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H7: Hey

Smelty: hi

Default avatar.png sh2008.lee: hi

Lachrymosa: hi

Snigafurt: hi

Murat_Eroglu: hi

Default avatar.png Tadatadatadam: hi

Default avatar.png Kokoz: hi


jacek: :imp:

AntiSquid: ban

DCoderOP: cout>>"Hello Wrold";

DarkLord__28: heyyy

DarkLord__28: join guyzz

DCoderOP: What's the Time ?

DarkLord__28: #clash

DCoderOP: OP

orangesnowfox: DCoderOP: your cout is going the wrong way, and you forgot your endl

DCoderOP: i am a java coder

DCoderOP: tried cpp first time

Notter: How do you print messages in italic in this chat?

**VizGhar like this?

Notter: Yes

VizGhar: check help in bottomright -> /me message

VizGhar: Notter got it?

DCoderOP: if you are free, please join us in a clash

DCoderOP: more coders, more fun

Default avatar.png OBenjOne: do you know hw to make your pod racers say things in coders strike back? I'm in gold and can't think of anything else to do

Ultrixx: dcoderop: how do you like c++ in comparison?

VizGhar: OBenjOne most of the time you can print message by adding more text after your output

VizGhar: fe.: 1 1 1 hello

VizGhar: yup... works for CSB as well

VizGhar: jeez, I should finally try to implement that one...

AntiSquid: then do something else, better than nothing OBenjOne, there are other multiplayers on CG

jacek: :notebook: :soccer:

AntiSquid: /kick ? i mean it's football it's meant to be kicked right ?

Default avatar.png pvp2001: can someone eplaine to me why i keep getting this error message

Default avatar.png pvp2001: Timeout: your program did not write to the standard output in due time.

jacek: either too long or crash


Default avatar.png pvp2001: it's just 10lines

AntiSquid: you can have a while(1) {} loop in those 10 lines

Default avatar.png pvp2001: yeah i do have it

AntiSquid: :thinking: Automaton2000 we need some detective work here

Automaton2000: smash the code i just have a feeling like i should be able to give me the link

Default avatar.png pvp2001:

AntiSquid: which language is that again?

Default avatar.png pvp2001: c

booalgo: no headerfiles

booalgo: ?

Default avatar.png pvp2001: 4 header files they were generated automaticaly

booalgo: oh

Default avatar.png YeOldeOak: is there a way to change how many ranks my mpi program has within the MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator?

booalgo: new iine

booalgo: there is no new line

booalgo: @pvp2001

booalgo: "%d\n"

AntiSquid: oh lol change language pvp2001

AntiSquid: were you born in 2001 ? just a random guess

booalgo: :laughing:

Alex-1: hi

booalgo: hi

jacek: oO

AntiSquid: i am serious about the language change though

AntiSquid: "No One Can Born With Legend Skill And Never Be Born"

AntiSquid: christmas island :thinking:

Westicles: A fine place to live

AntiSquid: looks suspicious, too risky to leave him unbanned

AntiSquid: you didn't forget an `i` in your `hi` did you Alex-1 ?

Alex-1: yeah

Default avatar.png ethereal_coder17: hi

Default avatar.png caksono: hello

jacek: oO

struct: o.o

Astrobytes: Mildly disturbing...

AntiSquid: disturbing ...

struct: So it starts

Astrobytes: Jeez

AntiSquid: getting closer to Ghost in the Shell type of news stories, no politician replaced by a real life android though, not yet

Alex-1: jacek nice photo

Default avatar.png hello350: hhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Default avatar.png hello350: this makes no sense

Alex-1: what

Alex-1: hello350

Passifi: anyone ever feel like motivation drop as your project grows bigger ? When my code grows beyond a certain size my projects always seem to become exponentially harder to handle :worried:

Michael_Howard: @Passifi yes, you have to take steps earlier in development to manage the complexity, or chaos will eat your project.

Default avatar.png Tadatadatadam: maybe but i small big project but i have big idea, it i watching. idea = very lovely beautiful and like idea, maybe its only, if not job (for money )this project , big idea, big simple small code in one big project, for motivation idea you place transform into you mind and you loke idea simple. Concentraition on you idea like object realy

MoKi: hi all

Michael_Howard: hi

jacek: ohai

Default avatar.png Bugle: hey there

Aya_Noaman: hey guyz

WannaBeHum1n: hello

Default avatar.png Angilee: Hiii

WannaBeHum1n: 47 in gold

WannaBeHum1n: 470*

WannaBeHum1n: road to whatever league is past it

WannaBeHum1n: xD

Aya_Noaman: i want to hear everyones opinions on clash bots

BlaiseEbuth: clash bots?

Miki09: why?

MSmits: good conversationalists, dry humor, I like them

Default avatar.png ukHK: very dry but i also like them

struct: Is one player MCTS vs another algo a bad idea?

MSmits: what do you mean exactly?

struct: Like I would use MCTS and would use something else for opponent

struct: Like on FB

MSmits: generally you only control one side...

struct: Msmits its the same problem

struct: on fb I cant use smitsimax

struct: I cant recall what you told me before :(

Astrobytes: No, he means like you might MCTS yourself and GA the opponent

Astrobytes: I think

struct: yes

MSmits: mcts doesn't like it when a gamestate gives a different result at different times

MSmits: at least on the selection level

MSmits: the simulation level is random anyways, doesnt matter there

struct: So it would only work vs deterministic?

MSmits: if you're using GA i dont understand why it would work at all

MSmits: but that's just me

struct: Yeah I think it would face the same problems

struct: But what about heuristics?

MSmits: you can combine minimax with mcts though

struct: oh

struct: Sh*t

MSmits: minimax always gives you the same result, so thats fine

struct: tyvm MSmits

VizGhar: what is smitsimax?

Astrobytes: A UCT forest


VizGhar: tnx

MSmits: you've been waiting to say that Astrobytes :P

Astrobytes: You know it :D

VizGhar: no idea what UCT forest is, but one answered question per day is more then enough :P

MSmits: it's just multiple mcts game trees running in parallel

Astrobytes: It's a more descriptive name for Smitsimax. A bunch of trees - yeah what Smits said

MSmits: the trees affect eachother through the gamestate

MSmits: which kind of makes it lose coherence, but also tends to converge on good moves in some games

struct: as long as the opponent actions dont affect your future possible actions its a good choice

VizGhar: impresive :) thank you guys

MSmits: or as long as they don't affect future actions too much. Marchete pointed out to me, you can have a backup action in case the selected action is not available

struct: in which game did he do it?

MSmits: PCR, xmas rush i know for sure

MSmits: PCR he did it better than I did, xmas rush not sure, maybe also

MSmits: yurko also used it in pcr, also better than i did

MSmits: it makes a lot of sense in that game

MSmits: btw in FB, smitsimax could still be possible

Astrobytes: spells would be tricky no?

MSmits: but you need to have two possible sets of actions, for when you can shoot and for when you dont have the thingy

MSmits: generally you would not use spells inside the tree

MSmits: just as a first level action, based on heuristics

Astrobytes: makes sense

struct: This was my attempt :p


struct: I stopped at silver I think

struct: But I didnt code spells

MSmits: looks like kid soccer

struct: the last goal is a bit interesting

struct: I didnt code spells though

struct: low ammount of sims

struct: like 40-50k

MSmits: apparently it is ok to ignore spells for most of the way to top legend

struct: it is

MSmits: the problem is a bit similar to br2k


struct: My bot is at least a bit smart

struct: frame 110

MSmits: yeah its not bad

struct: too bad my 100 lines of js did better than my 2k lines of c++

Astrobytes: Although, if you have to point out which frame your bot is smart on... :P

MSmits: good point

MSmits: apparently js > c++ * 20

jacek: oO

Marchete: just add "heuristic moves"

Marchete: maybe it works

Marchete: like move id = 0 means go to neares snaffle

Marchete: things like that

MSmits: yeah and have alternatives for when you can shoot and when you cant

Marchete: you can "add" heuristic behaviour as a substitute of a dumb N angle

Marchete: the problem? it probably dominate all other dumb angles

Marchete: as its more directed to certain goal (taking a snaffle)

MSmits: yeah i dont think you should mix heuristic choices with dumb ones

Marchete: why not

MSmits: well you just said so

Marchete: I mean

AntiSquid: how do you squeeze gamestate into something tiny ?

MSmits: because one is immediately good or reasonably good and the other needs to converge

Marchete: then the problem is that heuristic AI is better?

MSmits: bitboards AntiSquid

MSmits: Marchete in the short term yes

MSmits: you need to get some depth before dumb choices become good

AntiSquid: bitboarding fantastic bits ? like how everything hax coordinates

MSmits: oh you mean for FB

AntiSquid: has *

MSmits: probably dont save the gamestate on the node

MSmits: just the moves

AntiSquid: so how do you keep track of stuff ?

MSmits: in a gamestate that is separate from the tree

MSmits: and when you go through the tree, you keep applying moves and simulating

MSmits: if you need to undo, just copy the gamestate

MSmits: and reassign old gamestate when undo-ing

AntiSquid: ya you need to reset back to initial don't you ...

struct: thanks for the tips

MSmits: yeah keep a copy if it's mcts

MSmits: thats what i always do

MSmits: for minimax, keep a copy before every move

MSmits: sometimes undo is a very simple operation, then you dont need copy

Astrobytes: ^

MSmits: moving a piece in chess for example

MSmits: just change the position and maybe make an oppontent piece you've taken reappear

AntiSquid: sometimes the 50ms make me think i should bot some real games instead, more time available

Astrobytes: eh, where's the fun in that

AntiSquid: true AI that passes turing test ?

MSmits: well, the fact that required time is exponential with depth always means the effect of extra time is disappointing

MSmits: you can have 10x as much time and only get 1 or 2 more depth

AntiSquid: speaking from experience?

MSmits: sure

MSmits: it's easy to test with minimax

MSmits: just test how many iterations you get for iterative deepening

MSmits: if you do time x 10

AntiSquid: minimax is incredibly slow compared to alternatives

MSmits: depth-wise it should not matter much whether you use minimax or mcts

MSmits: it scales with time similarly

MSmits: say you get to 10 depth with minimax and between 5 and 15 with mcts

MSmits: you add 2 levels and its 12 and 7-17

MSmits: simplified ofc.

MSmits: with mcts you might hit end of game situations using a solver, that might mess things up a bit though

Default avatar.png DinoCoder649: hi

MSmits: hi

Default avatar.png DinoCoder649: im a pro

MSmits: at

Default avatar.png DinoCoder649: python

Default avatar.png DinoCoder649: java

Default avatar.png DinoCoder649: c++

Default avatar.png DinoCoder649: and

Default avatar.png DinoCoder649: dart

Astrobytes: Cool. Now do bot programming.

Default avatar.png DinoCoder649: ko

Default avatar.png DinoCoder649: ok

MSmits: or darts

Default avatar.png DinoCoder649: yeah

AntiSquid: do xmas rush DinoCoder649

Default avatar.png DinoCoder649: k

Default avatar.png DinoCoder649: and i know bot flip

AntiSquid: it's best for pros

Default avatar.png DinoCoder649: ok

MSmits: or botters of the galaxy right AntiSquid?

Default avatar.png DinoCoder649: y4era

Default avatar.png DinoCoder649: hj

Default avatar.png DinoCoder649: FUCK

AntiSquid: no, xmas rush now, get legend, otherwise not pro

MSmits: also the only F-word we use is F#

AntiSquid: must be his reaction to xmas rush, maybe he figured out the algo already

AntiSquid: he is a pro

Astrobytes: good point

PatrickMcGinnisII: lol, lots of words start with pro ... someday i wanna upgrade by amateur stitute status.

Default avatar.png Xeylo: glhf to all of you on anything you do :)

AntiSquid: even if it's bad ?

Default avatar.png Xeylo: ahh... except bad things

AntiSquid: too late, Automaton2000 successfully committed credit card fraud, twice, because you

Automaton2000: took me like 5 hours

NinjaDoggy: :O in just 5 hours :O

Default avatar.png Xeylo: if whatyoudo == good:


Westicles: glhf... an odd choice to compress that sentence

AntiSquid: ya besides some people jokingly use it to mean something else

Default avatar.png Xeylo: not my choice.. it has been around since (insert a relatively old event here)

AntiSquid: and good is subjective, for example jehova's witnesses think they do good when they pester you at your own door

PatrickMcGinnisII: “Captain Insano shows no mercy.” -Bobby Boucher

Default avatar.png Xeylo: stop distracting me im trying to clash

PatrickMcGinnisII: Automaton2000 Why are alligators so ornery?

Automaton2000: mcts is a bit slow

AntiSquid: see? i think distracting you from clash is good and who's forcing you to read chat anyway? Xeylo ?

Default avatar.png Xeylo: me. cuz i dont understand this specific clash lol D:

Westicles: We can help, but only if you pose it as an ethical question

Default avatar.png Xeylo: nah im trying to understand it. im no cheater

N00b_er: hmm guys.

N00b_er: can i ask something?

AntiSquid: you just did!

Default avatar.png Xeylo: and girls, and others

AntiSquid: your quote of questions is up for today, sorry

AntiSquid: quota *

N00b_er: lol...

AntiSquid: tough life

N00b_er: so here is the question: What is cribbage mean?

Default avatar.png Xeylo: i rage quit this clash cuz idk what peter earns from uber or something idk

Default avatar.png Xeylo: cribbage is a card game i think

AntiSquid: Xeylo, then answer N00b_er's question

AntiSquid: slow reading sry Q_Q

AntiSquid: i think it's derived from crib

Default avatar.png Xeylo: and cabbage

Westicles: 1/4 of 1% of clashes are about cribbage

AntiSquid: no, just crib, so cribbage as in simple, baby's play thing

Default avatar.png Xeylo: i have a crib, i have a cabbage... ah.. cribbage

N00b_er: dang... i dont know his rule..

Astrobytes: crabbage

N00b_er: is so new for me

Default avatar.png Xeylo: quick ppap maths

AntiSquid: cribbage = very very very easy

ok? N00b_er

AntiSquid: something like that for sure

Westicles: sorry, should have been 2/5. Anyhow, 4/1000

AntiSquid: do you leave comments calling them "cribbage", Westicles ?

Westicles: Hmmm

Default avatar.png Xeylo: so hows ur day?

Smelty: hi

Smelty: 挺好的

Smelty: *nice

jacek: weird opening moves

orangesnowfox: weird openings in what jacek?

jacek: the characters ~

Westicles: 4k years of civilization culminating in a compressing scheme for paper soccer

orangesnowfox: Sounds about right

orangesnowfox: So, my uhh... Search Race converges

orangesnowfox: Which, seems like the thing you want to have *not* happen

jacek: converges to what

MSmits: to a single point. It burns right through those checkpoints

Astrobytes: SR singularity

orangesnowfox: a single solution

orangesnowfox: Like, the whole population does

Default avatar.png Zihan7749: hi

jacek: the ultimate goal of population is death

AntiSquid: no, it's labour

jacek: arbeit macht frei eh

Passifi: pff, its so the soilent green supply is secure

Passifi: wake up sheeple :P

Smelty: hmm if I listen to that, am I a sheeple for listening or not

Default avatar.png Zihan7749: :cry::cry::cry: why this is so hard!!!

orangesnowfox: Clearly Passifi is a agent planted by big soilent green to make us *think* the supply is secure /s

Default avatar.png Zihan7749: how to beat Boss 2 AI

orangesnowfox: what game?

Default avatar.png Zihan7749: AI

Passifi: as long as there are poor people in need of a quick buck the supply is secure do not you worry

Default avatar.png Zihan7749: ok?

orangesnowfox: Zihan7749, yes, you want to beat the Boss 2 AI, but for which game / puzzle, there are a *lot*

Default avatar.png Zihan7749: but... someone help me plese

Default avatar.png Zihan7749: this is in lernd

Smelty: ?

Default avatar.png Zihan7749: I say learn

Smelty: which ai game is it?

Default avatar.png Zihan7749: learn

Smelty: the puzzle name

Smelty: each has a title

Smelty: can you tell me the title?

Default avatar.png Zihan7749: Coders Strike Back

Smelty: okay

Smelty: so for coders strike back,

Smelty: wood league 2?

Smelty: put thrust "100"

Default avatar.png Zihan7749: yes

Smelty: and boost if distance>5000

Smelty: and if you have the angle, thrust 10 if angle>90

Smelty: or angle<270

Default avatar.png Zihan7749: ok thanks

Smelty: :)

Smelty: tell me if it works

Default avatar.png Zihan7749: ok

struct: it think its angle <-90

Smelty: ah yes

Smelty: similar stuf

orangesnowfox: Weeeeee optimizing parameters and hoping for no random timeouts

Default avatar.png Tadatadatadam: Super suyan Goku)

Smelty: LOL

Smelty: weee speedrunnin some clashes

Smelty: don't care if 0% or 100%

Default avatar.png Zihan7749: where I put boost if distance>5000

orangesnowfox: I did that for 1 rank, search race is hecking brutal


Smelty: somethin like dat

Smelty: zihan7749^^

Smelty: .-.

Default avatar.png Xeylo: :wave:

Smelty: hi

Smelty: for search race, what's test 32?

Smelty: it seems that a variation of my code fails that only

struct: please someone stop me

Smelty: 0.0

struct: give me another code about early optimizations

struct: quote*

orangesnowfox: Smely, how much time are you using per turn?

Smelty: “The real problem is that programmers have spent far too much time worrying about efficiency in the wrong places and at the wrong times; premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming."

orangesnowfox: Smelty

orangesnowfox: heck

Smelty: orangesnowfox i was just testing

Smelty: with a simple code

Smelty: if/else

Smelty: no way that it was time out xD

orangesnowfox: ah... It's going to be in the ref's repo anyway :p

Smelty: tru

Astrobytes: Stop it struct. Fix Amazons.

jacek: oh my

Astrobytes: Or go for a walk or something.

orangesnowfox: So, my newest fixation (after opting my search race a little) is mars lander... Is angle an int? it seems like angle is an int

jacek: submit amazons. maybe it will be next potw now

eulerscheZahl: or POTW during the next contest

jacek: next appriopriate time would afer xontest

jacek: contest even

jacek: why would anyone have POTW during contest :x

orangesnowfox: POTW?

eulerscheZahl: puzzle of the weak

orangesnowfox: ah

BlaiseEbuth: Play Of The Week: eulerscheZahl with Automaton2000

eulerscheZahl: i lied to you about the acronym :(

Astrobytes: Who was it that always used to say that?

Automaton2000: pretty sure there is a way to see other people's solutions

Astrobytes: "puzzle of the weak" that is

eulerscheZahl: no idea

struct: so much to do

eulerscheZahl: check that logs

struct: and im so slow :(

Astrobytes: that logs eh

Astrobytes: At least you can type struct :P

eulerscheZahl: where is zarthaxx btw? he ditched codejam

Astrobytes: AVX

Astrobytes: Hm, he must be busy

eulerscheZahl: where are my 3D dice?

eulerscheZahl: and where's my shrine benjaminUrquhart?

Astrobytes: Who's doing 3D dice?

eulerscheZahl: zarthaxx's girlfriend

AntiSquid: what happern?

Astrobytes: And you rarely see Benjamin around these days

Astrobytes: Ah ok

eulerscheZahl: i'm just trolling about the shrine, i like the square

eulerscheZahl: i don't like the movement animation, not pixel perfect

Astrobytes: Shocking. Totally ruins everything. Shame on you.

eulerscheZahl: the asset was inconsistent with the padding and I didn't wanted to fix it :(

eulerscheZahl: now I think about it every time i open the game

Astrobytes: lol, that would be annoying

jacek: whta game

eulerscheZahl: onitama

Astrobytes: oni- yes

jacek: the easy one?

jacek: the bosses there are weak

eulerscheZahl: :P

eulerscheZahl: there's only 1 boss which is depth 1 search to capture

Astrobytes: such insolence

eulerscheZahl: stops random bots, that's the only intention

jacek: even opponents are weak

Astrobytes: So, onitama really is a game of the weak

jacek: recurse should come back to it, i need a challenge

Astrobytes: He seems to have quit so don't hold your breath. Might still be smurfing around though.

struct: I need to update grid cords or is not needed?

jacek: ask :coffee: about it

eulerscheZahl: grid cords? if that's music related i'm out

struct: euler you joining cg contest?

eulerscheZahl: probably

eulerscheZahl: but i don't like the time

eulerscheZahl: last weekend collides with codejam

struct: maybe you will like the game

eulerscheZahl: which i put over CG

eulerscheZahl: on the other hand might be the last CG contest for a very long time

eulerscheZahl: i don't count escape rooms as contests if that's what they plan for the future

struct: Maybe this one is an escape room

struct: 12 days escape

eulerscheZahl: nope

eulerscheZahl: i'm pretty sure you'll like the board shape of the next contest

struct: Damn, Im hoping for phyiscs

Therabidpanther: is it possible to do codingame on IntelliJ?

eulerscheZahl: going to bed now, see you in May i guess

jacek: oh

struct: Cya euler


VizGhar: Therabidpanther you can write your code where you want :)

Therabidpanther: right, but i think i saw somewhere that IntelliJ had actual integration or something

AntiSquid: isn't it just ex-wife then ?

Therabidpanther: poor frog

Astrobytes: struct: sorry was afk, yes

VizGhar: Maybe you are talking about this?

Astrobytes: struct: re grid coords

struct: ok

VizGhar: Therabidpanther its plugin for browser not for intellij. I haven't use it yer (and probably don;t plan to). Plugin for IntelliJ would be more fun :)

VizGhar: jeez, cant hit correct keys in dark...

AntiSquid: you need to look at your keyboard to type ?! normally you should undergo a coding camp where you type in pitch black darkness before you start here

AntiSquid: real life coding boot camp

VizGhar: I dont need to, but i make typos :| not trying to fix them here in chat that much

VizGhar: Ive never been to boot camp... wonder if there are some in my country

AntiSquid: Automaton2000 send him to the coding boot camp, he also needs to adjust to different sized keyboards

Automaton2000: dkdjslfjdkaheoghewoth 34uth 4t43qty 94y3t y3r tyerwtyeriashtsaeoisafodghorhwepo 34t98ywt q438ty dkdjslfjdkaheoghewoth 34uth 4t43qty 94y3t y3r tyerwtyeriashtsaeoisafodghorhwepo 34t98ywt q438ty

Astrobytes: how scarily appropriate

VizGhar: flood ^^ kick him out

AntiSquid: i think that's the start of your boot camp VizGhar

AntiSquid: decode it

VizGhar: o.O

struct: Ok I need to change a few more things I think

Astrobytes: As darkhorse64 said it's not a trivial change

Astrobytes: If you're talking about the board thing

struct: yes

struct: I think he also changed how you read the board

struct: so from bottom to top o.o

AntiSquid: are you still talking about onitama or something else ?

Astrobytes: Amazons

VizGhar: When was the last time solo contest occurs?

Astrobytes: Pikaptcha, can't remember, didn't do it

AntiSquid: i don't count that as a contest, i'd say a*craft was last solo contest

Astrobytes: July 20th 2019 was Pikaptcha

Astrobytes: But it was a solo contest

AntiSquid: 4 hours when i wasn't even online

AntiSquid: ya i don't count it as such

Astrobytes: I decided to forgo it prior given the 4 hour solo thing

Astrobytes: Same, but technically it was a contest

AntiSquid: life is short, maybe i should instantly skip all contests i dislike

AntiSquid: there are dozens of them out there at any given day of the year

Astrobytes: a*craft was fun, something like that again would be nice, but that was a community contest also, so not much chance of that

AntiSquid: i think for a*craft, although i liked it, i also missed it due to long shifts

AntiSquid: done it after contest

Astrobytes: I think I did everything on the Sunday morning

Astrobytes: Must go back to it

Astrobytes: (one more on the list)

VizGhar: 4hrs? mhm I'd miss it too :D

AntiSquid: i did my bot following the postmortems, damn changed things to super easy mode somehow, then dropped with all the hardcoding @_@

AntiSquid: pikaptcha was 4 hours, a*craft was 2 days

VizGhar: ah ok...

AntiSquid: i am not even sure where i was at that time (pikaptcha contest)

Astrobytes: I strongly dislike 4 hour contests, but I don't mind, some people love them and that's cool

Astrobytes: As long as servers can cope and (ahem) statements are correct that is

Therabidpanther: i really miss space cat :(

AntiSquid: oh damn i remember where i was, but still wouldn't join pikaptcha even if i had time

VizGhar: uf I'm very new here... Just single contest so far, and servers were close to death first few hours

AntiSquid: that's standard

Astrobytes: Yep

AntiSquid: but despite all that CG is one of the most user friendly contests out there

VizGhar: But solo contest (puzzles) shouldn't be so heavy

Therabidpanther: #banASCIIart

Astrobytes: Probably *the* most user-friendly

VizGhar: :D Therabidpanther :thumbsup:

AntiSquid: Therabidpanther

Astrobytes: Depends on the format VizGhar. If there are still many people submitting in a short space of time it still impacts.

VizGhar: sure...

Therabidpanther: you are burning my eyes

VizGhar: Have you seen that donut ascii?

AntiSquid: i dunno RAIC isn't that bad, shit starter, randomness is all that killed the mood for me, halite was well organized

Astrobytes: CG are not known for doing well on 4 hour contests these days :P

Therabidpanther: my profile picture is the furthest i will dig into ascii art LMAO

AntiSquid: Therabidpanther how about that cube in the gif as very hard puzzle and you get lots of XP if you solve it ?

AntiSquid: would you do it ?

Therabidpanther: i would not even attempt it

Astrobytes: I really enjoyed last RAIC, the C++ API was f**king bizarre but I got used to it

VizGhar: you are weak Therabidpanther

AntiSquid: 100k xp Therabidpanther, you could retire from puzzles afterwards, would you still not do it?

Therabidpanther: i would still never

Therabidpanther: ascii art is against my religion

AntiSquid: what if it gave CP too ?

Therabidpanther: what is cp?

VizGhar: what exactly is your religion? :D

AntiSquid: coding points

Therabidpanther: im not sure even a monetary value could convince me

Astrobytes: The Church of Unicode possibly

AntiSquid: the girl of your dreams serves you a drink in bikini, would you do the puzzle to render that cube like in the gif? Therabidpanther

VizGhar: uf though one

Therabidpanther: if she even mentioned that cube, the drink would be going in her face

AntiSquid: ok Automaton2000 no point wearing the hyperrealistic mask now

Automaton2000: but i only get 1 or 2 days ago

struct: Maybe it is optimization like the accountant

Astrobytes: That's a little violent

VizGhar: also if you are member of Unicode Church, you are not allowed to talk to girls

Therabidpanther: is that a rule?

VizGhar: you are only member... tell us

AntiSquid: geez, he'd throw a good drink and refuse his dream girl just to avoid rendering a cube, man i don't know what troubles you

Therabidpanther: As only member, I suppose that means I am the founder

VizGhar: :D yeah... throw that into linkedin profile

Therabidpanther: that will give me the edge over others

Astrobytes: Founder of the Church of UTF-16+

AntiSquid: can you code in pixels then ?

davilla: It would be sad to hear you're the only member of a religion even the founder abandoned.

Therabidpanther: or would i just be dedicated lol

Default avatar.png waffenSS: hello everyone :)

AntiSquid: for you Therabidpanther

struct: hi

VizGhar: ah you started just in february? you'll get used to ascii. dont worry

Therabidpanther: that language is disgusting lol

VizGhar: or simply stop playing CoC

Therabidpanther: Im starting to get away from CoC lol

AntiSquid: reminds me of someone claiming their religion is Chrislam, davilla (they joked they were the founder)

struct: Whats CoC?

Therabidpanther: Clash of Code

struct: hmmm, sounds fun

jacek: should i invite you

AntiSquid: it's that dark, grim and dirty corner of the site, the neglected downtown littered with trash that nobody visits struct

Astrobytes: I'm not really into CoC

Therabidpanther: i mean, i think its like paradise

AntiSquid: ripe with crime and shady business

Therabidpanther: i play a lot of CoC at work

Therabidpanther: its pretty fast

jacek: s/oC/ock

AntiSquid: BAN

Therabidpanther: rip

Astrobytes: that was the joke jacek yes

jacek: joke?

AntiSquid: oh wait i got a relatable video for this conversation

Astrobytes: 'humorous statement'

Astrobytes: Anyway, what if I was? Would you CoC-shame me?

VizGhar: battery dying. I wont look for charger now... Good night (and Therabidpanther good mornig probably?)

struct: gn

Astrobytes: Especially not in the dark VizGhar

Astrobytes: gn :)


Therabidpanther: Good afternoon here VizGhar, but good night

Astrobytes: That's very John Dillermand

Astrobytes: AntiSquid

AntiSquid: "powered by compressed air, they grow from the tip ... " 0:38

Default avatar.png Tadatadatadam: snake in real o my god

AntiSquid: it's a pneumatic robot, stop jumping to weird conclusions

Astrobytes: Still calling John Dillermand on this one

Astrobytes: Scarfield will agree when he sees it.

Scarfield: xD

Default avatar.png voidnull: it would be great if there are challenges to make in team

Scarfield: just sat down, why back at this i wonder

Astrobytes: see squids youtube link

Scarfield: oh yea, seen this one, veritasium is great!

Astrobytes: Still ...

Scarfield: john dillermand is matbe a wacky waving inflatable flaling tube variation

Scarfield: maybe*

Astrobytes: Indeed

Astrobytes: I mean, it was only the start of the video that reminded me tbh, the rest was cool

Scarfield: riight, i know what your dirty mind sees

AntiSquid: i am sure clashers would love some pneumatic robo puzzles

Astrobytes: Are you mocking the Eternal Darkness of My Dirty Mind? :P


Default avatar.png waffenSS: do clashes get gradually higher as you rise up in level?

Astrobytes: No.

AntiSquid: yes

AntiSquid: powered by air

AntiSquid: watch video

Scarfield: xD

Scarfield: there should be some "hidden rank" no?

Astrobytes: waffenSS: (what kind of name is that, seriously), no they don't. Same clashes all the way

jacek: euler would approve that name eh

Scarfield: oh, weapon SS, doubt it

Astrobytes: "Although it's soft, it's still somewhat stiff" - Veritasium

Scarfield: xD

Astrobytes: Just repeating facts.

AntiSquid: waffen = weapons btw

Scarfield: i flunked german in school

Astrobytes: Oh really? I'd never have guessed that one AntiSquid

AntiSquid: why the sarcasm lol

anyways it's a typical simplistic merge 2 words username, complete lack of creativity

Astrobytes: When those combine to create the armed division of the SS it's a little... inflammatory no?

Scarfield: curious: does moderation rules apply to offensive usernames?

Astrobytes: Scarfield: I totally misread your 'flunked' :rofl:

Astrobytes: Yes.

Scarfield: lol, and ok :)

AntiSquid: it's all at moderator's subjective discretion, so yes, ban can be remedied later

Astrobytes: /kick for bad username if they continue to engage and don't change it

AntiSquid: i am joking, anyways i wouldn't consider swastika in the username offensive

Scarfield: eh?

AntiSquid: due to the original meaning

jacek: ok, AstrobyteSS

Scarfield: or antiSSquid :p

AntiSquid: it's highjacked, doesn't mean it's a symbol of evil

AntiSquid: hijacked *

jacek: SScarfield

AntiSquid: jaSSek

Astrobytes: Well yes, AntiSquid. But, let's face it, who's using it in it's original context these days on the internet?

Smelty: :eyes:

AntiSquid: well if you see me using it, then that would be 1 person

Astrobytes: You know what I mean.

AntiSquid: some asians afaik


Therabidpanther: i did it!

Therabidpanther: PROgrammer here

AntiSquid: not joking, seen the symbol there on the streets, doubt it was meaning nazis

Astrobytes: ...

Scarfield: ^

AntiSquid: in parts of SEA

Astrobytes: yay Therabidpanther you succeeded in posting a full solution in chat!

Astrobytes: Moving on from touchy subjects, struct: how is it going

struct: I think ill just use the dirty trick

therealbeef: the asian religious symbol is mirrored

struct: and replace every digit

Scarfield: im getting curious, have you ever banned anyone squid?

Therabidpanther: wooo

Astrobytes: lol OK struct

Astrobytes: therealbeef: yes

Default avatar.png Wojciech_Krol: hi! i have a question- im doing a clobber bot, right now i have a silly issue... I made a function that evaluates the postition after a move has been made. I also made a function that makes moves. The problem is- i dont know how to insert a board in which a move has been made to the evaluation, without actually making the move. Whats the best solution to this?

AntiSquid: didn't pay attention to that detail, in hindu too?

Smelty: hmm

Astrobytes: Yes AntiSquid

Astrobytes: But it's found in multiple orientations I believe

Astrobytes: And if you find it as graffiti on a wall, it's not because someone is really into their Asian religion.

AntiSquid: well you don't grafitti jesus either ...

AntiSquid: not often

AntiSquid: wasnt talking about graffiti though

Astrobytes: Wojciech_Krol: In clobber the moves are very simple, so an undo move function is not hard to make. Evaluate the board when the move has been made, then undo, and continue evaluating moves

Smelty: `-`

AntiSquid: for clobber you def copy states with bitboards

AntiSquid: as alternative

Astrobytes: It's literally just toggling bits

Default avatar.png Wojciech_Krol: so just make the move then undo it?

struct: is darkhorse64 version on github the same version that is on cg?

struct: I cant find how he changes the actions..

Astrobytes: yes struct

AntiSquid: he maybe hid it

Astrobytes: Wojciech_Krol yes

Default avatar.png Wojciech_Krol: ok

Default avatar.png Wojciech_Krol: thanks :)

Astrobytes: make move, eval, then undo

Astrobytes: repeat :)

Scarfield: make move, eval, then undo

AntiSquid: took me a while to find the brensenham application in cultist wars on bloody bitbucket

Astrobytes: Thank you ScarfieldScarfieldScarfieldScarfieldScarfield that will be all :P

AntiSquid: should be linked directly in statement @_@

Astrobytes: Yeah I know right AntiSquid

Astrobytes: I still need to fix my broken bot there

jacek: will clobber be next POTW?

Astrobytes: Would be an interesting one

Astrobytes: It's deceptively simple looking so would pull a lot of people in

Illedan: :tada:

Scarfield: you won a ps5 ille?

Astrobytes: You have succeeded in what Illedan?


Illedan: My NN with 2k weights solved Onboarding :upside_down:

Scarfield: xD

struct: I cant find it :/

struct: I dont see where he changed the action

PatrickMcGinnisII: Facebook Pagan groups use the symbol in its correct context

Therabidpanther: we love process timeouts

AntiSquid: "Deceptively simple and insanely fun" -Hearthstone (card game) Astrobytes :D

struct: Nice Illedan

Astrobytes: On the way and making it Illedan!

AntiSquid: 2l weight on onboarding? wdym ?

AntiSquid: 2k *

Astrobytes: AntiSquid: Yeah lol, I didn't play that for a while incidentally

Illedan: Number of weights in my mlp graph

AntiSquid: silverfish was a fun bot, or whatever its called Astrobytes

jacek: mlp? :horse:

Scarfield: xD

AntiSquid: MLPs were a popular machine learning solution in the 1980s, - wiki

Scarfield: was just about to mention that you have "learned" associate mlp with something else

AntiSquid: Multilayer perceptron ... oh

Smelty: interesting

Astrobytes: AntiSquid: yeah I remember Silverfish, never got into working with hearthstone AIs though

Astrobytes: well, bots, whatever

Astrobytes: My Little Perceptrons

AntiSquid: was bruteforce approach from what i remember

Default avatar.png Pintoe: how do you create a game with your friends

Smelty: clash?

Default avatar.png zarkos: you message deez

Smelty: hold over the clash symbol

Smelty: and click the 3 dots and choose private

Default avatar.png Pintoe: where is the clash symbol

AntiSquid: oh was about to link CG documentation ...

AntiSquid: guess i never learn, eh?

GIPOKE: look at my profile pic

Smelty: -

AntiSquid: GIPOKE

**Jeanpier hola;


**Jeanpier holis

**Jeanpier slaps around a bit with a large fishbot

AntiSquid: Junji Ito's Jean Pierre ?

Smelty: hmm......trolls vs castles is an interesting mind game

Smelty: not enough matches though

Roxxx: Hello World! ;)

Smelty: hello rox! :D

AntiSquid: how's life roxx ?

AntiSquid: any progress Roxxx? :P

Roxxx: hey mate, i worked on what the sketched out yesterday!

Roxxx: so far i got the cultist to move and convert random dudes but not much else

Roxxx: here's a replay lol

Astrobytes: :wave: Roxxx

AntiSquid: pm or discord pls

Astrobytes: You recruiting cultists eh AntiSquid :P

GIPOKE: i had the shortest code in a shortest mode clash and i only got 25%

AntiSquid: no, he picked the game

AntiSquid: was going to do tryangle

Astrobytes: You doing the pair thing?

GIPOKE: and it was so easy too

Smelty: o . o

AntiSquid: ya which is why i prefer he shares in pm not herte


Roxxx: lolz

Smelty: lol

Roxxx: im just sharing a replay

Astrobytes: Cool beans, nice one for doing that AntiSquid :)

Roxxx: it reveals nothing :)

Smelty: that one moving dude of yours: *shifts nervously*

Roxxx: @Astrobytes thanks :)

AntiSquid: share on discord ony the code .. curious what bits you implemented

Roxxx: AntiSquid is so cool, we brainstormed yesterday for hours xD

AntiSquid: i changerd mine a bit

AntiSquid: was about to add the bresenham ..

Roxxx: so i tried to go with the C++ code and strugled a lot

Roxxx: then i decided to go full jaca

Roxxx: java*

Roxxx: lolz xD

AntiSquid: oh its ok i;ll try reading it

AntiSquid: i can code java nw

Roxxx: ok im sending it over at discord

Astrobytes: (he just hates it :D )

AntiSquid: but switch to c++ when yu can

Astrobytes: C# - happy medium?

Roxxx: 1 min

Smelty: *sad c noises*

AntiSquid: my eyes arent adjusted to linq

AntiSquid: D has something similar i tghink ... saw a demo

Astrobytes: Hey come on, C++ with linq would be nice

Default avatar.png waffenSS: about to win my first clash :)

Default avatar.png waffenSS: nvm

AntiSquid: i dont find your username offensive, but rather very lame...

AntiSquid: might as well name yourself BananaCream

Astrobytes: Lame yes. Offensive not to me or you, but could be to others.

AntiSquid: also from tunisia ... hm strange

Astrobytes: Not 'offensive' as in 'eh, I don't like that' but you know...

AntiSquid: get an avatar at least

Astrobytes: Unsure why you find that strange

AntiSquid: maybe its not

Roxxx: guys im trying to help smelty with a game but i cant see his replay, it says i'm not authorized, anyone knows what's this about?

Smelty: ^^

Roxxx: Oups An error occurred (#UNAUTHORIZED): "You are not authorised to view replay 543057554"

Astrobytes: Is it a pending contribution or a published game?

Smelty: oo..contribution

Smelty: maybe thats why

Astrobytes: It is

Smelty: okay

Astrobytes: Also, Roxxx, aren't you supposed to be working on Cultist Wars :P

Smelty: eeep

Roxxx: I am but i try to help when i can

Roxxx: you guys always help me, so i wanna contribute back

Astrobytes: Concentrate when required

Astrobytes: And Smelty: you can always ask in main chat

Smelty: sorr

Smelty: TwT

Astrobytes: Good ethos though Roxxx :)

Smelty: im coding in java

Astrobytes: Don't worry Smelty, not having a go

Smelty: so i thought that rox, being a java programmer could hel

Smelty: :p

Astrobytes: Yep, I get that, it's cool :)

Smelty: but in any case, my system is still not go

Astrobytes: What are you working on?

Smelty: eep

Smelty: simple ai for troll vs castl

Astrobytes: hahaha

Smelty: contribution; im tryna do a if/else

Smelty: but i fail

Astrobytes: I'd move on for now :rofl:

Smelty: sad face

Smelty: it just that idk whats wrong

Smelty: :rofl:

Astrobytes: Everything! Move on to another contribution or game :D

Astrobytes: JBM will forgive you

Default avatar.png JBM: i'm way too lenient these days

Smelty: :0

Astrobytes: :)

davilla: if/else is level 26, you'll get there

Smelty: when my code doesn't work: *confused ooga booga* when my code works:

  • happyish confused ooga booga*

Smelty: :rofl:

Astrobytes: tbf, TvC has the best graphics and adjustable parameters on all of CG

Smelty: xD

Smelty: tru

Smelty: its the only game in which you can adjust the troll's pants

Astrobytes: Yes indeed. Indeed it is.

Default avatar.png JBM: the feature you never knew you needed

Astrobytes: When merch tho

Default avatar.png JBM: lost some steam on that

Smelty: :(

Astrobytes: :P

Astrobytes: What's the points on it now? Cba to look

Astrobytes: I know 'a lot' covers it :D

Smelty: breeeeeeeeeeeh i coded so that it would show opponent-opponentStones and difference(opponent-opponentStones from last turn) and to show if it passes the if of if those two are equal

Smelty: the error stream said that they were the same

Smelty: but it didnt pass the if for some reason

Smelty: TwT

Astrobytes: I don't know wtf this TwT means, but you should definitely keep playing TvC, until the contest, and maybe during if the notion takes you

Astrobytes: And continue after

Smelty: sorry :(

Smelty: also it means this i believe: :sob:

Astrobytes: I see

Smelty: -.- | |

Astrobytes: Right, I see the connection

Smelty: _ _ |.|

Smelty: lol

Astrobytes: But if emojis are available, why not use them instead of indecipherable glyphs

Astrobytes: *glyph sequences

Smelty: hrmmm....

Smelty: well 3 chars is easier to type from an energy perspective compared to 5 chars

Smelty: but yes

Astrobytes: If you're *that* concerned about your energy usage you might need to make some lifestyle adjustments

Smelty: xD

Astrobytes: Or write perl

Smelty: xD

Smelty: nah, i'd waste too much energy figuring out da heck the code means

Astrobytes: It's quite cool actually. I'm way out of shape with it but it's lovely. At least 5 was

Smelty: lol

Astrobytes: My Raku knowledge is lacking so I can't comment on further manifestations of said lang

Smelty: o.o

Astrobytes: I mean it beggars belief (to me at least) that python (of all the scripting langs of linux at the time) should turn out to be ultra-popular

Smelty: perl 6 go brr

Astrobytes: Like I said, my Raku knowledge is lacking

Smelty: Yes

Smelty: "FORTH is the most powerful programming language" -TvC troll, 2021

Astrobytes: These are carefully considered troll comments you know

Astrobytes: One of these days, a youtube influencer will discover VB and there will be mayhem.

orangesnowfox: oh. oh no.

davilla: So if I delete a post in reply to the wrong person, and repost in response to the correct person, the "body is too similar to a recent post"? Fine, Coding Game doesn't need to know what it doesn't want to know.

Astrobytes: lol, in the forum davilla?

Smelty: pj mp

davilla: yes... this website sometimes, I swear!

Smelty: *lol

Astrobytes: Just the spam filter in effect, just wait a minute or two. It's... sensitive :)

Smelty: sorry forgot to translate from alien

davilla: heh, not *nearly* as sensitive as me :-P

Astrobytes: hahaha

Smelty: lol

Astrobytes: also, on topic for you davilla: it's always a tricky subject

Astrobytes: The 'difficulty' issue

Smelty: :rofl:

davilla: I think it's a lot more straightforward than people make it out to be. And there are definitely some puzzles I've run across that are miscategorized.

Astrobytes: A lot of that happened when CG merged the community-made puzzles with the official CG puzzles

davilla: when I'm ranked high enough, I'm going to go thru and add labels to a lot of these

davilla: some have no skill tags whatsoever, some invent their own

Astrobytes: Some of the more mathematical-knowledge-heavy puzzles stump me at first, but if you do some research and learn about it, you can come back and solve. So, difficulty in some respects is in the eye of the solver I guess

davilla: oh yes, that much is true

davilla: even within computing concepts, one idea can trivialize a problem, but it may be a very deep idea

Astrobytes: Yes absolutely

**Smelty googles how to find deep ideas

Astrobytes: And the tagging issue is probably not gonna go away I suspect

davilla: careful, the search results might return things like "modular calculus"

Smelty: augh

**Astrobytes shudders

**Smelty shudders along

davilla: it's funny, math texts tend to call things "elementary"

davilla: like if you find a book on "elementary geometry", don't open it or your eyes will melt

davilla: you need multivariable calculus to begin to understand elementary geometry

davilla: so the cryptography guys probably got tired of this, realizing they were doing much harder math than the rest of the programming community

Astrobytes: Well that *does* depend on which level the textbook is aimed at

Smelty: oh no,

davilla: and they invented this term called "modular calculus" to rename "elementary arithmetic"

davilla: modular calculus isn't a thing as far as I can tell, but it does tag several of the puzzles here

Astrobytes: modular arithmetic

AntiSquid: gn8 all

Astrobytes: gn AntiSquid

Default avatar.png **Tadatadatadam slaps Tadatadatadam going to create something class around a bit with a large fishbot

Astrobytes: Strange term but it's modular arithmetic afaik

davilla: yeah that's probably right

davilla: but honestly, it's not even at the level of elementary algebra

davilla: where they do things like treat matrices like numbers and then use that in division

Andriamanitra: what's the logic behind how many codinpoints you get

orangesnowfox: Your page should tell you that, there's a ? box

Andriamanitra: yeah i mean within the categories

Astrobytes: Or it's related to elementary function arithmetic... I'm not mathematician

Astrobytes: *no

Astrobytes: Ah, it's based on TrueSkill algorithm Andriamanitra

Andriamanitra: why is code golf only 200 but bot programming 5000

Andriamanitra: i will never get points ;_;

Astrobytes: Yes you will

Astrobytes: If you improve your bot programming and optim :P


Andriamanitra: i barely have attention span to read through the description much less to actually solve

Astrobytes: that's so strange davilla: I would just call it... um, number theory

Astrobytes: Andriamanitra: then you have some work to do on yourself before you try to solve complex problems :P

Andriamanitra: my haskell code golf is worth 0/200 points :(

struct: guess we have something similar

orangesnowfox: They uhh... Only update on Reset

Astrobytes: ^

Astrobytes: Well, when they update the servers

Astrobytes: *database

orangesnowfox: aka, midnight UTC iirc

Andriamanitra: oh, maybe there's a chance

Astrobytes: Did you make some progress in something today Andriamanitra?

Andriamanitra: i don't think so except for the haskell code golf :D

Astrobytes: Well, as fox said it won't be updated until 0000 UTC or later (I don't even know what time it happens these days)

davilla: "applied" is what theoreticians call anything with purpose, when there's no other interest in the concept than the end goal

Astrobytes: lmao, you ain't wrong

davilla: quick survey:

davilla: worst language for code golf?

Roxxx: bash

Astrobytes: applied = worker, otherwise = academia

Astrobytes: Java

Roxxx: lolz

davilla: worst as is largest size for optimal solution

Astrobytes: Or C++

Astrobytes: Java or C++

Astrobytes: Probably Java

davilla: not C# ? huh, OK

Roxxx: he's just poking at me

Astrobytes: C# can be condensed a little more than Java iirc

Astrobytes: Not at all Roxxx!

Astrobytes: Serious

Roxxx: no worries, i'm just playing

davilla: who me? no I agree Bash is godawful to read, but the code is super small

Astrobytes: I mean you can condense the java a lot

Astrobytes: But iirc, you can shorten the C# a lot more

davilla: I guess C# does have a lot of useful features like nullable types and implicit tuples (forget what they call those)

Default avatar.png Tadatadatadam: i love java and c++

Astrobytes: Tadatadatadam: Then you should C# too, if not, get some spectacles

Roxxx: @Astrobytes but isn't the whole beauty of java that it's easy to read

Roxxx: it's probably one of the most verbose languages but it can be so readable

struct: java has no unsigned long long?

struct: What is this

Default avatar.png Tadatadatadam: nto this time C# ty, sorry. So far I love these 2 languages

Astrobytes: Roxxx: may I refer you to

davilla: oh there it is: ValueTuple

davilla: as of C# 7.0

Roxxx: @struct there is BigInteger

Astrobytes: Tadatadatadam: I think you'll like C#, give it a try

Roxxx: not the same

Roxxx: @Astrobytes what do you mean


davilla: my favorite feature in C# are extension methods

davilla: but there are limitations to that since not everything derives from object

Astrobytes: My favourite feature of C# is not using it

Roxxx: @Astrobytes, hey those are just naming conventions xD

Astrobytes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Astrobytes: Roxxx: :D

struct: i mostly use c++/javascript

davilla: I hear you, Micro$oft produces almost nothing but garbage

Astrobytes: pleasure/pain thing struct

davilla: they redefine basic math concepts like mod and integer division

Andriamanitra: my code makes perfect sense and passes all the tests but only gets 6% from validators :thinking:

Andriamanitra: is the (C) compiler environment different for the validators

davilla: for 400 years -1 mod 3 is 2, but why value tradition and sense?

Astrobytes: I try not to judge. I can use C# if I need to. I prefer C++.

Astrobytes: and lol

orangesnowfox: Half the people here hate me (not *really*) because I use Rust ^^;

davilla: why do the other half hate you?

Astrobytes: Rust is definitely cool

davilla: just kidding :-P

Astrobytes: It's peculiar, but cool

Roxxx: nothing wrong with rust it's just a bit 'oxidized'

Astrobytes: Ferris the Crab may take issue with that

orangesnowfox: They might, they might not


davilla: I don't see any Criticisms

Astrobytes: I always just love the term 'Rustacean' and Ferris from ferrous. It tickled my biochemical feathers

davilla: so Rust uses reference counting... can't that still result in memory leaks, with circular references?

orangesnowfox: "Weird syntax" "I hate borrowck" are the common complaints

orangesnowfox: davilla: Rust *doesn't* use Reference Counting

struct: microsoft has been improving

struct: C# is good

orangesnowfox: It has Rcs, but they aren't like, required.

struct: wsl2 is great

Astrobytes: Syntax is a little different sure, but the borrow checker is cool

davilla: OK so you can manage it yourself, or you can let the RC handle it, but there's no full-feature Gc

orangesnowfox: And, also, davilla: Yes, Rc leaks *can* happen, but memory leaks aren't unsafe (neither are deadlocks)

orangesnowfox: Rust helps you with that first one

orangesnowfox: No use after free or anything

davilla: I mean, I guess that's a good compromise

Astrobytes: It literally tells you when you're f**king up, or warns you that you are on the path to doing so

davilla: heck, I've had memory leaks in python

orangesnowfox: Keeps you from having data races, so I consider that *very* nice in any threaded application

Astrobytes: Anyway, struct has still not completed his mission therefore I shall retire to watch something inane before bed

struct: sorry astro

Astrobytes: :)

struct: I will, im just a bit tired

Andriamanitra: i guess "main(a,b,c,d)" to get around having to "int a,b,c,d;" was too much for the validators even though it worked in ide

struct: Lots of coding on last days

Astrobytes: I'm just joking struct man, don't worry :)

samueI: hi

Astrobytes: Honestly, no rush man

Astrobytes: and consult darkhorse64 if you have any issues with it struct, he's a helpful guy

struct: I will

Astrobytes: cool beans, see ya tomorrow man

Astrobytes: gn all

struct: cya, gn

davilla: so this seems like an awful lot of minutia, when borrowck doesn't understand something like slices of an array

davilla: tell me Rust is worth it because it's at least as fast as C

orangesnowfox: "Borrowck doesn't understand slices of an array" ?

orangesnowfox: Well, it's on par with C

davilla: sorry I may not have gotten the lingo right yet

orangesnowfox: Well, define what you mean


orangesnowfox: Ah, right...

davilla: I mean it's usually pretty useful, I'm sure, but sometimes you have to circumvent

davilla: whereas with true GC you never have to worry about that stuff... obvious disadvantage being the speed

orangesnowfox: Well, there's `split_at_mut`, which splits it in arbitrary slices, and first / end splits, which honestly cover 99% of usecases

orangesnowfox: True, with GC you don't have to deal with it

orangesnowfox: Rust is competing with C as a "Systems Programming Language" tho

davilla: OK, so Rust is a way to get the speed of C without as many headaches

orangesnowfox: "kinda" but let's go with that, it's honestly a nice language over all

orangesnowfox: Like, I use it in my day to day job (currently backend web dev, *sighs*)

struct: just weird syntax :(

davilla: well do you know any higher level languages? like python, which is built on C?

orangesnowfox: I know quite a few in fact :p

Uljahn: cython :)

davilla: hmm syntax was claimed to be C-like, but I don't know about these keywords like impl

davilla: I guess that's a template?

davilla: and => isn't LINQ it's some sort of if/then

orangesnowfox: LINQ isn't C lol

davilla: yeah just trying to make sense of it

orangesnowfox: quick overview of syntax

davilla: cool thanks

davilla: what is the general name for what => does in LINQ? would that be a lambda function, basically?

orangesnowfox: `(x) => stuff` is lambda in C# yeah

davilla: and in Rust?

davilla: lots and lots of focus on thread safety, everything I've seen goes into it

davilla: I can only hope to see that in python 4

davilla: oh => is used in match statement, which I guess is like a switch

orangesnowfox: A lambda in Rust is `|<args>*| [-> <Type>] <expr>` ie, `|| foo()` (which is a pretty useless lambda, but still) or `|a|`, or `|| -> i32 { eprintln!("what is the meaning of life"); 42 }`

orangesnowfox: Yeah, `=>` is used in pattern matching, it's somewhat more powerful than a switch (as far as I remember, maybe C# has gained true pattern matching)

orangesnowfox: Rust also doesn't have null, which is really nice

davilla: wow, yeah I see some pretty high level stuff with the pattern matching

davilla: .. like a *

orangesnowfox: Yeah... There's a lot of stuff, try not to absorb too much at once

davilla: yeah I think not, but I'll definitely look into it again

davilla: why the ! is that a function call?

orangesnowfox: It's a macro

davilla: OK there's a lot to learn here

davilla: interesting for sure


Roxxx: got em to shoot

Roxxx: but they have no idea what they are shooting at rofl

Roxxx: my units killed half of neutrals and they keep shooting at obstacles hmm

Roxxx: there's something seriously wrong with the logic, since i tried to do the opposite

Default avatar.png Tadatadatadam: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Roxxx: exactly

Default avatar.png Tadatadatadam: "In Rust it is unsafe to dereference a raw pointer or call a non-rust function. OpenGL is non-rust, so we will have lots of unsafe fun."

davilla: Rust is like juggling knives in full body armor

davilla: and external libraries are like metal detectors

Default avatar.png Tadatadatadam: i like this util

Default avatar.png Tadatadatadam:

davilla: where is the about?

davilla: nevermind

Default avatar.png Tadatadatadam: I used it as a search, they demanded to install it when you put Emacs

Default avatar.png Tadatadatadam: very fast search

Default avatar.png Tadatadatadam: in the notes it is written that it is written in Rust, I just remember that evening how long it took to grow and this utility

Default avatar.png Tadatadatadam: сщьзшдфешщт

Default avatar.png Tadatadatadam: compilation

LOCPPN: hello

Smelty: hello there roxxx

Default avatar.png TheDrowningFish: sup gangstas

Roxxx: hello smelty :)

Default avatar.png Who_Mahmud: :punch:

Default avatar.png datvp1234:

MINGTRAU: fuck you

Default avatar.png datvp1234:

APOK: fuck !!!!









icecream17: you're spamming

ThinhCute: sr

ThinhCute: i'm sorry

icecream17: thks - maybe spam 1 time next time

icecream17: (i was rewriting my comment a couple times so it took a long time to reply)

ThinhCute: ok

MINGTRAU: fuck you iceream

MINGTRAU: fuck you

MINGTRAU: fuck you

MINGTRAU: fuck you

MINGTRAU: fuck you


molethecoleio: can someone help me on coders strike back?

icecream17: sure

molethecoleio: how do i friend you

icecream17: idk lets see...

Default avatar.png CamBones: is anyone available to help me out with Coders Strike Back, C++

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: hi

xxk1ng0fh3artzxx: Still need help, CamBones?

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: hi xxk1ng0fh3artzxx

xxk1ng0fh3artzxx: Hey kresteodymium

molethecoleio: sup guys

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: sup guys

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: happy coding lol

Notter: CoC anyone?

molethecoleio: i need help every game i go to i se alot of scarry code a nd i dont understand eny of it

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: coding is a learning process

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: theres a learning process

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: im no expert myself

Notter: @molethecoleio What language are you using?

molethecoleio: python

Pick8chu: Any tips on Coders strike back bronze league?

molethecoleio: lol im stuck in wood 2

Pick8chu: wood 2? don't they tell you what to add on the description?

Default avatar.png XSNRG:

Default avatar.png XSNRG: getting server error, pasted error

Default avatar.png BigFatDecker: what is wrong with this code. obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx) , keep getting error saying JSONDecodeError: Expecting ',' delimiter

molethecoleio: i dont know eny more ima go to bed

molethecoleio: gn



Alex-1: hii

Alex-1: what update about Covid-19

Alex-1: it to fast

Default avatar.png easdasd: hi guys

Default avatar.png easdasd: fortnite is free now?

Alex-1: ohh 'that nice

Alex-1: easdasd

Smelty: o.o

MINGTRAU: fuck you

MINGTRAU: ddmmmm

Alex-1: don't abuse MINGTRAU

MinhHCL: ????


Alex-1: that's not fine


Smelty: i'm slowly making my way up clash of code leaderboard o.o

Alex-1: ohh Smelty that's good

MINGTRAU: fuck you alex

Alex-1: just stop it

Alex-1: otherwise i will report you


MinhHCL: địt mẹ mày

Smelty: thanks alex

Smelty: and MINGTRAU

Smelty: >:)

Smelty: If I see you doing that again, I'm definitely reporting

Alex-1: are you saying to me Smelty

Smelty: nah just warning mingtrau

Alex-1: okk

Smelty: that's the second time

Alex-1: yeah

Default avatar.png BigFatDecker: what is wrong with this code. obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx) , keep getting error saying JSONDecodeError: Expecting ',' delimiter

Smelty: um, lets see

Smelty: what language

Smelty: i'm not that good at most languages, but I'll try to help

Default avatar.png BigFatDecker: its python im actually trying to set up gpt 2

Default avatar.png BigFatDecker: but in the decoder it says expectin delimiter

Default avatar.png BigFatDecker: and i cant find where it wants me to put it

Default avatar.png BigFatDecker:

Default avatar.png BigFatDecker: on line 353

Smelty: okay


Smelty: from stackoverflow

Smelty: hope it helps

MINGTRAU: fuck you alx


Littleyounes: why you invite me

Littleyounes: mingtrau

Littleyounes: x)

Littleyounes: m busy

MINGTRAU: because i like

Littleyounes: k

Default avatar.png BigFatDecker: so would that show an error in the decoder? because it doesnt show an error in the json and that is the default file that came with gpt 2


MINGTRAU: i don't understand

Default avatar.png BigFatDecker: i would post the json but its too big


Default avatar.png BigFatDecker: this is impossible

Alex-1: Smelty it help BigFatDecker stackoverflow is nice