markyy: when do I lose points
Allis: Any time you lose, I think?
jrke: when you lose any clash you will lose points and if you win then you gain points
markyy: does losing mean not being in the first place?
Allis: I think it'd be better if it were the TrueSkill of whom you beat minus the TS of whom you lost to, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
zile151: "Unbalanced games, for example, result in either negligible updates when the favorite wins, or huge updates when the favorite loses surprisingly."
zile151: So it does depend on who you beat, but a loss always decreases your rating
markyy: do I always lose points if not in the first place?
jrke: no
jrke: maybe if you are below total players in clash/2
Rogogomogofl: Guys, how to enable the QUEST MAP display on the home tab?
zile151: "we’ve released a first version of the quest map (new home page) for all users until now. (all new users will have it or not according to a A/B test)."
zile151: so maybe you got unlucky with the randomization
Vin_Wang_: this platform is fun
ripcode: whats up fellas
tutubalin: Without A/B test I can say that quest map is a great feature and really helps new users to explore vast possibilities of CG
tutubalin: I'm not so new user, but quest map teased me to Optimization section which I have been ignoring for a long time
jacek: and apparently quest map made clash haters do some clashes
wlesavo: that was the most amusing part of quest map
Gorbit99: I would love to see some stats about coc plays after the quest map was released
[CG]Thibaud: we've just removed the A/B testing on home page FYI
DomiKo: top3 :grin:
tutubalin: :thumbsup:
jrke: nice work in samegame DomiKo
jrke: :thumbs_up:
FinnWerner: :v:
DomiKo: got 3639 in case12 :D
jacek: good for you
MSmits: nice one
inoryy: what's the website with CG logs again? I really should bookmark it..
inoryy: thanks
Tiramon: what kind of almost blank wiki is that ... and what are the usefull informations on that page?
Tiramon: most usefull part i see it the list of tools
Agade: Someone started a wiki? Nice
inoryy: well from my question it's kind of easy infer website's main use :P
Gorbit99: hey
ruasd: i want to set up a website
Gorbit99: Tiramon as far as I understand, it's a searchable chat log
ruasd: do anyone want to help ?
Tiramon: don't see any logs on that page ...
Tiramon: oh yes found the link on that page
Tiramon: and Gorbit99 i wasn't wondering on the stuff linked on that wiki ... just about that wiki
Tiramon: wow that really has some content of logs
IgnacioGb: hi, is there any way to do block comment in python?
jacek: put in """ """
jacek: 3x "
IgnacioGb: oh i just discovered it
IgnacioGb: or ctl + ç idk i have german keyboard
Gorbit99: hey
Tiramon: ok guess that should be enough for wood 1 in coders of the realm 1v1
Gorbit99: this dots and boxes game is fun
jacek: using any search yet?
Gorbit99: just a simple "if this box has 2 edges, avoid it like the plague, if it has 1, fill the remaining, otherwise, just choose at random"
Gorbit99: but this seems effective
jacek: so do i
Gorbit99: only got 2 second places sofar
Gorbit99: both from you
Gorbit99: ok, now I got one from the boss
Gorbit99: got a promotion too
jacek: \o/
Gorbit99: at 2x2, it's not really a real challenge, more like random luck
Gorbit99: jesus, wood 1 is a big stepup
jacek: and of course tric is 1st
Gorbit99: ofc
Gorbit99: let's see where this bot puts me in wood 1
Gorbit99: seems to be in the middle
Gorbit99: as I see it, what you really want is one of two scenarios, if it will be your turn when all the boxes have 2 edges, then you want a closed off area of 1 tile, or at least an area with less possible boxes than another one, so you can put in a line there and the enemy then needs to put one inside the larger area, making you win
Gorbit99: but if it's your enemy's turn, you want the exact opposite, possibly just one gigantic section
JJJJJJtendingtoinfinite: neymar
Tiramon: oh it's really called dots and boxes ... just wanted to ask what game you are talking about ;) didn't knwo the english name for that game
jrke: where can i find D&B refree?
Gorbit99: I assume inside the zip
Gorbit99: where it was submitted
dbdr: would be nicer to have a public repo
jrke: ^Yeah
jacek: and reveal the boss?
jrke: Then it will easier ;)
jrke: will be easier*
Gorbit99: The boss is in there afaik
Tiramon: and yes wood 2 isn't that hard even with doing stupid moves because i don't watch neighbour boxes
jrke: i don't know why when i remove one bug i gives me bad result :(
jrke: hey tiramon welcome in wood 1
Tiramon: yeah ... now i'm punished for ignoring the state of neighbour boxes ...
Gorbit99: oh right
Gorbit99: that's my issue
Gorbit99: thanks tiramon
jrke: im also punished
Tiramon: still a good score for ignoring that ;)
Tiramon: hm that looks like a fun game to train a NN for ... but i guess the weights will be to much for CGs limit
jacek: NNs eh
AntiSquid: how's your machine learning journey going Tiramon ?
jrke: can you tell me what Nueral networking do?
Tiramon: finished my udacity course .. but got distracted by other stuff
Tiramon: jrke .. atleast you got a positive score
AntiSquid: jrke imagine a polynomial math function ...
AntiSquid: you try to find a function that predicts what you want to know
jrke: Tiramon when i entered wood 1 my first submission ended at -4.5
Tiramon: and you form that function like you train your brain by positive and negative feedback to the algo
jrke: so it trains our algo that what is working good or bad
Tiramon: you try to create a polynomal function to approximate if a game state is a good or a bad state so you can really fast choose which action to take next
jrke: ok
Tiramon: and you got an algo to do so ... thats the NN
Tiramon: training takes forever using a trained NN is fast as hell
mesavitae: Anyone else finished the Flood Fill Example puzzle, and believe the rules are contrary to what is happening?
Uljahn: how so?
mesavitae: well i misread one part thought it said it couldn't have the same IDs, but the last puzzle did.
mesavitae: 1. Each tower has an I.D., which is not '#', '.' or '+'. So first rule implies + is not a tower, but then later you're expected to treat it as a tower and to flood the map with it
Tiramon: ok simple 'don't do shit in neigbours' should be done
Tiramon: definitely better
MSmits: ... lawn?
MSmits: ... car?
MSmits: what are you not :poop: ing in Tiramon?
wlesavo: MSmits new multi, or an old one i never saw, dots and boxes
MSmits: is that Sokoban?
MSmits: oh
MSmits: that one
MSmits: kamertje verhuren
MSmits: I know the game
wlesavo: la pipopipette
MSmits: that's gross wlesavo
Astrobytes: In this instance I have to say the French sounds better than the Dutch :P
MSmits: the Dutch name translates to renting rooms
MSmits: I would enjoy this game, but work to do unfortunately :(
MSmits: Have to prepare classes and such
Astrobytes: Plenty time! Oh you're back full-time now
MSmits: hardly full time, but yeah in the sense that all classes are physical
Astrobytes: You have my condolences, I don't agree with the situation at all
MSmits: thanks, we'll see what happens
Astrobytes: Indeed.
MSmits: I'll refer to story of 2 guys running away from a bear
MSmits: if you know it
Astrobytes: The old kids fable?
MSmits: One guy says: "We'll never outrun this bear". Other guy says: I don't have to, I just have to outrun you"
Astrobytes: Oh, different one
Astrobytes: Quite
MSmits: so I don't have to avoid getting infected
MSmits: I have to avoid getting infected before others and the school closes again
wlesavo: lol
Astrobytes: Yes, that's the only way to play it.
COdeC: same here in secondary school lol
MSmits: of course there is the hope that it goes well, but I just don't see it
wlesavo: we will never out run the bats
Astrobytes: I can't see it either.
MSmits: I don't blame my school btw, they do what they can
MSmits: i blame a combination of dumb fellow Dutch people and the governments handling of this part of the pandemic
MSmits: they did ok before, but I think they made a mistake now
Astrobytes: No it's government to blame
Astrobytes: Yes, and the general public too.
Washier: Today is the first day you can legally buy(sell) cigarettes(tobaco products) in South Africa since March 23. A lot of people were angry, even non smokers complained because loss of income. Think most governments are going to make mistakes in this whole thing. Europe not that bad a place to be me thinks
Tiramon: covid is the cause they blocked selling cigarettes ?
Washier: yes.
dbdr: if people stopped smoking for 5 months, aren't they most delivered of the addiction by now?
Washier: Our govt decided it increases your risk
Washier: no, the illegal market flourished. prices were high tho
Tiramon: trumps bleach idead was worse ... but not by much ...
DomiKo: There is bug in description in Dots and Boxes. "string playerId; // The ID of the player. 0=first player, 1=second player."
DomiKo: but Id is A or B :(
dbdr: I think it's true that smoking does inscrease the risk of transmission
dbdr: the decision is still a question of course
dbdr: some countries ban public smoking
Washier: probably does. but our neighbours Botswana was the only other country in the world that also banned it. rest of the smoking world disagreed
dbdr: spanish region banned it too
dbdr: probably others, was the first hit
Washier: that's smoking in public places. also not allowed here for years. we banned cigarettes. you were not allowed to buy them. black market exploded.
dbdr: including the street
dbdr: but yes, different from banning in your own homes
MSmits: if you've already wanted to quit for years but didnt manage to, a ban like that can do the trick for you
Washier: street no, but of course that's hard to enforce here. restaurants, malls, any building, not allowed to smoke here. i smoked in an Egyptian airport once, security said it was ok.
MSmits: people who really want to quit, are not going to go through the trouble of black markets
Washier: MSmits, you are right. But if you've ever been addicted to the sutff you would not say that
MSmits: many people I know have been addicted and stopped
Astrobytes: Yeah, it's a tough one to kick.
MSmits: all it takes is a strong enough motivation
Astrobytes: Only vaping helped me.
MSmits: a ban to make it illegal might increase motivation enough to quit
MSmits: for some
Astrobytes: No. Bans create black markets. Prohibition is rarely suitable.
MSmits: of course they do, and they create crime too
dbdr: I think ban in public places is a good compromise
Washier: ok, sorry, with black market i should add, i bought mine in the parking lot at the shops. most people did. took the market about 1 month to develop, in which time I nearly quit. but alas.
MSmits: but that doesnt mean there arent less people addicted
dbdr: dutch guy advocating banning of a drug, he orinoy ;)
MSmits: smoking is already on the decline
Washier: its a stupid ban. should add alcahol was also banned. but most people agree with that.
Astrobytes: There's been a cigarette black market like that in the UK for years. They put the prices up of real cigs and everyone buys the ones from under the counter instead
dbdr: *the irony
MSmits: I'm not advocating for it dbdr, i think banning is a bad idea
MSmits: I am just discussing the consequences
Washier: of course everyone skips the sin tax.
MSmits: and I think one of them is reduced number of smokers
Washier: so govt loses billions
dbdr: right, just teasing
MSmits: kk :)
Washier: original thread was govts handling it baad. i wanted to assure people my govt is way up there :)
Astrobytes: :grin:
MSmits: my government is actually handling it quite well mostly
MSmits: listening to science
Washier: very
Washier: yes.
Astrobytes: Oh Washier, will send you some metal with great drums later btw ;)
Washier: our govt cited non peered reviewed studies to support smoke ban
Washier: will do 'stro
MSmits: remember when smoking companies would do the opposite?
Astrobytes: Indeed
MSmits: citing non peer reviewed studies to support that smoking is healthy, studies done by scientists on their payroll
MSmits: payback is a ...
dbdr: pretty sure paid scientists also reviewed...
Astrobytes: Still happens with big pharma drug trials
MSmits: lol, well thats worse dbdr
dbdr: then that business inspired and moved to keeping some doubt over climate change
Astrobytes: ^
Washier: <brain explodes>
MSmits: seems to me that branch is now redundant
MSmits: politicians dont need proof of anything anymore
Washier: very true
Astrobytes: I think they moved on to 'causes of climate change'
dbdr: this is a good read if you have the time: also beautiful presentation
Astrobytes: saved for later
MSmits: same
dbdr: :+1:
Astrobytes: Currently prepping for an MHRA inspection
Washier: good luck
Astrobytes: Should be fine. Only GDP and the client is in good shape. Just gotta make sure all the i's and t's are dotted and crossed so to speak.
Gorbit99: damn, this bf pow is very limiting, no wrapping and modulo 256?
JBM: then again you're only asked to implement, not to code with it
Gorbit99: thankfully
JBM: so it's not as much of hindrance as it appears at first sight
Gorbit99: well, right here it's just a check
Gorbit99: welp, got it
KyawMyotun: how to find racetrack
KyawMyotun: wrong chat
Memo12334: does anyone know the challenge shadows of the knight
jacek: when this will be on CG
sparky: :fearful:
Gorbit99: when you code it
sparky: you just have to take the king in the past, or in a parallel universe, or something..
Gorbit99: I mean, codewise, I doubt it's that different, because it's literally just 2 more dimensions
reCurse: Would be more interesting to add a 960 + bughouse variation instead IMO. Beats opening book and reusing existing engines/evals (probably)
reCurse: Oops I meant crazyhouse
sparky: yeah, also suicide chess
reCurse: I find it boring :p
jacek: so... shogi?
reCurse: Slightly inspired yes but still more related to chess.
reCurse: Still familiar but with very different execution
reCurse: And gives a whole new meaning to trades
reCurse: More complexification than simplification :)
jacek: how long typical game lasts though
reCurse: Likely under 200 turns per player
reCurse: Or whatever the limitation is, I forgot
reCurse: Looking at games of top players on games, duration seems similar to regular games, maybe even shorter
Astrobytes: struct was gonna do 960 at one point but promptly disappeared instead
reCurse: I think 960 doesn't solve reusing the existing theory/evaluation
reCurse: Crazyhouse however I think remains underexplored in comparison
reCurse: So combining both? Yes please
Astrobytes: Sounds interesting for sure
eulerscheZahl: where is my struct? :sob:
Illedan: Deleted again?
jacek: not in java, thats for sure
eulerscheZahl: no, just ghosting
AntiSquid: just tried bughouse, i hate it .
AntiSquid: pawn dropped out of nowhere onto the board
AntiSquid: check the king and once i move king i lose knight ... wow
jacek: you should anticipate deeper
AntiSquid: kind of lame, you can just drop anywhere a piece, any time
Andriamanitra: well no
Andriamanitra: there's strategy behind it, you don't want to give your opponent pieces to drop
AntiSquid: lost 1, won 1, still lame :/
AntiSquid: maybe it's ok for bot games
jacek: so you wouldnt like shogi would you
AntiSquid: the 2v2 makes it kind of random imo
Laminator: dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies. Screw that reverse
Gorbit99: AntiSquid it quickly changes, if it makes it better?
Gorbit99: -?
Gorbit99: oh, that was an hour ago
Zm4j: hello, I am not experienced with this site, can someone tell what does this message mean. Warning: your code did not read all available input before printing an instruction, your outputs will not be synchronized with the game's turns and unexpected behaviour may occur.
Gorbit99: every game turn you get input
Gorbit99: this means you haven't read it all
Zm4j: in the game i am solving now, in game loop there is just one input and that is in the first 2 lines, why does it not read it all?
Gorbit99: which game?
Zm4j: skynet revolution e1
Gorbit99: have you read everything before that too?
Zm4j: i did, I saved it all in an array and then worked with it
Zm4j: test 1 works fine
Zm4j: second one passes but i get this message
Gorbit99: make sure you don't accidentally print more than 1 thing at once
Gorbit99: and that you haven't deleted the STDIN syncing line, if there was one
Zm4j: thanks, ill try to fix it
Zm4j: i solved it, thanks mate
AlexZotz: i dont understand how to debug in this editor
Counterbalance: All that's available there is printing to STDERR.. for real debugging you have to use an offline IDE
AlexZotz: i mean the codinggame editor tells me to write a debug message in the console like this " // To debug: Console.Error.WriteLine("Debug messages...");"
AlexZotz: but if i do exactly this: Console.Error.WriteLine($"Enemy HP is: {Enemy.HP}")
Counterbalance: In the 'Console output' on the left-bottom of your screen, there's a pulldown
Counterbalance: it says 'Game information, ..' or something. Make sure "Debug (errors stream)" is also enabled.
AlexZotz: it works not in loops
Scarfield: maybe you have a bug before the error print
Counterbalance: try to put Console.Error.WriteLine("Hello!"); right before you print the command for the turn - does that show up?
AlexZotz: just a simple foreach
Hankdane: If you are running a puzzle or game with multiple turns, make sure to select the turn where you print the message.
Counterbalance: you're doing Console.WriteLine("test") instead of Console.Error.WriteLine("test"). The referee uses "test" as a command, which is probably wrong and terminates your program.
Hankdane: C#? Console.WriteLine writes to stdout, not stderr.
Hankdane: Ah, Counterbalance beat me to it. :)
AlexZotz: its also dont work with Console.Error.WriteLine("test").
AlexZotz: nvm i make a break here, i think this i not my art to learn programming
AlexZotz: thx for your effort, have a ncie evening
Counterbalance: It takes a while.. try again later after your break!
Gorbit99: I fixed my freaking altgr problem with monaco vim
Gorbit99: now I just have to get the cg devs to use my version of monaco-vim instead of the original
Schwase: i finally did the stupid bfs puzzle jeez im so lazy
Schwase: 100% on easy puzzles tho
Rugged: just doing this while in class
Rugged: lo
Rugged: l
awoogaawooga: bruh
awoogaawooga: this mf used 2 for loops
awoogaawooga: and beat me
awoogaawooga: doing this before i jack off
awoogaawooga: .
awoogaawooga: .
awoogaawooga: .
IfIHadATail: O.o
ayomusky: wtf
ayomusky: . . .
ayomusky: .
ayomusky: .
DarkLlama_cdac: I'm having some issues trying to solve the Fastest puzzle in C++. Could anyone give me any tips?
Zm4j: ill look at it now
Zm4j: try transforming every time into seconds, then find min value and then turn it back and print it into original form
DaNinja: or just sort the strings
zedd3v: yo
zedd3v: why tf do i pass all the tests
zedd3v: and then i submit my code and get 75%
PatrickMcGinnisII: zedd3v your logic is flawed somehow, some condition isn't met
PatrickMcGinnisII: DarkLlama_cdac so, tired of tiktok ?
zedd3v: i got that ostrich clash
zedd3v: idk if you ever had it
zedd3v: but im sure my logic isnt flawed
zedd3v: and i didnt hardcode anything
PatrickMcGinnisII: ostrich weight?
zedd3v: yea
zedd3v: r=readline g=r() print(g=="F"?~~(r()*1.2):g=="M"?r()/1.2:"UNKNOWN")
PatrickMcGinnisII: did you truncate or round?
zedd3v: yea
zedd3v: and it passed all of the tests
PatrickMcGinnisII: It's probably in the trucation...hmm typecast to (int) prolly easiest
zedd3v: idk
zedd3v: scuffed website
PatrickMcGinnisII: (int)r*1.2
PatrickMcGinnisII: test it
zedd3v: yea i had to round the second equation aswell
zedd3v: but that test didnt show up
zedd3v: idk
zedd3v: weird
PatrickMcGinnisII: validators and test cases are different... sometimes designed to find common flaws
PatrickMcGinnisII: some are evil, but not so much in clashes
zedd3v: yea but dumb to approve solution lmfao
zedd3v: and then give you 75% when you submit
PatrickMcGinnisII: play SameGame, 45 lines of code and you can be in top 30
PatrickMcGinnisII: 'nite ya'll
PatrickMcGinnisII: don't forget to blink, pc screens are mfers
TheRedMakerMan: hey, is anyone out there to help me with Scrabble
TheRedMakerMan: nevermind, im going to bed, maybe i can get something solved tomorrow
jacek: good morning
VoHung: good morning