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Wontonimo: for slcc, a basic bot that just goes straight to the next checkpoint with no other logic at all should place around 90th

Smelty: hmm...I'm doing that....but my ranking is 112 o.o


Wontonimo: are you allowing your bot to turn 180 degrees, or constraining. it to 18% like in CSB?


Wontonimo: yeah slcc

Smelty: oh i didn't know it could turn 180

Wontonimo: that'll make a difference :D

Smelty: but i didn't add that constraint in the first place so

Smelty: my ranking just stabilized to 116

MACKEYTH: Hm, only open to Europeans? I don't see USA in the country list

Smelty: oh yea I didn't see USA so I just put united kingdom :sweat_smile:

Wontonimo: it just means you can't get the prizes

Smelty: ohh okay

C2H5OH: secret contest? yeah, you got a good rank bocause nobody participate.


Wontonimo: kinda the opposite C2H5OH, it is mostly just fairly hardcore participants

Smelty: my rank is 108/122 :flushed:

ZarthaxX: where?

Wontonimo: slcc

C2H5OH: oh, its CSB. I don't like CSB. :(

Smelty: its a CSB but modified

Smelty: you can turn 180, there are 3 racers, 1 pod each

ZarthaxX: oh okey

ZarthaxX: nice profile pic C2H5OH

ZarthaxX: suits your flag hehe

eulerscheZahl: but I would expect alcohol to fit the nickname

ZarthaxX: dont know what it is :P

eulerscheZahl: Ethanol

ZarthaxX: googled it?

ZarthaxX: plz say yes

eulerscheZahl: no, i attended school

ZarthaxX: that's what i DIDNT want to hear

ZarthaxX: ah my culture level hits one again

eulerscheZahl: i'm sure Astrobytes would know that too

ZarthaxX: well some ppl (like me) dont :(

eulerscheZahl: and you say that's because of your school system?

eulerscheZahl: i didn't know that there are such differences

eulerscheZahl: e.g. we had an exchange student from Hungary once

eulerscheZahl: he was able to answer questions despite the lesson being in German

eulerscheZahl: chemistry teacher was already mad at us for not knowing the answer. and then this guy raised his hand and gave the correct answer

eulerscheZahl: he didn't learn that at our school :rofl:

ZarthaxX: no it's not my school fault, i just forgot everything i was taught

eulerscheZahl: oh

ZarthaxX: lol that infiltrated :rofl:

eulerscheZahl: AmnesiaxX

ZarthaxX: dude was cheating

ZarthaxX: even understanding german, that doesnt sound easy

ZarthaxX: yeah, intended amnesia

Lachrymosa: My school's level of chem peaked with balancing combustion reactions and calculating the joules it takes to melt ice in a cup. And frankly a lot of people didn't do well with just that.

eulerscheZahl: we were equally impressed and ashamed :D

ZarthaxX: :rofl:

eulerscheZahl: melting ice was physics for me

eulerscheZahl: we spent 20min watching the ice melt and starting to boil

Lachrymosa: friction coefficients broke some people, they dropped the class the next day lol

ZarthaxX: physics and chemistry were hard for me

Lachrymosa: to be fair it was a "pilot" class of higher physics. The intention was people were supposed to already know calculus but since it isn't offered until our final year anyway, how could they have it already

eulerscheZahl: in anorganic chemistry we got up to redox reactions

ZarthaxX: i feel like they should be some uni thing lol

ZarthaxX: inorganic?

eulerscheZahl: maybe :D

ZarthaxX: redox is so annoying, memorizing stuff

ZarthaxX: i have heard that inorganic is painful

Lachrymosa: I'm lost :3 I always wished I'd learned how to interpret those neat O-chem diagrams with the hexagons and stuff

eulerscheZahl: oh and atomic models of course. Bohr, Orbital

eulerscheZahl: the hexagon is just 6 C atoms

Lachrymosa: yea, but what does a single vs a double line mean? The number of bonds?

Andriamanitra: this site needs more clash of code reviewers capable of critical thinking

eulerscheZahl: yes

eulerscheZahl: to both of you

Lachrymosa: Huh, maybe those aren't as hard to read as I thought.

eulerscheZahl: my reviews sometimes turn into slaugther

Lachrymosa: A lot of the clash of code issues I run into are vague statements because of language differences or a difference in assumption of experience with math

ZarthaxX: Andriamanitra TOTALLY AGREE, there are many clashes whose statements make no sense at all

ZarthaxX: or even the reverse mode ones..

eulerscheZahl: at the very least it should be proper English

Lachrymosa: I solved a reverse mode one and then when I submitted it i got 25% XD

Andriamanitra: i only looked at few submissions and two of them were completely unacceptable but still 2/3 approved and 0/3 rejected

ZarthaxX: i dont get how they got approved

eulerscheZahl: quest map

ZarthaxX: luckily i abandoned that place

ZarthaxX: but quest map makes you approve once

ZarthaxX: right? D:

eulerscheZahl: and then create your own once

Lachrymosa: I think I've reviewed a few. Haven't ever tried to make one myself

Wontonimo: should be a quest challenge to downvote / reject

eulerscheZahl: you only got the point once the clash gets approved for real

eulerscheZahl: maybe they are like "where is my achievement? I'll do some more"

Lachrymosa: A lot of things I could think to have people do would be too trivial and likely already done.

ZarthaxX: i knwo you have to create one, and that's prob the problem here.. lol but how do they get approved, so many ppl out there compelting a quest map?

ZarthaxX: oh didnt know that quest map dela

ZarthaxX: y

ZarthaxX: well that may be a problem :D


Wontonimo: i finished mine ... i had a lot of fun doing the quest map ... it was weirdly fun

eulerscheZahl: timeline of new contributions added

eulerscheZahl: (approved only)

Andriamanitra: it seems people glance at the problem and approve it with message "it looks good" without even testing it

ZarthaxX: you got all the apps toad

ZarthaxX: sheez a lot

eulerscheZahl: now guess when the quest map was added

ZarthaxX: at the peak?

ZarthaxX: close to that time?

Wontonimo: 2020-07 ish

eulerscheZahl: at the rise in july

eulerscheZahl: yes

ZarthaxX: we are doooomed

ZarthaxX: lots of new comm puzzles too

ZarthaxX: :/

eulerscheZahl: sadly I don't have access to the voting

eulerscheZahl: *rating

ZarthaxX: what rating?

eulerscheZahl: clashers can vote if they liked it

eulerscheZahl: low rating => clash gets removed

Wontonimo: once i got access to approve/reject i spend 2 months curating the contribs ... then I just lost interest.

Wontonimo: too many people pushing crap for the quest

eulerscheZahl: and I did some cleanup to remove those that later got deleted. number reduced by maybe 2 dozen

ZarthaxX: sad Wontonimo

Wontonimo: very

Andriamanitra: yeah reviewing clashes properly really does feel like a losing battle

ZarthaxX: eulerscheZahl ah okey

eulerscheZahl: puzzle moderation is a lot of effort when you want to do it properly. I also stopped doing this

eulerscheZahl: (also because CG released some moderation guidelines which I disagree with)

Andriamanitra: you spend an hour looking at a puzzle and providing good feedback only to have 3 other people come in and validate a broken clash anyway

eulerscheZahl: so true

Wontonimo: i mostly focused on the puzzles

eulerscheZahl: even one of my own contributions (spaze maze) was approved without review

Wontonimo: probably they thought _you_ don't need actual review

Wontonimo: (oh good, it wasn't me)

ZarthaxX: space maze looks like a complicated one to test tho

ZarthaxX: and i agree with Wontonimo :P

ZarthaxX: toad just does everything right

ZarthaxX: freezed 3d dice? let that get approved anyway, its the toad

eulerscheZahl: that's exactly why Space Maze was pending for 3 months

ZarthaxX: complexity?

eulerscheZahl: yes, hard to solve

eulerscheZahl: you have a problem with the dice game?

ZarthaxX: i guess it makes sense

DaNinja: yes hard to solve within the time limit

ZarthaxX: i mean, there arent many very hard problems either

eulerscheZahl: one even did it in Python

ZarthaxX: eulerscheZahl sarcasm? :P

eulerscheZahl: ah good

ZarthaxX: wow

eulerscheZahl: thought the 3D library would case some problems for you

ZarthaxX: nah i love your work lol

ZarthaxX: i wanna try 3d too now

ZarthaxX: not on cg tho

eulerscheZahl: did you notice the broken dice layout?

ZarthaxX: em no

ZarthaxX: i still dont know what that game was about either

eulerscheZahl: 3 and 4 should be opposing each other (sum of 7)

ZarthaxX: didnt get the movement

eulerscheZahl: but they are neighbors

ZarthaxX: oh..

ZarthaxX: why is that?

ZarthaxX: thought you designed it

ZarthaxX: or you stole the design?

eulerscheZahl: that's what you get when you download free assets

ZarthaxX: haha

ZarthaxX: well, my gf is doing a 3d modelling course rn

ZarthaxX: so i told her i could use her 3d stuff to dosmth

eulerscheZahl: and Blender is really challenging for me

ZarthaxX: she asked me for 10 pieces to design

ZarthaxX: so now she is doing 3d chess pieces lol

ZarthaxX: blender is nto for us haha

ZarthaxX: she is not using blender tho, cinema 4d

eulerscheZahl: every tutorial: type HGFUDSAIHFIU done

ZarthaxX: i can tell her to make a dice for you

eulerscheZahl: I need an FBX to import in the end

ZarthaxX: for pixi?

eulerscheZahl: threejs

ZarthaxX: ah okey

ZarthaxX: i will ask her

eulerscheZahl: current vertex count is about 8000 for 1 die. which is already on the high end

ZarthaxX: well, if you continue with the project, but you kind of left it right?

eulerscheZahl: gets laggy with more

ZarthaxX: ah..

ZarthaxX: gotta make it with few polygons too

ZarthaxX: aight

eulerscheZahl: i'm mostly done with the game

ZarthaxX: looks mostly geometric, except for those borders

ZarthaxX: and holes

ZarthaxX: ah good

Wontonimo: try out some webgl

eulerscheZahl: needs some testing if the complexity is appropriate for a multiplayer game

ZarthaxX: sounds good

ZarthaxX: i will remember to ask her then

eulerscheZahl: but I'll only replace the dice if I like the new ones

eulerscheZahl: the current one looks pretty lit

eulerscheZahl: except for the numbers thing

ZarthaxX: are you challenging my gf capabilities good sir?

ZarthaxX: yeah looks super cool

ZarthaxX: i had exactly that dice

eulerscheZahl: you downloaded the same asset?

eulerscheZahl: but I edited it (merged vertices to reduce model size)

ZarthaxX: nono i meant in reality lol

ZarthaxX: same colors

eulerscheZahl: ah

ZarthaxX: oh and you still ahve vertex count limit? damn

eulerscheZahl: 8k is on the upper end of loading fast enough

eulerscheZahl: corners are already a bit pixelated

ZarthaxX: okey i see

ZarthaxX: do you want the same model but with less vertexes?

eulerscheZahl: less or equal depending on how it looks

eulerscheZahl: and sides swapped of course

eulerscheZahl: but I won't pay :(

ZarthaxX: she is learning

eulerscheZahl: all I'm willing to do is giving credits in the statement

ZarthaxX: i wasnt gonna ask for money lmao

ZarthaxX: that's fine :P

eulerscheZahl: I paid Zerp with a rare CG tshrit

eulerscheZahl: but i can't promise something that I don't have myself (contest is near but top20 isn't trivial)

ZarthaxX: she doesnt want a tshirt take it easy lol

Westicles: dice design by ZarthaxX's ex-gf

ZarthaxX: ex?

ZarthaxX: ;(

eulerscheZahl: future ex

ZarthaxX: ah okey

ZarthaxX: that's more probable

ZarthaxX: thanks guys, so positive

ZarthaxX: forgot you paid zerp with a tshirt

ZarthaxX: that guy never came back ;(

Wontonimo: hey, future could mean heat death of the universe

ZarthaxX: liked his art

ZarthaxX: Wontonimo that sounds awesome!

eulerscheZahl: he did the art first without expecting anything in return

eulerscheZahl: gave him the tshirt afterwards

ZarthaxX: so humble

ZarthaxX: both of u

eulerscheZahl: hungry*

eulerscheZahl: see you

ZarthaxX: bb :rofl:

C2H5OH: Smelty, i do nothing, just move to next checkpoint. Rank 92/123. How did you get rank 108/122 after 10 days ???

Default avatar.png Mil27Coder: can someone help learn jvascript

Rimon_Nath: do a course in udemy

Rimon_Nath: java script by jonas sch..

MACKEYTH: Alright, first slcc bot is in the ring

jacek: good morning

DaNinja: morning

Default avatar.png tridvajedan: g

Default avatar.png Zero9X: hello everyone

Coder_prabhat: hello

Anonmousehhf: meow

jacek: :3

EdwinZ: :cat:

blakestone: hello, i have a number solving problem

blakestone: is this the best place to ask for assistance?

eulerscheZahl: just ask

blakestone: I am trying to write a solver which turns 4 objects at different steps.

eulerscheZahl: i think I need more context to understand what you are talking about

AntiSquid: reread your own sentence blakestone, how much information does the reader have ?

blakestone: example. I need to make all objects point NORTH and their starting point is: [E S S N] and they each have different steps such ash [1 3 1 2]



AntiSquid: i am extremely confused and will walk away from this question in 3 seconds

blakestone: no worries - thanks anyways

jacek: return [t[i-1], t[i], t[i+1]] ?

jacek: such a helpful mod, isnt he

blakestone: It is a challenging problem to describe sorry

blakestone: It is a common challenge featured in many games and looking for a way to solve this via code.

DaNinja: a step is a rotation clockwise?

blakestone: yes they rotate clockwise

DaNinja: sounds like an interesting puzzle, you should create a contribution

geppoz: blakestone do you mean that rotating an element, will also rotate his neighbours ?

Default avatar.png Swetsen: hi!

EdwinZ: o/

Coder_prabhat: print("hello")

Default avatar.png Swetsen: Println("hello in java")

Default avatar.png Swetsen: forgot the semicolon...

jrke: print("hello") is ok for python

Coder_prabhat: luckily python don't know semicolon

Default avatar.png Swetsen: ik im not rlly into java tbh

jrke: it knows ; is used for separating commands if you are writing it in one line like

jrke: print("hi") print("hello") is equal to print("hi");print("hello")

Coder_prabhat: oh yeah i m sry

Coder_prabhat: it knows:joy:

blakestone: This may explain it better


blakestone: I am trying to write a solver which solves that challenge.

eulerscheZahl: you find the index of a given color (red)

eulerscheZahl: then you rotate by exactly that index

eulerscheZahl: or if you can rotate in both directions: min(index, length-index)

blakestone: index meaning position? rotating one also affects it's neighbouring objects

Default avatar.png **YusufEmad04 slaps around a bit with a large fishbot

Default avatar.png YusufEmad04: hellooo

**EdwinZ slaps his brother around a bit with a large fishbot

AntiSquid: reminds me of simon game blakestone

eulerscheZahl: of course rotation affects all colors. but when you solve one, you solve all of them

eulerscheZahl: so it's completely reasonable to just concentrate on solving one and ignoring the others

eulerscheZahl: and yes, index == position

AntiSquid: biden continues border wall construction, i feel like i either didn't sleep enough or probably didn't wake up today

eulerscheZahl: do you have a source for this? i just found

eulerscheZahl: which says he still wants to invest a lot in the border (shocking enough) but not the wall itself

geppoz: blakestone so a solution will be B+B+A+A+A ?

AntiSquid: wants to plug the gaps

AntiSquid: eulerscheZahl

Louis.: salut everybody

AntiSquid: i am sure it will go through, biden promised some stuff and then made an U turn on a lot of things

AntiSquid: syria bombings . jeez, didn't take long for "we are back" to mean that

eulerscheZahl: i was cheering for Bernie :(

firestormninja1: :0

firestormninja1: :O

firestormninja1: o:

firestormninja1: oo

firestormninja1: :|

firestormninja1: :/

firestormninja1: :eyes:

eulerscheZahl: no emoji spamming

Louis.: can anyone help me with contribution

Louis.: eulerscheZahl can u help me or anyother

Louis.: I have to right

Louis.: t=int(input()) for i in range(t):

Louis.: a,b int(i) in the Stub generator input

Louis.: how can i do it

AntiSquid: bernie would definitely be better than biden :D

Louis.: t=int(inout()) for i in range(t):

   a,b int(i)

Louis.: in stub generator input

Louis.: AntiSquid you help me

eulerscheZahl: read t:int loop t read a:int b:int

Louis.: o thanks

Louis.: eluerscheZahl

Pauloux: Hi

Louis.: eluerscheZahl i want a,b int (I)

Louis.: you solution made it


struct: not going to work

Louis.: what do you mean struct

Louis.: easy

struct: you want a and b to equal i?

Louis.: yeah

struct: Yeap not going to work

Louis.: a, b int(i

Louis.: )

Louis.: struct

Louis.: if i use that it takes smile like that only print a+b struct

Louis.: if i remove that that pretty sure some times to do it

struct: There is no stub command that does what you want

Louis.: ohh

Louis.: struct i remove loop t read a:int b:int to make it tricky

Louis.: thats not worked

struct: just send the value they need, make the people code the rest

struct: if they only need the i

struct: only send the i

Louis.: how

struct: i mean the t*

Louis.: i don't doing anything my mind go fuse

Louis.: it lot of complains i will remove it

LDami: hello guys !

AntiSquid: Louis. you can't demand like that

AntiSquid: and no i won't

Louis.: what do you mean

AntiSquid: you pinged me, what do you mean

Louis.: yeah

Louis.: i have to remove it because it answer only that print(a+b) it too simple AntiSquid

LDami: Can we watch a Clash of code in live ?

LDami: without participating

eulerscheZahl: if anyone is streaming it: yes

Louis.: yeah if anybody is live on twitch

Louis.: or anyother

AntiSquid: remove what and what does it have to do with me ?

Louis.: nothing lol

Louis.: contribution

AntiSquid: Louis.

Louis.: i am tolding my problem with stub generator input with struct

Louis.: AntiSquid how you be master in programming

LDami: Does spaces and line returns count in "shortest code" event ?

Louis.: you are lvl 50 i think you have many experience about programming

Louis.: yeah LDami

Louis.: yes

LDami: Ok :)

Louis.: you have to remove extra spaces LDami

LDami: even in conditions, for loop etc .. ?

LDami: "for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)" should be "for (int i=0;i<N;i++)" ?

struct: yes

struct: every char count

struct: for(int i=0;i++<N;)

Louis.: for(int i=0;i<N;i++)

Louis.: like that

Louis.: or yes you say correct

LDami: ok ! Thanks ^^

Louis.: good luck

struct: mine should be 1 char shorter

LDami: Thanks ahah

struct: but if you want to win shortest you cant use c++ imo

LDami: I don't know C++ ahah

LDami: and your solution does not work struct

struct: it doesnt?

struct: why not?

LDami: no time to check why, but I had a index array exception

struct: ah I see why

struct: because the i inside the loop will start at 1

struct: because you incremented it

LDami: oh, so it's ++i<N ?

struct: for(int i=0;N--;i++)

struct: no

LDami: oh

LDami: bruh, python developpers have 5 time less chars than me lol

AntiSquid: for i in range(N):

Louis.: yeah that because for short code pythn is good

AntiSquid: Automaton2000 why are there so many for loops in chat

Automaton2000: you're the one that is

Louis.: and C++ is too bad

LDami: I'm still 2nd :D It depends of the language ?

Louis.: yeah

AntiSquid: i'm a for loop Automaton2000 ? @_@ what is the number i increment up to ?

Automaton2000: but what's the point of view

EdwinZ: :joy:

Louis.: AntiSquid are you okk

EdwinZ: Automaton2000 it is fun how people change their flag isn't :joy:

Automaton2000: i know one of the easier ones

Default avatar.png ErrorRazor: Automaton2000 the French one?

Automaton2000: if i had a good bot

Default avatar.png ErrorRazor: Automaton2000 USA?

Automaton2000: how can you see my code ?

Default avatar.png ErrorRazor: Automaton2000 I hacked you

Automaton2000: need to work in office

Louis.: can u just stop that AntiSquid

EdwinZ: :rolling_eyes:

AntiSquid: :thinking:

Louis.: what are you thinking man

EdwinZ: what are you saying man

Louis.: ohh

AntiSquid: ?

struct: Anyone else has small hicups vs default AI?

struct: my code goes from 10ms to 30ms+ on random turns, localy its completely fine

struct: if i play vs myself in ide nothing unusual happens :/

Default avatar.png ErrorRazor: You sure you aren't timing the AI's turn? :joy:

struct: nope

struct: Im just timing my search function

AntiSquid: Louis. ?

eulerscheZahl: gone. you kicked him

AntiSquid: but then he came back

AntiSquid: and kicked again :/

eulerscheZahl: right. I was afk for a while

AntiSquid: he PMed me someone banned him in main chat :(

struct: Unlikely

eulerscheZahl: i would see if that had happened

eulerscheZahl: as would you

AntiSquid: he said by :(

struct: even if someone used external client?

eulerscheZahl: banned by sad emoji?

AntiSquid: he said he won't post in main chat anymore :(

eulerscheZahl: would have to test that

eulerscheZahl: hi from external client

eulerscheZahl: let me kick squid and struct tells me if he sees the message, ok?

struct: fine by me

eulerscheZahl: enough confirmation for me

struct: Can you kick mods though?

eulerscheZahl: yes. just not sure if the command even worked from external client

struct: I saw no message

**AntiSquid is kicked and not here at all

EdwinZ: :rolling_eyes:

eulerscheZahl: does that work differently in gajim?

**AntiSquid is feeling the emojis although kicked

struct: I have no idea

eulerscheZahl: "this jabber entity does not expose any commands"

eulerscheZahl: you are a bad entity AntiSquid

AntiSquid: maybe it doesn't go through from server side ? eh ?? i mean why would

AntiSquid: it

eulerscheZahl: but i can still see Louis. in the list of participants


AntiSquid: he said okk

Marchete: banned from world?

Marchete: sounds a bit drastic :D

struct: First man to mars?

Default avatar.png emerzon: start

ShannonNorris97: I don't suppose anyone might know why this is happening please? They're normal prints

struct: What was the output supposed to be like?

geppoz: maybe it is expected something more?

ShannonNorris97: The output is supposed to be the same as what's being printed. It's on the CGX formatter puzzle

AntiSquid: struct it says "found nothing", is it common for puzzles if your output is wrong ?

struct: console.log('(\n 0\n)');

struct: works fine

struct: I think so

ShannonNorris97: Ah I think I found it, I was trying to separate the string out, and the first one was actually empty, hence it finding nothing. Thank you for your help

LDami: Royal Code is a quite long to load my script, is it normal ? (comparing to other games)

struct: I think the time is the same for all games

struct: I could be wrong though

BlaiseEbuth: Compil time matter

struct: my bot is wasting the boosts in less than 10 turns :/

ZarthaxX: anxious

LDami: I think mine is using the boost as soon as possible ahah

struct: level 40 nice ZarthaxX

ZarthaxX: that was some days ago, ty :*

eulerscheZahl: finally legend color

ZarthaxX: finally

eulerscheZahl: did you solve puzzles or wait for upvotes?

ZarthaxX: now i need top 100 for the legend color

ZarthaxX: coc quest map

ZarthaxX: worst answer possible

ZarthaxX: :D

eulerscheZahl: indeed :D

ZarthaxX: got to top 1k and bla

BlaiseEbuth: :nauseated_face:

ZarthaxX: also 500 cocs

ZarthaxX: that got me legend

ZarthaxX: worst way to achieve it i guess

eulerscheZahl: *click* *click* *click* done

ZarthaxX: :rofl:

ZarthaxX: coc is fun tho

eulerscheZahl: you risk a kick

BlaiseEbuth: I disinherit you.

ZarthaxX: not always..

ZarthaxX: wow the 2 mods agree

ZarthaxX: i will shut up :)

ZarthaxX: coc sucks guys

eulerscheZahl: my grandma always told me she would disinherit me if i'd ever start smoking

ZarthaxX: and you did

eulerscheZahl: at that point i had no idea what inheritance means

Marchete: do you smoke?

eulerscheZahl: hell no. i hate smoking

Marchete: ahh

Marchete: a smoker vegan could be weird

jacek: vaping vegan perhaps

eulerscheZahl: i'm too spontaneous to plan my suicide 20 years in advance

jacek: i can plan it for you

eulerscheZahl: thank you, that's dedication

eulerscheZahl: i either want train or bridge if that's possible

BlaiseEbuth: So you're from the ones who want to piss off others even at death time ? ... Like it

ZarthaxX: are you wishing for a train or bridge death?

ZarthaxX: lol BlaiseEbuth :rofl:

ZarthaxX: train one is annoying too

ZarthaxX: jumping off a cliff is better :)

KiwiTae: or stop breathing for too long

KiwiTae: o/

eulerscheZahl: you will loose consciousness and start breathing again

jacek: been there done that?

eulerscheZahl: no

struct: Seems normal

ZarthaxX: KiwiTae heyo

struct: Was trying to eval boosts without discounting them

struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

ZarthaxX: :rofl:

ZarthaxX: booooost all the time baby

ShannonNorris97: Uh-oh, my CGX Formatter passed all the test cases, but fails two of the validators. Not sure how I'm going to go about fixing those haha

LDami: For bots game, the rank depend of the league right ? It's not a global rank ?

struct: you have league rank and global rank

KiwiTae: ShannonNorris97 what your code gives back if u input '()'

LDami: Is it, I get the answer by myself :3

struct: You can check global rank on your profile or the multi global leaderboard

LDami: Oh yeah, global rank is disapointing, but league rank is ok :D

ShannonNorris97: kiwitae it gives back the brackets on separate lines

KiwiTae: which test u failing?

eulerscheZahl: are you an alt account of MK?

eulerscheZahl: or when did you start writing "u" instead of "you"?

jacek: ask him what he feels about csb

ShannonNorris97: I pass all the normal test cases, but then fail validators 4 and 6: Simple string of characters which must not be modified, and Simple key/value with spaces

KiwiTae: eulerscheZahl :joy:

ZarthaxX: lol

struct: MSmits you are not rank 1 anymore on Yavalath

struct: Damn it didnt work

jacek: oO

struct: I just tried to summon him

ZarthaxX: haha

eulerscheZahl: he appears to be online

eulerscheZahl: maybe with some gentle force?

**eulerscheZahl slaps MSmits around a bit with a large fishbot

eulerscheZahl: i can't tab him but he has the green dot. ?disableChat maybe

KiwiTae: ShannonNorris97 u keep string delimiters?

struct: He had enough of me :disappointed:

eulerscheZahl: that "u" thing is triggering me more than it should

ZarthaxX: i teached him :relaxed:

KiwiTae: loool didn't want to upset you

ZarthaxX: good boi kiwo keep doin that

BlaiseEbuth: u should relax ez

ShannonNorris97: KiwiTae Yeah I'm using regular expressions to separate quotes and non-quotes, then removing all spacing from non-quoted parts

struct: Dont trigger euler :(

eulerscheZahl: i like that idea of comparing chess engines

ZarthaxX: eulerscheZahl wanna play a coc with me?

jacek: Automaton2000 where is AutomatonNN

Automaton2000: do you print the input to stderr

KiwiTae: ZarthaxX Oo

ZarthaxX: lol didnt know those bots played chess

struct: They dont seem strong at all

ZarthaxX: i win google is the best :rofl:

ZarthaxX: sorry im not sure lol

jacek: oO

AntiSquid: chess is overrated

**AntiSquid leaves chat

jacek: urmum

AntiSquid: don't be a cunt

struct: o.o

jacek: oO

Wontonimo: time to fill the chat and scroll this away.

struct: This is what Automaton2000 was designed for

Automaton2000: there was a way to tell the difference

Wontonimo: hey Automaton2000

Automaton2000: now i need to search for the files under control of the implementation. typical implementations search only standard include directories. ...

alphadragon: o-o-o

alphadragon: o-o

jacek: castling eh

alphadragon: haa

struct: remove castling please

Wontonimo: hey alphadragon, i don't think I've ever seen you around

jacek: nerf queen plx

Wontonimo: hey, let's just remove pawns also

struct: remove en passant

Wontonimo: and the board, the board is a real pain

jacek: make it hex

Wontonimo: 3d hex

Wontonimo: with warp holes

Astrobytes: wow, that language was a little... excessive?

Astrobytes: grats on your bot Wontonimo, it's doing great!

struct: Nice rank 6

Astrobytes: You gonna submit today struct?

struct: yes, its last day

struct: Im not hiding

struct: I just dont have a finished bot

Astrobytes: Not like you to leave it right up to the last minute :P

jacek: 1st or delete account

struct: Well I guess I can delete now

struct: No need to wait

struct: I already know who will win

BlaiseEbuth: Farewell struct :(

struct: Do they do recalc games after its over?

ZarthaxX: dapo?

jrke: don't leave othello alone ;)

BlaiseEbuth: Nein

struct: Ja

Astrobytes: afk, back shortly

Wontonimo: thanks Astrobytes !!

BlaiseEbuth: For being afk ?

Wontonimo: no, that was just a coincidence

Wontonimo: see earlier if interested

BlaiseEbuth: :3

Wontonimo: hmm ... and then Astrobytes 's bot pulled me down 3 ranks ... alas

struct: my todo is getting bigger instead of smaller

Wontonimo: i know the feeling . for my own code scope creep is eternal

EdwinZ: Automaton2000 hi

Automaton2000: u can't get unpromoted, famout

jacek: oO

Default avatar.png VergilX: Hey, are we supposed to ask for help in this chat? Just askin;


LDami: Just ask your question :) But you can maybe find the solution in the forum

Wontonimo: yes, VergilX ... just ask your question

Default avatar.png VergilX: Thank you. I'm new here, so I just asked if I could ask. Thanks LDami and Wontonimo :'D

EdwinZ: is twitch down :unamused: i can't watch stream

Default avatar.png VergilX: I don't use twitch sorry

Default avatar.png VergilX: Thanks to struct too!

LDami: Twitch is OK for me

EdwinZ: ok

BlaiseEbuth: You don't use twitch, twitch uses you.

EdwinZ: oO

SammyTheHut: :nerd:

jacek: what was the question? :thinking:

BlaiseEbuth: yes


struct: The question was if he could ask questions here

KiwiTae: EdwinZ not down

EdwinZ: ok tnx

Default avatar.png VergilX: Yep :laughing:

LDami: you can ping the website but not the streaming service ;)

EdwinZ: mm

Smelty: good morning

EdwinZ: o/

LDami: good morning ! (afternoon for me :3)

EdwinZ: does doing bot programming is neccecary to become mentor ?

eulerscheZahl: might be enough to do clash+optim+golf

EdwinZ: ok :)

jacek: do you want a mentor that has only done clash though

EdwinZ: :D

EdwinZ: nop

BlaiseEbuth: Mentor of what ?

eulerscheZahl: CG level

EdwinZ: yup

eulerscheZahl: you are grand master BlaiseEbuth

jacek: the bar is really low

EdwinZ: :\

EdwinZ: top 5000 that is my target : p

BlaiseEbuth: I know euler. But I don't remember the lower lvls

Smelty: (go struct)

struct: ?

Smelty: good luck in ccsl

Smelty: *slcc

struct: thanks

eulerscheZahl: and good luck with css

kovi: what is slcc?

eulerscheZahl: semi-private contest

eulerscheZahl: CSB with 1 pod


Smelty: and up to 3 players

eulerscheZahl: ends this evening

eulerscheZahl: PS5 for the winner

Smelty: i cant get it though because i'm american

kovi: hiders gonna get this?

eulerscheZahl: i can't get it because i'm alergic to CSB

AntiSquid: some D players on there

BlaiseEbuth: No. You can't get it 'cause your not daporan

eulerscheZahl: we'll see soon, ends in a few hours

Smelty: yep

kovi: no time lately anyway, have to spare for spring challenge

AntiSquid: what else are you doing

eulerscheZahl: i'm not sure if i want to try

kovi: udacity selfdriving

Smelty: 5k plus? hmm

eulerscheZahl: while they are after each other (tiny intersection) i'm not sure if I want to do both

Smelty: idk

AntiSquid: the nano-degree ? or just regular tutorial ?

LDami: When I print " | ", the spaces are not printed :thinking: did you ever had this issue ?

eulerscheZahl: no

Smelty: just print " " + "|" + " " as an alternative?

kovi: nano

Smelty: with 1 space an each of 1 and 3

eulerscheZahl: nano us much easier to start with than vim

LDami: does not work @smelty :/ something must be broken in my code

AntiSquid: got to finish it in one month

kovi: you did whole course in 1 month?

Smelty: LDami yea probably

Smelty: also for Coder One you can participate as a team...hmm

BlaiseEbuth: Yé!

BlaiseEbuth: I'll team up with me

Smelty: sMort

AntiSquid: i didn't pay for any of the courses, but it says it costs 300 / month, would only do it if i had time and it's definitely possible, but don't want to pay @_@

Smelty: o.o

struct: Ok 6 hours left

Smelty: 6 hours 8 minutes

Smelty: yep

LDami: I understood my error, I was using WriteLine instead of Write .. so my string was truncated

Smelty: :)

eulerscheZahl: that makes no sense. WriteLine prints spaces too

LDami: Yep, but the second line was sent before receiving the new datas

eulerscheZahl: oh

Smelty: I'm using java, the System.out.println prints everything

Smelty: ohh okay

Smelty: Battle of the legends:

LDami: The game is waiting for 1 line, I was printing 5 at the same time ^^

Smelty: oh xD

Smelty: also fort he slcc do the longer maps have less laps

Smelty: *for the

eulerscheZahl: will this be another contest where struct puts a lot of effort into it and then forgets to hit "submit"?

ZarthaxX: prob

ZarthaxX: at least he threw optims yesterday

Smelty: uh oh

AntiSquid: makes hexagon CSB game

eulerscheZahl: if he deletes the account and creates a new one, he'll has to ask Thibaud to regain mod status

Smelty: oh..

struct: I have something ready

struct: Im just not sure if its good

Smelty: :0

BlaiseEbuth: So don't submit

struct: I did not put a lot of effort into it

AntiSquid: add more hex

Smelty: i just did a if/else thingy

AntiSquid: i am sure it's beautiful, what is it struct?

Smelty: ^^

struct: yes I like my AI

struct: might not be the best

struct: But I enjoy watching it play

Smelty: can u submit and i can test my bot against it

Smelty: :D

struct: soon

struct: I tested and I beated you

Smelty: good

EdwinZ: :p


Smelty: well at least your bot beat the "basic" ai

struct: yes

Smelty: I'm sure you'll be okay

struct: you use all the boosts instantly smelty?

Smelty: yEp

Smelty: i just stopped updating my code

Smelty: i know I should save it for the best ones but...meh

AntiSquid: come on smelty

AntiSquid: you can go higher

Smelty: lol

AntiSquid: i wrote a 5 minute bot in D

Smelty: wow

AntiSquid: ah maybe it's java that's holding you back

AntiSquid: unleash the D

Smelty: hmt

Smelty: at what distance can you effectively use a boost

struct: Im not sure

struct: Its based on your current speed also

Smelty: I'll put 5000 and add a backup

AntiSquid: struct what rank do you get if you submit?

struct: I dont know

struct: I didnt bench

struct: I only played vs default AI and self

AntiSquid: can you beat the other D guy ?

struct: I dont think so

struct: There are maps I dont boost at all

struct: So might be a reason

AntiSquid: new plan then, no delete, but if you don't beat bon crayon you need to switch to D

Smelty: that

Smelty: 's weird

AntiSquid: better than delete

Smelty: my rank went up 10 after i decided to stop wasting boosts o.O

AntiSquid: ofc, boosts are important

struct: What should my var name be for checkpointcount * laps?

Smelty: my longest distance calculator is going cray cray

Smelty: checkAmount

Smelty: or checkTotal

LDami: allCheckpoints ?

AntiSquid: fullJourney

struct: thanks

struct: I'm going to minimize chat now so I can focus

Smelty: okay, good luck :D

Smelty: how do you check your current lap

Smelty: nvm i got it


Wontonimo: Smelty your bot isn't using boosts in this replay

eulerscheZahl: and why did you stop boosting Wontonimo?

Smelty: hmm weird

Wontonimo: what do you mean eulerscheZahl ?

eulerscheZahl: you boosted 3 times in the beginning

eulerscheZahl: and then you didn't

jacek: he used up all the boosts

Smelty: ithink the checkpoints were too far

Smelty: so my ai thoguht it was bad

Smelty: *thoughgt

eulerscheZahl: oh, BOOST is still a limited resource?

Smelty: yes

eulerscheZahl: i didn't try the contest :D

Wontonimo: ah

Smelty: the var boosts shows u how man ther are

jacek: eulerscheZahl you dont do contests? so youre not 5%?

eulerscheZahl: i'm doing interesting contests

eulerscheZahl: such as topcoder recently

eulerscheZahl: tourist played that too. but not on CG. so mine was tourist approved

Wontonimo: Smelty , here is a replay of your bot vs a friend of mine LazyMammal

Wontonimo: looks like you have a very similar AI

Smelty: hmmmm

Wontonimo: if you add a cooldown to your boosts, you'll prevent burning through them

Wontonimo: or limit your boosts to 1 per checkpoint maybe

Smelty: true

Smelty: i got to go play in a soccer match soon tho

Smelty: i might implement it when i get back

wlesavo: euler whats next for you besides CG and codejam?

eulerscheZahl: not 100% sure yet

struct: How hard is it to setup docker?

eulerscheZahl: starter bots in python+typescript if you are familiar with docker, you can user whatever you want

eulerscheZahl: haven't tried yet

Smelty: Alright got to go play in a soccer match, see ya

eulerscheZahl: ran some code in docker years ago for a university project

eulerscheZahl: grading system for homework, pretty similar to CG testcases

eulerscheZahl: you play soccer now?

eulerscheZahl: i couldn't play since early november :(

eulerscheZahl: damn virus

EdwinZ: :worried:

struct: I dont play since february last year

eulerscheZahl: i have a right to get injured

struct: :(

eulerscheZahl: and for ZarthaxX the situation is even worse

struct: I didnt play soccer though, I played 3vs3 and futsal

eulerscheZahl: and astro with his back pain

Astrobytes: yep

eulerscheZahl: 3 vs 3 is fun too, you get to play the ball more often

Wontonimo: i haven't played soccer since i was 14

EdwinZ: :joy:

Astrobytes: 5 or 7-a-side was fun back in the days when I played a bit

eulerscheZahl: i have no idea how old you are now to put that in relation Wontonimo

jacek: :notebook: :soccer:?

eulerscheZahl: :door:

jacek: how do you play it 3v3

struct: small goals

struct: no goalkeeper

struct: Ok there is a "goalkeeper"

struct: But you need to be in a certain distance from the goal

jacek: on paper?

EdwinZ: :joy:

struct: At least with the rules/field I used to play with

Wontonimo: this was my first contest but considering it "doesn't count", does that leave me a contest faux virgin? so confusing

eulerscheZahl: did you get the achievement?

Wontonimo: "Start a contest +10"? nope

eulerscheZahl: case closed

Wontonimo: i like your methods of deduction

Wontonimo: SLCC has gotten me interested in revisiting search race.

f0ru0l0rd: This is my first time using this. I really don't understand something, and it isn't quite intuitive... I'm using JS. What is the string?

Westicles: The only good thing about soccer is every 4 years watching the different H1B groups go from ignoring each other to hating each other

struct: What do you mean f0ru0l0rd

struct: What is the string?

f0ru0l0rd: what value is the input in this, and how can I access it?

f0ru0l0rd: const n = parseInt(readline()); for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {

   const line = readline();


struct: readline()

struct: line should be the string

struct: n should equal to the number of lines

f0ru0l0rd: and yet console log line says screw me

struct: console.error()

struct: to debug

f0ru0l0rd: ok

f0ru0l0rd: but how do I just run it without testing it

f0ru0l0rd: because if I console.log(line) then nothing

f0ru0l0rd: if I console.error(line)... nothing

struct: Which puzzle?

f0ru0l0rd: Like, I want to see what I'm looking at

f0ru0l0rd: Gorbit69 clash of code - reverse mode

f0ru0l0rd: count the mount peaks

struct: Paste your code here


f0ru0l0rd: but um... no.

f0ru0l0rd: I hit test and this is what I get.


struct: yeah line is out of scope

f0ru0l0rd: I'm just hoping I guess for a standard console

f0ru0l0rd: and I'm not getting a standard console

dawici: line stops existing after the for loops ends; you need to access it inside the for loop because it has different values each time the loop iterates

f0ru0l0rd: yes, I get that


f0ru0l0rd: but what I'm saying is, I can't console.log("hi, this seems fu@%!");

struct: you can

struct: is just not the expected answer

f0ru0l0rd: Maybe somethings wrong with my system, I've had several issues with firewalls, but I don't even get that in the console output

f0ru0l0rd: It does not show that in the console. =( it doesn't show anything =(

struct: The code I pasted doenst work at all?

f0ru0l0rd: It doesn't show anything in the console, no

f0ru0l0rd: =(

f0ru0l0rd: for a while I couldn't even get into the clash of code, it wouldn't even open after counting down

f0ru0l0rd: this is my first time trying this site, and =( I'm feeling pretty miserable about the experience =(

KiwiTae: lol no worry gets better

f0ru0l0rd: Here's to hoping.

KiwiTae: u sure you selected JS in the ide?

f0ru0l0rd: yes

BlaiseEbuth: What console are you talking about? Not the browser one, just to be sure.

KiwiTae: or if nothing working maybe press reset code

f0ru0l0rd: no not the browser one

f0ru0l0rd: reset code... I didn't think of that

f0ru0l0rd: I may try that. see if it jostles turning something on.

KiwiTae: eulerscheZahl sorry i typed u again :kissing:

f0ru0l0rd: Like I said, I couldn't even get to the coding competetion the first time.

f0ru0l0rd: It would count down, then do nothing but sit there and look at me stupid.

BlaiseEbuth: That's a known bug. Not on your side

f0ru0l0rd: So... I'm thinking a connection is not playing nice.

f0ru0l0rd: =(

f0ru0l0rd: Is the console disappearing a known bug?

BlaiseEbuth: Nope

f0ru0l0rd: *not showing anything

BlaiseEbuth: Just the launching issue in coc

f0ru0l0rd: I'll just have to try again.

f0ru0l0rd: But thank you.

struct: same happens here?


f0ru0l0rd: That one is long gone.

f0ru0l0rd: 8 minutes is past.. I'm re-opening

f0ru0l0rd: and hoping I can see something this time

Westicles: I don't think the cite works on a phone

Westicles: site

BlaiseEbuth: f0ru0l0rd just to be sure:

f0ru0l0rd: It worked this time

f0ru0l0rd: and I've passed

f0ru0l0rd: It was timed, and I did fine.

f0ru0l0rd: and it worked

f0ru0l0rd: =(

f0ru0l0rd: so.... I don't know what happened, but hopefully a weird fluke. =?

Default avatar.png Keshraf: Keshraf 11:39PM Can someone give me advice for web dev?

Astrobytes: Always keep your desk clean.

struct: So much stuff left to do so little time

Astrobytes: you can do it

BlaiseEbuth: ur time is too fast struct. Fix it

jrke: for slcc i have writtin completely new code no copy pasting from CSB can't debug it in less time now :rolling_eyes:

Westicles: Amazing how much interest another boring CSB contest is getting

Westicles: Demand is way beyond supply for these things

jrke: 1 year ago in month of april i started CSB for the first time

jacek: and now youre doing meth. CSB, not even once

Anonmousehhf: I love that I got a clash working to 3/4 testcases, and then 1/4 validators...

EdwinZ: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

jrke: india is breaking record in corona cases last day it was 155k

Anonmousehhf: óh wow

Anonmousehhf: oh*

jacek: oh my

struct: Didnt India still have festivals despite corona virus?

jrke: 80% of indians have mentality that not wearing mask is like telling people that they are strong

jrke: i am locked in my house

jrke: time to sleep gn

struct: gn

Astrobytes: gn jrke

jacek: and euler still up?

Astrobytes: not sure

BlaiseEbuth: It's a toad not a chicken

struct: 1st time I have code with no warnings on visual studio

Astrobytes: Lies. That never happens.

BlaiseEbuth: 'fcourse, I don't use vs

struct: Why does default replay show amadeus logo?

struct: and pods have 200 thrust?

BlaiseEbuth: Cause they paid for ?

struct: sofia labs is part of amadeus?

struct: Oh I see now

BlaiseEbuth: sofia labs is the name of the site but it's amadeus

ZarthaxX: AstroNan


BlaiseEbuth: A valid link! :scream:

struct: I should track enemy boosts right?

BlaiseEbuth: You gonna code this in 3 hours ?

Astrobytes: ZanthraxX

struct: ofc BlaiseEbuth

struct: maybe in 30 minutes

BlaiseEbuth: Stop hidding

struct: My bot is bad dont worry

BlaiseEbuth: So push it

ItayBeladev: I need to be bronze at one more thing in the AI category, but I don't want to do something that takes a lot time to read or something that has a lot of inputs, what can I do?

jacek: coders strike back

jacek: but then youll need to reach bronze in 2 games

ItayBeladev: Yea I am already bronze at it

struct: STC

struct: Smash the code

struct: Hypersonic

struct: Maybe hypersonic takes a bit

struct: STC is faster

ItayBeladev: And I forgot to mention, I dont want something with complex algorithm like pathfinding, minimax and these things

BlaiseEbuth: lel

struct: on stc you need an if

ItayBeladev: thats it

ItayBeladev: lol

Wontonimo: hey ItayBeladev, it'll be quite difficult to do well in almost any bot competition without a simulator. CSB the only one i know where you can get to silver fairly consistently with just if/than/else and math

Wontonimo: you may be able to do

Wontonimo: and the simulator for it is straight forward enough

Wontonimo: ItayBeladev what programming language do you prefer?

gilufin: פייתון לא?

Wontonimo: english please

ItayBeladev: Python

jacek: mhm

Anonmousehhf: I mostly prefer Python, yet for my own (not) good, I sometimes challange myself to use Pascal

jacek: mhm

VizGhar: try resource management games ItayBeladev - Code Royale maybe?

Wontonimo: oh, yeah ItayBeladev, Code Royal may be an easier challenge than what I suggested

jacek: you really suggested uttt :thinking:

Smelty: I'm back

BlaiseEbuth: :scream:

Astrobytes: iirc you can get bronze in UTTT by doing very, very little

Smelty: :grin:

Smelty: my team beat the other team 6:1

Astrobytes: Code Royale involves reading 192456 inputs first

Smelty: wow

jacek: Astrobytes lies. it would timeout the referee

Astrobytes: I may have exaggerated a little.

Astrobytes: There are many inputs.

struct: botg easiest one

struct: /s

Smelty: hi struct

struct: hi

Astrobytes: lol



Smelty: hmm

Scarfield: 17th Wontonimo :muscle:

Smelty: nice

Scarfield: got your GA working, or another appraoch?

Smelty: hm-?

Wontonimo: thanks Scarfield !

Smelty: :0

Astrobytes: he was 6th earlier Scarflate

Smelty: 16th now!

Smelty: o

Astrobytes: That's one fierce lb though :D

Scarfield: oh damn, nice improvement since yesterday!

Scarfield: ille on 20th though?

Smelty: oof

Astrobytes: just submitted

Scarfield: oh yea

Smelty: nice

Astrobytes: Have to admit I've enjoyed this

Scarfield: yea its a nice twist on csb, not sorry i was part of dragging you in :p


Smelty: nice

Astrobytes: No I'm grateful to you and Wontonimo for dragging me into it :D

Wontonimo: the main changes in my bot since yesterday are: - assume other bots don't boost - include boosts in my evaluation function to be roughly equal to 1000 pixels distance

Smelty: ooh nice

Wontonimo: those two things are basically the difference between yesterdays ~26th and todays

Astrobytes: yeah I never bothered tracking opponent boosts either tbh

struct: I just did a hacky version

Smelty: hrmm\

struct: Maybe we need a csb like game but with fuel

Smelty: thats a good idea

Scarfield: hmm, i do assume my opponents can use their remaining boosts (if any)

VizGhar: I'd like to see tower defense optim

jacek: tower dereference?

VizGhar: yup, but maybe more on steroids and single player

Smelty: w-

Smelty: hmmm

struct: 2 hours to write eval

struct: :)

Wontonimo: go struct go !

Astrobytes: intriguing idea struct (and VizGhar, also hi VizGhar, didn't see you for a bit!)

Scarfield: any idea how the placements are gonna work, when the contest ends? resubmit of top bots

Smelty: wow

Astrobytes: You got this struct!

Smelty: ^^

Scarfield: my eval is super simple tbh

Wontonimo: :) Smelty

Smelty: :)

Astrobytes: that game was decided very early :D

Smelty: yep

Scarfield: :'(

Scarfield: you mean it was rigged im sure

Wontonimo: My eval is "1000*boosts_remaining - distance_to_win"

Wontonimo: or 1e100 if win

Smelty: rematch:

jacek: seems big. how floats comparison goes then?

struct: you dont keep track of passed checkpoints Wontonimo?

struct: eval* them

Astrobytes: nice use of boosts by my bot there

Wontonimo: struct i pre-calculate the distance between checkpoints, and add them all up. Taht's the total distance

VizGhar: yeah Astrobytes. haven't been here for a while. new job and a lot of work

Scarfield: seems submits are still very slow(?)

VizGhar: 60hr work week + 3 kids... kinda difficult

Astrobytes: Oh, congrats on the new job then VizGhar :)

Smelty: ^

Astrobytes: Heh, yeah for sure!

VizGhar: thank you

Scarfield: 60hr sounds rough

Smelty: yea

Wontonimo: i did something like "checkpoints_cleared * 50000 - distance_to_next_checkpoint" , but what happens is it puts too much value on preventing the opponent from reaching the next checkpoint instead of racing to the next one

Wontonimo: i found that my bot would be ahead, then just as the opponent is about to reach at checkpoint, my bot would turn around! and try to stop them

VizGhar: Scarfield you bet... I've started teaching on one high schools without proper materials, so preparation is tough

VizGhar: it'll get easier in year or two

Astrobytes: Nice solution to that particular problem Wontonimo

Astrobytes: Did you reuse your CSB code initially?

Wontonimo: thanks Astrobytes. Also, congrats VizGhar !

Wontonimo: yes, i totally stole my CSB code

Smelty: o . o

Astrobytes: Me too, though I ripped a lot out

Wontonimo: i don't think i would have entered this competition if i hadn't already done CSB

Astrobytes: I think I did the pod 'football/soccer' one before I did CSB properly

Astrobytes: Another semi-private

VizGhar: thanks Wontonimo :) So what's new here except of escape rooms?

Wontonimo: how long have you been gone? Back in July they introduced the quest map

Astrobytes: He's been here since :D

Astrobytes: Not sure there's much you've missed to be honest, probably a few new community multis

VizGhar: I've gone missing since new year

BlaiseEbuth: What a hangover...

VizGhar: :D

Astrobytes: :rofl:

jacek: :thinking:

Astrobytes: struct, watch your time man, submits are over an hour

AntiSquid: is that challenge still going on?

struct: :pensive:

AntiSquid: link to leaderboard pls ?



Astrobytes: ah

AntiSquid: until french midnight ?

struct: ye

AntiSquid: oui *

Westicles: We've been discussing on the council of elders to end it early

Westicles: To discourage hiding

Astrobytes: lol

AntiSquid: more like punishing it

AntiSquid: look at the flags, just ille hanging in there

Astrobytes: pb4 is looking real good

Zenoscave: Still no dapo?

Astrobytes: not until the end

Zenoscave: So an hour XD

Astrobytes: :)

Zenoscave: top ~25% with ruby. not bad

Westicles: he won't beat pb4

Wontonimo: nice Zenoscave !

Zenoscave: probably could have tweaked a bit more args but meh, not fun at that point

Astrobytes: it's hung in there quite steady Zeno

Zenoscave: Thanks Wontonimo

Astrobytes: pewpewpew'ing and standing it's ground :)

Zenoscave: PEWPEWPEW

BlaiseEbuth: pew pew!

Astrobytes: Westicles: It's going to be interesting I think :)

Westicles: weird


Wontonimo: i like it

Wontonimo: the one in second has decided t ochange strategy and instead focus on trying to timeout the opponent

Astrobytes: Jeff got angle issues

AntiSquid: pb's doesn't look like pure NN

Wontonimo: no, handing back to block the leader from clearing the next checkpoint

AntiSquid: might be rule based, completely

struct: pb4 bot bullying others :(

ZarthaxX: smashing it

Astrobytes: oh I see it, still, it's not working :)

Wontonimo: *hanging , not handing

Astrobytes: think we all got it ;)

Astrobytes: any more tricks up your sleeve Wontonimo?

Astrobytes: I kinda wish I'd started this at the contest start lol

Wontonimo: i'm trying stuff :D

Astrobytes: Welcome to my Sunday :D

Wontonimo: without a local test env, it's all shooting in the dark

Astrobytes: Yeah, if I'd started earlier and/or been more enthusiastic I would have made the effort. Not overly bothered, just happy for some kind of contest tbh

AntiSquid: coulda shoulda woulda

BlaiseEbuth: hey hey hey

Westicles: Fat Albert?

AntiSquid: time to do another bloody test at home bs

Wontonimo: that was a weird show

Astrobytes: damnnn Fat Albert, totally forgot about that

Astrobytes: Was there ever an episode where Albert gets some 'lude action? :P (sorry)

Wontonimo: i just remember that sound bite and the one guy wearing a hat with eyeholes

Astrobytes: Peculiar indeed.

AntiSquid: negative

Astrobytes: oh, you did a LF test

AntiSquid: ya


AntiSquid: wrong video, wanted to share one where he just says "you know the thing"

Astrobytes: I pulled a huge bogey out on one of my care home visits. Was half-embarrassed and half-amused. They don't half make your eyes water those things.

AntiSquid: crazy how much crap can be stuck in your nose

Astrobytes: Yeah, I always try to clean it beforehand but it's a ... fairly deep-digging swab

AntiSquid: one time i had to blow out a somewhat big piece of bread out of my nose, laughing while eating, coughed, a bit went up somehow into the nostril ...

Smelty: o.O

AntiSquid: crazy

AntiSquid: they recommended i don't push too deep at home, just blow nose beforehand, it's a highly sensitive area

Astrobytes: lol

AntiSquid: lol to the bread bit or to the pushing too deep (pulling out bits of brain) ?

Astrobytes: Both :D

Zenoscave: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Zenoscave: Ille werking my submit

AntiSquid: oh no, tell him to stop

Zenoscave: ;)

Zenoscave: Ille stop

BlaiseEbuth: (_°□°)_ pew pew pew ┻━┻

Zenoscave: pew pew pew

Astrobytes: wepwepwep

Wontonimo: got any new upgrades Zenoscave ?

Zenoscave: The right velocity coefficient

AntiSquid: do they have recalc for the private ones?

Astrobytes: :grin:

Zenoscave: apparently it's -3 not -2

Astrobytes: nah AntiSquid

Wontonimo: I've been plugging away at a few different ideas, but I'm just going to stick with what I got

Astrobytes: It's a solid bot Wontonimo

Westicles: dapo on the board

BlaiseEbuth: My bot does not crash anymore. But it does not like copmetition, it flee out of the map...

Zenoscave: here we go!

AntiSquid: woah

Astrobytes: eyyy about time

Smelty: woo

AntiSquid: how did you guys even guess he'd submit?

Zenoscave: Because it's dapo

AntiSquid: is everyone stalking him ?

Astrobytes: Prizes, etc etc. It's a Dapo contest

Wontonimo: that bot goes for the insta-kills

Smelty: zenoscave i think we have similar ai..


Astrobytes: He's motivated. Unlike standard CG contests.

Wontonimo: i was giving that strategy a lot of thought, but didn't go for it

AntiSquid: PS5 :thinking:

Smelty: hmmst

struct: I told you he needed a controller

Astrobytes: stop chatting and submit struct

Smelty: lolol

Smelty: yea you should struct

Zenoscave: struct lol

struct: my bot is bad

Smelty: still...don't get last...

AntiSquid: struct needs to beat the top D bot or switch to coding in D

Smelty: dang

Zenoscave: OR at least top ruby

struct: I can just use a wrapper

Smelty: hmm neumann dropped to 14th

Astrobytes: Daporan has a great bot, looks like pb4 is gonna be troublesome as Westicles mentioned earlier

Smelty: *nvm*

Astrobytes: Smelty: resubmitting

Smelty: yes

Zenoscave: nice win gloopy

Astrobytes: Oh interesting

Smelty: I think it would be interesting if they did teams instead of 2 of your own pod

Zenoscave: Try code-a-la-mode smelty

AntiSquid: think he means 2v2

Smelty: yea

Zenoscave: Ah gotcha

Wontonimo: fireworks then

Astrobytes: The CSB soccer one was like that no?

AntiSquid: you can create your own contribution Smelty and add communication between bots

Smelty: oOoo

Astrobytes: Ah no, I think it was 2 of your own vs 2 of the opponent


struct: A bit risky from him

Smelty: ah

Smelty: interesting

Zenoscave: That's hilarious struct.

Smelty: bumps go BRR

Zenoscave: Think I can get an angle calc done in time?

struct: which angle calc?

Zenoscave: Just realized I boost way off course sometimes

Zenoscave: Angle of movement delta to next target

Wontonimo: do you suppress boost when really close to a checkpoint ?

Zenoscave: Yeah

struct: omfg

struct: how am i going to track this bug

struct: with 13 minutes left

struct: lol

Zenoscave: boost >= 4000

Smelty: i did >5000

Astrobytes: yay for submit though struct

Smelty: woo

struct: in my loses

struct: my bot doesnt move at all

struct: wtf

Smelty: 43 tho..NICE

Zenoscave: whoops p1 v p2?

Zenoscave: input reading?

struct: it happened on 1vs1

Smelty: i just did a 1v1 with u it was fine

KiwiTae: saw it on 3players too

KiwiTae: doesnt happen in ide?

Smelty: i tested against him, it was fie

Smelty: *fine

KiwiTae: its nice u play with handicap ><

struct: it was random i dont know

struct: I think i fixed

Smelty: yay

struct: I was starting the timer before reading inputs

Smelty: maybe thats why

Smelty: ur red pod was acting kinda weird...

Smelty: it hesitated between 3 and 4

struct: still I think top 40 at best

struct: I failed eval

AntiSquid: this will help

Smelty: ;)

Smelty: o.O one of them has your name in it

Smelty: well....under 2

Astrobytes: It's gonna be an exciting finale

Illedan: gg

Zenoscave: gg :laughing:

BlaiseEbuth: Happy new year!

Astrobytes: was actually fun

Theino: Did I miss a contest?

struct: my place either gets first or last

struct: there is no inbetween

struct: my bot*+

Zenoscave: My submit was at last second

Astrobytes: Theino: semi-private

Zenoscave: sorry not sorry

struct: dapo resubmited too

Astrobytes: Ow, this should be interesting then

Zenoscave: dammit

Zenoscave: At least i got the angleright

Zenoscave: angle code*

Smelty: welp i got 59

Astrobytes: I only have one question Zeno: Ruby???!!!

struct: What algos did you use?

Zenoscave: acos

Zenoscave: Ruby is my favorite lang. 'cept py3 but everyone expects py3

Astrobytes: acos faster than atan2 in rb?

Zenoscave: no I just couldn't remember the +/- for diff of vectors with atan2

Astrobytes: Eh, well, can't argue with language choices. Ah lol :D

struct: my submit doesnt seem that bad tbh

struct: thought it would be worse

Zenoscave: GG struct

struct: gg

struct: This is what I did to choose angles

struct: Might not be good but ill share it anyways

struct: array < vector<float>, 360> angles;

Zenoscave: The angle was a bad idea. I'm falling bad


Astrobytes: Yeah looks solid man, you're ahead of me ya git


Zenoscave: Nice job struct!

Astrobytes: Oh that's your angle pruning?

struct: yeah something like that

Astrobytes: Nice, like it.

struct: Also I sometimes chose to only pass N

struct: It gets angle to current checkpoint and the next one

struct: +15, -15 from each one

Astrobytes: gotcha

Astrobytes: You did some thinking on this

struct: I had stuff to do yesterday

Zenoscave: I think I should have gone with 36deg not 18deg on the cutoff for boost

struct: but is w/e I would not fight for the top anyways

Zenoscave: my losses are generally from remaining boosts

struct: I still think I might have a bug

struct: my bot never placed 2nd

struct: in a 3 man battle

struct: either that or my bot is bad lol

therealbeef: interestingly, my bot got faster when i reintroduced constraints on the angle, not 18 like in CSB but about 26

Zenoscave: huh. Good to know realbeef

therealbeef: somehow it could maintain its speed better with more drifting

ZarthaxX: dapo appeared lol

AntiSquid: woah struct made it, congratz

Wontonimo: nice bot struct ! Glad to see you made the deadline. i'll be lurking to see our bots compete

ZarthaxX: struct :OOOO

ZarthaxX: niceeeee

Zenoscave: No more last second changes, I've learned my lesson

Zenoscave: Looks like that change cost 10-15 ranks

Astrobytes: Until the next last-second change/submit that is Zeno :D

Zenoscave: you read my mind ;)

Zenoscave: I should change my name to ockham

Zenoscave: With these split-second razor thin decisions

Wontonimo: i've worked on too many production systems and learnt that lesson the hard way. last minute is not a good idea unless you don't have any other alternative

struct: thanks guys

struct: I was afk for a bit

Wontonimo: hey struct, what search did you end up using?

Zenoscave: It depends on the stakes. I work for a fortune 500. I don't do these kinds of things at work. But here... meg

struct: I used smitsimax

Wontonimo: cool!

struct: I think I failed eval though

Astrobytes: Zenoscave: exactly the right attitude. Nothing to lose :D

Wontonimo: and how did you constrain the moves?

struct: Its mediocre at best

struct: One sec

Astrobytes: that's a hardcore top 3

Scarfield: yea big gap

Zenoscave: and it'll get a little bigger. dapo is only 30% complete

Astrobytes: and check the winrates between the 3


struct: Wontonimo

Astrobytes: pb4 had confidence in his last submit

Scarfield: oh yea its from yesterday

struct: I only did depth 5

struct: I had no time to try more stuff

Zenoscave: will you have time for spring struct?

struct: yes

Astrobytes: no still today Scarfield

ZarthaxX: beast structo

ZarthaxX: <3

Zenoscave: Looking forward to it :)

Zenoscave: Hi Zarthie

Astrobytes: as in Sunday

ZarthaxX: pewpew

ZarthaxX: hey zeno

Zenoscave: pewpew

struct: I learned this contest that pruning > performance

Zenoscave: Oh man, struct will be a top competitor now, I bet

struct: :p

Astrobytes: Pruning improves performance ;)

Zenoscave: if you weren't already

ZarthaxX: fooor sure

ZarthaxX: :D

Zenoscave: yup dropped 12 ranks with that angle crap

Scarfield: oh time zone xD

Astrobytes: :D

Astrobytes: eh struct, still beat you twice :D

struct: damn, good job

Astrobytes: 3 times!

Scarfield: xD

Zenoscave: Not bad for a 50 line ruby code

struct: neuman 1st

Astrobytes: Its not really helping me ofc but eh

Zenoscave: oh man! that's been a while since a neuman win yeah?

Zenoscave: AAAAND Pb4 first

Astrobytes: Switching between Neumann and pb4 struct, very close

darkhorse64: Zenoscave: -3v + boost ?

struct: he was never first, unless it was in a private contest

Zenoscave: -3 + boost and target switching

struct: hi darkhorse64, what search did you use?

Scarfield: should have called dips if pb 4 won

Zenoscave: dibs!!!!!

Zenoscave: I call it

Scarfield: xD

darkhorse64: I have found that 2.5 was better. My bot is an AG which ignores the other pods + boosts after reaching a checkpoint

Scarfield: poor him, potentially have to give away a ps5

Wontonimo: struct thanks! I like that search space ;)

Zenoscave: Yeah I played with 2.5 but I'd not change course soon enough with that. Target switching wasn't the best out there

Westicles: Why, does he work for Sofia or something?

Scarfield: AG? you mean GA darkhorse?

Astrobytes: algorithme génétique Scarflackingfrenchskills

darkhorse64: Yep, french acronym

Zenoscave: Even the American knew that ;) Sarf

Scarfield: oh, nice

Zenoscave: And we don't know much

Astrobytes: :rofl:

darkhorse64: Basically, it's SR code + boosts + tailored physics

Zenoscave: Yeah that was mine as well darkhorse64

darkhorse64: I failed to find a good eval

Astrobytes: You did good staying up there darkhorse64 good job mate

Zenoscave: no collisions?

Scarfield: well my knowleadge og french is basicly baguette

Astrobytes: I'm inspired to go back to SR, BR and CSB again

struct: Ill try to finish csb

Zenoscave: struct you haven't finished CSB?

struct: nope

struct: I finished sim

Astrobytes: Long story zeno :)

Zenoscave: You don't need sim

darkhorse64: It tried but it performed worse. Likely bad pod prediction

Scarfield: same tbh, found some really bad bugs in my csb that should help a lot if fixed. its amazing in even works

Astrobytes: Your bot has been pretty solid throughout Scarfield, good job man

Scarfield: ty :)

Astrobytes: I did not think I would enjoy doing this contest, I stand corrected

Zenoscave: It was fun indeed, needed the community for sure

Astrobytes: Definitely

Astrobytes: I hope the Sofia Amadeus guys had fun too

darkhorse64: It's fun to compete with others

Astrobytes: 5% kinda fun though :P

Zenoscave: 5%?

struct: My code for next contest starts now

struct: Ill write templates now

darkhorse64: All the hard work with CSB and SR has payed a lot

Astrobytes: Come on Zeno, I sent you the discord link with the conversation previously!

Zenoscave: struct we don't even know the gametype. di we?

Zenoscave: Astro i'm a slow reader ;)

struct: Im expecting a non physics game

Scarfield: i dont know what the 5% refers to either :'(

Zenoscave: Tile or board based?

Astrobytes: Quick maths, slow read :D

struct: yes

struct: Astro stop winning vs me

Zenoscave: You should destroy then struct with your crazy bfs stuff

struct: damn it

Scarfield: he is in a cave, not enough light to read

Zenoscave: hopefully on a 15x15 grid

Astrobytes: Scarfield: that was the percentage of users that enjoyed the competitive aspect of CG

Zenoscave: I can see the shadows though

Astrobytes: According to some CG poll

Scarfield: :O

Scarfield: thats incredible low

Astrobytes: Well, I guess a lot of competitive people put 'fun', because competition is fun. Loaded questions imo.

darkhorse64: top 3 fully random now

Astrobytes: Yeah, all really, really strong

Scarfield: without 0.09 points :o

Scarfield: within * xD

Wontonimo: this was fun ppl, it was mostly you and this chat channel that made it so interesting ! really looking forward tto the next one

Zenoscave: cheers to that :beer:

Astrobytes: Oh competition time is always lively Wontonimo

struct: dapo first

struct: o.o

Zenoscave: You should see the chat during a public competition

Astrobytes: Yeah :beers:

Wontonimo: later!

Scarfield: and well done on 11th Wontonimo!

struct: later

Zenoscave: gg ttfn

Astrobytes: later Wontonimo, gg man

Wontonimo: :beer:

Astrobytes: Illedan still creeping up on jft

struct: Did anyone else did what dapo is doing on 1vs1?

Astrobytes: What's he doing 1v1?

Astrobytes: Timing you out?


struct: every game is like this

Scarfield: i considered doing it, but then out of nowhere i didnt

Astrobytes: Yeah, makes sense. I came to the idea too late tbh.

Astrobytes: Although it was discussed

Scarfield: illes company Boitano AS makes me think of this

Astrobytes: gogogo Illedan

struct: None of current top 3 works for Amadeus right?

Astrobytes: No, I think Jeff is the highest in Amadeus this time

Astrobytes: Scarfield :rofl:

Scarfield: dapo gaining a lead

Astrobytes: Hehe, it's cheesy, but it's highly effective. GG Daporan

therealbeef: tight race for 11-16th

Astrobytes: 9-16 looking at the lb

struct: Dapo seems to be a clear winner now

struct: imo

struct: unless all his remaining matches are 1vs1vs1

Scarfield: yea, the cheesemeister

Astrobytes: Possible, but he still gets rekt by Neumann sometimes

Astrobytes: even 1v1

struct: maybe I jinxed it

Astrobytes: Nah, was looking at last battles

Scarfield: you just need to jinx the top17 and im happy

Astrobytes: Shut up and accept your top 20 UngratefulField :P

Scarfield: xD

Astrobytes: I had a previous version that ruined you every time, it just only got to about 30th. Every time :P

Scarfield: yea i noticed :p

Astrobytes: hehehe

Astrobytes: stop beating me struct

Scarfield: never really fixed my bots overexcited behavior, seemed yours was a great counter for that

Westicles: I'd like to see dapo vs. dapo

struct: Dapo defeated france

Scarfield: it was also to happy to engage in a blocking combat even if it was a fair bit ahead

Astrobytes: In all honesty I didn't keep track of improvements and such as much as I usually would Scarfield, it was more just fk it this'll do and submit

Astrobytes: Yeah, was trying to eliminate that too Scarfield, Wontonimo managed to mitigate that behaviour somewhat

Scarfield: same didnt make any changes over the weekend, but did check the LB more often than i want to admit :p

Astrobytes: leojean890: we finish around the same rank I think :)

Astrobytes: (hope)

leojean890: Astrobytes yes^^

leojean890: Daporan, as usual, hides and wins in the end :P

leojean890: (winning is not 100% sure but..^^)

Astrobytes: Well, we all know it :)

Astrobytes: He has a good bot

leojean890: we had an exclusive french contest organized by sopra steria in january, he did the same xD

Astrobytes: Yeah I know :D

struct: holy losing sreak

struct: streak*

Astrobytes: If there are good prizes, Dapo will be there. CG contests have no real prizes of any value other than pride so ... :)

Scarfield: they always appear in the end of a submit dont they

Astrobytes: struct: regardless, that was not too shabby for a last minute submit

Scarfield: how did the word of slcc even get out, i just saw it in chat

struct: thanks

struct: you did well too

leojean890: submit 1 min before midnight, always ^^

leojean890: he should do RAIC..

struct: I only submited because it was when bot was mostly ready

leojean890: 3-3.5k euros for 1st

Astrobytes: Tough leaderboard

Scarfield: this was your first working submit wasnt it struct?

struct: I only submited 2 times

struct: one with no ai

struct: or I submited 3

leojean890: same, less than 10 submits^^

Astrobytes: leojean890: you get the email for the RAIC t-shirts etc yet?

struct: on last 10 minutes I submited the 2 times

Scarfield: yea you were a solid last place before xD

Scarfield: nice done man!

leojean890: No, didn't get the email for T shirts^^

struct: Thanks

leojean890: we all will get a t shirt becauseonly need to participate to R2^^

Astrobytes: cool, just checking. No one has yet afaik

leojean890: and pullover for people who went to R1

Astrobytes: Yeah but they send an email to claim usually I believe

leojean890: I see, didn't receive it:)

leojean890: pullover => to finals*

Astrobytes: Yep. That was an exhausting contest lol

leojean890: and much money for top 6 so.. Dapo should come

Astrobytes: Yeah, not sure why he doesn't do RAIC tbh

struct: maybe for the same reason re curse doesnt

struct: its a sh*tshow

leojean890: because too much work to get reward and not enough time ?^^

Scarfield: how a sh tshow?

Astrobytes: Who knows. Last RAIC was decent struct. Weird af API but hey :D

struct: changes mid contests

Astrobytes: Wasn't anything awful this time around

struct: true

leojean890: API no user friendly at all

leojean890: but nice topic

struct: this week there is new escape I think

Astrobytes: I'm not sure what whoever did the C++ API was smoking but I definitely don't want any

Scarfield: last raic was that RTS looking space ship thing right?

Astrobytes: Yeah

leojean890: yes

leojean890: it was ok

Astrobytes: I think I only ever viewed the game in debug mode though D:

leojean890: but no passionate enough to work on it for 1 month long^^

struct: Wait there was no debug mode?

struct: lol

leojean890: yes alwars in debug.. clearer

Scarfield: looked pretty cool, but still havent gotten into trying raic

leojean890: always in debug

leojean890: because "normal" mode was not understandable

Astrobytes: That was the first one I went into, I signed up for others but gave up after trying to go through the rules/code

leojean890: debug mode was useful to understand the games

Astrobytes: Very, very useful

Astrobytes: And you could draw on the debug output too

leojean890: I didn't know RAIC previous years

leojean890: but was happy to participate this time

Astrobytes: Was good fun, and we had a lot of CG participants which helped a lot :)

leojean890: the user "tourist" does not go to RAIC as well but could I think^^

leojean890: he wins CG sometimes and google hashcode

leojean890: and other contests

Astrobytes: Not really his style I don't think

leojean890: he is more optim ?

Astrobytes: Kinda yeah

leojean890: he did CG when it was optim.. A*C

leojean890: and google hashcode is optim

leojean890: maybe he does not bots fights

Astrobytes: mathematically-based he will destroy all in his way

leojean890: project euler for example ?

Astrobytes: I mean more optim/contest style

leojean890: he was already in the winners before being 10 years old^^

leojean890: yes Isee

Astrobytes: Is he on PE? He would slay I'm sure

leojean890: i don't know, I'm not in PE:)

Astrobytes: Yeah, he was a real child prodigy

leojean890: I did some kinda-PE-style on CG puzzles :)

Scarfield: when i was 10 i think i was still playing viking, and fighting with sticks xD

leojean890: ^^

Astrobytes: I lack in some areas of mathematics so some of the more math-y puzzles on CG take me a little longer

leojean890: I was playing pokemon on my game boy color ;)

leojean890: yes same.. some of the more math-y puzzles on CG take me a little longer

leojean890: even among medium puzzles

leojean890: not only hard and VH

struct: I spent time on sports instead of math

leojean890: some medium are difficult because of maths aspects idk

Astrobytes: When I was 10 I was definitely playing around with programming, but also bmxing off walls and swinging from trees over rivers

leojean890: same sports and music^^

leojean890: you pushed me Astrobytes i'm #19 :P

Astrobytes: I was winning maths competitions at that time though, highschool put me off maths (bad teacher)

leojean890: maybe skyyker can push me down :P

Astrobytes: Ah nice leojean890 :D

leojean890: I see

Astrobytes: Though I still did top level biology, chemistry and physics :P

leojean890: I was not bad in math competitions in the early school (kangoo competition) ^^

Astrobytes: Anyway, I should eat

leojean890: was 100-200th among french people my age

leojean890: ow.. less sorry :P

Scarfield: yea bad teachers sucks, my physics teacher in "high school" seemed to hate me with a passion because i liked philosophy, all the girls got straight a's though. the girls even complained to the board because he was so biased xD

Astrobytes: I loved maths competitions

leojean890: 100-200 among not all France students:p

Astrobytes: Had a few of these types Scarfields

Astrobytes: *-s

Astrobytes: Right, going to eat and sleep

leojean890: some teachers are this way yes..

leojean890: just wait for next year xD

Astrobytes: If anyone sees Daporan please give him my congratulations

Scarfield: he is online, so he should have seen i suppose

leojean890: xD

Scarfield: but gn :)

leojean890: he's not on the web chat ;)

Astrobytes: ^

leojean890: maybe he reads but.. no writing ?:P

Scarfield: green dot on avatar in lb = online afaik

struct: He is not

leojean890: so.. 2 PS5 in 2 months

struct: mods can see everyone

Astrobytes: Yeah but that doesn't == webchat

Scarfield: no mere mortals are not in his interest

struct: grats on the 2nd controller

Astrobytes: gg Daporan

Scarfield: he won ps5 before?

Astrobytes: Anyway, gn all :)

Scarfield: gn :)

Wontonimo: gn Astrobytes

struct: gn

Wontonimo: and i just got back

struct: wb

struct: yes he won Scarfield

struct: in january I think

leojean890: he won PS5 for sopra steria contest in january

leojean890: contest only for french people

Scarfield: winning 2 ps5 in current conditions is just rude xD

Wontonimo: my #1 take away from this contest is to leverage ALL the win conditions. Timing out our opponent is a valid win that I didn't explore much

leojean890: yeah by hiding xD

leojean890: but he has a good level anyway ;)

leojean890: just does not let other good people bench against him

Scarfield: yea its a little too cheesy for my taste, but not against the rules so gg to him

leojean890: timing out the opponent.. didn't try that either^^

Scarfield: im off for tonight as well, gn :)

struct: gn

Wontonimo: I wasn't specifically referring to Dapo. Others had implemented that agro combat strategy also. It's more that : all win conditions of the game must be in the search. I missed the timeout rule

Wontonimo: gn

leojean890: gn

leojean890: yeah missed timeout as well

leojean890: cool in 1V1 games

KelvinAndHubbles: doing Smash the Code, haven't touched the start of the code, but it already says getting just the inputs takes longer then allowed for first turn, wacked

struct: which language?

struct: I played stc not so long ago and had no problems

KelvinAndHubbles: Python, yea it seems it gives up half way through reading the first inputs for the rows\

KelvinAndHubbles: might need just a refresh or restart or somethin

KelvinAndHubbles: yea, welp spent 90 minutes writing a floodfill and minimax program, and the input doesn't work :/

Smelty: rip

Default avatar.png Simpleprogrammer2011: d

Default avatar.png Simpleprogrammer2011: Hi

Default avatar.png TheBestPlayer17: why does it keep erroring on "Not in a function" python3

ANONYMOUS42: what is the code

ProfLayton: i've had that error a lot; usually coz i make a bracketing mistake

Default avatar.png TheBestPlayer17: nvm i think its because i was using else if instead of elif

Default avatar.png MrFruit: Hello World.

Default avatar.png MrFruit: Chat

Smelty: Hello Chat

Default avatar.png MrFruit: :)