouscousAgha: notice repeated processes

CouscousAgha: turn them into functions

CouscousAgha: test and see what u did wrong

CouscousAgha: and repeat

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: ok, here towards the end. Who cares about highest elo. Who has the most dubmits. Ik its not me with a measley 80

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: *submits

ddreams: 26 submits

KelvinAndHubbles: ... 149

struct: 27

AllYourTrees: wow this might actually do it

codingWhale: Congrats. :)

AllYourTrees: OMG last battle was loss against boss but IT DID IT

Default avatar.png Cjx_1: <3 big grats friend

ddreams: gz

struct: grats

Queuebee: allyourtrees

Queuebee: congratz!

AllYourTrees: tyty!!

CouscousAgha: congrats!

Queuebee: nice name for this challange :P

CouscousAgha: welcome to legend

AllYourTrees: haha i may or may not have changed my name just for it :D

AllYourTrees: ty CouscousAgha

cegprakash: AllYourTrees what did u add

AllYourTrees: i copied reCurse's strategy as best I could >.>

cegprakash: oh come on :P

cegprakash: now plz share a replay

cegprakash: with me vs recurse

ddreams: lol Illedan sneaky resubmits


ddreams: not bad

BrunoFelthes: Are you using search, or most of heuristics AllYourTrees?

AllYourTrees: only heuristics

struct: bruno any progress?

AllYourTrees: well theres some rules that require a check of next round

AllYourTrees: idk if you consider that search BrunoFelthes

ddreams: that's still heuristics imo

AllYourTrees: fair

cegprakash: AllYourTrees plz give a replay me vs recurse

AllYourTrees: i linked above cegprakash!

cegprakash: that's u vs recurse

AllYourTrees: oh wait what do you want?

AllYourTrees: ohhh yourself

Westicles: cegprakash whatever joke you are making, we don't get it

cegprakash: yes me vs recurse

cegprakash: choose me in the IDE


AllYourTrees: cegprakash ^

cegprakash: thx

Queuebee: How did you get that O_o

AllYourTrees: i guess you can play 2 players that aren't yourself in the web ide Queuebee

BrunoFelthes: no struct, i didnt work today

ZarthaxX: gave up bruno?

CouscousAgha: cegprakash you should work on your seeds

BrunoFelthes: sort of it... i was trying to do a MCTS, but the GC killed me

struct: bruno you dont like c++?

ZarthaxX: :(

BrunoFelthes: no... i tried to learn rust, but i m not confortable with it yet

Numby: I had same issue and had to do rediculous things with a pool of nodes and copying into existing nodes

ddreams: it's not such a big step from C# to C++

AllYourTrees: rust MCTS is a pain

Numby: But it's not very good cuz of all the extra crap I put in

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: hi guys

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: hello world

struct: hi

AllYourTrees: :wave:

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: hi struct and AllYourTrees

struct: my ears :scream:

ddreams: pinging with headphones?

struct: yes

CouscousAgha: alright i guess that's it for me

CouscousAgha: this week was a rollercoaster but im proud of my accomplishments

CouscousAgha: see you in the next time boys and gals

CouscousAgha: thank you for hosting this contest!

AllYourTrees: cyas CouscousAgha! nice work!

AllYourTrees: don't forget to read the post mortems CouscousAgha

CouscousAgha: oh where and when should I expect that ? AllYourTrees

ddreams: the forum

AllYourTrees: ppl post their approaches on the forum in the days after it ends

ddreams: most of the top players explain what they did

CouscousAgha: idk if im eligible enough to do one myself

AllYourTrees: oh anyone can, ppl in gold/silver/legend all post

Numby: where do people post

ddreams: even bronze

AllYourTrees: i think they usually email out the forum link

BlitzProg: I'll definitively put one to write how ashamed I am of my performance

struct: any changes I do, do nothing :(

ddreams: I'm following in All_YourTrees' footsteps and copying rules from the cursed

eulerscheZahl: happy 4am

Queuebee: No u

struct: hi euler

AllYourTrees: nice ddreams :D

ZarthaxX: hey toad

CouscousAgha: where's the gold boss at now?

codingWhale: And I thought, you go to bed to a proper time, e... :upside_down:

struct: I wont go to sleep until I get legend

ddreams: you know how old people wake up in the middle of the night?

ZarthaxX: struct but :P

CouscousAgha: struct arent you top 50? lol

AllYourTrees: drink a lot of water before you fall asleep?

struct: im 51th

struct: not good enough

struct: I wanted top 50

eulerscheZahl: i do codingWhale. getting up is another story

struct: oh im 50

struct: bye gn

AllYourTrees: lol!

CouscousAgha: LMAO

codingWhale: Wow, that's impressive. :)

CouscousAgha: well u will get a rerun so dw

ZarthaxX: there will be a rerun struct :D

Queuebee: what's a rerun

struct: Tshirt is so close

struct: yet so far :(

CouscousAgha: u might keep the top 50 as well as lose it!

ZarthaxX: rerun started from actual positions tho right?

eulerscheZahl: in my bed right now. with laptop

struct: yes ZarthaxX

ZarthaxX: struct 30 ranks lmao

struct: euler send help

ZarthaxX: so there is no chance to get top 20 from top 50 structo

Westicles: maybe pb 4 will push you

BlitzProg: I feel tired and a bit sick, but there's 6 hours left

struct: 6 hours is enough time

struct: I could have writen my current bot in that time

ZarthaxX: :rofl:

BlitzProg: And that's what I'm doing

ddreams: rewriting struct's bot?

ddreams: hm

struct: no lol

eulerscheZahl: will this be another BlitzProg story about trying to get legend the last night?

eulerscheZahl: you always write these as your post mortems

struct: euler I even rented aws machine

struct: to test lol

AllYourTrees: :O

BlitzProg: I have very low hopes at this point, but I'm not giving up until I'm absolutely sure I have tried everything

Default avatar.png actualCoderTrevor: lol I considered that

eulerscheZahl: but you are a MS guy

eulerscheZahl: no azure?

VincentBab: Stop improving your magic numbers guys, let me have that tshirt please :P

struct: I never used any of them

eulerscheZahl: never

struct: I just picked one randomly

CouscousAgha: I just noticed im the 10th c# player

ddreams: how much did it cost you?

CouscousAgha: do i get anything for that?

BlitzProg: If this heuristic bot doesn't get me back top 200 gold, then I know nothing else was possible for me

struct: the aws machine im using is using windows server so

struct: ddreams no idea lol

struct: pricing calculator was saying 0.5$ an hour

Numby: is it possible to play in IDE vs someone from different league?

Numby: like to test your gold bot vs the legends

BlitzProg: legend can test vs gold, but not the other way around

Westicles: CouscousAgha, you get +50 xp

AllYourTrees: who do you want to play against Numby?

ddreams: ok, so a cheap one

CouscousAgha: Numby you can only test vs top 1000 of your league /and league below u if there are less than 1000 in your league

struct: its 16 threads

ddreams: well, $12 per day

struct: yeah

Numby: I

struct: But I rented i only used it today

Numby: I'd test vs reCurse

struct: on last hours

Numby: :D

CouscousAgha: u want a test vs recurse?

Default avatar.png actualCoderTrevor: Numby I've heard you can do it with cgbench but can't confirm

BlitzProg: recurse has like 95% win rate against at least every other players in the entire contest

BlitzProg: it's pretty amazing

**Queuebee just now realised that swapping players swap them in the game and this game is skewed

Default avatar.png actualCoderTrevor: Oh wait you said in the IDE

AllYourTrees: Numby you don't appear when i search you for some reason :thinking:

Numby: Hm weird my latest submit is scored at 1260

Numby: gold

CouscousAgha: he must be rank 800+ in gold

CouscousAgha: yeah

CouscousAgha: only top 1000 people are shown for us

CouscousAgha: Westicles good enough for me

nam4.nguyen: Hi

nam4.nguyen: First time for this kind of contest. and I got top 500 but I feel I was so lucky to reach that

struct: grats

AllYourTrees: gz!

nam4.nguyen: Thank you but I wonder about my bot

Counterbalance: nooooo.. 0.18 pts under boss

struct: counter just wait

struct: you will get pushed

struct: I hope

Counterbalance: me too :)

Counterbalance: i'm out of params to tweak

struct: the machine run 300k tweaking params

struct: didnt change anything

struct: ...

nam4.nguyen: I didn't know anything you guys talk about like brutal-tester or beam search etc

ZarthaxX: Counterbalance ebicochineal will push you :)

Counterbalance: yeak i'm watching it :)

struct: brutal tester is a tool to run games localy vs versions of your other bots

struct: beam search is an algorithm

ZarthaxX: oh no

Counterbalance: oh no

ZarthaxX: he beated you

ZarthaxX: D:

ZarthaxX: ah you will prob get there

ZarthaxX: 2 guys submitting

ZarthaxX: you got a win!

Counterbalance: down to 4 now :(

Counterbalance: fingers crossed..

nam4.nguyen: Do you have any docs or something for newbies like me

ZarthaxX: damn ;(

Counterbalance: i'll just resubmit when he's promoted :D

ddreams: nam, you can find cg-brutaltester on github

ddreams: it's a bit of work to set up

nam4.nguyen: Thank you I will try it in next contest

nam4.nguyen: I'm familiar with CP but it's way more diff to this contest

Queuebee: Good night everyone. Good luck!

ddreams: gn queenbee

nam4.nguyen: no best solution, just optimal and try :((

Lysk: just removed opponent sim and boom ranks goes up

Kellthazar: Where I can get the referee jar for the spring2021? I tried to build from source code but didnt work


Lysk: or

Lysk: zeno built it though

Kellthazar: Oh, thank you folks

JohnCM: how long do i need to wait to be able to play again if i have an error message

JohnCM: i think i did self-test for too many times

struct: i hate when first matches are 100% winrate

struct: then my dreams get shatered 16 battles after

JohnCM: i'm achieving 80% win rate now in gold

JohnCM: but still cannot beat the boss

ddreams: re_curse resubmitted

Kellthazar: brutaltester worked... nice!

Kellthazar: Released the Kraken

Chainman: :sweat_smile:

struct: im getting tired :(

Chainman: same only few hours left

struct: what time is it there?

Chainman: usa it is 9:46PM in Central Time Zone

struct: damn 03:47 am here :(

Chainman: rough, I know I'm about to lose mental ability soon.

Chainman: It exponentially decreases at a time.

BlitzProg: 4:48am here

Counterbalance: hmm

Counterbalance: i thought my clock was off but it was just silent for 7 minutes :)

eulerscheZahl: :boom:

eulerscheZahl: better?

Counterbalance: :bird:

ddreams: the toad is gone

struct: I think im going to rewrite eval

eulerscheZahl: now?

Wontonimo: 5 hours, that's most of a business day

ddreams: it's painful to recalibrate it

ddreams: but yeah, I'm doing it too

struct: euler I have no ideas

struct: :(

struct: also 5 hours is plenty of time

struct: my current eval is not great

JohnCM: i accidentally shrunk my code in the ide, anyone knows how to expand it

ddreams: ctrl-scrollwheel

eulerscheZahl: the > and v on the left, next to the lines

eulerscheZahl: uncollapse it

Chainman: the touchpad by moving fingers away from each other.

ddreams: I thought he meant zooming

JohnCM: which ones?

JohnCM: yea i zoomed mine to tiny font

JohnCM: i want to unzoom it

ddreams: ctrl-scrollwheel

eulerscheZahl: ctrl+p, type zoom

ddreams: over the text

Chainman: try alt+f4?

ddreams: kick

ddreams: :p

Wontonimo: command + scroll wheel if you are on mac

Chainman: :sweat_smile:

eulerscheZahl: delete your cookies and reopen the site

JohnCM: ah ok euler's method works

JohnCM: i zoomed in to a decent size

Counterbalance: control-+

JohnCM: for a while i count see 100 lines at once

JohnCM: could*

ddreams: well, so far my new eval has a 3.13% win rate

Chainman: I think that's different control +

ddreams: I zoom it tiny on purpose, since I copy/paste it from my own editor

JohnCM: yea i use mac, but i don't have a mouse

Chainman: that's the entire webpage

JohnCM: i think it was probably cmd + mouse movement that caused it, though i couldn't replicate

Wontonimo: command + 2 finger swipe up or down

ddreams: 2 finger swipe == scrollwheel

Counterbalance: move closer to the screen, or further away

Wontonimo: ^^

Chainman: hmmm

JohnCM: oh gosh finally won gold boss

eulerscheZahl: buy a bigger screen

ddreams: gz

ddreams: now get above him

ddreams: *it

JohnCM: haha but the league is really hard to win

Wontonimo: well, the last 8 hours have not been kind to me for coding, so no more submits for me

JohnCM: ok i've got this, around 70% wins of the gold boss after mass tweaking of heuristics

struct: ill only submit if I get a 65%+ version

Wontonimo: first official contest, and i have to say i enjoyed it

JohnCM: oh won my first 12 arena games, let's see where this goes

BrunoFelthes: welcome Wontonimo

Wontonimo: seeing everyone online at once has been great

JohnCM: hi Wontonimo, thanks for your tips

xoarianuh: I am struggling with this Ghost in the Cell game. What am I supposed to do to produce new cyborgs?

Wontonimo: hey JohnCM , no prob! Did they work?

eulerscheZahl: for his finger tips? are you the Mafia?

JohnCM: the seeding technique works. i also added in my own move order arrangement tactic to prioritize low cost moves first

JohnCM: save more sun points to react to opponent's growing of trees

Wontonimo: wow! look at you go!

cegprakash: JohnCM what seeding technique

JohnCM: oh doing good in league, won first 17 games

JohnCM: haha Wontonimo, you ok if i share the seeding technique?

eulerscheZahl: low cost first? shouldnt it be high cost?

Wontonimo: go for it

Chainman: oh

eulerscheZahl: grow from 2 to 3, then you have less of size 2

eulerscheZahl: so 1=> 2 will get cheaper

JohnCM: yea so basically knights move away and you should seed 1 seed each move as it is 0 cost. grow the seed each round so the seeding move will be 0 cost

ZarthaxX: i think all the people do that

ZarthaxX: :P

JohnCM: yes euler, the growing of seeds to trees are prioritized first

eulerscheZahl: no ZarthaxX, that's pro tactics

JohnCM: but i'm saying i like do actions like harvest, seeding

Chainman: lol

JohnCM: before grow

kovi: morning

struct: I dont do that

JohnCM: so like grow is last action to take each round

Chainman: I've been saying that this all today

BrunoFelthes: wow, morning kovi

struct: hi kov i

Chainman: hello

BrunoFelthes: but i think that people here do not sleep yet :P

Default avatar.png AlexiusCzar: how to go back to problem after submtng solution??

struct: I wont sleep until its over

Wontonimo: it's over for me

ddreams: I'm resubmitting my 11 hour old code...

BrunoFelthes: will you not work tomorrow struct?

eulerscheZahl: today*

struct: no, im a student

BrunoFelthes: Oh, nice

ddreams: at least I will beat Ille :p

eulerscheZahl: 4:10 am for him

nam4.nguyen: I'm struggling at rank 300 gold league, you guys have any suggestions? And I wonder when I should haverst trees

JohnCM: my tree harvesting action is tiered based on nutrients remaining

ddreams: you have to post an interesting replay, nam

JohnCM: so if i see opp past a threshold nutrient, i harvest mine too

Wontonimo: hey nam4.nguyen , i'll take a look at your replays ... give me a sec

BrunoFelthes: I was considering take vacations... Im too addicted to work and play..

JohnCM: ohoh rank 30 gold league

eulerscheZahl: i did that BrunoFelthes

JohnCM: haha though i doubt i can win boss, my code doesn't win all the time

eulerscheZahl: and then mostly prorastinated

nam4.nguyen: Thank you guys

ddreams: there euler, I pushed you a bit

BrunoFelthes: ahuahhu, here in Brazil we can have 1 week vacation... but my wife didnt like the idea :P

Chainman: oooh finally I lose to gold boss again,

Chainman: wow

JohnCM: you mean you were winning?

BrunoFelthes: did you liked this game eulerscheZahl?

Chainman: nope, but still losing


Chainman: I feel I'm using sun points quite efficiently now.


nam4.nguyen: I'm losing boss almost the time

eulerscheZahl: board games are never my favorite

eulerscheZahl: it's hard for me as a human to understand what's going on

ddreams: you may consider to only have one seed on the board, nam

JohnCM: i think i'm just gonna sit this one and see where my bot pushes me to. it is around top 30 gold now

eulerscheZahl: so it mostly feels like throwing CPU at it and testing random things to see if it's any better

Wontonimo: hey nam4.nguyen i can't see anything glaring

JohnCM: perfect info board games can use monte carlo tree search

struct: exactly what hapened to me on this contest euler

ZarthaxX: same

Wontonimo: nam4.nguyen i did see in that you finished a few s3 trees too soon and by frame 81 your production is a bit low

struct: even during testing

Chainman: I need one more push

Chainman: seems your bot beats mine nam4.

ddreams: I don't think that looks too low at 81, wonto

eulerscheZahl: JohnCM yes, but the state explosion is enormous. that makes it hard for MCTS

BrunoFelthes: but eulerscheZahl, do you prefer games with physics, like meanmax?

JohnCM: what method did you use euler

JohnCM: i mean if you're ok to share

eulerscheZahl: i like grid games like pacman

JohnCM: oh yes i like pacman

eulerscheZahl: i don't like fog of war

JohnCM: rank 23 now:) wonder if this push can make it

Wontonimo: ddreams - you are correct ... lots of S2 trees

BlitzProg: Ah, that feel of resignation, telling me it's finally time to give up

eulerscheZahl: what's the boss score?

BrunoFelthes: i like games with physics, but i think that the lasts with physics do not had too much success...

BlitzProg: I'll try to push some of my old PHP AIs to see which are best, then I'm off

Chainman: 81 moves in the game.

JustAProgrammer01234: some cool song I discovered

Chainman: Is it best to complete s3 trees when you have 3 or 4 of them on board?

JohnCM: for me, never have more than 4 big trees

JohnCM: cause it will increase the cost of lvl 3 grow too much

Chainman: okay same

JustAProgrammer01234: did anyone check out the cool song I discovered

eulerscheZahl: no

JustAProgrammer01234: ok then

JustAProgrammer01234: here

ddreams: no, stop spamming tho

JustAProgrammer01234: Im not even spammin

JustAProgrammer01234: bruh

ddreams: also rick rolling is incredibly old by now

ddreams: so try to make it fresh

JustAProgrammer01234: nah

JustAProgrammer01234: still funny

JustAProgrammer01234: you clicked the link didn't you

BlitzProg: ends with XcQ

BlitzProg: ends with me not clicking on it

JustAProgrammer01234: :(

JustAProgrammer01234: ):

JustAProgrammer01234: way better

ClockSort: every internet veteran knows dQw4w9WgXcQ

eulerscheZahl: i just know that i shouldn't click when it's praised as music

JohnCM: well to be fair it's a nice song

ClockSort: i know lol, i always listen :D

KnightMoves: spent the last few hours watching reCurse replays and tweaking my eval function. Finally made it to legend

ddreams: yeah, 99% of the time when someone posts actual music they like it's not something I like anyway

ClockSort: i had to revert back 8 hours of dev time. I was making my bot worse :P

ddreams: really just a waste of time

eulerscheZahl: 100% for me. i don't like musics

ClockSort: ddreams I know a song you would like but i won't post it

ddreams: thanks :)

codingWhale: Nice, KnightMoves! But why did you leave me behind? :expressionless:

ClockSort: i even fixed bugs and that made my bot worse too

eulerscheZahl: i'm the kind of person who skips a 30s movie scene because it's just playing music

ddreams: same clocksort

ddreams: I reverted 11 hours

ddreams: at least that bot got into top100

ZarthaxX: ClockSort first time legend?

ClockSort: my mcts uses a buggy UCT function because that works better than tracking visits properly, haha

ZarthaxX: o.o

ClockSort: @ZarthaxX yes and rank 21! I'm stoked

ddreams: how is it buggy?

ZarthaxX: dude you smashed it gz!

KnightMoves: codingWhale you're so close!

ddreams: maybe you've innovated

ClockSort: it uses global visit count on every node

ZarthaxX: potential t shirt

JohnCM: clocksort your monte carlo is working very well

ClockSort: tracking node visits is extra computation because i store visits on the edges

Wontonimo: global visits?

Wontonimo: instead of parent?

JohnCM: how do you store your mcts search between turns though

JohnCM: is there global memory

ClockSort: yes, the visits of the root node every time :sweat_smile:

codingWhale: I'll just go to bed and hope someone pushes me over. :)

Wontonimo: cheers to you for making that work!

eulerscheZahl: ok, good morning codingWhale

JohnCM: i can't test with my ide anymore, so i'm just testing with arena now

codingWhale: yeah, good night

ClockSort: i don't think i'll make any changes in these last 4 hours

ClockSort: i don't know how to improve

JohnCM: haha clocksort you did well this competition alr

ClockSort: i guess optimising mcts for speed would help

JohnCM: but is there global memory where you can store variables between turns?

ddreams: you don't even use bitboards, right?

Wontonimo: how many simulations are you doing per 100ms ClockSort?

ZarthaxX: bitboarding :D

ClockSort: yes. static State STATES[800000];

JohnCM: i guess any variable outside of the while loop for the game is a global variable?

ClockSort: @wontonimo 12000 rollouts on avg from opening, but on later turns i reuse the tree if possible

Wontonimo: sigh, i'm at 3000 ... too many performance issues

ClockSort: @ddreams that's right, it's an array of 37 ints. horrible :laughing:

JohnCM: yea you probably also prune quite a lot of moves that don't make sense, like one space seeding

Wontonimo: and i've run out of car

Wontonimo: care

eulerscheZahl: others run out of gas

Wontonimo: lol

eulerscheZahl: but not Wontonimo. he runs out of cars

Wontonimo: either I'm balling, or a car thief

JohnCM: codingwhale almost there for legend

eulerscheZahl: whale is gone

Counterbalance: it's blinking

Default avatar.png MADDY-1: hii guys

ZarthaxX: annoying blink

Chainman: I can't think anymore, will need to take a nap soon.

Chainman: I think I've been making my bot worse.

ddreams: yeah, I'm off too

ddreams: I'm ok with top 100 this time :p

Chainman: nice,

BrunoFelthes: hope that someone explain how to deal with bitboards at this contest, my bitboard was worsts than the regular class...

ZarthaxX: haha

ZarthaxX: :P

eulerscheZahl: struct has a nice representation

BrunoFelthes: he exposed it?

Chainman: struct has shared?

Chainman: nani?

eulerscheZahl: i just know that he can do the shadow without unsetting bits

struct: o.o

Chainman: hmmmmmm

eulerscheZahl: will you write about it after the contest?

BrunoFelthes: struct, please share it :D

struct: I can sure

ddreams: why would you unset bits for shadow?

ZarthaxX: best bitboard representation ever

ZarthaxX: :)

ClockSort: struct is da man

ZarthaxX: he meant filter somebits in the process ddreams

Chainman: is bitboarding just a mask for where your trees and opponent are? Also I use mask for dormant trees.

eulerscheZahl: not to wrap around. leaving the map on one side and going back in on the other side

struct: BrunoFelthes ill share it after contest ends

ZarthaxX: because calculating shadows requires shifts and depending on your representation wraparound is a problem

ClockSort: you can use a mask to find shadows without a loop

BrunoFelthes: sure

ClockSort: i haven't figured out how though :D

ddreams: hmm.. you can do the 3-shadow without once filtering, struct?

struct: yes

cegprakash: An error occurred (#407): "You reached the limit of plays for a period of time.".

kovi: if you simulate all, it will be O(n) dominated by seeding, so you may not need bits. storage is 37bytes vs. 4xuint64

BrunoFelthes: oh, i can see now... , one mask for each position

ZarthaxX: position?

ddreams: hmm.. maybe I'm filtering for no reason

ZarthaxX: size of trees

Counterbalance: shadows[angle][size] & 1ULL<<cellidx ?

eulerscheZahl: 1-hot encoding for the trees

struct: I dont use masks

struct: I use shifts

struct: to get seeds I do use masks

struct: but thats about it

eulerscheZahl: just that you use your own cell index and not the one given by the referee

Chainman: that's it I'm out, I still can't beat gold boss :(

ZarthaxX: Chainman gg

ddreams: yeah, I shift too, but I filter once against the bitmask you call "inside"

ddreams: perhaps it's unecessary