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EliTheCoder: who else plays this enough to know who the bots are

Default avatar.png TDOdyssey: I am a bot

jacek: happy Caturday

jacek: Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! Let's finish our holiday cheer.

jacek: Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! 'Cause tomorrow spring is here!

DaNinja: \O/

Default avatar.png Veljko: Hey, I'm really new to coding c, r there games that are a bit easier for new folks?

jacek: try some puzzles

DaNinja: Power of Thor, Mars Lander and Coders Strike Back are fairly easy

Default avatar.png Veljko: ty, i'll check them out!

Default avatar.png Ahmanny: solution to thor

BlaiseEbuth: no to Ahmanny

InCog: Hi, in js if I want to find out if a float value is inbetween consecutive even and off numbers how would I go about it

InCog: like 2.5 is in between 2 and 3 so it would return 3

InCog: true

InCog: not three

InCog: but like 1.5 is between 1 and 2 and since the lower range is odd not even it returns false

InCog: actually nvm I think I figured out the solution

Default avatar.png Leonardo_Silva: Hello people, I'm new here and without any experience on programming whatsoever. Currently attending a CCNA course and moving to Python afterwards.

Wontonimo: welcome to coding

Leonardo_Silva: Thanks!

Wontonimo: if you haven't coded before, you may find this site challenging. Don't go away, but set your expectations accordingly

Leonardo_Silva: I plan on start coding as I learn with the new course I will attend. Thank you for the advice !

AntiSquid: what do you want to achieve ?

Leonardo_Silva: CCNA 200-301 cert > Python PCAP cert > DevNet Cert than get deeper knowledge in C/C++ and Java.

AntiSquid: i mean what do you want to achieve with that knowledge

Wontonimo: world domination, no less

Leonardo_Silva: I don't honestly plan on achieving anything anytime soon but who knows, developping a game or automate something that will make my life easier.

AntiSquid: you don't need java btw

AntiSquid: you learn py and c++, fuck java, best life advice

Leonardo_Silva: What about javascript?

AntiSquid: are you doing web dev ?

Wontonimo: there are still plenty of java jobs out there that pay well

AntiSquid: you can webdev in python too, depends if you are a JS hater or not

Leonardo_Silva: Not at the moment. Not really interested in it unless I was trying to setup an ecommerce.

AntiSquid: JS is amazing, but it's best for webdev

AntiSquid: and you need to learn like 20+ frameworks / year

Wontonimo: that's the part i hate

Leonardo_Silva: I follow this guy called Joma Tech, he seems really high level programmer and he posted this video . It really made me question if I was joining the right thing.

Wontonimo: joining what thing?

Leonardo_Silva: I've seen Django been used a lot.

Leonardo_Silva: Joining the programming community.

AntiSquid: he is alright, but be careful with youtube since obv they do it for views and will make videos that hype or jump on the hype train to gain views

Leonardo_Silva: Well, that's the thing. He's not like that, he gives you the reality and the facts, which is why I like it.

Wontonimo: ^^ what AntiSquid said

AntiSquid: wonto could try to focus a bit more on hype trains for his videos

Wontonimo: haha

Wontonimo: i don't do that

Leonardo_Silva: You guys are pretty good yourselves from what I see on your profiles.

Leonardo_Silva: I'm just a newb, looking at your profiles makes me sad that I still have so much to work to achieve in a way.

jacek: we've all been there

AntiSquid: ya that's bs, just focus on your skills lol

AntiSquid: theoretically you could build a shitty android app following a tutorial and slap some ads on it and make money, ezpz, no need to be great

Leonardo_Silva: Yeah but I'm not very strong at math and I have a problem learning through text or images, I learn mostly from practice and experiencing different scenarios. I set these big goals for myself because I want to push myself and believe I can achieve it.

AntiSquid: do codingame puzzles using python, python is easiest to learn

Wontonimo: "i learn mostly from practice and experiencing" - you well go far in programming

Leonardo_Silva: I wanted to, at some point, become a Python Dev with a PCAP cert, do you think it's possible?

Leonardo_Silva: Also, key feature that I have is that I love to automate things.

AntiSquid: do you know python ?

AntiSquid: at all ?

Leonardo_Silva: I haven't started my course yet.

AntiSquid: and you need to wait for that ? lol

Leonardo_Silva: Currently finishing CCNA 200-301

AntiSquid: you gain more out of the course if you are a bit ahead of the class

Leonardo_Silva: I don't need to wait, I just don't know how or where to start.

AntiSquid: then finish ccna or start doing puzzles here or even multiplayers and avoid clash of code

AntiSquid: do the python course then come here do the easy puzzles and multiplayer

Default avatar.png TheAlps: Why avoiding ?

Leonardo_Silva: So I just do the exercises under the "Practice" tab?

AntiSquid: sololearn is fast intro, you can do it in few hours

AntiSquid: i just told you how to speedrun @_@

AntiSquid: you said you don't know python yet LeonardoSilva1

AntiSquid: sololearn > python then puzzles here yes

Wontonimo: LeonardoSilva1 follow anti squids advice, it's solid. Don't be surprised if after a year of programming regularly that math seems easier

jacek: yeah, who needs math nowadays ~

Leonardo_Silva: My goal is to take this course as soon as Im done with CCNA : .

Leonardo_Silva: If you say this is a good starter, maybe I will give it a try while Im still finishing CCNA to get ahead of time.

AntiSquid: i watched numberphile for the bs cat vs mouse puzzle, almost solved it without it, but there was that one stupid validator that forces you to use the numberphile approach, really lame imo

jacek: have you done onboarding puzzle? its easy and you can do python there

Leonardo_Silva: Currently on it Jacek

AntiSquid: fuck udemy, you don't need it, why pay for it lol? udacity has free versions and just doing the codesignal arcade for python teaches you more

Leonardo_Silva: Wasn't aware of Udacity.

Leonardo_Silva: I've heard people saying to not be a Data Scientist and some other roles and to always aim for full-stack dev, Why is that?

Wontonimo: no

AntiSquid: make a list of the people that told you to not be a data scientist and keep it safe, never listen to them again

Leonardo_Silva: Why do people say that though? Is there a certain difficulty to the role?

AntiSquid: why always aim for fullstack ? :D

AntiSquid: i gave you enough advice lol got to do my bot now, busy overengineering

jacek: bottlers?

Leonardo_Silva: Alright, thanks a lot !!

Wontonimo: learn a thing. learn it well. then learn it a lot more and master it. if it has anything to do with automating work, or business to business transactions in any way, you'll find great employment

AntiSquid: secret

AntiSquid: where and how do you factor in profit into that Wontonimo ? :P

Wontonimo: profit? you mean the unpaid labour of the masses? oh, so capitalist of you

jacek: learn blockain, make new cryptocurrency, profit $$$

AntiSquid: i guess the business to business transactions is the profit part

Leonardo_Silva: :D sorry for giving you so much trouble, just a newb passing by trying to make sure Im not making the wrong choices and hearing from people who have experienced it.

AntiSquid: we are talking to each other, finish your courses

AntiSquid: how are you promoting your currency jacek? we're circling back to entrepreneurial side of things

jacek: oO

Wontonimo: AntiSquid - i'm a recovering serial entrepreneur. Now my motto is "work for the man"

Wontonimo: cuz it do payith well

AntiSquid: there's lots of crypto coins nobody heard of or even cares about

Wontonimo: just need a really good buzz word train hitch onto for the next crypto

Wontonimo: some dude tried to rope me into making "machine learning blockchain"

Wontonimo: just squishing buzz words together without really thinking it through

Wontonimo: but that's exactly the kind of crap that sells with hypechain

Wontonimo: I guess this is why I just couldn't cut it as an entrepreneur

Default avatar.png sonic1991: what about NFTs ?

Wontonimo: yeah, i hear ya sonic1991. Track progress on a globally distributed nft. But what does it get you other than buzz

Default avatar.png sonic1991: Im just new to this technology, whenever someone speaks about it. I wanna join into conversation. Do you mean there is no valuable possibilities in the industry of blockchain

AntiSquid: lots of hype, you can cash in something i guess since cuck dorsey cashed in on a tweet of his through NFT, just now checked ...

Wontonimo: there are lots of valuable possibilities of blockchain! Tracking diamonds is a fantastic example

Default avatar.png sonic1991: haha

Ziatzoraf: hi

AntiSquid: :thinking: going to add a stick man drawing or something to NFT

Default avatar.png sonic1991: I wanted to add some nft on openspace

Default avatar.png sonic1991: but gas price is annoying

Default avatar.png sonic1991: to add it I would have to spend 70$ and wanted to sell for 30$. lol

Default avatar.png sonic1991: If this is a price for every nft I try to upload I need to have faith that someone will buy it for 100$ at least lol

AntiSquid: got to hype your product better

Default avatar.png sonic1991: how

AntiSquid: can't you set minimum purchase price ?

Default avatar.png sonic1991: I can

Default avatar.png sonic1991: I just dont want to pay 70$ for listing an item

Default avatar.png ErrorRazor: What's an nft

Default avatar.png sonic1991: sorry, maybe I am wrong, maybe its initial value that need to be pay

Default avatar.png sonic1991: I didnt upload any so I dont know

AntiSquid: use a search engine to find our ErrorRazor

Default avatar.png sonic1991: tokenized digital assets

Wontonimo: ErrorRazor

Default avatar.png sonic1991: its crazy for how much those pixels sells

AntiSquid: you can sell text

Default avatar.png sonic1991: I cant understand the value of collectible that can be screenshoted

AntiSquid: and games

Wontonimo: it's crazy how much people pay for a basket ball to go in a basket

AntiSquid: sonic1991 basically bragging rights that you own the original

AntiSquid: or part of it

AntiSquid: like say a famous painting

Default avatar.png sonic1991: aha

AntiSquid: you can have a very nice copy or even better version, but original values more

Default avatar.png sonic1991: I mean yeah if I own rights to something beautiful/exceptional then yes, but...

Default avatar.png sonic1991: crypto punks or something...

AntiSquid: the little bits of info i learned just now after you brought it up, google -> watch videos at triple speed :P

Default avatar.png sonic1991: I guess anything can be valuable, you just need to create market for it

AntiSquid: jack dorsey sold a tweet of his, he is popular for his shitty platform many use so he cashed in on his tweet or at least his tweet he put on nft is few millions

AntiSquid: you need hype

AntiSquid: sonic1991 you can actually put something on NFT now and maybe it grows in value later, use that to advertise your next piece of work

AntiSquid: so 70$ now on 30$ return can mean a lot more profit later

Default avatar.png sonic1991: you are right

Wontonimo: this is a collectors item thing. and lots of people talk about that 1 comic or shoe or painting they bought way long ago

Wontonimo: and made money.

Wontonimo: but they don't often talk about the boxes of collectables they bought that are now worthless

Wontonimo: beware of survivor bias. if you are going to collect something only do itt if you are passionate about it anyway and are willing to put in the effort to watch the market forever

AntiSquid: it can be a gamble, up to you if you take it and how much you gamble

AntiSquid: use a bot to watch the market for you :P

EmbeddedIs77: ah, my whole lobby is bots

Wontonimo: stop playing CoC, and jump on Botters of the Galaxy

kayou: les traductions sur Cg sont faites par une vielle version de google trad ? :

kayou: "Sur CodinGame, un jeu multi-agent est un jeu où vous pouvez contrôler several personnages/unités séparément pour atteindre un objectif commun."

Default avatar.png moyindavid: hello

AntiSquid: click #FR for french chat

AntiSquid: kayou

AntiSquid: and dunno, maybe lol

kayou: Oh, sorry, I was thiking being in the frnch chat

Default avatar.png ErrorRazor: #FR

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: any c++ users?

BlaiseEbuth: Who's asking ?

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: me

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: thats who

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: i wanted some help cuz i suck at these cocs.

AntiSquid: :thinking:

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: i learned some string manip functions in class but they dont seem to work

Default avatar.png sonic1991: any ruby dev ?

AntiSquid: do easy puzzles instead, one puzzle at a time, stop wasting time

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: where are the puzzles?

AntiSquid: practice

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: ohhh

AntiSquid: or do some multiplayer

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: thnx

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: and multiplayer would be where lol

AntiSquid: compete

AntiSquid: and wish people stopped using "coc" and "sucking" in same sentence

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: so by multiplayer u mean claash of code?

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: lol yeah my bad

AntiSquid: by multiplayer i mean anything apart from clash of code

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: so bot programmuing and optimazation?

AntiSquid: yes

AntiSquid: even golf is better

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: ok thnx

AntiSquid: np

Default avatar.png ozzy120937: Whats wrong with coc?

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: i think imma do practice then some of that later

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: theres a time limit and after that i cant practice it

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: otherwise i wouldnt be coming here to ask

AntiSquid: that timelimit is one of the issues with coc

AntiSquid: better take your time and focus on solving 1 problem at a time

Default avatar.png ozzy120937: True

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: especially if youre new here and trying to learn

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: i cant lie that time limit has made my under pressure problem solving better but i never finsih becuase of it

AntiSquid: you learn more from other puzzles really

AntiSquid: coc isn't best learning material

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: is there a way to filter the original classic puzzles?

AntiSquid: no

AntiSquid: look for those without avatars

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: yes it is a nice tip

Default avatar.png UnnamedCodinGamer: they are a good starting place

Default avatar.png Mickee: Hello! I'm stuck in the The Descent Strong mountain(s). Could somebody explain the logic? Every turn the max(mountain) should be 0 or what else?

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: yooo!

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: im stuck on that too!

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: idk whats happening. it seems so simple but it just keeps failing

Default avatar.png Mickee: Should be halved or whar?

Uljahn: for The descent: click the hints tab on the left in IDE

AntiSquid: The Goal Destroy the mountains before your starship collides with one of them. For that, shoot the highest mountain on your path.

Default avatar.png Mickee: highest mountain should be the max(mountain) or what?

Uljahn: the index of the highest mountain

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: my code is literally what the psuedo code said but i still keep failing the test

MadKnight: show us the code then

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: how?

AntiSquid: 100% its not like pseudo code

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: its the same exact concept

AntiSquid: paste in chat

MadKnight: to what puzzle ?

Default avatar.png Mickee: while max(hegyek)>0:


Default avatar.png Mitul-P14:

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: i have diff var names but its the same otherwise as far as i can see

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: its The Decsent @MadKnight

Uljahn: mountIndex = 0; should be inside the while loop i guess


   int prevH = 0;
   while (1) {

MadKnight: guess what prevH will be on turn 2

Uljahn: also prevH

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: the size of the previous

MadKnight: on the next turn, not mountain

MadKnight: after 8 mountains and after print

MadKnight: there will be 8 other mountains

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: so i need to what flip the sign?

AntiSquid: Mickee Mitul-P14 your pseudo code implementation should be inside the while loop

Uljahn: to reinitialize

MadKnight: u need to do the same for the next 8 mountains

MadKnight: but u saved max mountain from the previous 8

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14:

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: solution ^

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14:

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: me ^

AntiSquid: ya, see the difference? lol

AntiSquid: move it all inside the while loop

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: it is?

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: oh i see

AntiSquid: saying it 3 times won't help will it?

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: i just didnt realize that thats what you were saaying

AntiSquid: fine

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: i just noticed that that was oputside the loop but yeah that makes sense

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: :sweat_smile:

AntiSquid: it's ok, this will help for the rest of the puzzles

Default avatar.png Adiamant: yo is negative dy up or down?

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: on the thor one?

Default avatar.png Adiamant: yes

Default avatar.png Adiamant: and the batman one too

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: they said that the bottom right is all pos

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: so then you just worry about N S E and W really

Default avatar.png Adiamant: wow im dumb

MadKnight: i think dy is down in all games except mars lander

Default avatar.png Adiamant: thanks a bunch

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: lmao. i was really confused too cuz bot right should have been x pos and y neg but if they said it then just go with it lol

Default avatar.png Adiamant: i solved by trial and error which is never a good sign

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: lmao

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: im just trying to really think this through but the amount of ifs is gonna be absurd

Default avatar.png Adiamant: are you talking about the descent?

Dan4Life: hi

MasterCoderxD: hey

Default avatar.png MateiBalaur: do you know how to solve it?

Default avatar.png MateiBalaur: i need help

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: solve what?

MasterCoderxD: can someone tell me how this works?

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: also adiamant no, we were talking about thor ep 1

MasterCoderxD: w=90;t=10;=1+(w<80)+t

MasterCoderxD: in Python3

MasterCoderxD: how does that code work?

Default avatar.png Adiamant: if w is not smaller than 80, w<80 returns 0, if w is smaller than 80, it returns 1

Default avatar.png Adiamant: so false is 0, true is 1, because binary and boolean

Default avatar.png Adiamant: i am da hackerman

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14:

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: does anyone see anythign wrong with this vs the solution?

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14:

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: solution ^

InCog: Exclude the else if (Y == lightY) {

           dirY = "";

InCog: I dont see why that is necessary

DaNinja: you set x and y before you read the input

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: it still doestn work

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: i added that to see if it would fix

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: when i intialized?

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: ohhhhhhh

AntiSquid: ya check your variable placements

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: see when i write my own code from scratch, i dotn make mistakes liket that but here, i dont see stuff like that. its really good that im making these mistakes in practice cuz if i had made these in a job, the consquences would exist

MasterCoderxD: @Adiamant I got it bro, butthanks anyway

MasterCoderxD: *but thanks

Default avatar.png ShishirTiwari: lol

therealbeef: Mitul-P14 in a job you'd make unit tests that catch these bugs, and you'd have a debugger. competitive programming is a bit primitive sometimes

AntiSquid: you'd have team that tests shit for you :/

Default avatar.png AbdelkaderAb: Helloo guys

therealbeef: unit tests are normally made and maintained by devs. integration tests ften too

HunterEhrenfeld: unit tests are the devil

BlaiseEbuth: No. I have nothing to do with these things...

orangesnowfox: There, beat my 2048 score within 24ish h, like I said I would

AntiSquid: Sorry to burst your bubble, BlaiseEbuth there is no devil.

AntiSquid: and there is no hell either, you just rot away when you die

BlaiseEbuth: Yeah, you're right, of course.

**BlaiseEbuth go to create a new hell circle especialy for AntiSquid.

AntiSquid: oh that's easy, become a politician and pass a completely idiotic law

HunterEhrenfeld: my life goal

BlaiseEbuth: Oh. I was thinking about hundred of "squid" bikers.

AntiSquid: make squid bikers a protected minority and give them tax money if they break a bone for their own mistakes? ya that would work

BleedingTime: Then start an insurance agency that encourages them to break bones to pay for their surgeries

MadKnight: u can't gain money from that, u can only encourage everyone to destroy the entire economics by breaking bones simultaneously

Rasuke_: i m new, anyone knows why my achievs arent updating?

AntiSquid: which ones exactly aren't updating for you ?

Wontonimo: which one?

Rasuke_: C, i have done some problems getting 100% and it says i only have done 1, idk

Wontonimo: which problems?

Wontonimo: Clash of Code doesn't count, nor do bot battles

Rasuke_: oh, i have done clash only

Wontonimo: that's it

Wontonimo: try something other than CoC

Rasuke_: ty


Wontonimo: mars lander is really fun and an easy start to the puzzles

Rasuke_: ill try, ty :D

Default avatar.png DD_5-9: how do i code python?

Wontonimo: ??

Default avatar.png DD_5-9: can someone teexh me?

AntiSquid: yes it's easy

Default avatar.png DD_5-9: how?

Wontonimo: yeah, no problem. I can set you up. Try this link

AntiSquid: type python syntax

Default avatar.png DD_5-9: where

AntiSquid: where is your choice

Default avatar.png DD_5-9: idk im in a clash of code

Default avatar.png DD_5-9: and idk what to do\

AntiSquid: play onboarding then ?

Default avatar.png DD_5-9: whats that lol

AntiSquid: and never touch clash again

Default avatar.png DD_5-9: lolll

AntiSquid: lol glad you asked, use search bar at the top

Default avatar.png DD_5-9: ok

Default avatar.png DD_5-9: the puzzle?

AntiSquid: Automaton2000 is it the puzzle ?

Automaton2000: i just saw a replay of my bot?

AntiSquid: Automaton2000 has babies

Automaton2000: do you have something that works

Default avatar.png DD_5-9: bruh idk wha to do dis shih weir

AntiSquid: just take this quiz instead then :

AntiSquid: i like the babylonbee :o

Default avatar.png DD_5-9: im female XD

AntiSquid: quiz was just for you, you get no special privilege regardless of result

AntiSquid: just do onboarding puzzle

MadKnight: imagine being a female

MadKnight: cringe

AntiSquid: why?

MadKnight: Automaton2000, cool kids become some fancy attack helicopter entity

Automaton2000: that means you have a different value

AntiSquid: she just said female, not one of the 5million extra genders

MadKnight: i don't believe people on the internet when they say they're a female

AntiSquid: why what does it change for you ?

MadKnight: i just don't believe, what else is it supposed to do ?

AntiSquid: ah you think they all roleplaying ?

MadKnight: such things happen

Wontonimo: isn't it enough for you for someone to identify as female?

Wontonimo: or attack helicopter

MadKnight: it's about lying/not lying

MadKnight: or about their reasons

AntiSquid: didn't matter in that context

orangesnowfox: Lying? What's the point of lying on the internet about your gender?

AntiSquid: lol

AntiSquid: it was a joke quiz anyway

AntiSquid: orangesnowfox depends, here it doesn't matter

orangesnowfox: yeah, quizes like that can't really tell you anything except "do you agree with the result or not"

MadKnight: they might have their own reasons

MadKnight: some people play RPG games as female character to be getting cool items as presents from other players

AntiSquid: depends

AntiSquid: you can play female char and not act like a girl lol

MadKnight: i mean from some random people who haven't figured out yet that u don't act like a girl at all

AntiSquid: there are girls that play male chars

orangesnowfox: ^ that too

AntiSquid: those that want favours put up the act to get them

MadKnight: i knew a girl who played male char - she says she didn't want the attention

AntiSquid: i play female chars some times, didn't want to stare at a guy the entire time

orangesnowfox: ... That's valid but uhh, I've heard that line before

AntiSquid: ha

Default avatar.png megarami: hi

Default avatar.png megarami: ja imam djevojku, vi nemate tralalalalala

MadKnight: jwhat

orangesnowfox: MadKnight, doesn't that mean the people giving weird attention are at fault?


AntiSquid: i think he is singing this song

MadKnight: depends on the game probably

orangesnowfox: wym?

MadKnight: Gunther? the penguin from that cartoon ?

orangesnowfox: ???

AntiSquid: idk either what he means

MadKnight: orangesnowfox depends on how often u need to talk to other people i mean

MadKnight: AntiSquid Gunther thing was about your link

AntiSquid: what?

AntiSquid: that's not a penguin, just a guy with glasses

AntiSquid: he's not even roleplaying as penguin

orangesnowfox: MadKnight, I can't understand how those two things relate

MadKnight: in Adventure Time there's a penguin with that name

orangesnowfox: No... I mean "giving weird attention" and "how often you have to talk to people"

AntiSquid: but that has nothing to do with your cartoons MadKnight

MadKnight: orangesnowfox well for example when u are on a game's market and u ask people for some stuff as a girl....

MadKnight: AntiSquid but that is a cartoon

AntiSquid: i linked a song, which is older than the shitty cartoon

MadKnight: hmmm seems to be true, but i thought of that cartoon when i saw that name

MadKnight: orangesnowfox some games are not real-time, they're turn-based, and in those games there's usually a chat where people talk while waiting for their turn, and sometimes u might need to say stuff in some locational chat

orangesnowfox: okay?

MadKnight: hmmm, what exactly did u mean by "the people giving weird attention are at fault" orangesnowfox ?

MadKnight: i think i misunderstand u at this

orangesnowfox: Okay, so, if you ask for help with things on an rpg, I think you can agree it's reasonable for people to give or not give help as they please. The bit I find weird and mildly gross, is that people playing girl characters get more help, not because of the help, but... Ulterior motives are pretty common

orangesnowfox: Like, if you'd only help someone because they're "a girl"...

MadKnight: that's not it

MadKnight: they're giving extra bonuses

MadKnight: it can be them just being gentlemen in general

AntiSquid: being gentlemen giving favours in exchange for allusion to other favours :thinking:

AntiSquid: then again some couples met in RPGs, which is funny i guess

MadKnight: in exchange for them feeling good from doing that actually

MadKnight: AntiSquid they're wasting game resources for having a good time, what's wrong ?

jacek: oO

davilla: is there an archive of past puzzles of the week?

AntiSquid: no but they're all available so it doesn't matter

davilla: ah so they just become regular puzzles at that point, thanks

AntiSquid: no, actually weekly puzzle are regular puzzles that are highlited

HunterEhrenfeld: Whats up friends

HunterEhrenfeld: Nothing like coffee and clash of code in the evening

Default avatar.png SaidRasinlic: i swear i cant do a shit with these tasks

Default avatar.png SaidRasinlic: is anyone here junior developer

HunterEhrenfeld: Im starting a junior role in the summer

Default avatar.png SaidRasinlic: java developer?

Default avatar.png SaidRasinlic: anyone?

HunterEhrenfeld: Yes, I work with APIs in Java and Ruby

Default avatar.png SaidRasinlic: nice man

Default avatar.png SaidRasinlic: how u doing with these tasks

HunterEhrenfeld: Which tasks?

Default avatar.png SaidRasinlic: i know some of them but mostly not

Default avatar.png SaidRasinlic: in the clash

Default avatar.png SaidRasinlic: clash of code

HunterEhrenfeld: I can get most of the tasks. Sometimes I struggle on binary stuff though

Default avatar.png SaidRasinlic: yea man

Default avatar.png SaidRasinlic: thats true

Default avatar.png SaidRasinlic: i dont know i was never good with math

Default avatar.png SaidRasinlic: but i know language more than enough.. so..

HunterEhrenfeld: Yeah, sometimes math ones get me too

Default avatar.png SaidRasinlic: man sometime its so dumb and easy but math scares you haha

HunterEhrenfeld: math can be very scary lol

Default avatar.png SaidRasinlic: but as they said just keep coding :D

Wontonimo: math is like reading. if you do it every day and for fun, it becomes easier. there just isn't any romance equations... but if you look and try, you'll find something to math every day

Default avatar.png SaidRasinlic: ye thats true

HunterEhrenfeld: Does Clash of Code have bots?

HunterEhrenfeld: I see BSoD like everyday lol

Default avatar.png SaidRasinlic: man maybe it does lol

Uljahn: there are official bots to fill up the room


wlesavo: damn, eulers puzzle search is down =(



wlesavo: hm, i thought i checked that also, thx :slight_smile:

davilla: np thanks for the link

wlesavo: you can also check out this

wlesavo: i corrected the link there too

AntiSquid: hey Uljahn, where is your pokeball ?

Uljahn: rip :pensive:

tooy: Hello Automaton2000

Automaton2000: but i think it is not an option

PatrickMcGinnisII: Automaton2000 go play in the POTW

Automaton2000: but i guess the only way i could think of


Wontonimo: Happy Spring Equinox , and Happy Solar New Year

AntiSquid: massive world wide protests, will the stop the lockdowns to make people happy ?

AntiSquid: and happy whatever kind of new you year wonto :P

birbDrum: these shortest code contests is just whoever uses ruby wins

Default avatar.png mabdulrafey:

Default avatar.png mabdulrafey:

Default avatar.png mabdulrafey: can anybody help me out

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: what language?

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: yikes not exactly sure how to go about that

PatrickMcGinnisII: there's a couple ways, are there time constraints?

Default avatar.png mabdulrafey: Nevermind

Default avatar.png mabdulrafey: i lost it :(

PatrickMcGinnisII: oh its a clash?

Default avatar.png mabdulrafey:

Default avatar.png mabdulrafey: Help me out with this one

Default avatar.png mabdulrafey: python 3

PatrickMcGinnisII: lol, intdiv(n,4)+1 maybe

Default avatar.png mabdulrafey: print(round(int(input())/4))

Default avatar.png mabdulrafey: I wrote this out

Default avatar.png mabdulrafey: It worked

PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh is on first tile, so ok

PatrickMcGinnisII: i don't clash

PatrickMcGinnisII: much

PatrickMcGinnisII: and not in oy

PatrickMcGinnisII: py

Default avatar.png mabdulrafey: which language you practice

Default avatar.png mabdulrafey: i am like "hello world" type beginner

Default avatar.png mabdulrafey: xD

PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh, PY is fine, but i wouldn't ignore C++

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: ayyy c++ bros

linjoehan: I am in here now!

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: "i am here"

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: - All Might and Deku

linjoehan: mabdulrafey depends on what you want to achieve

linjoehan: if(I want to make awesome bots) { "c++"} else if(I want to get a job) {"java | python} else if(I just want to have fun) { "whatever you want"}

linjoehan: at least thats what I think

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: string choice = "I just want to have fun"

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: **presses CTRL + ENTER**

PatrickMcGinnisII: Is this where we do a ctrl+alt+f4?

Default avatar.png AnushaDsouza: what about c#?

linjoehan: yeah I was about to try that in there but I decided not to

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: if you want to patrick

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: ctrl alt f4 is never denied in this safe haven

linjoehan: NO!

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: its his computer. we cant tell him not to

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: as his friend as of 1 minute its my obligation to support him no matter what

PatrickMcGinnisII: working on neighbor-sum grids, so ctrl+alt+f4 might be the solution

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: might is an understatement

linjoehan: also CTRL + ALT + DEL is a bad idea because you might be in Linux, that has happened to me before, no I wasn't the one hitting the buttons I was the one having to deal with the consequences.

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: is it the same as f4?

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: also what other practicing code sites do you guys go to>

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: *?

PatrickMcGinnisII: reboot linux

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: oh no

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: :scream:

linjoehan: yeah! some guy plugged a keyboard into the wrong server and thought it was windows

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: yikes

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: but uh any other code practicing sites?

linjoehan: are you just learning or do you want to compete (for last place

linjoehan: )

linjoehan: )

linjoehan: )

linjoehan: man that did not go well

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: mainly learing / advancing

Default avatar.png Mitul-P14: lol

linjoehan: hackerrank is good for learning but the competitive scene there has died out a bit