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MadKnight: Smelty

MadKnight: u still there ?

Default avatar.png Nangster: coding is fun

Default avatar.png Nangster: who agrees?

Westicles: Real humans don't talk like that

Rimon_Nath: come in codingame!!!everybody

Smelty: madknight uh hi

Default avatar.png TimothyHanson: i wish i know how to code

Default avatar.png ATmax: you can learn

MadKnight: Smelty u in gold ?

Talulita: Hii, does somebody know how to make the chat visible? A friend of mine is having trouble with that. He can't access the chat

Uljahn: he should be level 3

Talulita: Ohhh, thank you :)

Default avatar.png Kunal123: hello

Default avatar.png MightMeyan: hi

Default avatar.png Kunal123: where are you from

Mr.Pepper: u can hover over avatar

Mr.Pepper: :p

Mr.Pepper: *mouse

jonixcodes: hallo @henri-

derjack: good morning

EliteDaMyth: shortest and reverse only


BlaiseEbuth: Puzzles, multi and optim only.

BlaiseEbuth: -> #clash

Default avatar.png TheNinjaSkull_6e96: Hi everybody, i m a student, and i have to do the "prefix code", but i am stuck at the beginning because i dont understand this code. Can anyone help me?

derjack: hm?

Default avatar.png glymdeur: Pourquoi Harry Potter chuchotte ?

Parce que Dumbledore…

Default avatar.png ThePr0digy: xD xD xD

Default avatar.png heloche: Excellent !!

derjack: over 2000 :tada:

BlaiseEbuth: What's that?

Astrobytes: nice, how often do you check it? 3 times a year? :P

Astrobytes: (on account of the slowwww games)

BlaiseEbuth: This site look so 2010.

Astrobytes: Kinda suits it since it's essentially 'play by mail' board games

Astrobytes: There are other bots on there too like derjaceks

BlaiseEbuth: Oh. You can play with a bot ?

VizGhar: That's one ugly page :D

Astrobytes: Yeah, I'm not sure if you can matchmake yourself or not

BlaiseEbuth: Natively or you need to violently plug the bot in ?

derjack: you sign to games, tournament etc and it will assign opponent for you

derjack: i use html parser for it

derjack: correspondence games only, 1 move per 24 hours

BlaiseEbuth: Hmm'k

dbdr: timeout 86400000 ms

dbdr: small change after 50 ms turns on CG :D

dbdr: and another way to waste energy

derjack: i use it on VPS with 1 GB RAM, so i use only about 15 seconds for move

dbdr: :thumbsup:

dbdr: Astrobytes working on CSB?

Astrobytes: Yeah, nothing major though

Default avatar.png Morac: hey

Kitkat260: hey

Default avatar.png SoonSoon: hi

Kitkat260: hru

Default avatar.png SoonSoon: great

Kitkat260: nice

Kitkat260: :(

Default avatar.png SoonSoon: why sad

Kitkat260: idk

Default avatar.png ID0: can anyone help me with ruby

struct: only ruby I know is for golf

struct: So I cant help much if it isnt related to code golf

Default avatar.png ID0: working on ASCII but nothing is helping because its not reading the puts

struct: can you paste the code here please?

Default avatar.png ID0: not right now

Default avatar.png ID0: just got called in so I gtg

Default avatar.png stewi: how do you even code this its soo hard :(

Jumpmaster: Working on nuggets. My code works for all test cases, but I keep failing validators 2 and 7. Any suggestions?

struct: both validators 2 and 7

struct: output is -1

struct: oh no

struct: the 7 is -1

struct: but the 2 isnt

struct: I could give you one of the validators if you want

Jumpmaster: Validator 7 has been posted on the forum, but if you could share validator 2 that would be helpful. Thanks

Jumpmaster: I got -1 for 7, but it took too long. need to optimize, and that is probably the same problem with 2.

struct: 2 42 83

struct: Those are the inputs for validator 2 Jumpmaster

Jumpmaster: thanks

struct: you want the answer?

struct: or no

Jumpmaster: 3361?

struct: yes

Jumpmaster: cool, I just need to make it run faster then. Thanks for the help

struct: np

Default avatar.png SotaUN: enjoy your day

Default avatar.png Mandelbort: na bro

Mr.Pepper: :rolling_eyes:

Default avatar.png SotaUN: :heart_eyes:

Default avatar.png stewi: <3

Default avatar.png stewi: it says found : true expected: true what does that even mean?

Uljahn: check whitespaces after true

Default avatar.png stewi: oh alright thanks

Default avatar.png RoyReznik:

if someone want shortest

Default avatar.png stewi: shortest what?

Uljahn: shortest way to ban

Uljahn: for clash invites you'd better be using #clash channel

Default avatar.png stewi: oh alright

Default avatar.png RoyReznik:

Default avatar.png RoyReznik: oh sorry

Default avatar.png RoyReznik: i didnt see your message

Default avatar.png RoyReznik: iw ill use this channel soz

Uljahn: np

struct: ...

AntiSquid: sorry, didn't see the last messages

Default avatar.png elli0t_alders0n: HELLO @EVERYONE

Default avatar.png elli0t_alders0n: how are you today

Default avatar.png elli0t_alders0n: i AM greate

Auto2552: 0100100001101001

Default avatar.png groksula: how long until every front end job is configuring no code website creators?

AntiSquid: practice design then, but i doubt that's the case since pretty much all of them ask for backend knowledge ...

Default avatar.png hello12315: smile at dead line :joy:

Default avatar.png hello12315: sorry,is deadline:sweat_smile:

jacek: the more you know

Smelty: o.O

eulerscheZahl: "Round 1A results are finalized, and since you were not among the top 1500, you unfortunately haven't advanced to Round 2. " oh no, how could that happen? :(

struct: Which contest?

eulerscheZahl: codejam

BlaiseEbuth: That's what happen when you skip rounds...

eulerscheZahl: no auto-promote?

eulerscheZahl: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

jacek: are you from bielefeld?

eulerscheZahl: you know the Bielefeld meme?

Astrobytes: we do now

jacek: meme?

eulerscheZahl: Bielefeld is the city that doesn't exist

eulerscheZahl: but officials want to make us think it does

Astrobytes: (he linked it earlier)

jacek: *gasp*

eulerscheZahl: oh

eulerscheZahl: out of interest: did he link this?

Astrobytes: nah just the wikipedia article

Astrobytes: Related:

eulerscheZahl: that's a lot to read

struct: I just witnessed a miracle

Astrobytes: It's only a few paragraphs


struct: he stated it wouldnt match unless its a miracle

eulerscheZahl: i prefer contributions comments. like my latest one saying "??" saying all that has to be said and amazingly fast to read

ZarthaxX: at least codejam told you that and you didnt even try ;)

ZarthaxX: *cries in silence*

struct: Did you also join codejam ZarthaxX?

eulerscheZahl: oh, that number was an exact match for me too

ZarthaxX: struct ye solved one that round

ZarthaxX: then became lazy and left the round lol

jrke: what is codejam btw i mean which type of contest?

ZarthaxX: competitve programming

ZarthaxX: the classic one, codeforces like

struct: algorithms

ZarthaxX: solve problems in X time

jrke: oh

ZarthaxX: these rounds are 2:30 hs and 3 problems

eulerscheZahl: we are just in for the 1000 tshirts they give away

struct: Im not good at those so I dont even bother joining

ZarthaxX: eulerscheZahl indeed

ZarthaxX: *i wanna beat gennady*

Astrobytes: lol

ZarthaxX: should be doable

Astrobytes: ezpz!

ZarthaxX: dude made in 4 hs a code for LoCM that i never surpassed i think in contest

Astrobytes: lol, he's very good at what he does

eulerscheZahl: might be as close as i can get to beating him

Astrobytes: hey, not bad!

eulerscheZahl: i can see both of us without scrolling \o/

Astrobytes: :D

ZarthaxX: wowww toad :O

ZarthaxX: topcoder?

eulerscheZahl: yes

ZarthaxX: almost got him

ZarthaxX: GO FOR HIM

struct: Very nice

Mr.Pepper: when i close some personal chat but sometimes it is still there :rolling_eyes:

struct: close all cg tabs in your browser except one

struct: refresh the page

struct: close all pms

struct: and the ctrl + f5

Mr.Pepper: oh ok

Smelty: where can you join the codejam

Smelty: :p

Smelty: *:p

eulerscheZahl: you missed the qualification round, good luck next year

Smelty: rip

Astrobytes: Keep an eye on the CG discord, it's usually announced on there as a reminder (along with other external-to-CG contests)

Smelty: oki

struct: gather is so freaking slow

struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

ZarthaxX: gather?

jrke: i wanna play any contest

struct: _mm256_i32gather_ps

ZarthaxX: ah

jrke: is any contest live?


eulerscheZahl: multiple

Smelty: hmm

Smelty: ooh...there's one ending in 40 minutes

eulerscheZahl: there are so many contests, you have to do some cherry picking to handle them

Smelty: dang

eulerscheZahl: the CG discord channel sometimes features contests that aren't even in that list but sound interesting

struct: 93 days contest :D

jrke: kaggle even had 5 year contest


jrke: here is one ^

Smelty: woaH

Smelty: 3 years done, 2 years to go

jrke: yes

jrke: astrobytes you pushed me miles in CSB

jrke: from 33rd to 15th lol

Astrobytes: yeah, don't worry, you'll go back down

eulerscheZahl: how did you get that high?!

Astrobytes: I've been CSBing since last night

eulerscheZahl: i meant jrke

struct: What search do you use?

Astrobytes: I am curious though, you were 30-something? What algorithm are you using jrke?

jrke: i am not sure what was that cause wrote it months back

jrke: but as far as i know its simulation + ga + good eval

Astrobytes: Well, I'm fairly sure you'd remember

jrke: not 100% but yes it was that

eulerscheZahl: i still remember some details of my bot when others ask me about it years after. but i don't feel like typing that out and just link my forum post when possible :P

struct: I also know all my bots by hearth

Astrobytes: Why didn't you use that CSB framework for SLCC jrke? It only needed minimal modification

eulerscheZahl: by heart is a bit exaggerated for me. but the basic ideas at least

Smelty: hmm

Astrobytes: I'm fairly sure struct can recite his AVX ones by heart :P

Astrobytes: (line by line :D )

struct: Now im working on the new version

struct: Where its "8x faster", not "8x simultaneous games"

jrke: for slcc my reason for not using CSB framework was to just train myself to code faster and also for debugging experience cause when i joined only 3days was left

struct: It has way more benefits

jrke: but still i ended 26th not bad though

ZarthaxX: not really 8xfaster tho

struct: even if its 2x faster is wroth

struct: worth*

Astrobytes: Yeah I joined late too jrke, wish I joined earluer

ZarthaxX: yeeee

Astrobytes: *earlier

Astrobytes: struct yeah, any speedup is a good thing

Scarfield: eulier

struct: For example it will be easier to use it with smitsi

struct: The 8 pods at the same time is kinda bad for smitsi

Smelty: my angle calcs are off for some reason

Astrobytes: Seems it could possibly be worse if I think about it

struct: it should be worse

Astrobytes: Speed is what you need there

jrke: astrobytes whats your algo for CSB atm

Astrobytes: The same GA I've had for a few years lol

Puru299792458: in question "The labrinth" do we need to have the knowledge of A* ?

struct: you should try smitsi

Astrobytes: Every now and then I tweak parameters and fix bugs

Astrobytes: Yeah I intend to soon struct

jrke: i will CSB only when i learn ML->RL

Astrobytes: The Labyrinth is just a BFS is it not? I can't remember

Puru299792458: yup it is

Puru299792458: in external resources a* is mentioned

Puru299792458: so thought it will be reqd

Scarfield: no need for a* on that one, but can be used

Astrobytes: Yeah, I mean you could use it, I think its overkill

Astrobytes: If you just wanna practice A* then go right ahead

Westicles: Wow, Tbali is up to 491 puzzles solved. Got to be close to all of them

Astrobytes: impressive!

Astrobytes: Scarfield: I almost missed the opportunity - A*field

Westicles: No space maze, freecell, or nurikabe

Astrobytes: Ah, I'm sure he's able to do those

Puru299792458: thanks astrobytes and scarfield, i think it will be good to know A*, after solving with bfs will try with A*

Astrobytes: There are a few more puzzles you can try A* with, just have a search

Puru299792458: oh okay.

struct: Also make sure to prune some moves when you do smitsi

Scarfield: just did bender 2, recursion hurts my brain A*bytes

struct: its way more efficient that way

Astrobytes: Yes, makes sense struct

Astrobytes: yo-yoing from 14th-16th to 43rd-51st in CSB. Just not consistent enough.

Astrobytes: It'll probably finish 60th or something lol

struct: too little points between those ranks

Astrobytes: I know, I've been trying to break through the barrier but I think it's not going to happen with my GA

struct: ok using avx on mcts might be benefitial

struct: on the select phase

Astrobytes: I thought you tried it before and it wasn't?

struct: Never managed to do it

struct: But now I have avx function to return the highest value

Astrobytes: Oh this was the rather cryptic conversation yesterday

ZarthaxX: haha cryptic

struct: I found this after the conversation

Astrobytes: come on, those instructions are ridiculous to read :D

struct: I never saw c++ code like that tbh

ZarthaxX: i told him an option but he prefers weird ass sutff :rofl:

Astrobytes: It's a completely different world

Astrobytes: lol ZarthaxX

Astrobytes: No pain, no gain eh!

struct: Avx is fun

struct: but is also painful

Scarfield: im gonna start putting the same disclaimer in the top of my code

ZarthaxX: why painful

ZarthaxX: it's just fun

struct: painful at the start ZarthaxX

Astrobytes: In the same vein: Cats are small. But not as small as spiders.

struct: Is too much stuff at once

struct: You need to wire your brain so you can understand it

Astrobytes: And go slowly into the void

ZarthaxX: well yes

ZarthaxX: i had a subject in uni about SIMD anyway

ZarthaxX: intel asm and simd

ZarthaxX: so i guess it's way easier haha

Astrobytes: oooOOOooo

Astrobytes: :D

struct: My first class was about simd

Westicles: Looks like if I did all puzzles I'd be up to 502. I guess the number depends on how many deleted ones you've done

ZarthaxX: looks struct, i dont intend that you understand anything

ZarthaxX: but this asm has that thing i shared the other day


ZarthaxX: you had simd too struct what lol

struct: I did not see that

struct: No I did not have simd

struct: I was joking

ZarthaxX: ah LOL

struct: Very nice ZarthaxX

Astrobytes: Traduzca eso

ZarthaxX: ty

ZarthaxX: no :rofl:

Mr.Pepper: :rofl:

ZarthaxX: and AVX512 is dope

ZarthaxX: but i wont show that one

ZarthaxX: not useful for now anyway

struct: I dont have a cpu that supports it

Astrobytes: at least I can follow the asm a bit

ZarthaxX: hard to have one

Westicles: I've got one, but not sure how much of the instruction set it has compared to what struct is using

struct: My cpu is pretty old

ZarthaxX: avx512 has these kind of things struct

ZarthaxX: Astrobytes look ath that syntax

ZarthaxX: Westicles AVX512 support??

ZarthaxX: or AVX

struct: he has 512 support

struct: he has a good cpu

ZarthaxX: damn

struct: xtreme

ZarthaxX: holy f

ZarthaxX: i had to use an emulator for these things

Westicles: 10980xe

ZarthaxX: also for avx

ZarthaxX: xeon?

struct: xe stands for

struct: extreme edition

ZarthaxX: found that

Astrobytes: ZarthaxX Nice! :D

eulerscheZahl: my CPU is old :(


ZarthaxX: this one too Astrobytes

ZarthaxX: the synax introduces some {} thingies to make the instr behave differently

ZarthaxX: it's crazy

ZarthaxX: eulerscheZahl old like mine it seems

ZarthaxX: no avx support isee


Astrobytes: Totally indecipherable with those for me yeah :D

ZarthaxX: it's amazing but painful as struct said lol

ZarthaxX: once you get how evertyhing works it's crazy

Astrobytes: The braces tho

ZarthaxX: oh toad has avx too

ZarthaxX: im the only one without avx :D

ZarthaxX: braces are amazing haha

Astrobytes: I am getting into avx stuff, just slowly

ZarthaxX: and have an avx cpu?

Astrobytes: yes lol

Astrobytes: not 512

ZarthaxX: i know

ZarthaxX: just checking im the poor one ah

struct: By the time I finish CSB cg will have 512

Astrobytes: :rofl:

ZarthaxX: LOL

eulerscheZahl: i don't even know if they are in Azure or AWS

eulerscheZahl: there are contradicting statements

eulerscheZahl: i only know that they use AWS to send emails

Astrobytes: OVHcloud too, for what exactly I'm unsure

Westicles: CG doesn't use their own HW? Then why does it grind to a halt every night?

Default avatar.png Qyxi: Morning.

struct: They changed db or something

struct: and since that change it gets laggy every day

struct: at the same time

eulerscheZahl: i thought they just recompute the global leaderboard

struct: Yeah, but it didnt use to lag before

ZarthaxX: same

eulerscheZahl: and somehow have a too high priority for this task so the rest just ends in a queue and has to wait

eulerscheZahl: hm, no idea. I sleep at that time

jacek: those clashes need to be computed after all

eulerscheZahl: join my sleep cycle struct, then CG is fast for you too

Astrobytes: Old Man Euler is recruiting others :o

struct: I rarely use IDE so it doesnt bother much

Westicles: I'm on the 25 hour schedule, so I cycle around

Westicles: Mars days


Astrobytes: :rofl:

eulerscheZahl: i totally forgot the "your mom" part of the story line

Astrobytes: It works well in the context

Default avatar.png Qyxi: A char is 8 bits, but isn't overly easy to work with numerically. Is there an easy way to create a 8 bit type that can store be made for storing numbers 0-255 unsigned or -128 to 127 signed?

Default avatar.png Qyxi: and/or between store and be made*

Westicles: The real-world mom part is she has no idea when to call, you might be asleep any time of the day

jacek: Qyxi but it is easy. int8_t is char basically. it is different only for printing

Default avatar.png Qyxi: I see. Forgive my ignorance. I failed college c++ in 1998 when I was in college. Failed to see how that was important for engineering/business at the time.

Astrobytes: and uint8_t for unsigned

Scarfield: to print the value on int8_t you could simply do cerr << 0+var

Default avatar.png Qyxi: When you say, "is char basically" you mean that it's an 8 bit int with mathematical operators rather than requiring single character inputs yes?


struct: its the same

Default avatar.png Qyxi: This is embarrassing, I should have known that. I've seen typedef in windows code using that format on vars many times. Thank you for being kind with a constructive answer.

Marchete: unsigned long long shot a bit larger than x;

Marchete: glad they added formal typedefs

Default avatar.png Qyxi: Oh, looking at the link. the int8_t is still a char.

Astrobytes: they're both integer types

Astrobytes: char and int8_t


Default avatar.png Qyxi: But, char x = 50; throws a compiler error.

Marchete: unless you are going to do code to different systems, or going to do low level programming

Marchete: (i.e. OS kernels, drivers, etc)

Marchete: don't spend time on that

Astrobytes: Something else must have caused your compiler error. char x = 50 most definitely compiles.

Default avatar.png Qyxi: Well, I'm thinking about memory constraints. And I have no idea how to do bit manipulation.. it eludes me. Using variables of > 8 bits is a waste of memory when I know that the min/max values will fit within the constraints of 8 bits.

struct: Barely recognized marchet with that avatar

Astrobytes: lol

Default avatar.png Qyxi: I'd considering a native array type if I could wrap my thoughts around bit wrangling.

Astrobytes: you can use std::bitset if you want to mess around with bits and aren't too comfortable

Marchete: indeed

jacek: also try :notebook: :soccer:

Astrobytes: Other than that: why are you concerned about memory usage righ now?

Astrobytes: *right

LelouchVC2: Unless you're coding something that needs a lot of ram, optimizing ram is like saving a drop of the ocean

LelouchVC2: optimizing ram usage*

Default avatar.png Qyxi: Well, I'll give you an example of where it needs thinking like this. 7 days to die USED to run on my 12 gb ram laptop when it was alpha 16. Ran like a dream. Now, since programmers maintain the notion that memory is cheap.. it runs my laptop hot at a whopping 8 frames per second.

Astrobytes: Well yes, but I mean in your specific use case

jacek: you paid for 12gb ram, then use 12gb ram. no money wasted [solved]

Marchete: add more ram, problem solved

Astrobytes: *download more ram ofc

Scarfield: xD

Marchete: jacek, I'm askew as well

jacek: but not round

Default avatar.png Qyxi: And, that's something I'd prefer to avoid. Currently, running NEAT using floats everywhere where many can be 8 bits, I can greatly increase active entities with limbs and brains.

jacek: oO

Astrobytes: hm, case for vectorization?

Marchete: is there any benefit on reusing MCTS for the next turn on CG?

Marchete: given the constraints

Astrobytes: reusing the tree from the best node?

Astrobytes: Sure

Marchete: I mean

Marchete: what % do you gain?

Default avatar.png Qyxi:

Marchete: if you have 10 moves, the enemy 10 moves

Marchete: so you reuse only 1/100 of all the previous search

Marchete: no?

Default avatar.png Qyxi: Why'd that make a link?

Astrobytes: Think it's game dependant gain-wise Marchete, jacek probably has a statistic for it

Marchete: you need a premium account

Scarfield: message length > some limit

Astrobytes: lel

Default avatar.png Qyxi: Oh. Good to know.

struct: marchet it wont really be 1/100

struct: because you will choose probably the most expanded node

struct: so will opponent

Scarfield: its would be more than 1/100 since the MCTS should have guided you towards the more visited nodes

Astrobytes: ^

Marchete: ok, then I'll continue tweaking my code to reuse it

struct: do you use mcts solver marchet?

Marchete: no

jacek: its better for low branching games of course

jacek: must have for oware

jacek: or bandas

Marchete: but I'm trying to implement jacekmax on oware

Marchete: that doesn't have that

Marchete: or at least not on your playground

jacek: jacekmax has implied solver o.O

Marchete: implied

Marchete: I'm doing jacekmax but I'm trying to tweak my precache nodes to allow tree reuse

jacek: part of eval is if win = +inf, if lose = -inf

Marchete: it comes mainly from smitsimax, that can't reuse much of the tree

jacek: and negamax backpropagation would know that

Marchete: if that's the MCTS solver, then yes

Westicles: Huh. All that *max talk is real? I thought you guys were joking

Astrobytes: cegimax is the fake one


Marchete: smitsimax and jacekmax are real :D

Marchete: negamax I'm not that sure

Astrobytes: :P

Scarfield: Bielefeldmax ?

Astrobytes: hahaha

Astrobytes: Nonexistimax

Scarfield: xD

BlaiseEbuth: What's so funny Astromax ?

BlaiseEbuth: Scarfinoïd ?

Astrobytes: Bielefeldmax is funny MinEbuth

Scarfield: Bielebuth is real=

Astrobytes: :rofl :rofl:

Astrobytes: EPIC

BlaiseEbuth: MCTBUth

Astrobytes: BlaiseEbUCT

Scarfield: shared by jacik eulier

BlaiseEbuth: I saw

BlaiseEbuth: JacekTS

Astrobytes: you're on form tonight HumourField

BlaiseEbuth: But form of what...

Astrobytes: on form, not *in* form

Scarfield: lol

Scarfield: also not in shape, but a shape

BlaiseEbuth: Less fun un english

BlaiseEbuth: *in

Astrobytes: true

Astrobytes: afk a few mins

BlaiseEbuth: *a few max

Scarfield: sigh xD

struct: ZarthaxX here?

struct: I need his expertise

BlaiseEbuth: ZarthaMax

Astrobytes: I have returned.

struct: The bigger a mcts tree is the slower it is right?

Default avatar.png TheBigE: bruh moment

Scarfield: i guess you introduce bigger possibilty of cache misses with greater size, but idk

Astrobytes: It'll be bigger in memory for sure but you should be cutting off huge parts of it anyway

struct: well the tree fit entirely in cache before

struct: its a small test

Default avatar.png TheBigE: what if you put the tree in a box to mail to the cache

Astrobytes: :expressionless:

Default avatar.png TheBigE: :upside_down:

Default avatar.png ChunkyStyleMilk: monke

jacek: bigger tree, shorter games

Astrobytes: I could understand putting cash in a box and mailing it to your nearest branch.

Default avatar.png TheBigE: what if you put the box in another box so you can fit it in the mail box for the tree

Default avatar.png ChunkyStyleMilk: monke

Astrobytes: Quit your crap memes ChunkyStyleMilk

Astrobytes: You go figure that out TheBigE

Default avatar.png TheBigE: ok thank you

Astrobytes: 🎶 I don't play with pods, any more, I don't play with pods anymore - cause they suck 🎶

Scarfield: ? xD


Default avatar.png Codermritunjay: hey there

Scarfield: Skafield

Astrobytes: Skatefield

WillNess: MadKnight

jacek: InsaneSoldier

Astrobytes: CrazyWarrior

Astrobytes: hi Codermritunjay

Default avatar.png Codermritunjay: where are you from

Astrobytes: Hover your mouse over our profile pictures

jacek: is scotland still part of great britain?

Astrobytes: For the moment.

Astrobytes: Not for long I suspect/hope.

jacek: oO

Astrobytes: Well, UK

Astrobytes: Also hoping for Irish reunification and the Welsh to stick up for themselves too.

Default avatar.png TheBigE: wa'er

Astrobytes: Do something useful TheBigE

Default avatar.png TheBigE: like what

Astrobytes: Bot programming, puzzle solving, optimisation... you know, all the things on the website

Default avatar.png TheBigE: ok fiiine

Default avatar.png TheBigE: i just got bored

jacek: have you missed anything, Astrobytes

Astrobytes: Ah, Code golf, thanks jacek

jacek: and the other C

Scarfield: xD

Astrobytes: :smirk_cat:

Default avatar.png TheBigE: i am actucly pretty good at golf IRL

Marchete: no that's forbidden

Astrobytes: I do not advocate the Big C

Default avatar.png ChunkyStyleMilk: TheBigE*

Astrobytes: I can live with big o, big omega and big theta but I will never advocate the Big C on CG

Default avatar.png ChunkyStyleMilk: What about big alpha??

Astrobytes: ...

Default avatar.png ThornFlynt: is there anyway to sort python courses by difficulty or just keep doing recommended?

Default avatar.png ChunkyStyleMilk: or big delta

Default avatar.png TheBigE: how about the big D

Astrobytes: AntiSquid will help you with the D

Astrobytes: Perhaps he can ease you into using the D

Default avatar.png ChunkyStyleMilk: what the crap is antisquid

Astrobytes: Keeper of the D

Astrobytes: If you wanna talk crap you'll get crap back.

Astrobytes: ThornFlynt: you mean puzzles?

Default avatar.png TheBigE: well good thing i don't crap

Astrobytes: ThornFlynt: was that your post on discord? What difficulty level would you like?

Default avatar.png ThornFlynt: Thank you!

Astrobytes: no worries :)

Default avatar.png ThornFlynt: I just found the FAQ in the forums and was reading through that x'D

Default avatar.png ThornFlynt: But basically I'm looking to up my scripting game... I've done simple bash, batch, powershell... but discovered codingame and needed a good path to learning Python through more hands-on application than some incredibly boring lecture

Default avatar.png stnwtr:

Astrobytes: The Activities->Practice menu link will take your to the puzzles page

Default avatar.png TheBigE: i just found the cutest thing ever

Astrobytes: *you

Default avatar.png ChunkyStyleMilk: oh snap

Default avatar.png ChunkyStyleMilk: cute dog

Astrobytes: stnwtr: use #clash channel to post clash links please!

Default avatar.png stnwtr: sorry

Astrobytes: no worries

Default avatar.png stnwtr: :)

Astrobytes: You can still ask in here, just mention that the link is in #clash channel

Astrobytes: ThornFlynt: yeah CG is good for practicing new languages on for sure

Marchete: good practices, you should see my bot code

Marchete: so clean and beautiful

Astrobytes: Good for practicing, not good practices! Stroustrup would have heart failure if he saw my C++ on here

Default avatar.png benismad: xd

karimk123: wassup

jacek: AntiSquid congratz on chess advance, you -2.29

karimk123: im spooderman

Default avatar.png TheCoding: sup g

Astrobytes: Ah you know, hanging with the homies, sipping on lean, munching bars and programming ill bots. The usual.

Default avatar.png TheCoding: fr

Default avatar.png TheCoding: the usual

karimk123: fr

Astrobytes: #fr

karimk123: sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh

Smelty: #fr

Default avatar.png didoddos: k

Westicles: purple drank?

Astrobytes: ma sizzurp, ma lean ma draaank

Astrobytes: (I am of course kidding)

karimk123: red sus

Astrobytes: The only truthful statement was "programming ill bots". They certainly act unwell anyway.

Westicles: A little cough syrup might be good for that cold though

Default avatar.png areze: hi

Default avatar.png test9999999: test

Astrobytes: Stopped taking cough syrup years ago, pretty useless unless you have a chesty cough, usually indicative of a chest infection, therefore not really cough-medicine territory. For tickly dry coughs, honey & lemon is fine

Therabidpanther: cough syrup is literally heavenly

Default avatar.png TheCoding: boring

Default avatar.png TheCoding: anyone got a code for loop

Therabidpanther: oh wait, we talking about purple drank rn lol

Default avatar.png TheCoding: lol

Default avatar.png TheCoding: he the best tbh

LelouchVC2: I literally have cough syrup just for when im trying to sleep

Default avatar.png TheCoding: that sucks

LelouchVC2: I've had the same bottle for over a year now

Default avatar.png TheCoding: sheeeeesh

Default avatar.png TheCoding: \

Therabidpanther: i just use a weighted blanked for sleep lol

Astrobytes: Cough syrup abuse is not common in the UK

Default avatar.png TheCoding: ye same

Default avatar.png TheCoding: makes sence

LelouchVC2: nice

Therabidpanther: i mean, idk how common it even is around here lol

Default avatar.png TheCoding: were u from

Therabidpanther: or wait, is sleep aid considered abuse?

Therabidpanther: lol

Default avatar.png TheCoding: lol

LelouchVC2: I doubt teenagers are abusing cough syrup when drugs are literally around every corner

Default avatar.png TheCoding: i dont think so

Default avatar.png TheCoding: fr

Astrobytes: Easier in the US because the allowed excipients (and quantities thereof) are quite different for OTC meds

Default avatar.png TheCoding: i mean u could get drugs off a homeless man now a days

Astrobytes: OTC cough meds

Default avatar.png TheCoding: im pretty sure in la weed is alowd

Default avatar.png TheCoding: allowed

Therabidpanther: weed is allowed in quite a few places now

Astrobytes: Smoking weed is not quite the same as synthetic opiods and DXM

Default avatar.png TheCoding: i forgot why there making it allowed

Default avatar.png TheCoding: ye not the same but eh its somthing tbh

Astrobytes: I am not advocating either

Default avatar.png TheCoding: so what yall doing right now

Therabidpanther: thinking about what to do

Astrobytes: Failing with my bots.

Default avatar.png TheCoding: ye that sucks

Default avatar.png TheCoding: what wrong with the bots

Astrobytes: Have you tried the Bot Programming section yet TheCoding?

Default avatar.png TheCoding: ye

Astrobytes: And?

Default avatar.png TheCoding: failed

Astrobytes: At?

Default avatar.png TheCoding: the coding

Astrobytes: ...

Therabidpanther: the easiest part

Default avatar.png Busting: yep

Default avatar.png Busting: i dont know how but i did

Astrobytes: Therabidpanther: What kind of games do you prefer?

Astrobytes: In terms of bot programming

Default avatar.png Busting: bytes when did u join this

Astrobytes: uh 2015 I think, but wasn't really 'active' until 2018 iirc

Therabidpanther: I have only really done that first pod racer one

Default avatar.png Busting: have u gotten good at this thx to the progaming

Astrobytes: Therabidpanther: Did you like it? There are a few more physics-based games besides that one. If you prefer other stuff there are grid-based (either maze or board games) and other types of board game variants

Default avatar.png Busting: ooh i like mazes

Therabidpanther: it was pretty cool

Astrobytes: Also, don't forget to try to reach Legend league in it

Therabidpanther: that sounds tough lol

Astrobytes: You can get to gold with simple heuristics

Astrobytes: And even legend with a little more maths

Astrobytes: Or you can write a search algorithm

Default avatar.png Busting: thats cool

Default avatar.png Busting: Astrobytes has this game help u on ut coding

Default avatar.png Busting: ur*

RyanGilbert: been awhile since ive done a clash

Astrobytes: TheCoding: Most stuff I do on here helps me with my coding/understanding of certain algorithms

Default avatar.png Busting: clash are hard when ur facing good players

Default avatar.png Busting: Astrobytes thats nice

Astrobytes: The rest of the site > clash. Clash is for when you want a short challenge when you're on a brek or something.

Astrobytes: (imo)

Default avatar.png Busting: oh makes sence

Astrobytes: *break

Westicles: The only fun thing about clash is making contributions

Astrobytes: lol, I wouldn't dare. Haven't done enough to be able to approve one :D

Default avatar.png Busting: how could u lvl up

Astrobytes: I do look at them however, just to punish myself a little when I feel CG is doing well

Westicles: It is fun trying to make one where generating validators needs complicated code

Westicles: But the clash itself is easy

Astrobytes: That I can understand, yeah

Default avatar.png Busting: easy for u guys u guys alr have the most experience

Astrobytes: The most experience out of which particular pool of users? I'm not even a dev.

Busting: u dont gotta be a dev to know much about coding tbh

Westicles: Huh. Apparently I submitted default code to Crystal Rush a month ago, and just now it made it to bronze

Astrobytes: Was that from the starter Westicles?

Busting: is that a good thing

Busting: or a bad thing

Westicles: Yeah, whatever the default is. Looks like a loop of five WAITs

Busting: .

Astrobytes: heh, not surprising.

Busting: fr

Astrobytes: #fr

Busting: #sheesh

Busting: so this basically like discord

Astrobytes: no it's completely different. It's an XMPP chat

Astrobytes: It's not connected to the CG discord

Busting: pftttt ye i knew thst

Busting: that*

Astrobytes: Then you would not have asked if it was basically like discord

Busting: i just wanted to see if ur answer

Astrobytes: If my answer what?

Busting: i just wanted to see ur answer

Astrobytes: Why

Busting: curiosity

Astrobytes: It killed the cat you know

Busting: what cat

Astrobytes: Curiosity killed the cat.

Busting: sad\

Busting: #sadboihours

Astrobytes: If you are unfamiliar with the expression I suggest you look it up.

Busting: ohhhh

Busting: ye makes sence

BlaiseEbuth: Don't feed Astroll

Busting: y

Busting: man schools boring asf

Astrobytes: Don't listen to Beelzébuth there, he's trying to trick you.

Busting: i trust him more now

Astrobytes: Hey, it's your soul, idc

Busting: well i do

Busting: he seems like a nice guy to start off

Astrobytes: Do you think he likes you?

Busting: idk does he

Astrobytes: What do YOU think

Busting: IDK he prolly does

BlaiseEbuth: 'f course I do

Astrobytes: Hm. Vanity, definitely my favourite sin

Busting: U SEE

BlaiseEbuth: :smiling_imp:

Busting: ebuth we bff

Astrobytes: blaise, how about some of that left-hand magick for my little csb bot here

Busting: no

Busting: say no

Mr.Pepper: one validator failed for puzzle the Fastest ( Medium)

BlaiseEbuth: Well, guess we can find an agreement...

Busting: how do u guys get mod

Astrobytes: Selling our souls to Blaise usually

Busting: good enough

Mr.Pepper: :rofl:

Busting: lol

BlaiseEbuth: Who needs a soul these days anyway...

Busting: honesty i would do it tbh

Astrobytes: Just to be a mod?

Busting: ebuth u seem like the guy who wants sum souls

Busting: ye mod seems fun

Busting: could i gte admin

Astrobytes: He can definitely add all the souls he has, yes

Busting: he prolly has 40 ]

Astrobytes: No. And mod isn't fun.

Busting: well ur mod y isnt mod fun what is it that u hate

Astrobytes: Unless you're Blaise, who claims every kicked soul

Westicles: Oh no, they got Louis.!

Busting: oh dam

Westicles: He lasted like 3 weeks this time, wonder what happened

Busting: sheesh

Busting: i gtg alr

Astrobytes: You, Mr Westicles, are THE most massive troll on here, and yet I struggle to hate

Astrobytes: :grin:

BlaiseEbuth: Louis. was robin ? Seemed different :thinking:

Westicles: Thanks :) I'm pretty benign this last year or so

Astrobytes: Honestly, it's impressive

BlaiseEbuth: What?

Astrobytes: The Truth costs 3.5 souls Blaise

BlaiseEbuth: Meh.

BlaiseEbuth: You're far above the price... Lie is a much better investment.

Astrobytes: Eh, fair enough.

Astrobytes: When I look at my code for Tulips v Daisies I see my eval and always think to myself "You've got The Flower! Evaluate!"

Project-Magenta: totoro

Astrobytes: If you don't get that btw you need to re-educate yaself on 90s eurodance classics

LelouchVC2: I think I'll die looking that up

BlaiseEbuth: Meh 90s are so 20th century...

Astrobytes: Nah. Snap - Exterminate and You've got the Power

Astrobytes: (I've got the Power? maybe)

BlaiseEbuth: There's no user named anasplit on the site... :(

Astrobytes: Hm, 49/940 on CSB

Astrobytes: that's almost a nicely palindromic 049/940

BlaiseEbuth: 0,0516332982086406743940990516333

BlaiseEbuth: :thinking:

Astrobytes: So literal

Astrobytes: 049 940

Astrobytes: Anyway, I hate this fking game

BlaiseEbuth: Stop playing it

Smelty: o.O

BlaiseEbuth: #bettetCallBlaise

Astrobytes: Never. I'm an astro and astro's don't run.

Astrobytes: Or possibly #betterCallBlaise

BlaiseEbuth: [CG]Typo

Astrobytes: :grin:

Astrobytes: Anyway, I'm out, cya tomorrow :D

Smelty: #betterCallBlaise

Smelty: like it

BlaiseEbuth: There's no user named asplit either...

BlaiseEbuth: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Astrobytes: :expressionless:

BlaiseEbuth: Oh.

BlaiseEbuth: There's a nasplit :imp:

**Astrobytes says byeeee anasplit

Smelty: wait how do you do that-

BlaiseEbuth: Doomed by birth... So sad

Astrobytes: gotta talk to beelzébuth Smelty

**BlaiseEbuth do that

Smelty: (.-.)

BlaiseEbuth: More seriously: RTFM

Smelty: *searches for le manual*

BlaiseEbuth: :arrow_lower_right:

Smelty: hmm yes

Smelty: .me hi

**Smelty hi

Smelty: okay got it

Smelty: thanks

BlaiseEbuth: 0.75 soul please

Smelty: let me rummage around in my wallet for it...a sec please

Smelty: here you go:

BlaiseEbuth: Thx

Smelty: oops my bad, this one:

Smelty: ;P

**Smelty hands over some soul quarters

ensamblador: xd

Default avatar.png **MrFruit slaps around a bit with a large fishbot

Default avatar.png MrFruit: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻